Daily Scrum M2 11-9




member today's task

tomorrow's task

Junyuan Xie  output the matrix of speech

 output of the subtitle to front-end

Yishi Xing

 Draw the area between timeslot borders grey

 Draw the area between timeslot borders grey

Jian Jiang

Send the script to UI Designer to help us Wait for UI designer's feedback

Jun Xu

a dd the back program to the player
 Reconsctruct the Dialog

Liangjun Song

connect two parts of UI add Yishi Xing's UI

Tao Wu

collect the videos Update everyday's work


Daily Scrum M2 11-9_第1张图片




Daily Scrum M2 11-9_第2张图片

宋良骏的部分已经接上了,下面等解浚源的输出数据源,并且需要重新找UI DESIGNER画每个钮,姜健负责沟通,宋良骏和徐俊在维护同一份代码,并且前者负界面重构已经完成,后者的播放器已经初具规模,后面希望大家再接再厉,感觉下周一周的时间可以完成全部功能,wenxi 帮忙找了一个字幕组的同学,在此感谢wenxi的提醒。周末愉快。


