Daily Scrum M1 10-16



Today’s Task

Next Task

Junyuan Xie

Improve the core algorithm

Improve the core algorithm

Liangjun Song

Integrate the UI, task 1287

Integrate the UI, task 1287

Tao Wu

VLC UI design with wxpython, task 1218

Test the player

Yishi Xing

Complete the frequency graph, task 1285

Add some new function in the frequency graph

Yingwei Pan

Add the Xunfei api to the software

Add the Xunfei api to the software


Jun Xu

Hold the meeting and make the daiy scrum and test the player

Hold the meeting and make the daiy scrum and test the supported   format

Daily Scrum M1 10-16_第1张图片





Blocing event: 由于网络的原因,我们调用google的api可能会时常不能够完成我们的请求,因此我们准备试用一下讯飞的api,看看能不能达到相同的效果或者更好的效果,目前yingwei正在努力着,另外,就是对于视频文件的格式问题可能不是能支持所有的格式,这可能就得在下一阶段内解决了。








