

Filtering in the Frequency Domain频域处理


1. The 2-D Discrete Fourier Transform(2-D DFT)二维离散傅里叶变换



  • x = 0 , 1 , 2 , … , M − 1 {x=0,1,2,\dots,M-1} x=0,1,2,,M1
  • y = 0 , 1 , 2 , … , N − 1 {y=0,1,2,\dots,N-1} y=0,1,2,,N1
  • u = 0 , 1 , 2 , … , M − 1 {u=0,1,2,\dots,M-1} u=0,1,2,,M1
  • v = 0 , 1 , 2 , … , N − 1 {v=0,1,2,\dots,N-1} v=0,1,2,,N1

f ( x , y ) {f(x,y)} f(x,y)表示一副 M × N {M\times N} M×N大小的图像,**二维离散傅里叶变换(2-D DFT)**记为 F ( u , v ) {F(u,v)} F(u,v),则有
F ( u , v ) = ∑ x = 0 M − 1 ∑ y = 0 N − 1 f ( x , y ) e x p ( − j 2 π ( u x M + v y N ) ) F(u,v)=\sum^{M-1}_{x=0}\sum_{y=0}^{N-1}f(x,y)exp(-j2\pi(\frac{ux}{M}+\frac{vy}{N})) F(u,v)=x=0M1y=0N1f(x,y)exp(j2π(Mux+Nvy))
由式得, F ( 0 , 0 ) = m e a n ( s u m ( f ( x , y ) ) ) {F(0,0)=mean(sum(f(x,y)))} F(0,0)=mean(sum(f(x,y)))

**离散傅立叶反变换(Inverse DFT=IDFT)**表达式为:
f ( x , y ) = 1 M N ∑ u = 0 M − 1 ∑ v = 0 N − 1 F ( u , v ) e x p ( j 2 π ( u x M + v y N ) ) f(x,y)=\frac{1}{MN}\sum^{M-1}_{u=0}\sum_{v=0}^{N-1}F(u,v)exp(j2\pi(\frac{ux}{M}+\frac{vy}{N})) f(x,y)=MN1u=0M1v=0N1F(u,v)exp(j2π(Mux+Nvy))
因此,当得知 F ( u , v ) {F(u,v)} F(u,v)时,我们可以通过计算IDFT的平均值得到 f ( x , y ) {f(x,y)} f(x,y)

1.2 DFT性质

尽管 f ( x , y ) {f(x,y)} f(x,y)是实函数,DFT通常是一个复数变换。


  • R ( u , v ) {R(u,v)} R(u,v):the real components of F ( u , v ) {F(u,v)} F(u,v);实部
  • I ( u , v ) I(u,v) I(u,v):the imaginary components of F ( u , v ) {F(u,v)} F(u,v);虚部

**傅立叶频谱(Fourier spectrum)**定义为:
∣ F ( u , v ) ∣ = [ R 2 ( u , v ) + I 2 ( u , v ) ] 1 2 |F(u,v)|=[R^2(u,v)+I^2(u,v)]^\frac{1}{2} F(u,v)=[R2(u,v)+I2(u,v)]21
**变换相角(phase angle of transform)**定义为:
ϕ ( u , v ) = a c r t a n [ I ( u , v ) R ( u , v ) ] \phi(u,v)=acrtan[\frac{I(u,v)}{R(u,v)}] ϕ(u,v)=acrtan[R(u,v)I(u,v)]
极坐标(polar form)下表示复数(complex function) F ( u , v ) {F(u,v)} F(u,v)
F ( u , v ) = ∣ F ( u , v ) ∣ e x p ( j ϕ ( u , v ) ) F(u,v)=|F(u,v)|exp(j\phi(u,v)) F(u,v)=F(u,v)exp(jϕ(u,v))
**功率谱(Power spectrum)可定义为幅度(magnitude)的平方:
P ( u , v ) = ∣ F ( u , v ) ∣ 2 = R 2 ( u , v ) + I 2 ( u , v ) P(u,v)=|F(u,v)|^2=R^2(u,v)+I^2(u,v) P(u,v)=F(u,v)2=R2(u,v)+I2(u,v)
如果 f ( x , y ) {f(x,y)} f(x,y)是real function,傅里叶变换是关于远点共轭对称的,即
F ( u , v ) = F ∗ ( − u , − v ) F(u,v)=F^*(-u,-v) F(u,v)=F(u,v)
∣ F ( u , v ) ∣ = ∣ F ( − u , − v ) ∣ |F(u,v)|=|F(-u, -v)| F(u,v)=F(u,v)
同时满足下列equation( k 1 {k_1} k1 k 2 {k_2} k2均为Integer):
F ( u , v ) = F ( u + k 1 M , v ) + F ( u , v + K 2 N ) = F ( u + k 1 M , v + k 2 N ) F(u,v)=F(u+k_1M,v)+F(u,v+K_2N)=F(u+k_1M,v+k_2N) F(u,v)=F(u+k1M,v)+F(u,v+K2N)=F(u+k1M,v+k2N)
无穷周期(infinitely periodic)**的,周期由M、N决定。DFT的周期性表达为
f ( x , y ) = f ( x + k 1 M , y ) + f ( x , y + K 2 N ) = f ( x + k 1 M , y + k 2 N ) f(x,y)=f(x+k_1M,y)+f(x,y+K_2N)=f(x+k_1M,y+k_2N) f(x,y)=f(x+k1M,y)+f(x,y+K2N)=f(x+k1M,y+k2N)
即,IDFT获取到的图像也是具有无穷周期的。所以,我们计算时只计算一个周期内的,即 M × N {M\times N} M×N大小的图片。

