计算机辅助干预 | 概要 |
1.Reconstructing Sinus Anatomy from Endoscopic Video – Towards a Radiation-Free Approach for Quantitative Longitudinal Assessment 从内窥镜视频重建鼻窦解剖结构–迈向定量纵向评估的无辐射方法 |
开源代码 |
2.Inertial Measurements for Motion Compensation in Weight-Bearing Cone-Beam CT of the Knee 膝关节承重锥束CT运动补偿的惯性测量 |
3.Feasibility Check: Can Audio Be a Simple Alternative to Force-Based Feedback for Needle Guidance? 可行性检查:音频是否可以简单地替代基于力的针引导反馈? |
4.A Graph-Based Method for Optimal Active Electrode Selection in Cochlear Implants 一种基于图的人工耳蜗最佳有源电极选择方法 |
5.Improved Resection Margins in Surgical Oncology Using Intraoperative Mass Spectrometry 术中质谱技术在外科肿瘤学中改善切除余量 |
6.Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation for Patient-Specific, Real-Time Tissue Tracking 自我监督的域自适应,可针对患者进行实时组织跟踪 |
7.An Interactive Mixed Reality Platform for Bedside Surgical Procedures CT 用于床边手术程序CT的交互式混合现实平台。 |
8.Ear Cartilage Inference for Reconstructive Surgery with Convolutional Mesh Autoencoders 卷积网格自动编码器用于重建手术的耳软骨推断 |
9.Robust Multi-modal 3D Patient Body Modeling 强大的多模式3D患者身体建模 |
10.A New Electromagnetic-Video Endoscope Tracking Method via Anatomical Constraints and Historically Observed Differential Evolution 基于解剖约束和历史观测的差分演化的电磁视频内窥镜跟踪新方法 |
11.Malocclusion Treatment Planning via PointNet Based Spatial Transformation Network 通过基于PointNet的空间转换网络进行错牙合治疗计划 |
12.Simulation of Brain Resection for Cavity Segmentation Using Self-supervised and Semi-supervised Learning 基于自监督和半监督学习的脑腔切除术的模拟 |
开源代码 |
13.Local Contractive Registration for Quantification of Tissue Shrinkage in Assessment of Microwave Ablation 用局部收缩注册量化的微波消融评估组织收缩 |
14.Reinforcement Learning of Musculoskeletal Control from Functional Simulations 从功能仿真中强化肌肉骨骼控制的学习 |
图像配准 | 概要 |
15.MvMM-RegNet: A New Image Registration Framework Based on Multivariate Mixture Model and Neural Network Estimation 基于多元混合模型和神经网络估计的新图像配准框架 |
开源代码 |
16.Database Annotation with Few Examples: An Atlas-Based Framework Using Diffeomorphic Registration of 3D Trees 带有少量示例的数据库注释:使用3D树的微形态配准的基于Atlas的框架 |
17.Pair-Wise and Group-Wise Deformation Consistency in Deep Registration Network 深度注册网络中的对智和群智变形一致性 |
18.Semantic Hierarchy Guided Registration Networks for Intra-subject Pulmonary CT Image Alignment 受试者体内肺部CT图像对准的语义层次引导配准网络 |
19.Highly Accurate and Memory Efficient Unsupervised Learning-Based Discrete CT Registration Using 2.5D Displacement Search 使用2.5D位移搜索的高精度和高效存储无监督基于学习的离散CT配准 |
开源代码 |
20.Unsupervised Learning Model for Registration of Multi-phase Ultra-Widefield Fluorescein Angiography 多相超视野荧光素血管造影配准的无监督学习模型 |
21.Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Image Registration with Laplacian Pyramid Networks 拉普拉斯金字塔网络的大变形二形图像配准 |
22.Adversarial Uni- and Multi-modal Stream Networks for Multimodal Image Registration 用于多模式图像配准的对抗性单模式和多模式流网络 |
23.Cross-Modality Multi-atlas Segmentation Using Deep Neural Networks 使用深度神经网络的跨模态多图集细分 |
24.Longitudinal Image Registration with Temporal-Order and Subject-Specificity Discrimination 纵向图像配准的时间顺序和主题-特异性区分 |
25.Flexible Bayesian Modelling for Nonlinear Image Registration 非线性图像配准的灵活贝叶斯建模 |
