
原文:dyn4j-SAT (Separating Axis Theorem)


  • 1. 原理
  • 2. 分离轴
  • 3. 凸多边形在分离轴的投影
  • 4. 计算MTV


1. 原理


Axis[] axes = // get the axes to test
// loop over the axes
for (int i = 0; i < axes.length; ++i) {
    Axis axis = axes[i];
    // project both shapes onto the axis
    Projection p1 = shape1.project(axis);
    Projection p2 = shape2.project(axis);
    // do the projection overlap?
    if (!p1.overlap(p2)) {
        // the we can gurantee that the shapes do not overlap
        reture false;
// if we get here then we know that every axis had overlap on it 
// so we can guarantee an intersection
return ture;

2. 分离轴

分离轴是凸多边形每个边的法向量。做碰撞检测的两个凸多边形的所有边都需计算其法向量。如果只需要计算两个凸多边形是否碰撞,则分离轴不需要归一化;如果需要计算 M T V MTV MTV( M i n i m u m Minimum Minimum T r a n s l a t e Translate Translate V e c t o r Vector Vector,使两个凸多边形不碰撞的最小向量长度),则分离轴必须归一化。

Vector[] axes = new Vector[shape.vertices.length]
// loop over the vertices
for (int i = 0; i < shape.vertices.length; ++i) {
    // get the current vertex
    Vector p1 = shape.vertices[i];
    // get the next vertex
    Vector p2 = shape.vertices[i + 1 == shape.vertices.length ? 0 : i + 1];
    // subtract the two to get the vector
    Vector edge = p1.subtract(p2);
    // get either perpendicular vector
    Vector normal = edge.perp();
    // the perp method is just (x, y) => (-y, x) or (y, -x)
    axes[i] = normal;

3. 凸多边形在分离轴的投影


double min =[0]);
double max = min;
for (int i = 1; i < shape.vertices.length; ++i) {
    // NOTE: the axis must be normalized to get accurate projections
    double p =[i]);
    if (p < min) {
        min = p;
    } else if (p > max) {
        max = p;
Projection proj = new Projection(min, max);
return proj;

4. 计算MTV

如下图所示,两个凸多边形在边 b 3 b3 b3法向量(分离轴)上重叠的区域最少,沿此方向可以移动最小的距离使两个碰撞的凸多边形分开,此向量方向和移动的距离叫做 M T V MTV MTV

double overlap = DBL_MAX;
Axis samllest = null;
Axis[] axes1 = shape1.getAxes();
Axis[] axes2 = shape2.getAxes();
for (int i = 0; i < axes1.length; ++i) {
    Axis axis = axies1[i];
    Projection p1 = shape1.project(axis);
    Projection p2 = shape2.project(axis);
    if (!p1.overlop(p2) {
        return flase;
    } else {
        double o = p1.getOverlap(p2);
        if (o < overlap) {
            overlap = o;
            samllest = axis;
for (int i = 0; i < axes2.length; ++i) {
    Axis axis = axes2[i];
    Projection p1 = shape1.project(axis);
    Projection p2 = shape2.project(axis);
    if (!p1.overlap(p2)) {
        retrun false;
    } else {
        double o = p1.getOverlap(p2);
        if (o < overlap) {
            overlap = o;
            smallest = axis;
MTV mtv = new MTV(smallset, overlap);
return ture;


if (!p1.overlap(p2)) {
    retrun false;
} else {
    double o = p1.getOverlap(p2);
    // check for containment
    if (p1.contains(p2) || p2.contains(p1)) {
        // get the overlap plus the distance from the minimum end points
        double mins = abs(p1.min - p2.min);
        double maxs = abs(p1.amx - p2.max);
        // NOTE: depending on which is smaller you may need to negate the separating axis!!
        if (mins < maxs) {
            o += mins;
            axis = -axis; // negate the separating axis
        } elst {
            o += maxs;
    // check for minimun
    if (o < overlap) {
        overlap = o;
        smallest = axis;