2. Computing and Visualizing the 2-D DFT in MATLAB

DFT和IDFT实现:这里有一个fast Fourier transform(FFT) algorithm,在matlab中使用函数fft2。逆变换则使用函数ifft2

F = fft2(f)


F = fft2(f, P, Q)


Fourier spectrum实现:使用函数abs

S = abs(F)

abs会计算F中每一个元素的magnitude(real和imaginary components的平方和的平方根)

>> f = imread('Fig0303(a).tif');
>> imshow(f);xlabel('Image');
>> F = fft2(f);
>> subplot(1,2,1);
>> imshow(f);xlabel('Image');
>> subplot(1,2,2);
>> imshow(S, []);xlabel('Fourier spectrum');


Fc = fftshift(F)


  • 如果F是一个vector,Fc就是F中前一半与后一半向量的互换
  • 如果F是一个Matrix,Fc就是F横竖分四份(奇数时前半部分向上取整),对角互换的结果
  • 如果F是一个multidimensional array,Fc就是F


根据上一节总结的, F ( u , v ) {F(u,v)} F(u,v)的real和imaginary components使用如下函数表示

  • Real:function real(F)
  • Imaginary:function imag(F)

phase angle of transform实现,使用atan2函数,传入real components和imaginary components

phi = atan2(I, R) = atan2(imag(F),real(F))


phi = angle(F)


F = S.*exp(i*phi)

Note:这里的i指的是复数,即 i = 0 + 1 × i {i=0+1\times i} i=0+1×i

3. Filtering in the Frequency Domain频域滤波

3.1 Fundamentals基本知识

f ( x , y ) ⊙ h ( x , y ) ⇔ H ( u , v ) F ( u , v ) f ( x , y ) h ( x , y ) ⇔ H ( u , v ) ⊙ F ( u , v ) f(x,y)\odot h(x,y)\Leftrightarrow H(u,v)F(u,v) \\ f(x,y)h(x,y)\Leftrightarrow H(u,v)\odot F(u,v) f(x,y)h(x,y)H(u,v)F(u,v)f(x,y)h(x,y)H(u,v)F(u,v)
频域滤波的main idea就是选择一个filter transfer function用特定的规则修改F(u,v)。


  • h(x,y):filtering mask卷积核
  • H(u,v):filter transfer function滤波传递函数。

在处理discrete quantities时,F和H都是周期循环的,所以离散频域上的卷积也是周期性的,即DFT的卷积操作也称为circular convolution循环卷积。为了得到相同大小结果,我们需要进行0-padding进行填充。

  • 原因原因比较复杂,这个看了两遍才看懂。简单来讲,就是因为在进行周期性卷积操作时,如果函数非零部分的延续周期很靠近,周期性卷积就会造成相邻函数的重叠。如果进行0-padding,则可以避开这些重叠的部分,因为值是0,对结果无影响。

解决办法:构造两个padded function,每个输出大小都是 P × Q {P\times Q} P×Q。假设 f ( x , y ) {f(x,y)} f(x,y) h ( x , y ) {h(x,y)} h(x,y)的大小分别为 A × B {A\times B} A×B C × D {C\times D} C×D

P ≥ A + C − 1 Q ≥ B + D − 1 P \ge A+C-1\\ \\ Q \ge B+D-1 PA+C1QB+D1
通过函数实现:function paddedsize

function PQ = paddedsize(AB, CD, PARAM)
%PADDEDSIZE Computes padded size useful for FFT-based filtering.
%   PQ = PADDEDSIZE(AB), where AB is a two-element size vector,
%   computes the two-element size vector PQ = 2*AB.
%   PQ = PADDEDSIZE(AB, 'PWR2') computes the vector PQ such that
%   PQ(1) = PQ(2) = 2^nextpow2(2*m), where m is MAX(AB).
%   PQ = PADDEDSIZE(AB, CD), where AB and CD are two-element size
%   vectors, computes the two-element size vector PQ. The elements
%   of PQ are the smallest even integers greater than or equal to 
%   AB + CD - 1.
%   PQ = PADDEDSIZE(AB, CD, 'PWR2') computes the vector PQ such that
%   PQ(1) = PQ(2) = 2^nextpow2(2*m), where m is MAX([AB CD]).