26.Are Registration Uncertainty and Error Monotonically Associated? 配准不确定性和错误是否单调相关? |
27.MR-to-US Registration Using Multiclass Segmentation of Hepatic Vasculature with a Reduced 3D U-Net 使用减少的3D U-Net的肝血管多类分割进行MR至美国注册 |
28.Detecting Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma in Multi-phase CT Scans via Alignment Ensemble 通过对准组件在多相CT扫描中检测胰腺导管腺癌 |
29.Biomechanics-Informed Neural Networks for Myocardial Motion Tracking in MRI 生物力学信息神经网络,用于MRI中的心肌运动跟踪 |
30.Fluid Registration Between Lung CT and Stationary Chest Tomosynthesis Images 肺部CT和固定式胸部断层合成图像之间的流体配准 |
31.Anatomical Data Augmentation via Fluid-Based Image Registration 通过基于流体的图像配准增强解剖数据 |
32.Generalizing Spatial Transformers to Projective Geometry with Applications to 2D/3D Registration 将空间变压器推广到投影几何及其在2D / 3D配准中的应用 |
开源代码 |
仪器和手术相位检测 | 概要 |
33.TeCNO: Surgical Phase Recognition with Multi-stage Temporal Convolutional Networks TeCNO:具有多阶段时间卷积网络的手术相位识别 |
开源代码 |
34.Surgical Video Motion Magnification with Suppression of Instrument Artefacts 抑制器械伪像的手术视频运动放大 |
35.Recognition of Instrument-Tissue Interactions in Endoscopic Videos via Action Triplets 通过动作三联体识别内窥镜视频中的器械-组织相互作用 |
36.AutoSNAP: Automatically Learning Neural Architectures for Instrument Pose Estimation AutoSNAP:用于仪器姿势估计的自动学习神经体系结构 |
开源代码 |
37.Automatic Operating Room Surgical Activity Recognition for Robot-Assisted Surgery 机器人辅助手术的自动手术室手术活动识别 |
导航和可视化 | 概要 |
38.Can a Hand-Held Navigation Device Reduce Cognitive Load? A User-Centered Approach Evaluated by 18 Surgeons 手持导航设备可以减少认知负荷吗? 以18位外科医生评估的以用户为中心的方法 |
39.Symmetric Dilated Convolution for Surgical Gesture Recognition 对称扩张卷积用于手术手势识别 |
40.Deep Selection: A Fully Supervised Camera Selection Network for Surgery Recordings 深度选择:用于手术记录的全监督摄像机选择网络 |
41.Interacting with Medical Volume Data in Projective Augmented Reality 在投影增强现实中与医疗量数据进行交互 |
42.Spatially-Aware Displays for Computer Assisted Interventions 用于计算机辅助干预的空间感知显示器 |
超声成像 | 概要 |
43.Sensorless Freehand 3D Ultrasound Reconstruction via Deep Contextual Learning 通过深度上下文学习进行无传感器徒手徒手3D超声重建 |
开源代码 |
44.Ultra2Speech - A Deep Learning Framework for Formant Frequency Estimation and Tracking from Ultrasound Tongue Images Ultra2Speech-用于从超声舌图像进行共振峰频率估计和跟踪的深度学习框架 |
45.Ultrasound Video Summarization Using Deep Reinforcement Learning 使用深度强化学习的超声视频汇总 |
46.Predicting Obstructive Hydronephrosis Based on Ultrasound Alone 基于单独的超声预测梗阻性肾积水 |
47.Semi-supervised Training of Optical Flow Convolutional Neural Networks in Ultrasound Elastography 超声弹性成像中光流卷积神经网络的半监督训练 |
48.Three-Dimensional Thyroid Assessment from Untracked 2D Ultrasound Clips 来自未跟踪的2D超声剪辑的三维甲状腺评估 |
49.Complex Cancer Detector: Complex Neural Networks on Non-stationary Time Series for Guiding Systematic Prostate Biopsy 复杂的癌症检测器:非平稳时间序列上的复杂神经网络,用于指导系统性前列腺活检 |
50.Self-Supervised Contrastive Video-Speech Representation Learning for Ultrasound 自我监督的对比视频语音表示学习 |
51.Assisted Probe Positioning for Ultrasound Guided Radiotherapy Using Image Sequence Classification 使用图像序列分类的超声引导放射治疗的辅助探头定位 |
52.Searching Collaborative Agents for Multi-plane Localization in 3D Ultrasound 在3D超声中搜索协作代理以进行多平面定位 |
