1: /// <summary>
2: /// Refer to :
3: /// Solves a tridiagonal system for one of coordinates (x or y) of first Bezier control points.
4: /// </summary>
5: /// <param name="rhs">Right hand side vector.</param>
6: /// <param name="x">Solution vector.</param>
7: void GetFirstControlPoints(
8: __in const std::vector<FLOAT>& rhs,
9: __out std::vector<FLOAT>& x )10: {11: ATLASSERT(rhs.size()==x.size());12: int n = rhs.size();
13: std::vector<FLOAT> tmp(n); // Temp workspace.
14:15: FLOAT b = 2.0f;16: x[0] = rhs[0] / b;17: for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) // Decomposition and forward substitution.18: {19: tmp[i] = 1 / b;20: b = (i < n-1 ? 4.0f : 3.5f) - tmp[i];21: x[i] = (rhs[i] - x[i-1]) / b;22: }23: for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)24: {25: x[n-i-1] -= tmp[n-i] * x[n-i]; // Back substitution.
26: }27: }28:29: /// <summary>
30: /// Refer to :
31: /// Get open-ended Bezier Spline Control Points.
32: /// </summary>
33: /// <param name="knots">Input Knot Bezier spline points.</param>
34: /// <param name="firstCtrlPt">Output First Control points array of knots.size()-1 length.</param>
35: /// <param name="secondCtrlPt">Output Second Control points array of knots.size()-1 length.</param>
36: void GetCurveControlPoints(
37: __in const std::vector<D2D1_POINT_2F>& knots,
38: __out std::vector<D2D1_POINT_2F>& firstCtrlPt,39: __out std::vector<D2D1_POINT_2F>& secondCtrlPt )40: {41: ATLASSERT( (firstCtrlPt.size()==secondCtrlPt.size())42: && (knots.size()==firstCtrlPt.size()+1) );43:44: int n = knots.size()-1;
45: ATLASSERT(n>=1);46:47: if (n == 1)
48: {49: // Special case: Bezier curve should be a straight line.
50: // 3P1 = 2P0 + P3
51: firstCtrlPt[0].x = (2 * knots[0].x + knots[1].x) / 3.0f;52: firstCtrlPt[0].y = (2 * knots[0].y + knots[1].y) / 3.0f;53:54: // P2 = 2P1 – P0
55: secondCtrlPt[0].x = 2 * firstCtrlPt[0].x - knots[0].x;56: secondCtrlPt[0].y = 2 * firstCtrlPt[0].y - knots[0].y;57: return;
58: }59:60: // Calculate first Bezier control points
61: // Right hand side vector
62: std::vector<FLOAT> rhs(n);63:64: // Set right hand side X values
65: for (int i = 1; i < (n-1); ++i)66: {67: rhs[i] = 4 * knots[i].x + 2 * knots[i+1].x;68: }69: rhs[0] = knots[0].x + 2 * knots[1].x;70: rhs[n-1] = (8 * knots[n-1].x + knots[n].x) / 2.0f;71: // Get first control points X-values
72: std::vector<FLOAT> x(n);73: GetFirstControlPoints(rhs,x);74:75: // Set right hand side Y values
76: for (int i = 1; i < (n-1); ++i)77: {78: rhs[i] = 4 * knots[i].y + 2 * knots[i+1].y;79: }80: rhs[0] = knots[0].y + 2 * knots[1].y;81: rhs[n-1] = (8 * knots[n-1].y + knots[n].y) / 2.0f;82: // Get first control points Y-values
83: std::vector<FLOAT> y(n);84: GetFirstControlPoints(rhs,y);85:86: // Fill output arrays.
