mysql 提示 1133 - Can't find any matching row in the user table

今天通过Native for mysql 工具添加一个用户,并且为这个用户赋值相关数据库的只读权限,提示如下错误“1133 - Can't find any matching row in the user table”

我的Native for mysql 相关语句

INSERT INTO mysql.user(Host,User,Password,ssl_cipher,x509_issuer,x509_subject) VALUES("localhost","test",PASSWORD("123456"),"","","");

grant select on `master`.* to test@localhost identified by '123456';

执行插入用户语句没有问题,但是执行权限赋值的时候提示:1133 - Can't find any matching row in the user table;

解决办法:插入新的用户成功时,需要刷新(flush privileges;)下mysql 权限列表。正确mysql5.6 插入用户,并为用户赋值相关用户权限。

INSERT INTO mysql.user(Host,User,Password,ssl_cipher,x509_issuer,x509_subject) VALUES("localhost","test",PASSWORD("123456"),"","","");
flush privileges;
grant select on `master`.* to test@localhost identified by '123456';
