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在常用的几种颜色空间中,YCbCr颜色空间在学术论文中出现的频率是相当高的,常用于肤色检测等等。其和RGB空间之间的相互转换公式在网上也有多种,我们这里取http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr 描述的JPG转换时使用的计算公式:
JFIF usage of JPEG allows Y′CbCr where Y′, CB and CR have the full 8-bit range of 0-255:
And back:
上述公式的主要优点是转换后的各分量的范围也在0到255之间,因此用 byte类型的变量即可容纳新的颜色空间。
要避免浮点运算带来的速度瓶颈,这里同样可以用 颜色空间系列1: RGB和CIEXYZ颜色空间的转换及相关优化 文章中同样的优化技巧。
const float YCbCrYRF = 0.299F; // RGB转YCbCr的系数(浮点类型) const float YCbCrYGF = 0.587F; const float YCbCrYBF = 0.114F; const float YCbCrCbRF = -0.168736F; const float YCbCrCbGF = -0.331264F; const float YCbCrCbBF = 0.500000F; const float YCbCrCrRF = 0.500000F; const float YCbCrCrGF = -0.418688F; const float YCbCrCrBF = -0.081312F; const float RGBRYF = 1.00000F; // YCbCr转RGB的系数(浮点类型) const float RGBRCbF = 0.0000F; const float RGBRCrF = 1.40200F; const float RGBGYF = 1.00000F; const float RGBGCbF = -0.34414F; const float RGBGCrF = -0.71414F; const float RGBBYF = 1.00000F; const float RGBBCbF = 1.77200F; const float RGBBCrF = 0.00000F; const int Shift = 20; const int HalfShiftValue = 1 << (Shift - 1); const int YCbCrYRI = (int)(YCbCrYRF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); // RGB转YCbCr的系数(整数类型) const int YCbCrYGI = (int)(YCbCrYGF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); const int YCbCrYBI = (int)(YCbCrYBF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); const int YCbCrCbRI = (int)(YCbCrCbRF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); const int YCbCrCbGI = (int)(YCbCrCbGF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); const int YCbCrCbBI = (int)(YCbCrCbBF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); const int YCbCrCrRI = (int)(YCbCrCrRF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); const int YCbCrCrGI = (int)(YCbCrCrGF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); const int YCbCrCrBI = (int)(YCbCrCrBF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); const int RGBRYI = (int)(RGBRYF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); // YCbCr转RGB的系数(整数类型) const int RGBRCbI = (int)(RGBRCbF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); const int RGBRCrI = (int)(RGBRCrF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); const int RGBGYI = (int)(RGBGYF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); const int RGBGCbI = (int)(RGBGCbF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); const int RGBGCrI = (int)(RGBGCrF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); const int RGBBYI = (int)(RGBBYF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); const int RGBBCbI = (int)(RGBBCbF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5); const int RGBBCrI = (int)(RGBBCrF * (1 << Shift) + 0.5);
public static void ToYCbCr(byte* From, byte* To, int Length = 1) { if (Length < 1) return; byte* End = From + Length * 3; int Red, Green, Blue; // int Y, Cb, Cr; while (From != End) { Blue = *From; Green = *(From + 1); Red = *(From + 2); // 无需判断是否存在溢出,因为测试过整个RGB空间的所有颜色值,无颜色存在溢出 *To = (byte)((YCbCrYRI * Red + YCbCrYGI * Green + YCbCrYBI * Blue + HalfShiftValue) >> Shift); *(To + 1) = (byte)( 128 + ( (YCbCrCbRI * Red + YCbCrCbGI * Green + YCbCrCbBI * Blue + HalfShiftValue) >> Shift)); *(To + 2) = (byte) (128+( (YCbCrCrRI * Red + YCbCrCrGI * Green + YCbCrCrBI * Blue + HalfShiftValue) >> Shift)); // *To = (byte)Y; // 不要把直接计算的代码放在这里,会降低速度, //*(To + 1) = (byte)Cb; //*(To + 2) = (byte)Cr; From += 3; To += 3; } }
Y = (YCbCrYRI * Red + YCbCrYGI * Green + YCbCrYBI * Blue + HalfShiftValue) >> Shift; 0000003a imul eax,eax,4C8B4h 00000040 imul edx,ebx,9645Ah 00000046 add eax,edx 00000048 imul edx,edi,1D2F2h 0000004e lea eax,[eax+edx+00080000h] 00000055 sar eax,14h 00000058 mov dword ptr [ebp-18h],eax *To = (byte)Y; 0000005b mov byte ptr [esi],al
*To = (byte) ( (YCbCrYRI * Red + YCbCrYGI * Green + YCbCrYBI * Blue + HalfShiftValue) >> Shift); 0000003a imul eax,ebx,4C8B4h 00000040 imul edx,edi,9645Ah 00000046 add eax,edx 00000048 imul edx,dword ptr [ebp-14h],1D2F2h 0000004f lea eax,[eax+edx+00080000h] 00000056 sar eax,14h 00000059 mov byte ptr [esi],al
public static void ToRGB(byte* From, byte* To, int Length = 1) { if (Length < 1) return; byte* End = From + Length * 3; int Red, Green, Blue; int Y, Cb, Cr; while (From != End) { Y = *From; Cb = *(From + 1)-128; Cr = *(From + 2)-128; Red = Y + ((RGBRCrI * Cr + HalfShiftValue) >> Shift); Green = Y + ((RGBGCbI * Cb + RGBGCrI * Cr+ HalfShiftValue) >> Shift); Blue = Y + ((RGBBCbI * Cb + HalfShiftValue) >> Shift); if (Red > 255) Red = 255; else if (Red < 0) Red = 0; if (Green > 255) Green = 255; else if (Green < 0) Green = 0; // 编译后应该比三目运算符的效率高 if (Blue > 255) Blue = 255; else if (Blue < 0) Blue = 0; *To = (byte)Blue; // 由于不是一一对应的,需要判断是否越界 *(To + 1) = (byte)Green; *(To + 2) = (byte)Red; From += 3; To += 3; } }
在皮肤识别方面,常用YCbCr空间的数据进行分析,从上面几个图中也可以看出 ,肤色在CbCr有着一定的集聚性,这个在日后的文章中再说。