hdu 3694 10 福州 现场 E - Fermat Point in Quadrangle 费马点 计算几何 难度:1

In geometry the Fermat point of a triangle, also called Torricelli point, is a point such that the total distance from the three vertices of the triangle to the point is the minimum. It is so named because this problem is first raised by Fermat in a private letter. In the following picture, P  0 is the Fermat point. You may have already known the property that: 
hdu 3694 10 福州 现场 E - Fermat Point in Quadrangle 费马点 计算几何 难度:1

Alice and Bob are learning geometry. Recently they are studying about the Fermat Point. 

Alice: I wonder whether there is a similar point for quadrangle. 

Bob: I think there must exist one. 

Alice: Then how to know where it is? How to prove? 

Bob: I don’t know. Wait… the point may hold the similar property as the case in triangle. 

Alice: It sounds reasonable. Why not use our computer to solve the problem? Find the Fermat point, and then verify your assumption. 

Bob: A good idea. 

So they ask you, the best programmer, to solve it. Find the Fermat point for a quadrangle, i.e. find a point such that the total distance from the four vertices of the quadrangle to that point is the minimum.


The input contains no more than 1000 test cases. 

Each test case is a single line which contains eight float numbers, and it is formatted as below: 

1 y  1 x  2 y  2 x  3 y  3 x  4 y  4

i, y  i are the x- and y-coordinates of the ith vertices of a quadrangle. They are float numbers and satisfy 0 ≤ x  i ≤ 1000 and 0 ≤ y  i ≤ 1000 (i = 1, …, 4). 

The input is ended by eight -1.


For each test case, find the Fermat point, and output the total distance from the four vertices to that point. The result should be rounded to four digits after the decimal point.

Sample Input

0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1


(1)在 凸四边形ABCD中,费马点为两对角线AC、BD交点P。
(2)在 凹四边形ABCD中,费马点为凹顶点D(P)。


经过上述的推导,我们即得出了三角形中费马点的找法:当三角形有一个内角大于或等于120°的时候,费马点就是这个内角的顶点;如果三个内角都在120°以内,那么,费马点就是使得费马点与三角形三顶点的连线两两夹角为120°的点。另一种更为简捷的证明 :设O为三顶点连线最短点,以A为圆心AO为半径做圆P。将圆P视作一面镜子。显然O点应该为B出发的光线经过镜子到C的反射点(如果不是,反射点为O',就会有BO’+ CO' < BO+ CO,而AO’= AO,就会有 AO’+ BO’+ CO' < AO + BO + CO)。
不失一般性。O点对于B、C为 圆心的镜子也成立。因此根据对称性AO、BO、CO之间 夹角都是120°
#include <cstdio>

#include <cstring>

#include <algorithm>

#include <cmath>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

const double eps=1e-10;

double add(double a,double b)


	if(abs(a+b)<eps*(abs(a)+abs(b))) return 0;

	return a+b;


struct point


    double x,y;

    point () {}

    point (double x,double y) : x(x),y(y){ }

    point operator + (point p)


    	return point (add(x,p.x),add(y,p.y));


    point operator - (point p)


    	return point (add(x,-p.x),add(y,-p.y));


    point operator * (double d)


    	return point (x*d,y*d);


    double dot(point p)


    	return add(x*p.x,y*p.y);


    double det(point p)


    	return add(x*p.y,-y*p.x);



bool on_seg(point p1,point p2,point q)


	return (p1-q).det(p2-q)==0&&(p1-q).dot(p2-q)<=0;


point intersection(point p1,point p2,point q1,point q2)


	return p1+(p2-p1)*((q2-q1).det(q1-p1)/(q2-q1).det(p2-p1));


bool cmp_x(const point&p,const point& q)


	if(p.x!=q.x) return p.x<q.x;

	return p.y<q.y;


vector<point> convex_hull(point*ps,int n)



	//for(int i=0;i<n;i++) printf("x=%.f %.f")

	int k=0;

	vector<point> qs(n*2);

	for(int i=0;i<n;i++){

		while(k>1&&(qs[k-1]-qs[k-2]).det(ps[i]-qs[k-1])<=0) k--;



	for(int i=n-2,t=k;i>=0;i--){

		while(k>t&&(qs[k-1]-qs[k-2]).det(ps[i]-qs[k-1])<=0) k--;




	return qs;


double dis(point p1,point p2)


    return sqrt((p1.x-p2.x)*(p1.x-p2.x)+(p1.y-p2.y)*(p1.y-p2.y));


bool equ(point p1,point p2)



        return true;

    return false;


int main()


    point p[10];

    for(int i=0;i<4;i++)




        vector <point> m;

        double minn=100000000,d;




        for(int i=0;i<4;i++)



            for(int j=0;j<4;j++)





        for(int i=0;i<4;i++)



    return 0;


