先说传统意义上的Mandelbrot集:对于复平面上的每一个点c, 用以下方法进行迭代:
a = 0;
while( a的模 < 4.0 且 迭代次数 < 阈值) //4.0 这个值的来源可以看wiki上的说明
a = a * a;
a = a + c;
a = a * a * a;
a = a + c;
环境:vs2010, x64, opencv2.4.3
#pragma once #include<iostream> #include<cmath> #include <vector> using namespace std; const double PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795; class Complex { private: void show(); double real; double image; public: Complex(){real=0;image=0;} ~Complex(){} Complex(double a,double b){real=a;image=b;} double& getReal(){return real;} double& getImage(){return image;} void setReal(double real){this->real = real;} void setImage(double image){this->image = image;} double getModulus(){return sqrt(real*real+image*image);} double getAngle() { if (image == 0) { if (real >= 0) return 0; else return PI; } else return atan(real / image); } static std::vector<Complex> sqrtc(Complex a, int n=2); Complex operator +(Complex &other); Complex operator +(const double &other); Complex operator +(const int &other); Complex operator -(Complex &other); Complex operator -(const double &other); Complex operator -(const int &other); Complex operator *(Complex &other); Complex operator *(const double &other); Complex operator *(const int &other); Complex operator /(Complex &other); Complex operator /(const double &other); Complex operator /(const int &other); void operator +=(Complex &other); void operator +=(const double &other); void operator +=(const int &other); void operator -=(Complex &other); void operator -=(const double &other); void operator -=(const int &other); void operator *=(Complex &other); void operator *=(const double &other); void operator *=(const int &other); void operator /=(Complex &other); void operator /=(const double &other); void operator /=(const int &other); Complex operator =(Complex &other); Complex operator =(const double &other); Complex operator =(const int &other); bool operator ==(Complex &other); bool operator ==(const double &other); bool operator ==(const int &other); friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,Complex &other); friend istream& operator>>(istream &is,Complex &other); };
#include "complex.h" void Complex::show() { if(real>0&&image<0) printf("%g%gi",real,image); else if(real>0&&image>0) printf("%g+%gi",real,image); else if(real<0&&image>0) printf("%g+%gi",real,image); else if(real<0&&image<0) printf("%g%gi",real,image); else if(real==0&&image!=0) printf("%gi",image); else if(real!=0&&image==0) printf("%g",real); else printf("0"); } Complex Complex::operator+(Complex &other) { Complex temp; temp.real=real+other.real; temp.image=image+other.image; return temp; } Complex Complex::operator +(const double &other) { Complex temp; temp.real=real+other; temp.image=image; return temp; } Complex Complex::operator +(const int &other) { Complex temp; temp.real=real+(double)other; temp.image=image; return temp; } Complex Complex::operator-(Complex &other) { Complex temp; temp.real=real-other.real; temp.image=image-other.image; return temp; } Complex Complex::operator -(const double &other) { Complex temp; temp.real=real-(double)other; temp.image=image; return temp; } Complex Complex::operator -(const int &other) { Complex temp; temp.real=real-(double)other; temp.image=image; return temp; } Complex Complex::operator*(Complex &other) { Complex temp; temp.real=(real*other.real-image*other.image); temp.image=(image*other.real+real*other.image); return temp; } Complex Complex::operator *(const double &other) { Complex temp; temp.real=real*other; temp.image=image*other; return temp; } Complex Complex::operator *(const int &other) { Complex temp; temp.real=real*(double)other; temp.image=image*(double)other; return temp; } Complex Complex::operator/(Complex &other) { Complex temp; temp.real=((real*other.real)+(image*other.image))/(other.real*other.real+other.image*other.image); temp.image=((image*other.real)-(real*other.image))/(other.real*other.real+other.image*other.image); return temp; } Complex Complex::operator /(const double &other) { Complex temp; temp.real=real/other; temp.image=image/other; return temp; } Complex Complex::operator /(const int &other) { Complex