if nargin == 1
    PQ = 2*AB;
elseif nargin == 2 && ~ischar(CD)
    PQ = AB + CD - 1;
    PQ = 2 * ceil(PQ / 2);
elseif nargin == 2
    m = max(AB); % Maximum dimension
    % Find power-of-2 at least twice m.
    P = 2^nextpow2(2*m);
    PQ = [P, P];
elseif (nargin == 3) && strcmpi(PARAM, 'pwr2')
    m = max([AB CD]); % Maximum dimension
    P = 2^nextpow2(2*m);
    PQ = [P, P];
    error('Wrong number of inputs.');


  • function lpfilter:得到指定类型的低通滤波器

  • function dftuv:计算网格频率矩阵U和V


>> f = imread('Fig0305(a).tif');
>> imshow(f);
>> [M, N] = size(f);
>> [f, revertClass] = tofloat(f);
>> F = fft2(f);
>> sig = 10;
>> H = lpfilter('gaussian', M, N, sig);
>> G = H.*F;
>> g = ifft2(G);
>> g = revertClass(g);
>> imshow(g);
>> PQ = paddedsize(size(f)); % f is floating point.
>> Fp = fft2(f, PQ(1), PQ(2)); % computing the FFT with padding
>> Hp = lpfilter('gaussian', PQ(1), PQ(2), 2*sig);
>> Gp = Hp.*Fp;
>> gp = ifft2(Gp);
>> gpc = gp(1:size(f,1), 1:size(f,2));
>> gpc = revertClass(gpc);
>> imshow(gpc);
>> title('Image lowpass-filtered with padding');

[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-c5PXUya6-1647138467506)(/Users/wanghe/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20211112133152273.png)]

3.2 Basic Steps in DFT Filtering DFT滤波基本操作

  1. image数据类型转换:使用tofloat函数转换为浮点型数据。

  2. 获得图片padding扩充大小:使用paddedsie函数获得,传入参数为f的size。

  3. 傅里叶变换:需要加上padding值,得到F。

  4. 生成一个大小为PQ(2)xPQ(2)的H滤波函数。

  5. 使用滤波器H乘FFT交换得到G。

  6. 获得G的逆FFT交换得到g。

  7. 裁剪左上角位置图像,也就是原图大小。

  8. 滤波图像数据类型转换为原类型即可。

3.3 An M-function for Filtering in the Frequency Domain


function g = dftfilt(f, H, classout)
%DFTFILT Performs frequency domain filtering
%   g = DFTFILT(f, H, CLASSOUT) filters f in the frequency domain
%   using the filter transfer function H. The output, g, is the
%   filtered image, which has the same size as f.
%   Valid values of CLASSOUT are
%   'original' The output is of the same class as the input.
%              This is the default if CLASSOUT is not included
%              in the call
%   'fltpoint' The output is floating point of class single, unless
%              both f and H are of class double, in which case the
%              output also is of class double.
%   DFTFILE automatically pads f to be the same size as H. Both f
%   and H must be real. In addition, H must be an uncentered,
%   circularly-symmetric filter function.

% Convert the input to floating point.
[f, revertClass] = tofloat(f);

% Obtain the FFT of the padded input.
F = fft2(f, size(H, 1), size(H, 2));

% Perform filtering
g = ifft2(H.*F);

% Crop to original size.
g = g(1:size(f, 1), 1:size(f, 2)); % g is of class single here.

% Convert the output to the same class as the input if so specified.
if nargin == 2 || strcmp(classout, 'original')
    g = revertClass(g);
elseif strcmp(classout, 'fltpoint')
    error('Undefined class for the output image.');

4 Obtaining Frequency Domain Filters from Spatial Filters

function freqz2:计算FIR(有限脉冲响应)滤波的响应频率。是一个Linear Filter。

H = freqz2(h, R, C)


  • h:二维空间滤波器
  • H:二维频域滤波器
  • R, C:通常传入padding值,即PQ(1)和PQ(2)



>> f = imread('Fig0309(a).tif');
>> f = tofloat(f);
>> F = fft2(f);
>> S = fftshift(log(1 + abs(F)));
>> imshow(S, []);


>> h = fspecial('sobel')' % 符号'表示矩阵转置
h =
     1     0    -1
     2     0    -2
     1     0    -1


