!// [ 3 -1 0 0 0 0.5 ] [x1] [2.5]
!// [ -1 3 -1 0 0.5 0 ] [x2] [1.5]
!// [ 0 -1 3 -1 0 0 ] [x3] = [1.0]
!// [ 0 0 -1 3 -1 0 ] [x4] [1.0]
!// [ 0 0.5 0 -1 3 -1 ] [x5] [1.5]
!// [ 0.5 0 0 0 -1 3 ] [x6] [2.5]
Module Iteration
Implicit none
Real(kind=8) :: eps = 1d-12, err
Integer, parameter :: maxInteration = 50, n = 6
Subroutine Jacobi () !// Jacobi迭代求解
Implicit none
Real(kind=8) :: A(n,n), InvD(n,n), L(n,n), U(n,n)
Real(kind=8) :: b(n,1), x0(n,1), x(n,1), tmp(n,1)
Integer :: fileid, i, j
!// Jacobi
!// X0 = 初始向量
!// Xk+1 = InvD[ b - (L+U)Xk ], k = 0, 1, 2,...
!// InvD为系数矩阵对角线元素的逆矩阵
!// b为右端项
!// L为系数矩阵的下三角部分,注意与LU分解中的L不同
!// U为系数矩阵的上三角部分,注意与LU分解中的U不同
!// Xk为前一次计算出来的结果
Open ( newunit = fileid, file = 'IterationData.txt' )
Read ( fileid, * ) A
Read ( fileid, * ) b
Close ( fileid )
InvD = 0.d0
forall ( i = 1:n, j = 1:n, i == j ) InvD(i,j) = 1.d0 / A(i,j)
L = 0.d0
forall ( i = 1:n, j = 1:n, i > j ) L(i,j) = A(i,j)
U = 0.d0
forall ( i = 1:n, j = 1:n, i < j ) U(i,j) = A(i,j)
x0 = 0.d0 !// 初始化向量
i = 1
tmp = b - matmul( (L+U),x0 )
x = matmul( InvD, tmp )
i = i + 1
err = maxval( abs(x-x0) )
If ( i > maxInteration .or. err < eps ) exit
x0 = x
End do
Write ( *,'(1x,A)' ) "Jacobi solution: "
Write ( *,'(*(f9.6))' ) x
Write ( *,'(1x,A,I3)' ) "The iterations of Jacobi is ", i
End subroutine Jacobi
Subroutine Gauss_Seidel () !// 高斯-赛德尔迭代求解
Implicit none
Real(kind=8) :: A(n,n), InvD(n,n), L(n,n), U(n,n)
Real(kind=8) :: b(n,1), x0(n,1), x(n,1), tmp(n,1)
Integer :: fileid, i, j
!// Jacobi
!// X0 = 初始向量
!// Xk+1 = InvD[ b - U*Xk - L*Xk+1 ], k = 0, 1, 2,...
Open ( newunit = fileid, file = 'IterationData.txt' )
Read ( fileid, * ) A !// 这里注意一下,本代码将矩阵中的稀疏矩阵和右端项写入文件中进行读取,读者可根据自己的情况适当修改
Read ( fileid, * ) b
Close ( fileid )
InvD = 0.d0
forall ( i = 1:n, j = 1:n, i == j ) InvD(i,j) = 1.d0 / A(i,j)
L = 0.d0
forall ( i = 1:n, j = 1:n, i > j ) L(i,j) = A(i,j)
U = 0.d0
forall ( i = 1:n, j = 1:n, i < j ) U(i,j) = A(i,j)
x0 = 0.d0 !// 初始化向量
i = 1
tmp = b - matmul( (L+U),x0 ) !// X0为式中的Xk
x = matmul( InvD, tmp ) !// 先计算出右侧的Xk+1,右侧的Xk+1由Jacobi计算得到
tmp = b - matmul( U, x0 ) - matmul( L, x )
x = matmul( InvD, tmp ) !// 最后计算出左侧的Xk+1
i = i + 1
err = maxval( abs(x-x0) )
If ( i > maxInteration .or. err < eps ) exit
x0 = x
End do
Write ( *,'(1x,A)' ) "Gauss_Seidel solution: "
Write ( *,'(*(f9.6))' ) x
Write ( *,'(1x,A,I3)' ) "The iterations of Gauss_Seidel is ", i
End subroutine Gauss_Seidel
Subroutine SOR () !// 连续过松弛迭代求解
Implicit none
Real(kind=8) :: A(n,n), D(n,n), L(n,n), U(n,n)
Real(kind=8) :: b(n,1), x0(n,1), x(n,1), tmp(n,1)
Real(kind=8) :: LD(n,n), InvLD(n,n) !// LD = wL + D
Real(kind=8), parameter :: w = 1.1d0 !// w为松弛因子,w大于0时,加快收敛(过松弛),小于0时,减缓收敛
Integer :: fileid, i, j
!// Jacobi
!// X0 = 初始向量
!// Xk+1 = Inv( wL + D ) * [ (1-w)*D*Xk - w*U*Xk ] + w*Inv( w*L + D )*b, k = 0, 1, 2,...