53.Contrastive Rendering for Ultrasound Image Segmentation 超声图像分割的对比渲染 |
54.An Unsupervised Approach to Ultrasound Elastography with End-to-end Strain Regularisation 端到端应变正则化的超声弹性成像无监督方法 |
55.Automatic Probe Movement Guidance for Freehand Obstetric Ultrasound 手绘产科超声的自动探头移动指导 |
视频图像分析 | 概要 |
56.ISINet: An Instance-Based Approach for Surgical Instrument Segmentation ISINet:手术器械分割的基于实例的方法 |
开源代码 |
57.Reliable Liver Fibrosis Assessment from Ultrasound Using Global Hetero-Image Fusion and View-Specific Parameterization 使用全局异像融合和特定于视图的参数化从超声进行可靠的肝纤维化评估 |
58.Toward Rapid Stroke Diagnosis with Multimodal Deep Learning 通过多模式深度学习实现快速中风诊断 |
59.Learning and Reasoning with the Graph Structure Representation in Robotic Surgery 机器人手术中图结构表示的学习与推理 |
60.Vision-Based Estimation of MDS-UPDRS Gait Scores for Assessing Parkinson’s Disease Motor Severity 基于视觉的MDS-UPDRS步态得分评估,以评估帕金森氏病的运动严重程度 |
61.Searching for Efficient Architecture for Instrument Segmentation in Robotic Surgery 在机器人手术中寻找有效的仪器分割手段 |
62.Unsupervised Surgical Instrument Segmentation via Anchor Generation and Semantic Diffusion 通过锚生成和语义扩散的无监督手术器械分割 |
63.Towards Accurate and Interpretable Surgical Skill Assessment: A Video-Based Method Incorporating Recognized Surgical Gestures and Skill Levels 进行准确且可解释的手术技能评估:一种基于视频的方法,该方法结合了公认的手术手势和技能水平 |
开源代码 |
64.Learning Motion Flows for Semi-supervised Instrument Segmentation from Robotic Surgical Video 从机器人手术视频中学习用于半监督器械分割的运动流 |
开源代码 |
65.Spectral-spatial Recurrent-Convolutional Networks for In-Vivo Hyperspectral Tumor Type Classification 体内高光谱肿瘤类型分类的光谱空间递归卷积网络 |
66.Synthetic and Real Inputs for Tool Segmentation in Robotic Surgery 机器人手术中工具细分的合成和实际输入 |
67.Perfusion Quantification from Endoscopic Videos: Learning to Read Tumor Signatures 内窥镜视频的灌注定量:学习阅读肿瘤特征 |
68.Asynchronous in Parallel Detection and Tracking (AIPDT): Real-Time Robust Polyp Detection 并行检测和跟踪(AIPDT)中的异步:实时鲁棒性息肉检测 |
69.OfGAN: Realistic Rendition of Synthetic Colonoscopy Videos OfGAN:合成结肠镜检查视频的现实再现 |
70.Two-Stream Deep Feature Modelling for Automated Video Endoscopy Data Analysis 自动视频内窥镜数据分析的两流深度特征建模 |
71.Rethinking Anticipation Tasks: Uncertainty-Aware Anticipation of Sparse Surgical Instrument Usage for Context-Aware Assistance 重新思考预期任务:不确定性预期的稀疏手术器械使用上下文感知的援助 |
开源代码 |
72.Deep Placental Vessel Segmentation for Fetoscopic Mosaicking 胎盘镜下镶嵌的深胎盘血管分割 |
73.Deep Multi-view Stereo for Dense 3D Reconstruction from Monocular Endoscopic Video 从单眼内窥镜视频进行密集3D重构的深层多视图立体声 |
74.Endo-Sim2Real: Consistency Learning-Based Domain Adaptation for Instrument Segmentation Endo-Sim2Real:基于一致性学习的仪器细分领域自适应 |
分割 | 概要 |
75.Deep Volumetric Universal Lesion Detection Using Light-Weight Pseudo 3D Convolution and Surface Point Regression 使用轻型伪3D卷积和表面点回归的深度体积通用病变检测 |
76.DeScarGAN: Disease-Specific Anomaly Detection with Weak Supervision DeScarGAN:具有弱监督的特定疾病异常检测 |
开源代码 |
77.KISEG: A Three-Stage Segmentation Framework for Multi-level Acceleration of Chest CT Scans from COVID-19 Patients KISEG:用于从COVID-19患者进行胸部CT扫描多级加速的三阶段分割框架 |
78.CircleNet: Anchor-Free Glomerulus Detection with Circle Representation CircleNet:具有圆表示的无锚肾小球检测 |