>> freqz2(h)
>> PQ = paddedsize(size(f));   % 生成H滤波器
>> H = freqz2(h, PQ(1), PQ(2));
>> H1 = ifftshift(H);
>> imshow(abs(H), []);
>> imshow(abs(H1), []);


>> gs = imfilter(f, h); % spatial domain
>> gf = dftfilt(f, H1); % obtained in frequency domain
>> imshow(gs, []);
>> imshow(gf, []);


>> imshow(abs(gs), []);
>> imshow(abs(gf), []);


>> imshow(abs(gs) > 0.2*abs(max(gs(:)))); % 选用0.2只显示强度比gs最大值的20%还要大的边缘
>> imshow(abs(gf) > 0.2*abs(max(gs(:)))); % 选用0.2只显示强度比gf最大值的20%还要大的边缘


5 Generating Filters Directly in the Frequency Domain

5.1 Creating Meshgrid Arrays for Use in Implementing Filters in the Frequency Domain 建立用于实现频域滤波器的网格数组

这里需要创建的函数为:dftuv(M, N)


function [U, V] = dftuv(M, N)
% DFTUV Computes meshgrid frequency matrices.
% [U, V] = DFTUV(M, N) computes meshgrid frequency matrices U and V. U and
% V are useful for computing frequency-domain filter functions that can be
% used with DFTFILT. U and V are both M-by-N.
% more details to see the textbook Page 93
% [U,V] = DFTUV(M,N)计算网格频率矩阵U和V。 U和V对于计算可与DFTFILT一起使用的
% 频域滤波器函数很有用。 U和V都是M-by-N。

% Set up range of variables.
% 设置变量范围
u = 0 : (M - 1);
v = 0 : (N - 1);

% Compute the indices for use in meshgrid.
% 计算网格的索引,即将网络的原点转移到左上角,因为FFT计算时变换的原点在左上角。
idx = find(u > M / 2);
u(idx) = u(idx) - M;
idy = find(v > N / 2);
v(idy) = v(idy) - N;

% Compute the meshgrid arrays.
% 计算网格矩阵
[V, U] = meshgrid(v, u);

5.2 Lowpass(Smoothing) Frequency Domain FIlters

H ( u , v ) = { 1 , if  D ( u , v ) ≤ D 0 0 , if  D ( u , v ) > D 0 H(u,v)=\begin{cases} 1, \text{if} \space D(u,v) \le D_0 \\ 0, \text{if} \space D(u,v) \gt D_0 \end{cases} H(u,v)={1,if D(u,v)D00,if D(u,v)>D0

  • D ( u , v ) {D(u,v)} D(u,v):点(u,v)到滤波器中心的距离
  • D 0 {D_0} D0:正数
  • 满足 D ( u , v ) = D 0 {D(u,v)=D_0} D(u,v)=D0的轨迹为圆

因为滤波器H要乘一幅图像的Fourier transform,我们看到理想滤波器切断(0)了园外的F(u,v)的分量,保留圆上和圆内的点(1)。ILPF通常用于解释振铃(ringing)和重叠误差(wraparound error)等现象。

Butterworth lowpass filter(BLFT):布特沃斯低通滤波器,具有从滤波中心到 D 0 {D_0} D0的截止频率,表达式为
H ( u , v ) = 1 1 + [ D ( u , v ) / D 0 ] 2 n H(u,v)=\frac{1}{1+[D(u,v)/D_0]^{2n}} H(u,v)=1+[D(u,v)/D0]2n1
这里默认n=1。当 D ( u , v ) = D 0 {D(u,v)=D_0} D(u,v)=D0,滤波器降到最大值1的0.5,即 H ( u , v ) = 0.5 {H(u,v)=0.5} H(u,v)=0.5

Gaussian Lowpass Filter(GLPF):高斯低通滤波器,用的最多的一个
H ( u , v ) = e x p ( − D 2 ( u , v ) 2 σ 2 ) H(u,v)=exp(\frac{-D^2(u,v)}{2\sigma^2}) H(u,v)=exp(2σ2D2(u,v))
参数: σ = D 0 {\sigma=D_0} σ=D0,即标准差

H ( u , v ) = e x p ( − D 2 ( u , v ) 2 D 0 2 ) H(u,v)=exp(\frac{-D^2(u,v)}{2D_0^2}) H(u,v)=exp(2D02D2(u,v))
D ( u , v ) = D 0 {D(u,v)=D_0} D(u,v)=D0,滤波器降到最大值1的0.607

