[翻译]《Programming - Principles and Practice Using C++, Second Edition》- Chapter 0


  • Notes to the Readers 写给读者
    • 0.1 The structure of this book 本书结构
      • 0.0.1 General Approach 一般方法
      • 0.1.2 Drills, exercises, etc. 练习,编程题,其它
      • 0.1.3 What comes after this book? 学完这本书接下来该学什么?
    • 0.2 A philosophy of teaching and learning 教与学的哲学
      • 0.2.1 The order of topics 专题的顺序
      • 0.2.2 Programming and programming language 编程和编程语言
      • 0.2.3 Portability 可移植性
    • 0.3 Programming and computer science 编程和计算机科学
    • 0.4 Creativity and problem solving 创造力和问题解决能力
    • 0.5 Request for feedback 反馈
    • 0.6 References 引用
    • 0.7 Biographies 作者简介


Notes to the Readers 写给读者

When the terrian disagrees with the map 当实际地形与地图标定不符时
trust the terrian. 相信地形 1
——Swiss army proverb 瑞士军队格言
[翻译]《Programming - Principles and Practice Using C++, Second Edition》- Chapter 0_第1张图片

This chapter is a grab bag of information; it aims to give you an idea of what to expect from the rest of the book.

Please skim through it and read what you find interesting.

A teacher will find most parts immediately useful.

If you are reading this book without the benefit of a good teacher, please don’t try to read and understand everything in this chapter; just look at “The structure of this book” and the first part of the “A philosophy of teaching and learning” sections.

You may want to return and reread this chapter once you feel comfortable writing and executing small programs.

0.1 The structure of this book 本书结构

This book consists of four parts and a collection of appendices:

  • Part I, “The Basics,” presents the fundamental concepts and techniques of programming together with the C++ language and library facilities needed to get started writing code. This includes the type system, arithmetic operations, control structures, error handling, and the design, implementation, and use of functions and user-defined types.
  • 第一部分,「基础」, 介绍了编程的基本概念和方法和编程所需的C++语言和库的特性。这部分内容包括类型系统,算术运算,控制结构,错误处理和设计,实现以及函数的使用和用户自定义类型。
  • Part II, “Input and Output,” describes how to get numeric and text data from the keyboard and from files, and how to produce corresponding output to the screen and to files. Then, it shows how to present numeric data, text, and geometric shapes as graphical output, and how to get input into a program from a graphical user interface (GUI).
  • 第二部分,「输入和输出」, 介绍了如何从键盘和文件获取输入,如何向屏幕和文件进行输出。怎样表示数值类型的数据,文本和几何图形,如何通过GUI获取输入。
  • Part III, “Data and Algorithms,” focuses on the C++ standard library’s containers and algorithms framework (the STL, standard template library). It shows how containers (such as vector, list, and map) are implemented (using pointers, arrays, dynamic memory, exceptions, and templates) and used. It also demonstrates* the design and use of standard library algorithms (such as sort, find, and inner_product).
  • 第三部分,「数据和算法」,介绍C++标准库容器和算法框架(标准库,标准模板库)。展示容器(例如vectorlistmap)是怎样通过各种方式(指针,数组,动态内存,exceptions和模板)实现的。还阐明了标准库算法的设计与使用方法(比如sortfindinner_product
  • Part IV, “Broadening the View,” offers a perspective on programming through a discussion of ideals and history, through examples (such as matrix computation, text manipulation, testing, and embedded systems programming), and through a brief description of the C language.
  • 第四部分,「拓展内容」, 从编程思想和历史这个不同的角度来介绍编程,通过举例(矩阵计算,文本处理,测试,嵌入式编程),并简要地介绍C语言。
  • Appendices provide useful information that doesn’t fit into a tutorial presentation, such as surveys of C++ language and standard library facilities, and descriptions of how to get started with an integrated development environment (IDE) and a graphical user interface (GUI) library.
  • 附录中包含了一些入门课程不涵盖的内容,比如C++语言和标准库,以及如何在IDE中开始编程和GUI库介绍。

Unfortunately, the world of programming doesn’t really fall into four cleanly separated parts

Therefore, the “parts” of this book provide only a coarse classification of topics.

We consider it a useful classification (obviously, or we wouldn’t have used it), but reality has a way of escaping neat classifications.

For example, we need to use input operations far sooner than we can give a thorough explanation of C++ standard I/O streams (input/output streams).