Open ( newunit = fileid, file = 'IterationData.txt' )
Read ( fileid, * ) A
Read ( fileid, * ) b
Close ( fileid )
D = 0.d0
forall ( i = 1:n, j = 1:n, i == j ) D(i,j) = A(i,j)
L = 0.d0
forall ( i = 1:n, j = 1:n, i > j ) L(i,j) = A(i,j)
U = 0.d0
forall ( i = 1:n, j = 1:n, i < j ) U(i,j) = A(i,j)
x0 = 0.d0 !// 初始化向量
!// 计算wL + D的逆
LD = w * L + D
InvLD = 0.d0
call Inv ( LD, InvLD, n )
i = 1
tmp = matmul ( ( 1.d0 - w )*D, x0 ) - matmul( w*U, x0 ) !// (1-w)*D*Xk - w*U*Xk
x = matmul( InvLD, tmp ) + matmul( w*InvLD, b ) !// Xk+1 = Inv( wL + D ) * [ (1-w)*D*Xk - w*U*Xk ] + w*Inv( w*L + D )*b
i = i + 1
err = maxval( abs(x-x0) )
If ( i > maxInteration .or. err < eps ) exit
x0 = x
End do
Write ( *,'(1x,A)' ) "SOR solution: "
Write ( *,'(*(f9.6))' ) x
Write ( *,'(1x,A,I3)' ) "The iterations of SOR ", i
End subroutine SOR
Subroutine Inv ( aa, b, n ) !// 求逆矩阵
Implicit none
Integer :: n,i,j,k
Real(kind=8) :: aa(n,n), b(n,n), a(n,n)
a = aa
Do i = 1, n
b(i,i) = 1.d0
End do
Do i = 1, n
b(i,:) = b(i,:) / a(i,i)
a(i,i:n) = a(i,i:n) / a(i,i)
Do j = i + 1, n
Do k = 1, n
b(j,k) = b(j,k) - b(i,k)*a(j,i)
End do
a(j,i:n) = a(j,i:n) - a(i,i:n)*a(j,i)
End do
End do
Do i = n, 1, -1
Do j = i - 1, 1, -1
Do k = 1, n
b(j,k) = b(j,k) - b(i,k)*a(j,i)
End do
End do
End do
End subroutine Inv
End module Iteration
Program SolveByIteration
Use Iteration
Implicit none
call Jacobi ()
call Gauss_Seidel ()
call SOR ()
End program SolveByIteration
!// 上述的三种迭代方法,对于严格对角占优矩阵,都可以收敛。|Aij|>sum(|Aij|,i/=j)
!// 如果n*n矩阵A时严格的对角占优矩阵,则(1):A是非奇异矩阵
!// (2)对所有向量b和初始估计,对Ax=b应用上面的迭代方法都会收敛到(唯一)解。
!// 注意:严格对角占优仅仅是一个充分条件,不满足对角占优时,依然可能收敛。
!// 本代码所给的例子是严格对角占有的,如果对于任一矩阵,可以使用PAeqLU2.0.f90中求置换矩阵P的代码段,将任一矩阵转化成对角线上元素最大的矩阵进行求解