79.Weakly Supervised One-Stage Vision and Language Disease Detection Using Large Scale Pneumonia and Pneumothorax Studies 使用大规模肺炎和气胸研究的弱监督一阶段视力和语言疾病检测 |
80.Diagnostic Assessment of Deep Learning Algorithms for Detection and Segmentation of Lesion in Mammographic Images 深度学习算法在乳腺X射线图像病变检测和分割中的诊断评估 |
81.Efficient and Phase-Aware Video Super-Resolution for Cardiac MRI 心脏核磁共振的高效且具有相位感知能力的视频超分辨率 |
82.ImageCHD: A 3D Computed Tomography Image Dataset for Classification of Congenital Heart Disease ImageCHD:用于先天性心脏病分类的3D计算机断层扫描图像数据集 |
83.Deep Generative Model-Based Quality Control for Cardiac MRI Segmentation 基于深度生成模型的心脏MRI分割质量控制 |
84.DeU-Net: Deformable U-Net for 3D Cardiac MRI Video Segmentation DeU-Net:用于3D心脏MRI视频分割的可变形U-Net |
85.Learning Directional Feature Maps for Cardiac MRI Segmentation 学习方向特征图以进行心脏MRI分割 |
开源代码 |
86.Joint Left Atrial Segmentation and Scar Quantification Based on a DNN with Spatial Encoding and Shape Attention 基于空间编码和形状注意的DNN联合左心房分割和疤痕量化 |
87.XCAT-GAN for Synthesizing 3D Consistent Labeled Cardiac MR Images on Anatomically Variable XCAT Phantoms XCAT-GAN用于在解剖学可变的XCAT幻像上合成3D一致的标记心脏MR图像 |
88.TexNet: Texture Loss Based Network for Gastric Antrum Segmentation in Ultrasound TexNet:基于纹理损失的超声胃窦分割网络 |
89.Multi-organ Segmentation via Co-training Weight-Averaged Models from Few-Organ Datasets 通过少数器官数据集的共同训练权重平均模型进行多器官分割 |
90.Suggestive Annotation of Brain Tumour Images with Gradient-Guided Sampling 带有梯度引导采样的脑肿瘤图像的提示注释 |
91.Pay More Attention to Discontinuity for Medical Image Segmentation 更加注意医学图像分割的不连续性 |
92.Learning 3D Features with 2D CNNs via Surface Projection for CT Volume Segmentation 通过表面投影使用2D CNN来学习3D特征以进行CT体积分割 |
93.Deep Class-Specific Affinity-Guided Convolutional Network for Multimodal Unpaired Image Segmentation 用于多峰不成对图像分割的深层特定亲和性引导卷积网络 |
94.Memory-Efficient Automatic Kidney and Tumor Segmentation Based on Non-local Context Guided 3D U-Net 基于非局部上下文指导的3D U-Net的内存高效自动肾脏和肿瘤分割 |
95.Deep Small Bowel Segmentation with Cylindrical Topological Constraints 具有圆柱拓扑约束的深小肠分割 |
96.Learning Sample-Adaptive Intensity Lookup Table for Brain Tumor Segmentation 学习用于脑肿瘤分割的样本自适应强度查找表 |
97.Superpixel-Guided Label Softening for Medical Image Segmentation 用于医学图像分割的超像素引导标签软化 |
98.Revisiting Rubik’s Cube: Self-supervised Learning with Volume-Wise Transformation for 3D Medical Image Segmentation 回顾Rubik的多维数据集:具有3D医学图像分割的量明智变换的自我监督学习 |
99.Robust Medical Image Segmentation from Non-expert Annotations with Tri-network 基于Tri-network的非专家注释的稳健医学图像分割 |
100.Robust Fusion of Probability Maps 概率图的稳健融合 |
101.Calibrated Surrogate Maximization of Dice dice的校准替代最大化 |
102.Uncertainty-Guided Efficient Interactive Refinement of Fetal Brain Segmentation from Stacks of MRI Slices 不确定性指导的MRI切片堆中胎儿大脑分割的高效交互式细化 |
开源代码 |
103.Widening the Focus: Biomedical Image Segmentation Challenges and the Underestimated Role of Patch Sampling and Inference Strategies 扩大关注点:生物医学图像分割挑战以及补丁采样和推理策略的作用被低估 |
104.Voxel2Mesh: 3D Mesh Model Generation from Volumetric Data Voxel2Mesh:从体积数据生成3D网格模型 |