87: for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)88: {89: // First control point
90: firstCtrlPt[i] = D2D1::Point2F(x[i],y[i]);91: // Second control point
92: if (i < (n-1))
93: {94: secondCtrlPt[i] = D2D1::Point2F(2 * knots[i+1].x - x[i+1], 2*knots[i+1].y-y[i+1]);95: }96: else
97: {98: secondCtrlPt[i] = D2D1::Point2F((knots[n].x + x[n-1])/2, (knots[n].y+y[n-1])/2);99: }100: }101: }102:103: HRESULT CreateBezierSpline(104: __in ID2D1Factory* pD2dFactory,105: __in const std::vector<D2D1_POINT_2F>& points,
106: __out ID2D1PathGeometry** ppPathGeometry )107: {108: CHECK_PTR(pD2dFactory);109: CHECK_OUTPUT_PTR(ppPathGeometry);110: ATLASSERT(points.size()>1);111:112: int n = points.size();
113: std::vector<D2D1_POINT_2F> firstCtrlPt(n-1);114: std::vector<D2D1_POINT_2F> secondCtrlPt(n-1);115: GetCurveControlPoints(points,firstCtrlPt,secondCtrlPt);116:117: HRESULT hr = pD2dFactory->CreatePathGeometry(ppPathGeometry);118: CHECKHR(hr);119: if (FAILED(hr))
120: return hr;
121:122: CComPtr<ID2D1GeometrySink> spSink;123: hr = (*ppPathGeometry)->Open(&spSink);124: CHECKHR(hr);125: if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
126: {127: spSink->SetFillMode(D2D1_FILL_MODE_WINDING);128: spSink->BeginFigure(points[0],D2D1_FIGURE_BEGIN_FILLED);129: for (int i=1;i<n;i++)130: spSink->AddBezier(D2D1::BezierSegment(firstCtrlPt[i-1],secondCtrlPt[i-1],points[i]));131: spSink->EndFigure(D2D1_FIGURE_END_OPEN);132: spSink->Close();133: }134: return hr;
135: }
1: #pragma once2: #include "stdafx.h"
3: #include <Direct2DHelper.h>4: using D2D1::Point2F;
5: using D2D1::SizeU;
6: using D2D1::ColorF;
7: using D2D1::Matrix3x2F;
8: using D2D1::BezierSegment;
9: using D2D1::RectF;
10:11: #include <vector>12: using std::vector;
13: #include <algorithm>14: #include <boost/math/distributions/normal.hpp>15:16: class CMainWindow :
17: public CWindowImpl<CMainWindow,CWindow,CSimpleWinTraits>
18: {19: public:
20: BEGIN_MSG_MAP(CMainWindow)21: MSG_WM_PAINT(OnPaint)22: MSG_WM_ERASEBKGND(OnEraseBkgnd)23: MSG_WM_SIZE(OnSize)24: MSG_WM_CREATE(OnCreate)25: MSG_WM_DESTROY(OnDestroy)26: END_MSG_MAP()27:28: int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT /*lpCreateStruct*/)29: {30: CreateDeviceIndependentResource();31: CreateDeviceResource();32: CreateCurve();33: return 0;
34: }35:36: void OnDestroy()
37: {38: PostQuitMessage(0);39: }40:41: void OnPaint(CDCHandle)
42: {43: CPaintDC dc(m_hWnd);44: Render();45: }46:47: BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDCHandle dc)48: {49: return TRUE; // we have erased the background50: }51:52: void OnSize(UINT /*nType*/, CSize size)53: {54: if (m_spHwndRT)
55: {56: m_spHwndRT->Resize(SizeU(,;57: CreateCurve();58: }59: }60:61: private:
62: void Render()
63: {64: if (!m_spHwndRT)