Example:Lowpass FIlter Test

>> f = imread('Fig0313(a).tif');
>> [f, revertClass] = tofloat(f);
>> PQ = paddedsize(size(f));
>> [U, V] = dftuv(PQ(1), PQ(2));
>> D = hypot(U, V); % Compute faster than D=sqrt(U.^2+V.^2)
>> D0 = 0.05*PQ(2);
>> F = fft2(f, PQ(1), PQ(2)); % Needed for the spectrum.
>> H = exp(-(D.^2)/(2*(D0.^2))); % GLPF
>> subplot(2,2,1);
>> imshow(f);title('image');
>> subplot(2,2,2);
>> imshow(fftshift(H));
>> title('GLPF shows as an Image');
>> subplot(2,2,3);
>> imshow(log(1+abs(fftshift(F))), []);
>> title("Spectrum of original image");
>> subplot(2,2,4);
>> imshow(g);title('Filtered image');


function H = lpfilter(type, M, N, D0, n)
% LPFILTER Computes frequency domain lowpass filters
%   H = LPFILTER(TYPE, M, N, D0, n) creates the transfer function of a
%   lowpass filter, H, of the specified TYPE and size (M-by-N). To view the
%   filter as an image or mesh plot, it should be centered using H =
%   fftshift(H)
%   Valid value for TYPE, D0, and n are:
%   'ideal' Ideal lowpass filter with cutoff frequency D0. n need not be
%           supplied. D0 must be positive.
%   'btw'   Butterworth lowpass filter of order n, and cutoff D0. The
%           default value for n is 1.0. D0 must be positive.
%   'gaussian'Gaussian lowpass filter with cutoff (standard deviation) D0.
%           n need not be supplied. D0 must be positive.
% 得到指定类型的低通滤波器

% Use function dftuv to set up the meshgrid arrays needed for computing the
% required distances.
[U, V] = dftuv(M, N);
% Compute the distances D(U, V)
D = sqrt(U.^2 + V.^2);
% Begin filter computations
switch type
    case 'ideal'
        H = double(D <= D0);
    case 'btw'
        if nargin == 4
            n = 1;
        H = 1 ./ (1 + (D ./ D0) .^ (2 * n));
    case 'gaussian'
        H = exp(-(D .^ 2) ./ (2 * (D0 ^ 2)));
        error('Unkown filter type.')

5.3 Wireframe and Surface Plotting线框图和表面图的绘制


function mesh:绘制一个MxN大小的二维函数H的线框图

mesh(H(1:k:end, 1:k:end))

function colormap:上色用的,默认为黑色[0 0 0]

colormap([0 0 0])

function view:观察点,可以控制观察点视角位置

view(az, el) % az表示方位角,el表示仰角

Example Wireframe plotting

>> H = fftshift(lpfilter('gaussian', 500, 500, 50)); % 绘制高斯低通滤波器
>> mesh(double(H(1:10:500, 1:10:500)))  % 为了防止数据稠密,选取50个点做线框图
>> axis tight
>> colormap([0 0 0])
>> axis off
>> grid off
>> view(-25, 30)
>> view(-25, 0)

function surf:绘制表面图


function colormap:颜色转换

colormap(gray) % 转换为灰度

Example Surface Plotting

>> H = fftshift(lpfilter('gaussian', 500, 500, 50)); % 绘制高斯低通滤波器
>> surf(double(H(1:10:500, 1:10:500)))
>> subplot(1,2,1)
>> surf(double(H(1:10:500, 1:10:500)))
>> axis tight
>> subplot(1,2,2)
>> surf(double(H(1:10:500, 1:10:500)))
>> axis tight
>> colormap(gray)
>> axis off
>> shading interp % 平滑曲线

如果是绘制含有两个变量的解析函数,我们用function meshgrid产生坐标值,并从这些坐标值中产生我们用于传入mesh和surf的离散矩阵。

6 Highpass (Sharpening) Frequency Domain Filters高通(锐化)频域滤波器

高通(锐化)是低通(平滑)的反处理,即通过消弱Fourier Transform的低频并保持高频相对不变来sharpen image。

相对于Lowpass滤波器的transfer function,highpass滤波器的transfer function表达式为:
H H P ( u , v ) = 1 − H L P ( u , v ) H_{HP}(u,v)=1-H_{LP}(u,v) HHP(u,v)=1HLP(u,v)
则,对于上述提到的三个Lowpass filter transfer function,我们可以得到Highpass filter transfer function:

  • Ideal Highpass filter:

H ( u , v ) = { 0 , if  D ( u , v ) ≤ D 0 1 , if  D ( u , v ) > D 0 H(u,v)=\begin{cases} 0, \text{if} \space D(u,v) \le D_0 \\ 1, \text{if} \space D(u,v) \gt D_0 \end{cases} H(u,v)={0,if D(u,v)D01,if D(u,v)>D0

  • Butterworth Filter:

