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Learn how John Keefe and his AR studio, Draw & Code, developed a wonderful new kind of toy, get access to a comprehensive Vuforia in Unity development workflow and discover their tips for AR design, which they learned along the way.
了解John Keefe和他的AR工作室Draw&Code如何开发出一种奇妙的新型玩具,如何在Unity开发工作流程中使用全面的Vuforia,并了解他们在AR设计中的学习技巧。
Augmented reality is here to stay. There will come a day in which the real world will become our leading user interface. But, until then, there are many developers who, through pragmatic product engineering and clever design, have been unlocking the potential of what is possible beyond the screen today.
增强现实将继续存在。 将会有一天,现实世界将成为我们领先的用户界面。 但是,直到那时,仍有许多开发人员通过实用的产品工程和精巧的设计,发掘了当今屏幕之外可能产生的潜力。
One such developer is John Keefe. His small studio in the UK, Draw & Code, spent years of AR development in Unity and Vuforia to create SwapBots, an AR-enabled toy that has gained the attention of the world’s leading toy companies.
John Keefe就是这样的开发商。 他在英国的小工作室Draw&Code在Unity和Vuforia花费了多年的AR开发经验,创建了SwapBots,这是一款具有AR功能的玩具,已经引起了世界领先的玩具公司的关注。
SwapBots Co-founder & Director, John Keefe |
The SwapBots team |
SwapBots约翰·基夫(John Keefe)联合创始人兼董事 |
SwapBots团队 |
SwapBots is a toy that combines physical and digital play. Kids can arrange and rearrange physical blocks, which when viewed through the lens of a handheld device, bring characters to life. Evoking elements of RPGs and tabletop games, users can create characters each with their own skills and abilities, or play in story mode and call on different characters by combining the blocks in different configurations to resolve puzzles or play pass-game challenges.
SwapBots是一种结合了物理和数字游戏的玩具。 孩子们可以排列和重新排列物理块,当通过手持设备的镜头查看时,这些块可以使角色栩栩如生。 借助RPG和桌面游戏的元素,用户可以创建具有各自技能和能力的角色,或者以故事模式进行游戏,并通过组合不同配置中的方块来解决难题或玩通关挑战来召唤不同的角色。
Some SwapBots characters and example game-play mechanics. |
一些SwapBots角色和示例游戏机制。 |
With SwapBots, Draw & Code has demonstrated an interesting way to create characters and make physical objects part of an AR experience. To make this possible, they became experts in the use of multiple AR markers and in embedding markers in the actual game mechanics using Unity and Vuforia. Below, John Keefe shares five lessons his team has learned in the process and offers a full AR Markers best practices guide valuable for anyone interested in breaking into AR gaming.
借助SwapBots,“绘画与代码”展示了一种有趣的方式来创建角色并使物理对象成为AR体验的一部分。 为了使之成为可能,他们成为使用多个AR标记并将标记嵌入到使用Unity和Vuforia的实际游戏机制中的专家。 约翰·基夫(John Keefe)在下面分享了他的团队在此过程中学到的五个教训,并提供了完整的AR标记最佳实践指南,这对有兴趣进入AR游戏的任何人都非常有价值。
“Unity and Vuforia are like a flywheel. It’s so easy to get started and pretty quick to get something demoable. You play with the tools, build on your previous experiences and push the boundaries further and further as you develop.”
“团结和Vuforia就像飞轮。 它非常容易上手,并且很快就可以将其降级。 您将使用这些工具,在您以前的经验基础上发展,并在开发过程中不断拓展界限。”
1. Consider external factors.
Mobile AR implies that users have the freedom to go anywhere. Yet developers need to get attuned to the impact that external factors, such as poor lighting, can have on the experience.
移动AR意味着用户可以自由去任何地方。 然而,开发人员需要适应外部因素(例如光线不足)对体验的影响。
2. Test your assumptions beyond the desktop screen.
Putting SwapBots into the hands of kids or taking it to shows such as GDC to demo has helped Draw & Code put the user front and center. If you can’t get out there, just keep testing and prototyping, using tools like Unity and Vuforia to their full potential and always keep your user in mind. AR should feel effortless and natural to use.
将SwapBots放在孩子们的手中,或将其显示在GDC等演示中,这有助于Draw&Code将用户放在首位。 如果您无法做到这一点,只需继续使用Unity和Vuforia之类的工具进行测试和制作原型,以充分发挥其潜力,并始终牢记您的用户。 AR应该毫不费力且自然使用。
SwapBots concept drawings from Draw & Code |
Draw&Code中的SwapBots概念图 |
3. Make the physical object relevant to the AR experience.
In the case of SwapBots, the idea was to create a toy where the physical object doesn’t become redundant after scanning the marker. The user continuously manipulates and interacts with the artifact. Draw & Code accomplished this by creating a game mechanic where users need to constantly swap the toys’ components in order to solve puzzles or win battles. This is a unique quality of AR: it brings physical gameplay into the digital world.