Where the set of topics needed to present an idea conflicts with the overall classification, we explain the minimum needed for a good presentation, rather than just referring to the complete explanation elsewhere.

Rigid classifications work much better for manuals than for tutorials.

The order of topics is determined by programming techniques, rather than programming language features; see §0.2. For a presentation organized around language features, see Appendix A.

To ease review and to help you if you miss a key point during a first reading where you have yet to discover which kind of information is crucial, we place three kinds of “alert markers” in the margin:

  • Blue: concepts and techniques (this paragraph is an example of that)
  • Green: advice
  • Red: warning


  • 蓝色:概念和方法(这一段就是)
  • 绿色:建议
  • 红色:警告

0.0.1 General Approach 一般方法

In this book, we address* you directly. That is simpler and clearer than the conventional “professional” indirect form of address, as found in most scientific papers.

By “you” we mean “you, the reader,” and by “we” we refer either to “ourselves, the author and teachers,” or to you and us working together through a problem, as we might have done had we been in the same room.

This book is designed to be read chapter by chapter from the beginning to the end.

Often, you’ll want to go back to look at something a second or a third time.

In fact, that’s the only sensible approach, as you’ll always dash past some details that you don’t yet see the point in. In such cases, you’ll eventually go back again.

However, despite the index and the cross-references, this is not a book that you can open to any page and start reading with any expectation of success.

Each section and each chapter assume understanding of what came before.

Each chapter is a reasonably self-contained unit, meant to be read in “one sitting” (logically, if not always feasible on a student’s tight schedule). That’s one major criterion for separating the text into chapters.

Other criteria include that a chapter is a suitable unit for drills and exercises and that each chapter presents some specific concept, idea, or technique.

This plurality of criteria has left a few chapters uncomfortably long, so please don’t take “in one sitting” too literally.

In particular, once you have thought about the review questions, done the drill, and worked on a few exercises, you’ll often find that you have to go back to reread a few sections and that several days have gone by.

We have clustered the chapters into “parts” focused on a major topic, such as input/output. These parts make good units of review.

Common praise for a textbook is “It answered all my questions just as I thought of them!” That’s an ideal for minor technical questions, and early readers have observed the phenomenon with this book. However, that cannot be the whole ideal.

We raise questions that a novice would probably not think of. We aim to ask and answer questions that you need to consider when writing quality software for the use of others.

Learning to ask the right (often hard) questions is an essential part of learning to think as a programmer. Asking only the easy and obvious questions would make you feel good, but it wouldn’t help make you a programmer.

We try to respect your intelligence and to be considerate about your time.

In our presentation, we aim for professionalism rather than cuteness, and we’d rather understate a point than hype it.

We try not to exaggerate the importance of a programming technique or a language feature, but please don’t underestimate a simple statement like “This is often useful.”

If we quietly emphasize that something is important, we mean that you’ll sooner or later waste days if you don’t master it

Our use of humor is more limited than we would have preferred, but experience shows that people’s ideas of what is funny differ dramatically and that a failed attempt at humor can be confusing.

We do not pretend that our ideas or the tools offered are perfect.

No tool, library, language, or technique is “the solution” to all of the many challenges facing a programmer. At best, it can help you to develop and express your solution.

We try hard to avoid “white lies”; that is, we refrain from oversimplified explanations that are clear and easy to understand, but not true in the context of real languages and real problems.

On the other hand, this book is not a reference; for more precise and complete descriptions of C++, see Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition (Addison-Wesley, 2013), and the ISO C++ standard.
这本书并不是一本参考手册,如果你需要更精确和完整的C++描述,请看我的另一本书:Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition (Addison-Wesley, 2013) 和 ISO的C++标准。

[翻译]《Programming - Principles and Practice Using C++, Second Edition》- Chapter 0_第2张图片

0.1.2 Drills, exercises, etc. 练习,编程题,其它

Programming is not just an intellectual activity, so writing programs is necessary to master programming skills. We provide two levels of programming practice:

  • Drills 2 : A drill is a very simple exercise devised to develop practical, almost mechanical skills. A drill usually consists of a sequence of modifications of a single program. You should do every drill. A drill is not asking for deep understanding, cleverness, or initiative. We consider the drills part of the basic fabric of the book. If you haven’t done the drills, you have not “done” the book.
  • Drills:drill是为了开发实践,机械性的小练习。通常包含程序改错题。你应该把每道drill都做一遍。drill不需要深入理解,不需要调动太多智商。我们把drills看做本书的一种基本组成。如果你不做drill,那么相当于你没看过这本书。
  • Exercises: Some exercises are trivial and others are very hard, but most are intended to leave some scope for initiative and imagination. If you are serious, you’ll do quite a few exercises. At least do enough to know which are difficult for you. Then do a few more of those. That’s how you’ll learn the most. The exercises are meant to be manageable without exceptional cleverness, rather than to be tricky puzzles. However, we hope that we have provided exercises that are hard enough to challenge anybody and enough exercises to exhaust even the best student’s available time. We do not expect you to do them all, but feel free to try.
  • Exercises:一些exercise难度一般,一些则非常难,但是大多数都有铺垫并调动想像。如果你想认真对待学习,你可以做大部分练习题。至少知道哪些题对于你来说是难的,然后也尝试做一点儿难题。这样你才可以学到更多。这些练习被设计成不需要穷尽智商就可以解的难度,而不是一些嘎咕的偏题怪题。然而,我们希望通过练习让任何学生得到挑战,所以题量足以榨干最好学生的所有时间。我们不要求你把所有题都做完,但你要尽力去尝试。

In addition, we recommend that you (every student) take part in a small project (and more if time allows for it).
除了练习之外 ,我们还推荐每个学生都要做一个小项目(如果时间允许,尽量扩大项目的规模)。

A project is intended to produce a complete useful program. Ideally, a project is done by a small group of people (e.g., three people) working together for about a month while working through the chapters in Part III.

Most people find the projects the most fun and what ties everything together.

Some people like to put the book aside and try some examples before reading to the end of a chapter; others prefer to read ahead to the end before trying to get code to run.

To support readers with the former preference, we provide simple suggestions for practical work labeled “Try this” at natural breaks in the text.
对于前者,我们在文中某处会提供一些标记为「Try this」的小实践。

A Try this is generally in the nature of a drill focused narrowly on the topic that precedes it.
Try this实际上就是一种drill,不过只限于将要讲的主题。

If you pass a Try this without trying — maybe because you are not near a computer or you find the text riveting — do return to it when you do the chapter drill; a Try this either complements the chapter drill or is a part of it.
如果你跳过了Try this——也许当时你没在电脑前——那么当你读完本章时,你要把它当作drill做完。

At the end of each chapter you’ll find a set of review questions. They are intended to point you to the key ideas explained in the chapter

One way to look at the review questions is as a complement to the exercises: the exercises focus on
the practical aspects of programming, whereas the review questions try to help you articulate the ideas and concepts. In that, they resemble good interview questions.

The “Terms” section at the end of each chapter presents the basic vocabulary of programming and of C++. If you want to understand what people say about programming topics and to articulate your own ideas, you should know what each means.

Learning involves repetition. Our ideal is to make every important point at least twice and to reinforce it with exercises

0.1.3 What comes after this book? 学完这本书接下来该学什么?

At the end of this book, will you be an expert at programming and at C++? Of course not!

When done well, programming is a subtle, deep, and highly skilled art building on a variety of technical skills. You should no more expect to be an expert at programming in four months than you should expect to be an expert in biology, in math, in a natural language (such as Chinese, English, or Danish), or at playing the violin in four months — or in half a year, or a year

What you should hope for, and what you can expect if you approach this book seriously, is to have a really good start that allows you to write relatively simple useful programs, to be able to read more complex programs, and to have a good conceptual and practical background for further work.

The best follow-up to this initial course is to work on a real project developing code to be used by someone else.

After that, or (even better) in parallel with a real project, read either a professional-level general textbook (such as Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language), a more specialized book relating to the needs of your project (such as Qt for GUI, or ACE for distributed programming), or a textbook
focusing on a particular aspect of C++ (such as Koenig and Moo, Accelerated C++; Sutter’s Exceptional C++; or Gamma et al., Design Patterns).
开发项目的同时,你可以读一些专业水平的教材,比如Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language,或者根据你的项目的专题书籍(比如讲Qt GUI的,讲ACE分布式编程),或者特定主题的教材,比如Koenig and Moo, Accelerated C++,Sutter’s Exceptional C++,Gamma et al., Design Patterns

[翻译]《Programming - Principles and Practice Using C++, Second Edition》- Chapter 0_第3张图片
For more references, see §0.6 or the Bibliography section at the back of the book.