H ( u , v ) = 1 1 + [ D 0 / D ( u , v ) ] 2 n H(u,v)=\frac{1}{1+[D_0/D(u,v)]^{2n}} H(u,v)=1+[D0/D(u,v)]2n1

  • Gaussian Filter:

H ( u , v ) = 1 − e x p ( − D 2 ( u , v ) 2 D 0 2 ) H(u,v)=1-exp(\frac{-D^2(u,v)}{2D_0^2}) H(u,v)=1exp(2D02D2(u,v))

6.1 A Function for Highpass Filtering

根据上述获得的三个高通滤波转化函数,我们可以自定义一个函数实现上述要求,这里不需要太麻烦,可以只可调用function lpfilter,最后结果用1减去即可。

function H = hpfilter(type, M, N, D0, n)
%HPFILTER Computes frequency domain highpass filters
%   H = HPFILTER(TYPE, M, N, D0, n) creates the transfer function of 
%   a highpass filter, H, of the specified TYPE and size (M-by-N).
%   Valid values for TYPE, D0, and n are:
%   Valid value for TYPE, D0, and n are:
%   'ideal' Ideal lowpass filter with cutoff frequency D0. n need not be
%           supplied. D0 must be positive.
%   'btw'   Butterworth lowpass filter of order n, and cutoff D0. The
%           default value for n is 1.0. D0 must be positive.
%   'gaussian'Gaussian lowpass filter with cutoff (standard deviation) D0.
%           n need not be supplied. D0 must be positive.
%   H is of floating point class single. It is returned uncentered
%   for consistency with filtering function dftfilt. To view H as an
%   image or mesh plot, it should be centered using Hc = fftshift (H).
%  The transfer function Hhp of a highpass fílter is 1 - Hlp,
%  where Hlp is the transfer function of the corresponding lowpass
%  filter. Thus ,we can use function lpfilter to generate highpass 
%  filters.

if nargin == 4
    n = 1; % Default value of n.

% Generate highpass filter.
Hlp = lpfilter(type, M, N, D0, n);
H = 1 - Hlp;

Example Highpass filters

Ideal Filter绘制:

>> subplot(2,3,1);
>> H = fftshift(hpfilter('ideal', 500, 500, 50));
>> mesh(double(H(1:10:500,1:10:500)));
>> axis tight
>> colormap([0 0 0])
>> axis off
>> title('ideal')
>> subplot(2,3,4)
>> imshow(H, []);
>> title('ideal image')

Butterworth Filter绘制:

>> subplot(2,3,2)
>> btwH = fftshift(hpfilter('btw', 500, 500, 50));
>> mesh(double(btwH(1:10:500,1:10:500)));
>> axis tight
>> axis off
>> title('butterworth')
>> subplot(2,3,5)
>> imshow(btwH, []);
>> title('butterworth image')

Gaussian Filter绘制:

>> subplot(2,3,3)
>> gH = fftshift(hpfilter('gaussian', 500, 500, 50));
>> mesh(double(gH(1:10:500,1:10:500)));
>> axis tight
>> axis off
>> title('gaussin')
>> subplot(2,3,6)
>> imshow(gH, []);
>> title('gaussin image')

Example Highpass filtering:利用Gaussian高通滤波函数再频域内处理图片

>> PQ = paddedsize(size(f));
>> D0 = 0.05*PQ(1);
>> H = hpfilter('gaussian', PQ(1), PQ(2), D0);
>> g = dftfilt(f, H);
>> subplot(1,2,1);imshow(f);
>> subplot(1,2,2);imshow(g);

6.2 High-Frequency Emphasis Filtering高频强度滤波

Highpass filters偏离了dc的0项,因此减少了image中平均值为0的值。一种补偿方法是给HPF加上偏移量。当偏移量与滤波器乘以某个大于1的常数结合起来时,可以高亮出图像的高频区域,所以称这种方法为高频强度滤波


H H F E ( u , v ) = a + b H H P ( u , v ) H_{HFE}(u,v)=a+bH_{HP}(u,v) HHFE(u,v)=a+bHHP(u,v)

Example Combining High-frequency emphasis and histogram equalization

>> PQ = paddedsize(size(f));
>> D0 = 0.05*PQ(1);
>> HBW = hpfilter('btw', PQ(1), PQ(2), D0, 2);
>> H = 0.5 + 2*HBW;
>> gbw = dftfilt(f, HBW, 'fltpoint');
>> gbw = gscale(gbw);
>> ghf = dftfilt(f, H, 'fltpoint');
>> ghf = gscale(ghf);
>> ghe = histeq(ghf, 256);
>> subplot(2,2,1);imshow(f);
>> subplot(2,2,2);imshow(gbw);
>> subplot(2,2,3);imshow(ghf);
>> subplot(2,2,4);imshow(ghe);