105.Unsupervised Learning for CT Image Segmentation via Adversarial Redrawing 通过对抗性重绘进行CT图像分割的无监督学习 |
106.Deep Active Contour Network for Medical Image Segmentation 深度主动轮廓网络用于医学图像分割 |
107.Learning Crisp Edge Detector Using Logical Refinement Network 使用逻辑细化网络学习酥脆边缘检测器 |
108.Defending Deep Learning-Based Biomedical Image Segmentation from Adversarial Attacks: A Low-Cost Frequency Refinement Approach 防御来自对抗攻击的基于深度学习的生物医学图像分割:一种低成本的频率细化方法 |
开源代码 |
109.CNN-GCN Aggregation Enabled Boundary Regression for Biomedical Image Segmentation 用于生物医学图像分割的CNN-GCN聚合启用边界回归 |
110.KiU-Net: Towards Accurate Segmentation of Biomedical Images Using Over-Complete Representations KiU-Net:使用完全完成的表示法对生物医学图像进行精确分割 |
111.LAMP: Large Deep Nets with Automated Model Parallelism for Image Segmentation LAMP:具有自动模型并行性的大型深网用于图像分割 |
112.INSIDE: Steering Spatial Attention with Non-imaging Information in CNNs 内幕:在CNN中使用非成像信息指导空间注意力 |
113.SiamParseNet: Joint Body Parsing and Label Propagation in Infant Movement Videos SiamParseNet:婴儿运动视频中的联合身体解析和标签传播 |
114.Orchestrating Medical Image Compression and Remote Segmentation Networks 协调医学图像压缩和远程分割网络 |
115.Bounding Maps for Universal Lesion Detection 通用病变检测的边界图 |
116.Multimodal Priors Guided Segmentation of Liver Lesions in MRI Using Mutual Information Based Graph Co-Attention Networks 使用基于互信息的图共同注意网络对MRI中的肝损伤进行多峰先验引导分割 |
117.Mt-UcGAN: Multi-task Uncertainty-Constrained GAN for Joint Segmentation, Quantification and Uncertainty Estimation of Renal Tumors on CT Mt-UcGAN:用于CT肾肿瘤的联合分割,量化和不确定度估计的多任务不确定性GAN |
118.Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for Breast Cancer Segmentation with Coarse Annotations 粗略注释的弱监督深度学习对乳腺癌的细分 |
119.Multi-phase and Multi-level Selective Feature Fusion for Automated Pancreas Segmentation from CT Images 用于从CT图像自动分割胰腺的多阶段和多级选择性特征融合 |
120.Asymmetrical Multi-task Attention U-Net for the Segmentation of Prostate Bed in CT Image 不对称多任务注意力U网络在CT图像中分割前列腺床 |
开源代码 |
121.Learning High-Resolution and Efficient Non-local Features for Brain Glioma Segmentation in MR Images 学习高分辨率和高效的非局部特征的脑胶质瘤MR图像分割。 |
122.Robust Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Segmentation with Multi-institutional Multi-phase Partially-Annotated CT Scans 多机构多阶段部分注释CT扫描对胰腺导管腺癌的强健分割 |
123.Generation of Annotated Brain Tumor MRIs with Tumor-induced Tissue Deformations for Training and Assessment of Neural Networks 具有肿瘤诱导的组织变形的带注释的脑肿瘤MRI的生成,用于训练和评估神经网络 |
开源代码 |
124.E 2 Net: An Edge Enhanced Network for Accurate Liver and Tumor Segmentation on CT Scans E 2 Net:一种边缘增强型网络,可在CT扫描中准确进行肝和肿瘤的分割 |
125.Universal Loss Reweighting to Balance Lesion Size Inequality in 3D Medical Image Segmentation 通用损失重新加权以平衡3D医学图像分割中的病变大小不平等 |
126.Brain Tumor Segmentation with Missing Modalities via Latent Multi-source Correlation Representation 通过潜在的多源相关表示的模式缺失的脑肿瘤分割 |
127.Revisiting 3D Context Modeling with Supervised Pre-training for Universal Lesion Detection in CT Slices 在监督的预训练中重新审视3D上下文建模,以进行CT切片的通用病变检测 |
128.Scale-Space Autoencoders for Unsupervised Anomaly Segmentation in Brain MRI 在脑MRI中无监督异常分割的尺度空间自动编码器 |
