




1.Whichone of the following factors is a reason of increasing in AD.

A. Depreciation of the exchange rate

B. Cuts in direct and indirect taxes

C. Decrease in house prices

D. Expansion of supply of credit +lower interest rates 

2.The UK’s balance ofpayments on current account is in deficit and unemployment is high. The UKGovernment attempts to lower unemployment by significantly increasing aggregatedemand. All other things being equal, which one of the following combinations,A, B, C or D, is now most likely to occur in the short term?


3.The Bank of England raises interest rates to reduceaggregate demand. Which one of the following combinations, A, B, C or D, ismost likely to reduce the effectiveness of such a policy?


4.The diagram below shows three aggregate demand(AD) and three long-run aggregate supply (LRAS) curves for an economy, with theinitial equilibrium at X.


What would be the most likely new long-runequilibrium position, A, B, C or D, following government policy to lower theexchange rate and to improve the quality of the labour force through retrainingprogrammes?

5.The diagram below shows the aggregate demand (AD)and the short-run aggregate supply (SRAS) curves for an economy, with theinitial equilibrium being at point X.


All other things being equal, what would be the newequilibrium position following a rise in productivity and an increase inimports into the country?

A. Point S

B. Point T

C. Point U

D. Point V 