7 Selective Filtering


7.1 Bandreject and Bandpass Filters

H B P ( u , v ) = 1 − H B R ( u , v ) H_{BP}(u,v)=1-H_{BR}(u,v) HBP(u,v)=1HBR(u,v)
则,对于上述提到的三个Lowpass filter transfer function,我们可以得到带通带阻滤波器:

  • Ideal filter:

H ( u , v ) = { 0 , D 0 − W 2 ≤ D ( u , v ) ≤ D 0 + W 2 1 , otherwise H(u,v)=\begin{cases} 0, D_0-\frac{W}{2} \le D(u,v)\le D_0+\frac{W}{2} \\ 1, \text{otherwise} \end{cases} H(u,v)={0,D02WD(u,v)D0+2W1,otherwise


function H = idealReject(D, D0, W)
RI = D <= D0 - (W/2); % Points of region inside the inner 
                      % boundary of the reject band are labeled 1.
                      % All other points are labeled 0.
RO = D >= D0 - (W/2); % Points of region outside the outer
                      % boundary of the reject band are labeled 1.
                      % All other points are labeled 0.
H = tofloat(RO | RI); % Ideal bandreject filter.
  • Butterworth Filter:

H ( u , v ) = 1 1 + [ W D ( u , v ) D 2 ( u , v ) − D 0 2 ] 2 n H(u,v)=\frac{1}{1+[\frac{WD(u,v)}{D^2(u,v)-D^2_0}]^{2n}} H(u,v)=1+[D2(u,v)D02WD(u,v)]2n1


function H = btwReject(D, D0, W, n)
H = 1./(1 + (((D*W)./(D.^2 - D0.^2)).^2*n));
  • Gaussian Filter:

H ( u , v ) = 1 − e x p ( − [ D 2 ( u , v ) − D 0 2 W D ( u , v ) ] 2 ) H(u,v)=1-exp(-[\frac{D^2(u,v)-D^2_0}{WD(u,v)}]^2) H(u,v)=1exp([WD(u,v)D2(u,v)D02]2)


function H = gaussReject(D, D0, W)
H = 1 - exp(-((D.^2 - D0.^2)./(D.*W+eps)).^2);

其中,W是对Ideal filter是带宽,对gaussian filter是粗略的截止频率,W和n结合是对butterworth的通带的宽度。

function H = bandfilter(type, band, M, N, D0, W, n)
%BANDFILTER Computes frequency domain band filters.
%  Parameters used in the filter definitions :
%      M: Number of rows in the filter .
%      N: Number of col umns in the filter .
%      DO : Radius of the center of the band.
%      W: "Width" of the band. W is the true width only for
%         ideal filters. For the other two filters this pa r ameter
%         acts more like a smooth cutoff .
%      n: Order of the Butterworth filter if one is specified. W
%         and n interplay to determine the effective broadness of
%         the reject or pass band. Higher values of both these
%         parameters result in broader bands .
%  Valid values of BAND are :
%      'reject'     Bandreject filter .
%      'pass'       Bandpass filter .
%  One of these two values must. be specified for BAND.
%  H = BANDFILTER(' ideal', BAND, M, N, DO, W) computes an M-by-N :
%  ideal bandpass or bandreject filter, depending on the value of
%  BAND.
%  H = BANDFILTER( 'btw', BAND, M, N, D0, W, n) computes an M-by-N
%  Butterworth filter of order n. The filter is either bandpass or
%  bandreject, depending on the value of BAND. The default value of
%  n is 1.
%  H = BANDFILTER( 'gaussian', BAND, M, N, D0, W) computes an M-by-N
%  gaussian filter. The filter is either bandpass or bandreject,
%  depending on BAND.
% H is of floating point class single. It is returned uncentered
% for consistency with filtering function dftfilt. To view H as an
% image or mesh plot, it should be centered using Hc = fftshift (H) .

% Use function dftuv to set up the meshgrid arrays needed for
% computing the required distances.
[U, V] = dftuv(M, N);
% Compute the distances D(U, V).
D = hypot(U, V);
% Determine if need to use default n.
if nargin < 7
    n = 1; % Default BTW filter order

% Begin filter computations. All filters are computed as bandreject
% filters. At the end, they are converted to bandpass if so 
% specified. Use lower (type) to protect against the input being
% capitalized.
switch lower(type)
    case 'ideal'
        H = idealReject(D, D0, W);
    case 'btw'
        H = btwReject(D, D0, W, n);
    case 'gaussin'
        H = gaussReject(D, D0, W);
        error('Unknown filter type');

% Generate a bandpass filter if one was specified
if strcmp(band, 'pass')
    H = 1 - H;