对于SwapBots,其想法是创建一个玩具,其中在扫描标记后物理对象不会变得多余。 用户不断地操纵工件并与工件互动。 Draw&Code通过创建一个游戏机制来实现这一目的,用户需要不断更换玩具的组件以解决难题或赢得战斗。 这是AR的独特品质:它将物理游戏玩法带入了数字世界。
4. Consider the design of the physical object and how it fits in.
Character design was also a major consideration for Draw & Code. The target images printed on the toys work as AR markers but, at the same time, they need to work well as characters and while maintaining an appealing aesthetic. This required designing markers that resembled a persona and kept their essence when interchanging them with markers from other characters.
角色设计也是Draw&Code的主要考虑因素。 印在玩具上的目标图像可以用作AR标记,但同时,它们需要既可以充当角色,又要保持美观。 这就要求设计类似角色的标记,并在与其他角色的标记互换时保留其本质。
5. Test in the real world.
Remember that while the majority of AR is experienced through the lens of a mobile device in real-world conditions, you are developing on a laptop or desktop that has no relevance of that world; therefore, testing and prototyping is essential.
请记住,虽然大多数AR是在现实条件下通过移动设备的镜头来体验的,但您是在与该世界无关的笔记本电脑或台式机上进行开发的; 因此,测试和原型设计至关重要。
According to John, Unity and Vuforia allowed him and his team to experiment and test early on until they found a feasible design that would work on all devices. By iterating and prototyping, they were able to identify what type of game mechanics made the most sense, the ideal shape and material for the physical objects, and how users would interact with the different characters they had created.
根据John的说法,Unity和Vuforia允许他和他的团队尽早进行试验和测试,直到找到可行的设计,并适用于所有设备。 通过迭代和原型制作,他们能够确定哪种类型的游戏机制最有意义,物理对象的理想形状和材料以及用户如何与他们创建的不同角色进行交互。
Marker design also required testing in the real world. Through iterations, Draw & Code found that while the markers often worked well on screen, the camera would have difficulty tracking them when transferred to a 3D object. The marker would lose accuracy or it would not generate enough contrasting points to be recognized.
标记设计还需要在现实世界中进行测试。 通过迭代,Draw&Code发现虽然标记通常在屏幕上可以很好地工作,但是当将标记转移到3D对象时,摄像机将很难跟踪它们。 标记将失去准确性,或者不会生成足够的对比点以供识别。
The only way to overcome this was by testing the marker on top of the 3D object itself. Draw & Code tested multiple 3D-printing techniques, such as printing a full core object that included the image target. They concluded that the best solution is to print a marker on a sticker and then overlay it on top of the 3D-printed physical object. These iterations helped inform the final SwapBots toys that are to be built by Creata, one of the world’s leading toy manufacturers.
克服此问题的唯一方法是测试3D对象自身顶部的标记。 Draw&Code测试了多种3D打印技术,例如打印包括图像目标的完整核心对象。 他们得出结论,最好的解决方案是在标记上打印标记,然后将其覆盖在3D打印的物理对象上。 这些迭代为最终由全球领先的玩具制造商之一的Creata制造的SwapBots玩具提供了信息。
A SwapBot progression from early 3D printed blocks onto the professionally manufactured version.
Designing AR applications for devices that users already own is a significant challenge for developers. Often conflated by sci-fi-level expectations, creators come up with incredible ideas only to find that they are limited by the computational and sensor capabilities of the target devices and all the external environmental conditions.
为用户已经拥有的设备设计AR应用程序对开发人员来说是一个巨大的挑战。 创作者通常将其与科幻水平的期望混为一谈,他们想到了令人难以置信的想法,结果发现它们受到目标设备的计算和传感器功能以及所有外部环境条件的限制。
Draw & Code is amongst the pioneers of AR development that have been tackling this challenge for years. Based on their experience, they’ve created a full AR Markers best practices guide and highly recommend anyone interested in breaking into AR gaming to prototype AR development with Vuforia’s free sample assets provided in the Unity Asset Store. Vuforia’s sample assets provide you with a complete Unity scene that shows you how to create AR experiences for objects and environments.
Draw&Code是AR开发的先驱之一,多年来一直在应对这一挑战。 根据他们的经验,他们创建了完整的AR标记最佳实践指南,并强烈推荐有兴趣打入AR游戏的人,使用Unity Asset Store中提供的Vuforia的免费示例资产来原型AR开发。 Vuforia的示例资产为您提供了完整的Unity场景,向您展示了如何为对象和环境创建AR体验。
Vuforia provides cross-platform support for Android, iOS, and UWP devices, through a single API, allowing developers to write their apps once and run them using the best available core technology.
With the Unity and Vuforia workflow, Unity developers can create Vuforia-enabled apps using a simple authoring workflow and event-driven scripting directly in the Unity Editor. The Vuforia integration includes performance optimizations, tight ongoing synchronization of features and fixes, and a native Unity workflow that enables developers to focus on creating the best AR experiences.
借助Unity和Vuforia工作流程,Unity开发人员可以使用简单的创作工作流程和事件驱动脚本直接在Unity Editor中创建启用Vuforia的应用程序。 Vuforia集成包括性能优化,功能和修复的紧密持续同步,以及原生的Unity工作流程,使开发人员能够专注于创建最佳的AR体验。
翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/12/21/breaking-into-ar-with-vuforia-a-unity-creator-shares-practical-advice/
unity vuforia