temp; temp.real=real/(double)other; temp.image=image/(double)other; return temp; } void Complex::operator+=(Complex &other) { this->real+=other.real; this->image+=other.image; } void Complex::operator +=(const double &other) { this->real+=other; } void Complex::operator +=(const int&other) { this->real+=(double)other; } void Complex::operator-=(Complex &other) { this->real-=other.real; this->image-=other.image; } void Complex::operator -=(const double &other) { this->real-=other; } void Complex::operator -=(const int &other) { this->real-=(double)other; } void Complex::operator*=(Complex &other) { this->real=(real*other.real-image*other.image); this->image=(image*other.real+real*other.image);; } void Complex::operator *=(const double &other) { this->real=real*other; this->image=image*other; } void Complex::operator *=(const int &other) { this->real=real*(double)other; this->image=image*(double)other; } void Complex::operator/=(Complex &other) { this->real=((real*other.real)+(image*other.image))/(other.real*other.real+other.image*other.image); this->image=((image*other.real)-(real*other.image))/(other.real*other.real+other.image*other.image); } void Complex::operator /=(const double &other) { this->real=real/other; this->image=image/other; } void Complex::operator /=(const int &other) { this->real=real/(double)other; this->image=image/(double)other; } Complex Complex::operator= (Complex &other) { this->real=other.real; this->image=other.image; return *this; } Complex Complex::operator =(const double &other) { this->real=other; this->image=image; return *this; } Complex Complex::operator =(const int &other) { this->real=(double)other; this->image=image; return *this; } bool Complex::operator ==(Complex &other) { if(this->real=other.real&&this->image==other.image) return true; else return false; } bool Complex::operator ==(const double &other) { if(this->real==other&&this->image==0) return true; else return false; } bool Complex::operator ==(const int &other) { if(this->real==(double)other&&this->image==0) return true; else return false; } ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,Complex &other) { other.show(); return cout; } istream& operator>>(istream &is,Complex &other) { is>>other.real; is>>other.image; return cin; } std::vector<Complex> Complex::sqrtc(Complex a, int n) { double r = a.getModulus(); double angle = a.getAngle(); vector<Complex> root(n); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { double k = powf(r, 1.0/n); double b = cos((PI * 2.0 * i + angle) / n); double c = sin((PI * 2.0 * i + angle) / n); Complex z(k*b, k*c); root.at(i) = z; } return root; } /**//**//**//////////////////////////////END_TEMPLATE_CLASS_COMPLEX///////////////////////////////
#include "complex.h" #include "opencv2/opencv.hpp" enum FractalType{JUALIA, MANDELBROT}; struct Border { double xMin; double yMin; double xMax; double yMax; }; class Fractal { private: Complex offset; FractalType type; public: Fractal(){} Fractal(FractalType _type, Complex c = Complex(0,0)) : offset(c), type(_type){} cv::Mat generateFractalImage(Border border, CvScalar colortab[256] ); int Iteration(Complex a, Complex c); };
#include "Fractal.h" #include <Windows.h> int Fractal::Iteration(Complex a, Complex c) { double maxModulus = 4.0; int maxIter = 50; int iter = 0; double model = a.getModulus(); while ( iter < maxIter && model < maxModulus) { a = a * a * a ; a += c; iter++; model = a.getModulus(); } return iter; } cv::Mat Fractal::generateFractalImage(Border border, CvScalar colortab[256] ) { cv::Size size(500,500); double xScale = (border.xMax - border.xMin) / size.width; double yScale = (border.yMax - border.yMin) / size.height; cv::Mat img(size, CV_8UC3); for (int y=0; y<size.height; y++) { for (int x=0; x<size.width; x++) { double cx = border.xMin + x * xScale; double cy = border.yMin + y * yScale; Complex a(0.0, 0.0); Complex c(cx, cy); int nIter ; if (type == MANDELBROT) { nIter = Iteration(a, c); } else if (type == JUALIA) { nIter = Iteration(c, offset); } int colorIndex = (nIter) % 255; cv::Vec3b color; color.val[0] = colortab[colorIndex].val[0]; color.val[1] = colortab[colorIndex].val[1]; color.val[2] = colortab[colorIndex].val[2]; img.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x) = color; } } return img; }