7.2 Notchreject and Notchpass Filters



Notchreject Filter可以用中心被平移到陷波滤波器中心的HP的乘积来构造。包括一对开槽Q的general form为
H N R ( u , v ) = ∏ k = 1 Q H k ( u , v ) H − k ( u , v ) H_{NR}(u,v)=\prod_{k=1}^QH_k(u,v)H_{-k}(u,v) HNR(u,v)=k=1QHk(u,v)Hk(u,v)
其中, H k ( u , v ) {H_k(u,v)} Hk(u,v) H − k ( u , v ) {H_{-k}(u,v)} Hk(u,v)是分别以 ( u k , v k ) {(u_k,v_k)} (uk,vk) ( − u k , − v k ) {(-u_k,-v_k)} (uk,vk)为中心的HPF,这些中心是以频率矩形的中心(M/2, N/2)来确定的,所以,每个Filter的distance function有:
D k ( u , v ) = [ ( u − M / 2 − u k ) 2 + ( v − N / 2 − v k ) 2 ] 1 2 D − k ( u , v ) = [ ( u − M / 2 + u k ) 2 + ( v − N / 2 + v k ) 2 ] 1 2 D_k(u,v)=[(u-M/2-u_k)^2+(v-N/2-v_k)^2]^{\frac{1}{2}} \\ D_{-k}(u,v)=[(u-M/2+u_k)^2+(v-N/2+v_k)^2]^{\frac{1}{2}} Dk(u,v)=[(uM/2uk)2+(vN/2vk)2]21Dk(u,v)=[(uM/2+uk)2+(vN/2+vk)2]21
H N P ( u , v ) = 1 − H N R ( u , v ) H_{NP}(u,v) = 1 - H_{NR}(u,v) HNP(u,v)=1HNR(u,v)
Example 用陷波滤波器减少波纹模式

>> f = imread('Fig0321(a).tif');
>> subplot(2,3,1);imshow(f);
>> [M N] = size(f);
>> [f, revertClass] = tofloat(f);
>> F = fft2(f);
>> S = gscale(log(1 + abs(fftshift(F)))); % Spectrum
>> title('Image with moiré patterns');
>> subplot(2,3,2);imshow(S);title('Spectrum');
>> % Use function imtool to obtain the coordinates of the
>> % spikes interactively.
>> C1 = [99 154; 128 163];
>> % Notch filter:
>> H1 = cnotch('gaussian', 'reject', M, N, C1, 5);
>> H1 = cnotch('gaussian', 'reject', M, N, C1, 5);
>> % Compute spectrum of the filtered transform and shot it as
>> % an image.
>> P1 = gscale(fftshift(H1).*(tofloat(S)));
>> subplot(2,3,3);imshow(P1);title('Spectrum low-frequency bursts with moiré patterns');
>> % Filter Image
>> g1 = dftfilt(f, H1);
>> g1 = revertClass(g1);
>> subplot(2,3,4);imshow(g1);title('Notch Filter Result');
>> % Repeat with the following C2 to reduce the higher
>> % frequency interference components.
>> C2 = [99 154; 128 163; 49 160; 133 233; 55 132; 108 225; 112 74];
>> H2 = cnotch('gaussian', 'reject', M, N, C2, 5);
>> % Compute the spectrum of the filtered transform and show
>> % it as an image.
>> P2 = gscale(fftshift(H2).*(tofloat(S)));
>> subplot(2,3,5);imshow(P2);title('Spectrum eliminae higher frequency noise with more filters');
>> % Filter image
>> g2 = dftfilt(f, H2);
>> g2 = revertClass(g2);
>> subplot(2,3,6);imshow(g2);title('Filtered result with less noise');


Example Using Notch filtering to reduce periodic interference caused by malfunctioning imaging equipment

本例中的original image附加了水平方向上的干扰信号。

>> f = imread('Fig0322(a).tif');
>> subplot(2,2,1);imshow(f);title('image');
>> [M N] = size(f);
>> [f, revertClass] = tofloat(f);
>> F = fft2(f);
>> S = gscale(log(1 + abs(fftshift(F))));
>> subplot(2,2,2);imshow(S);title('Spectrum');
>> H = recnotch('reject', 'vertical', M, N, 3, 15, 15);
>> subplot(2,2,3);imshow(fftshift(H));title('Result: NRF multiples DFT');
>> g = dftfilt(f, H);
>> g = revertClass(g);
>> subplot(2,2,4);imshow(g);title('Result: Computing IDFT');



>> Hrecpass = recnotch('pass', 'vertical', M, N, 3, 15, 15);
>> interference = dftfilt(f, Hrecpass);
>> subplot(1,2,1);imshow(fftshift(Hrecpass));
>> interference = gscale(interference);
>> subplot(1,2,2);imshow(interference);