Eventually, you should learn another programming language. Eventually, you should learn another programming language. We don’t con-
sider it possible to be a professional in the realm of software — even if you are not
primarily a programmer — without knowing more than one language

0.2 A philosophy of teaching and learning 教与学的哲学

What are we trying to help you learn? And how are we approaching the process of teaching? We try to present the minimal concepts, techniques, and tools for you to do effective practical programs, including

  • Program organization 程序结构
  • Debugging and testing debug和测试
  • Class design 类设计
  • Computation 计算
  • Function and algorithm design 函数和算法设计
  • Graphics (two-dimensional only) 二维图形
  • Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) 图形用户界面
  • Text manipulation 文本处理
  • Regular expression matching 正则表达式
  • Files and stream input and output (I/O) 文件和输入/输出流
  • Memory management 内存管理
  • Scientific/numerical/engineering calculations 科学/数值/工程计算
  • Design and programming ideals 设计和编程思想
  • The C++ standard library 标准库
  • Software development strategies 软件开发策略
  • C-language programming techniques C语言

Working our way through these topics, we cover the programming techniques called procedural programming (as with the C programming language), data abstraction, object-oriented programming, and generic programming

The main topic of this book is programming, that is, the ideals, techniques, and tools of expressing ideas in code

The C++ programming language is our main tool, so we describe many of C++’s facilities in some detail. But please remember that C++ is just a tool, rather than the main topic of this book. This is “programming using C++,” not “C++ with a bit of programming theory.”

Each topic we address serves at least two purposes: it presents a technique, concept, or principle and also a practical language or library feature.

For example, we use the interface to a two-dimensional graphics system to illustrate the use of classes and inheritance. This allows us to be economical with space (and your time) and also to emphasize that programming is more than simply slinging code together to get a result as quickly as possible

The C++ standard library is a major source of such “double duty” examples — many even do triple duty.

For example, we introduce the standard library vector , use it to illustrate widely useful design
techniques, and show many of the programming techniques used to implement it.
比如,我们会讲到标准库向量,借助它来讲解设计方法,并且会讲解很多实现了标准库 vector 的编程技术。

One of our aims is to show you how major library facilities are implemented and how they map to hardware. We insist that craftsmen must understand their tools, not just consider them “magical.”

Some topics will be of greater interest to some programmers than to others. However, we encourage you not to prejudge your needs (how would you know what you’ll need in the future?) and at least look at every chapter. If you read this book as part of a course, your teacher will guide your selection.

We characterize our approach as “depth-first.” It is also “concrete-first” and “concept-based.”

First, we quickly (well, relatively quickly, Chapters 1–11) assemble a set of skills needed for writing small practical programs. In doing so, we present a lot of tools and techniques in minimal detail.

We focus on simple concrete code examples because people grasp the concrete faster than the abstract. That’s simply the way most humans learn.

At this initial stage, you should not expect to understand every little detail. In particular, you’ll find that trying something slightly different from what just worked can have “mysterious” effects.

Do try, though! And please do the drills and exercises we provide. Just remember that early on you just don’t have the concepts and skills to accurately estimate what’s simple and what’s complicated; expect surprises and learn from them.

We move fast in this initial phase — we want to get you to the point where you can write interesting programs as fast as possible. Someone will argue, “We must move slowly and carefully; we must walk before we can run!”

But have you ever watched a baby learning to walk? Babies really do run by themselves before they
learn the finer skills of slow, controlled walking. Similarly, you will dash ahead, occasionally stumbling, to get a feel of programming before slowing down to gain the necessary finer control and understanding. You must run before you can walk!

It is essential that you don’t get stuck in an attempt to learn “everything” about some language detail or technique

For example, you could memorize all of C++’s built-in types and all the rules for their use. Of course you could, and doing so might make you feel knowledgeable

However, it would not make you a programmer. Skipping details will get you “burned” occasionally for lack of knowledge, but it is the fastest way to gain the perspective needed to write good programs.

Note that our approach is essentially the one used by children learning their native language and also the most effective approach used to teach foreign languages.

We encourage you to seek help from teachers, friends, colleagues, instructors, Mentors, etc. on the inevitable occasions when you are stuck. Be assured that nothing in these early chapters is fundamentally difficult. However, much will be unfamiliar and might therefore feel difficult at first.

Later, we build on the initial skills to broaden your base of knowledge and skills. We use examples and exercises to solidify your understanding, and to provide a conceptual base for programming.

