(NIPS 17) PointNet++: Deep Hierarchical Feature Learning on Point Sets in a Metric Space

(NIPS 17) PointNet++: Deep Hierarchical Feature Learning on Point Sets in a Metric Space_第1张图片
PointNet++[1]作为PointNet[2]的续作,着重于解决PointNet[2]没有能够很好的提取局部特征的问题,限制了其对细节图案(fine-grained patterns)的理解,无法泛化至其他复杂的任务场景。通过设计一种层级式(Hierarchical)的结构,对输入点云进行分块,重复使用PointNet[2]结构以增加对局部信息的获取能力。
(NIPS 17) PointNet++: Deep Hierarchical Feature Learning on Point Sets in a Metric Space_第2张图片

Hierarchical Point Set Feature Learning

PointNet[2]使用MLP+Pooling operation对整体输入点云进行一次性特征描述,并没有能够较好的做到细节部分的处理,因此PointNet++[1]采用层级聚合式操作不断扩大感知区域。
如上图左侧所示,这里只以分类网络为例,首先通过FPS最远点采样进行下采样,采样点即为centroids,接着进行ball query操作以生成局部球形领域,接着使用PointNet[2]也即MLP操作进行特征升维操作。以上操作进行2次,第三次时直接对剩下的所有点进行MLP+Maxpooling操作得到global vectors,接着再使用MLP生成对应的分类概率即可。

Robust Feature Learning under Non-Uniform Sampling Density

针对点云可能具有不均衡的密度分布等问题,区别于以上的最简单的Single-scale grouping(SSG)策略,设计了两种新策略Multi-scale grouping(MSG)与Multi-resolution grouping(MRG)以解决以上问题:
(NIPS 17) PointNet++: Deep Hierarchical Feature Learning on Point Sets in a Metric Space_第3张图片



Model comment sample Acc(%)
PointNet++ reported in paper 5000 91.9
PointNet++_SSG pointnet2_cls_ssg_250.pth 1024 91.4
PointNet++_SSG pointnet2_cls_ssg_250.pth 5000 91.2
PointNet++_MSG pointnet2_cls_msg_250.pth 1024 91.6
PointNet++_MSG pointnet2_cls_msg_250.pth 5000 91.0


[1] Qi C R, Yi L, Su H, et al. Pointnet++: Deep hierarchical feature learning on point sets in a metric space[J]. Advances in neural information processing systems, 2017, 30.
[2] Qi C R, Su H, Mo K, et al. Pointnet: Deep learning on point sets for 3d classification and segmentation[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2017: 652-660.