#include <iostream> #include "opencv2/opencv.hpp" #include "Fractal.h" #include <Windows.h> cv::Mat img; Fractal fractal(MANDELBROT); //mandelbrot set //图像大小 cv::Size imageSize(500,500); //坐标轴范围 Border border = {-2.0, -2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; //颜色 CvScalar colortab[256]; int randomColor[3] = {0,0,0}; //用来记录鼠标按下、弹起 cv::Point pt1(-1, -1); cv::Point pt2(-1, -1); //鼠标状态 enum _status{SELECTING, DONE}status = DONE; void drawSelectRect(cv::Mat img) { cv::Mat temp; img.copyTo(temp); cv::rectangle(temp, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(0,255,0), 2); cv::imshow("img", temp); } void mouseEventCallback(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param) { if( event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < imageSize.width && y < imageSize.height) { pt1 = cv::Point(x, y); status = SELECTING; } else { pt1 = cv::Point(0, 0); } } else if( event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP) { pt2 = cv::Point(x,y); int dx = abs(pt2.x - pt1.x); int dy = abs(pt2.y - pt1.y); if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && dx > 5 && dy > 5) { x = min(x, imageSize.width); y = min(y, imageSize.height); status = DONE; double DX = border.xMax - border.xMin; double DY = border.yMax - border.yMin; dx = min(dx, dy); //使pt1, pt2为正方形,等比显示 dy = min(dx, dy); pt2.x = pt1.x + dx; pt2.y = pt1.y + dy; double offX = DX / imageSize.width; double offY = DY / imageSize.height; if(pt1.x < pt2.x) { border.xMax = offX * pt2.x + border.xMin; border.xMin = offX * pt1.x + border.xMin; } else { border.xMax = offX * pt1.x + border.xMin; border.xMin = offX * pt2.x + border.xMin; } if(pt1.y < pt2.y) { border.yMax = offY * pt2.y + border.yMin; border.yMin = offY * pt1.y + border.yMin; } else { border.yMax = offY * pt1.y + border.yMin; border.yMin = offY * pt2.y + border.yMin; } img = fractal.generateFractalImage(border, colortab); imshow("img", img); } } else if(event == CV_EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN)//右键取消放大,重新选取放大区域 { } else if( event == CV_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE && status == SELECTING )//在选取过程中画矩形 { pt2 = cv::Point(x,y); double DX = border.xMax - border.xMin; //接下来转换放大的坐标 double DY = border.yMax - border.yMin; int dx = abs(pt1.x - pt2.x); int dy = abs(pt1.y - pt2.y); dx = min(dx, dy); //使pt1, pt2为正方形,等比显示 dy = min(dx, dy); pt2.x = pt1.x + dx; pt2.y = pt1.y + dy; if(pt1.x > 0 && pt1.y > 0 && pt2.x > 0 && pt2.y > 0 && abs(pt2.x - pt1.x) > 5 && abs(pt2.y - pt1.y) > 5) { drawSelectRect(img); } } } void initColor() { for (int i=0; i<256; i++) { colortab[i].val[0] = (i * 3 + randomColor[0]) % 255; //配色好看的要领是用小质数 colortab[i].val[1] = (i * 5 + randomColor[1]) % 255; colortab[i].val[2] = (i * 11 + randomColor[2]) % 255; } } void main() { initColor(); cv::namedWindow("img"); cv::setMouseCallback("img", mouseEventCallback, 0); img = fractal.generateFractalImage(border, colortab); imshow("img", img); int fileCount = 0; /*press "esc" to exit, press 's' to save the image to the current directory, press 'r' to reset the image, press 'c' to change the color */ std::cout<<"鼠标左键画框可以放大"<<std::endl; std::cout<<" 按 esc 退出"<<std::endl; std::cout<<" 按 s 保存当前图像到当前目录"<<std::endl; std::cout<<" 按 r 复位"<<std::endl; std::cout<<" 按 c 变换颜色"<<std::endl; while(1) { char key = cv::waitKey(1); if (key == 's') { char pBuf[1000]; GetCurrentDirectory(1000,pBuf); std::string path = pBuf ; path += "\\image"; char file[5]; itoa(fileCount, file, 10); path += file; path += ".bmp"; fileCount++; cv::imwrite(path, img); } if (key == 'r') { border.xMin = -2.0; border.yMin = -2.0; border.xMax = 2.0; border.yMax = 2.0; randomColor[0] = 0; randomColor[1] = 0; randomColor[2] = 0; initColor(); img = fractal.generateFractalImage(border, colortab); imshow("img", img); } if (key == 'c') { cv::RNG rng(GetTickCount()); randomColor[0] = rng.uniform(0,256); randomColor[1] = rng.uniform(0,256); randomColor[2] = rng.uniform(0,256); initColor(); img = fractal.generateFractalImage(border, colortab); imshow("img", img); } if (key == 27) { break; } } // system("pause"); }