65: CreateDeviceResource();66:67: m_spHwndRT->BeginDraw();68: m_spHwndRT->Clear(ColorF(ColorF::CornflowerBlue));69:70: m_spHwndRT->SetTransform(Matrix3x2F::Identity());71:72: D2D1_SIZE_F size = m_spHwndRT->GetSize();73: FLOAT width = size.width-50, height = size.height-50;74: D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F reflectY = Direct2DHelper::ReflectYMatrix();75: D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F translate = Matrix3x2F::Translation(size.width/2.0f,size.height/2.0f);76: m_spHwndRT->SetTransform(reflectY*translate);77:78: // draw coordinate axis
79: m_spSolidBrush->SetColor(ColorF(ColorF::Red));80: m_spHwndRT->DrawLine(Point2F(-width*0.5f,0),Point2F(width*0.5f,0),m_spSolidBrush,2.0f);81: m_spSolidBrush->SetColor(ColorF(ColorF::DarkGreen));82: m_spHwndRT->DrawLine(Point2F(0,-height*0.5f),Point2F(0,height*0.5f),m_spSolidBrush,2.0f);83:84: // draw curve
85: m_spSolidBrush->SetColor(ColorF(ColorF::Blue));86: m_spHwndRT->DrawGeometry(m_spPathGeometry,m_spSolidBrush,1.0f);87:88: // draw point marks
89: m_spSolidBrush->SetColor(ColorF(ColorF::Red));90: for (auto p=m_Points.cbegin();p!=m_Points.cend();p++)91: {92: Direct2DHelper::DrawRectPoint(m_spHwndRT,m_spSolidBrush,(*p),5.0f);93: }94:95: HRESULT hr = m_spHwndRT->EndDraw();96: if (hr == D2DERR_RECREATE_TARGET)
97: DiscardDeviceResource();98: }99:100: void CreateDeviceIndependentResource()
101: {102: Direct2DHelper::CreateD2D1Factory(&m_spD2dFactory);103: }104:105: void CreateDeviceResource()
106: {107: CRect rc;108: GetClientRect(&rc);109:110: CHECK_PTR(m_spD2dFactory);111: IFR(m_spD2dFactory->CreateHwndRenderTarget(112: D2D1::RenderTargetProperties(),113: D2D1::HwndRenderTargetProperties(m_hWnd,SizeU(rc.Width(),rc.Height())),114: &m_spHwndRT));115: IFR(m_spHwndRT->CreateSolidColorBrush(ColorF(ColorF::Red),&m_spSolidBrush));116: }117:118: void DiscardDeviceResource()
119: {120: m_spSolidBrush.Release();121: m_spHwndRT.Release();122: }123:124: void CreateCurve()
125: {126: if (!m_spHwndRT)
127: return;
128: if (m_spPathGeometry)
129: {130: m_spPathGeometry.Release();131: m_Points.clear();132: }133:134: const int ptCount = 100;135: D2D1_SIZE_F size = m_spHwndRT->GetSize();136: FLOAT width = size.width-50.0f, height = size.height*0.4f;137:138: #define SIN_CURVE139: #ifdef SIN_CURVE // create sin curve
140: FLOAT factor = static_cast<FLOAT>(4.0f*M_PI/width);
141: FLOAT x = -width*0.5f, y = 0, dx = width/ptCount;142: for (int i=0;i<ptCount+1;i++)143: {144: y = height*sin(factor*x);145: m_Points.push_back(Point2F(x,y));146: x += dx;147: }148: #else // create normal distribute curve149: FLOAT factor = 10.0f/width;150: FLOAT x = -width*0.5f, y = 0, dx = width/ptCount;151: boost::math::normal nd;152: for (int i=0;i<ptCount+1;i++)153: {154: y = height*static_cast<FLOAT>(boost::math::pdf(nd,factor*x));
155: m_Points.push_back(Point2F(x,y));156: x += dx;157: }158: #endif // SIN_CURVE
159:160: // create Bezier spline
161: Direct2DHelper::CreateBezierSpline(m_spD2dFactory,m_Points,&m_spPathGeometry);162: CHECK_PTR(m_spPathGeometry);163: }164:165: private:
166: CComPtr<ID2D1Factory> m_spD2dFactory;167: CComPtr<ID2D1HwndRenderTarget> m_spHwndRT;168: CComPtr<ID2D1SolidColorBrush> m_spSolidBrush;169: CComPtr<ID2D1PathGeometry> m_spPathGeometry;170:171: vector<D2D1_POINT_2F> m_Points;172: };