We place a heavy emphasis on ideals and reasons. You need ideals to guide you when you look for practical solutions — to know when a solution is good and principled.

You need to understand the reasons behind those ideals to understand why they should be your ideals, why aiming for them will help you and the users of your code.

Nobody should be satisfied with “because that’s the way it is” as an explanation. More importantly, an understanding of ideals and reasons allows you to generalize from what you know to new situations and to combine ideas and tools in novel ways to address new problems.

Knowing “why” is an essential part of acquiring programming skills. Conversely, just memorizing lots of poorly understood rules and language facilities is limiting, a source of errors, and a massive waste of time. We consider your time precious and try not to waste it.

Many C++ language-technical details are banished to appendices and manuals, where you can look them up when needed.

We assume that you have the initiative to search out information when needed. Use the index and the table of contents.

Don’t forget the online help facilities of your compiler, and the web. Remember, though, to consider every web resource highly suspect until you have reason to believe better of it. Many an authoritative-looking website is put up by a programming novice or someone with something to sell. Others are simply outdated.

Please don’t be too impatient for “realistic” examples. Our ideal example is the shortest and simplest code that directly illustrates a language facility, a concept, or a technique.

Most real-world examples are far messier than ours, yet do not consist of more than a combination of what we demonstrate. Successful commercial programs with hundreds of thousands of lines of code are based on techniques that we illustrate in a dozen 50-line programs.

The fastest way to understand real-world code is through a good understanding of the fundamentals.

On the other hand, we do not use “cute examples involving cuddly animals” to illustrate our points. We assume that you aim to write real programs to be used by real people, so every example that is not presented as language-technical is taken from a real-world use. Our basic tone is that of professionals addressing (future) professionals.

0.2.1 The order of topics 专题的顺序

There are many ways to teach people how to program. Clearly, we don’t subscribe to the popular “the way I learned to program is the best way to learn” theories.

To ease learning, we early on present topics that would have been considered advanced only a few years ago.

Our ideal is for the topics we present to be driven by problems you meet as you learn to program, to flow smoothly from topic to topic as you increase your understanding and practical skills

The major flow of this book is more like a story than a dictionary or a hierarchical order.

It is impossible to learn all the principles, techniques, and language facilities needed to write a program at once. Consequently, we have to choose a subset of principles, techniques, and features to start with

More generally, a textbook or a course must lead students through a series of subsets. We consider it our responsibility to select topics and to provide emphasis.

We can’t just present everything, so we must choose; what we leave out is at least as important as what we leave in — at each stage of the journey

For contrast, it may be useful for you to see a list of (severely abbreviated) characterizations of approaches that we decided not to take:

  • “C first”: This approach to learning C++ is wasteful of students’ time and leads to poor programming practices by forcing students to approach problems with fewer facilities, techniques, and libraries than necessary. C++ provides stronger type checking than C, a standard library with better support for novices, and exceptions for error handling.
  • 「先讲C语言」:这种方法浪费学生大量的时间,并且会迫使学生在缺乏语言特性,方法和库支持的情况下解决问题。C++比C有更强的类型查询,标准库对新手错误处理也很友好。
  • Bottom-up: This approach distracts from learning good and effective programming practices. By forcing students to solve problems with insufficient support from the language and libraries, it promotes poor and wasteful programming practices.
  • 自底向上:这种方法效果不好,效率低。缺点基本同上。
  • “If you present something, you must present it fully”: This approach implies a bottom-up approach (by drilling deeper and deeper into every topic touched). It bores novices with technical details they have no interest in and quite likely will not need for years to come. Once you can program, you can look up technical details in a manual. Manuals are good at that, whereas they are awful for initial learning of concepts.
  • 「如果你说了什么,那就一定要把它说全」:这种方法本质就是一种自底向上的方法(深入到每个细枝末节)。这样会使初学者很快地失去乐趣,感到无聊,还会浪费他们许多年的时间。事实上,编程细节查手册就可以了,没必要挨个去学。手册是个很好的东西,但它不适合作为教材。
  • Top-down: This approach, working from first principles toward details, tends to distract readers from the practical aspects of programming and force them to concentrate on high-level concepts before they have any chance of appreciating their importance. For example, you simply can’t appreciate proper software development principles before you have learned how easy it is to make a mistake in a program and how hard it can be to correct it.
  • 自顶向下:这个方法讲求从原理到细节,起初完全不教给学生实践的细节,只是讲高级的概念。夸张点儿举例就是在你还不会写代码改错的时候就给你讲软件开发的原理。
  • “Abstract first”: Focusing on general principles and protecting the student from nasty real-world constraints can lead to a disdain for real-world problems, languages, tools, and hardware constraints. Often, this approach is supported by “teaching languages” that cannot be used later and (deliberately) insulate students from hardware and system concerns.
  • 「抽象优先」:只谈一般原理而不告诉学生现实条件的限制,妄图建造空中楼阁,纸上谈兵。通常这种方法在涉及硬件和系统编程时就会暴露出其致命之处。
  • “Software engineering principles first”: This approach and the abstract-first approach tend to share the problems of the top-down approach: without concrete examples and practical experience, you simply cannot appreciate the value of abstraction and proper software development practices.
  • 「软件工程原理优先」:这个方法和之前的「抽象优先」一样都算一种「自顶向下」,所以他们都有同样的缺点:没有具体的例子和实践经验,你根本没法体会到抽象的价值,也没法寻找到合适的软件开发路径。
  • “Object-oriented from day one”: Object-oriented programming is one of the best ways of organizing code and programming efforts, but it is not the only effective way. In particular, we feel that a grounding in the basics of types and algorithmic code is a prerequisite for appreciation of the design of classes and class hierarchies. We do use user-defined types (what some people would call “objects”) from day one, but we don’t show how to design a class until Chapter 6 and don’t show a class hierarchy until Chapter 12.
  • 「第一天就面向对象」:OOP确实是组织代码的最好方式,但它并不是唯一的办法。基本的类型和算法是类设计和类继承的前置条件。我们这本书先把其他教材称作对象的东西叫做用户定义的类型,到第6章我们再讲如何设计类,第12章再讲类的继承。
  • “Just believe in magic”: This approach relies on demonstrations of powerful tools and techniques without introducing the novice to the underlying techniques and facilities. This leaves the student guessing — and usually guessing wrong — about why things are the way they are, what it costs to use them, and where they can be reasonably applied. This can lead to over rigid following of familiar patterns of work and become a barrier to further learning
  • 「相信这一切都是魔法」:这种方法一般出现在讲解工具和技术但并不讲其底层原理。这只能让学生自己猜——害总猜错。这给学生后续学习其他课程设下障碍。

Naturally, we do not claim that these other approaches are never useful. In fact, we use several of these for specific subtopics where their strengths can be appreciated. However, as general approaches to learning programming aimed at real-world use, we reject them and apply our alternative: concrete-first and depth-first with an emphasis on concepts and techniques.

0.2.2 Programming and programming language 编程和编程语言

We teach programming first and treat our chosen programming language as secondary, as a tool. Our general approach can be used with any general-purpose programming language.

Our primary aim is to help you learn general concepts, principles, and techniques. However, those cannot be appreciated in isolation.

For example, details of syntax, the kinds of ideas that can be directly expressed, and tool support differ from programming language to programming language

However, many of the fundamental techniques for producing bug-free code, such as writing logically simple code (Chapters 5 and 6), establishing invariants (§9.4.3), and separating interfaces from implementation details (§9.7 and §14.1–2), vary little from programming language to programming language.
然而,许多能产出无bug代码的基本技术,比如(第5章和第6章会讲到)编写有逻辑的简单代码,建立不变式(9.4.3)以及分离接口(9.7 14.1-2),这些在不同语言之间差别不大。

Programming and design techniques must be learned using a programming language. Design, code organization, and debugging are not skills you can acquire in the abstract.

You need to write code in some programming language and gain practical experience with that. This implies that you must learn the basics of a programming language. We say “the basics” because the days when you could learn all of a major industrial language in a few weeks are gone for good.

The parts of C++ we present were chosen as the subset that most directly supports the production of good code. Also, we present C++ features that you can’t avoid encountering either because they are necessary for logical completeness or are common in the C++ community.
我们选择了C++ 的部分作为直接支持生成好代码的子集。此外,我们还提供了一些 C++ 特性,您躲不开这些特性,因为这些特性对于逻辑完整性是必需的,或者在C++社区中是常见的。

0.2.3 Portability 可移植性

It is common to write C++ to run on a variety of machines. Major C++ applications run on machines we haven’t ever heard of!