129.AlignShift: Bridging the Gap of Imaging Thickness in 3D Anisotropic Volumes AlignShift:弥合3D各向异性体积中成像厚度的差距 |
130.One Click Lesion RECIST Measurement and Segmentation on CT Scans 一键病变RECIST测量和CT扫描分割 |
131.Automated Detection of Cortical Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis Patients with 7T MRI 7T MRI自动检测多发性硬化症患者的皮质病变 |
开源代码 |
132.Deep Attentive Panoptic Model for Prostate Cancer Detection Using Biparametric MRI Scans 使用双参数MRI扫描检测前列腺癌的深层关注全景模型 |
形状模型和地标检测 | 概要 |
133.Graph Reasoning and Shape Constraints for Cardiac Segmentation in Congenital Heart Defect 先天性心脏缺陷心脏分割的图推理和形状约束 |
134.Nonlinear Regression on Manifolds for Shape Analysis using Intrinsic Bézier Splines 使用固有Bézier样条曲线进行形状分析的流形上的非线性回归 |
135.Self-supervised Discovery of Anatomical Shape Landmarks 自我监督的解剖形状地标发现 |
136.Shape Mask Generator: Learning to Refine Shape Priors for Segmenting Overlapping Cervical Cytoplasms 形状遮罩生成器:学习细化形状先验以分割重叠的宫颈细胞质 |
137.Prostate Motion Modelling Using Biomechanically-Trained Deep Neural Networks on Unstructured Nodes 在非结构化节点上使用生物力学训练的深层神经网络进行前列腺运动建模 |
138.Deep Learning Assisted Automatic Intra-operative 3D Aortic Deformation Reconstruction 深度学习辅助的术中3D主动脉自动变形重建 |
139.Landmarks Detection with Anatomical Constraints for Total Hip Arthroplasty Preoperative Measurements 具有解剖约束的地标检测,用于全髋关节置换术前术前测量 |
140.Instantiation-Net: 3D Mesh Reconstruction from Single 2D Image for Right Ventricle Instantiation-Net:从右心室的单个2D图像进行3D网格重建 |
141.Miss the Point: Targeted Adversarial Attack on Multiple Landmark Detection 错过重点:针对多个地标检测的针对性对抗攻击 |
开源代码 |
142.Automatic Tooth Segmentation and Dense Correspondence of 3D Dental Model 3D牙齿模型的自动牙齿分割和密集对应 |
143.Move Over There: One-Click Deformation Correction for Image Fusion During Endovascular Aortic Repair 移动到那里:血管内主动脉修复过程中图像融合的一键式变形校正 |
144.Non-Rigid Volume to Surface Registration Using a Data-Driven Biomechanical Model 使用数据驱动的生物力学模型对表面进行非刚性体积配准 |
开源代码 |
145.Deformation Aware Augmented Reality for Craniotomy Using 3D/2D Non-rigid Registration of Cortical Vessels 使用3D / 2D非刚性皮层血管定位术进行颅骨切开术的变形感知增强现实 |
146.Skip-StyleGAN: Skip-Connected Generative Adversarial Networks for Generating 3D Rendered Image of Hand Bone Complex Skip-StyleGAN:跳过连接的生成对抗网络,用于生成手骨复合体的3D渲染图像 |
147.Dynamic Multi-object Gaussian Process Models 动态多目标高斯过程模型 |
148.A Kernelized Multi-level Localization Method for Flexible Shape Modeling with Few Training Data 很少训练数据的柔性形状建模的多级内核本地化方法 |
开源代码 |
149.Unsupervised Learning and Statistical Shape Modeling of the Morphometry and Hemodynamics of Coarctation of the Aorta 主动脉缩窄的形态学和血流动力学的无监督学习和统计形状建模 |
150.Convolutional Bayesian Models for Anatomical Landmarking on Multi-dimensional Shapes 用于多维形状的地标的卷积贝叶斯模型 |
151.SAUNet: Shape Attentive U-Net for Interpretable Medical Image Segmentation SAUNet:用于可解释的医学图像分割的形状细心的U-Net |
152.Multi-task Dynamic Transformer Network for Concurrent Bone Segmentation and Large-Scale Landmark Localization with Dental CBCT 牙科CBCT用于并行骨分割和大规模地标定位的多任务动态变压器网络 |
153.Automatic Localization of Landmarks in Craniomaxillofacial CBCT Images Using a Local Attention-Based Graph Convolution Network 使用基于局部注意的图卷积网络在颌面CBCT图像中对地标进行自动定位 |