We consider portability and the use of a variety of machine architectures and operating systems most important. Essentially every example in this book is not only ISO Standard C++, but also portable.

Unless specifically stated, the code we present should work on every C++ implementation and has been tested on several machines and operating systems.

The details of how to compile, link, and run a C++ program differ from system to system

It would be tedious to mention the details of every system and every compiler each time we need to refer to an implementation issue

In Appendix C, we give the most basic information about getting started using Visual Studio
and Microsoft C++ on a Windows machine.
在附录C中,我们给出了在Windows下使用Visual Studio和Microsoft C++的方法。

If you have trouble with one of the popular, but rather elaborate, IDEs (integrated development environments), we suggest you try working from the command line; it’s surprisingly simple.

For example, here is the full set of commands needed to compile, link, and execute a simple program consisting of two source files, my_file1.cpp and my_file2.cpp, using the GNU C++ compiler on a Unix or Linux system:
比如在Linux下用GNU C++编译,链接,运行两个C++源文件:

c++ —o my_program my_file1.cpp my_file2.cpp

0.3 Programming and computer science 编程和计算机科学

Is programming all that there is to computer science? Of course not! The only reason we raise this question is that people have been known to be confused about this.

We touch upon major topics from computer science, such as algorithms and data structures, but our aim is to teach programming: the design and implementation of programs.

That is both more and less than most accepted notions of computer science: 这比大多数人接受的计算机科学概念要多一些,也要少一些

  • More, because programming involves many technical skills that are not usually considered part of any science
  • 多一些,因为编程中很多技术细节并不算是计算机科学领域内的知识。
  • Less, because we do not systematically present the foundation for the parts of computer science we use
  • 少一些,我们并没有以计算机科学的系统形式来讲基础。

The aim of this book is to be part of a course in computer science (if becoming a computer scientist is your aim), to be the foundation for the first of many courses in software construction and maintenance (if your aim is to become a programmer or a software engineer), and in general to be part of a greater whole.

We rely on computer science throughout and we emphasize principles, but we teach programming as a practical skill based on theory and experience, rather than as a science.

0.4 Creativity and problem solving 创造力和问题解决能力

The primary aim of this book is to help you to express your ideas in code, not to teach you how to get those ideas. Along the way, we give many examples of how we can address a problem, usually through analysis of a problem followed by gradual refinement of a solution.

We consider programming itself a form of problem solving: only through complete understanding of a problem and its solution can you express a correct program for it, and only through constructing and
testing a program can you be certain that your understanding is complete.

Thus, programming is inherently part of an effort to gain understanding. However, we aim to demonstrate this through examples, rather than through “preaching” or presentation of detailed prescriptions for problem solving.

0.5 Request for feedback 反馈


0.6 References 引用

  • Becker, Pete, ed. The C++ Standard. ISO/IEC 14882:2011.
  • Blanchette, Jasmin, and Mark Summerfield. C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4, Second Edition. Prentice Hall, 2008. ISBN 0132354160.
  • Koenig, Andrew, and Barbara E. Moo. Accelerated C++: Practical Programming by Example. Addison-Wesley, 2000. ISBN 020170353X.
  • Meyers, Scott. Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley, 2005. ISBN 0321334876.
  • Schmidt, Douglas C., and Stephen D. Huston. C++ Network Programming, Volume 1: Mastering Complexity with ACE and Patterns. Addison-Wesley, 2001. ISBN 0201604647.
  • Schmidt, Douglas C., and Stephen D. Huston. C++ Network Programming, Volume 2: Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks. Addison-Wesley, 2002. ISBN 0201795256.
  • Stroustrup, Bjarne. The Design and Evolution of C++. Addison-Wesley, 1994. ISBN 0201543303.
  • Stroustrup, Bjarne. “Learning Standard C++ as a New Language.” C/C++ Users Journal, May 1999.
  • Stroustrup, Bjarne. The C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition. Addison-Wesley, 2013. ISBN 0321563840.
  • Stroustrup, Bjarne. A Tour of C++. Addison-Wesley, 2013. ISBN 0321958314.
  • Sutter, Herb. Exceptional C++: 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solutions. Addison-Wesley, 1999. ISBN 0201615622.

0.7 Biographies 作者简介



  1. 当理论与实际不符时,要以实际情况为准,不要按图索骥,颠倒虚实。 ↩︎

  2. drill和exercise都有「练习」的意思,所以我们这里不对这两个词做翻译。 ↩︎
