class Graph():
def __init__(self,
self.max_hop = max_hop
self.dilation = dilation
# 只有下面三个主要方法
# get_edge得到节点边的链接信息
# 得到跳跃距离 也就是论文中的distance partitioning strategy
self.hop_dis = get_hop_distance(
self.num_node, self.edge, max_hop=max_hop)
# 最后得到邻接矩阵 A
1 get_dege这个方法很简单不同数据 划分的人体骨骼节点不同 链接也不同
def get_edge(self, layout):
if layout == 'openpose':
self.num_node = 18
self_link = [(i, i) for i in range(self.num_node)]
neighbor_link = [(4, 3), (3, 2), (7, 6), (6, 5), (13, 12), (12,
(10, 9), (9, 8), (11, 5), (8, 2), (5, 1), (2, 1),
(0, 1), (15, 0), (14, 0), (17, 15), (16, 14)]
self.edge = self_link + neighbor_link
self.center = 1
elif layout == 'ntu-rgb+d':
self.num_node = 25
self_link = [(i, i) for i in range(self.num_node)]
neighbor_1base = [(1, 2), (2, 21), (3, 21), (4, 3), (5, 21),
(6, 5), (7, 6), (8, 7), (9, 21), (10, 9),
(11, 10), (12, 11), (13, 1), (14, 13), (15, 14),
(16, 15), (17, 1), (18, 17), (19, 18), (20, 19),
(22, 23), (23, 8), (24, 25), (25, 12)]
neighbor_link = [(i - 1, j - 1) for (i, j) in neighbor_1base]
self.edge = self_link + neighbor_link
self.center = 21 - 1
elif layout == 'ntu_edge':
self.num_node = 24
self_link = [(i, i) for i in range(self.num_node)]
neighbor_1base = [(1, 2), (3, 2), (4, 3), (5, 2), (6, 5), (7, 6),
(8, 7), (9, 2), (10, 9), (11, 10), (12, 11),
(13, 1), (14, 13), (15, 14), (16, 15), (17, 1),
(18, 17), (19, 18), (20, 19), (21, 22), (22, 8),
(23, 24), (24, 12)]
neighbor_link = [(i - 1, j - 1) for (i, j) in neighbor_1base]
self.edge = self_link + neighbor_link
self.center = 2
# elif layout=='customer settings'
# pass
raise ValueError("Do Not Exist This Layout.")
2 get_hop_distance 对应论文中的 distance partioning和Spatial configuration partitioning
Uni-labeling. 平均权重
distance partioning 简单将节点分成两部分
Spatial configuration partitioning是将节点分成三部分
Uni-labeling. The simplest and most straight forward partition strategy is to have subset, which is the whole neighbor set itself. In this strategy, feature vectors on every neighboring node will have a inner product with the same weight vector. Actually, this strategy resembles the propagation rule introduced in (Kipf and Welling 2017).
Distance partitioning. Another natural partitioning strategy is to partition the neighbor set according to the nodes’ distance d(·, vti) to the root node vti. In this work, because we set D = 1, the neighbor set will then be separated into two subsets, where d = 0 refers to the root node itself and remaining neighbor nodes are in the d = 1 subset. Thus we will have two different weight vectors and they are capable of modeling local differential properties such as the relative translation between joints. Formally, we have K = 2 and lti(vtj ) = d(vtj , vti) .
Spatial configuration partitioning. Since the body skeleton is spatially localized, we can still utilize this specific spatial configuration in the partitioning process. We design a strategy to divide the neighbor set into three subsets: 1) the root node itself; 2)centripetal group: the neighboring nodes that are closer to the gravity center of the skeleton than the root node; 3) otherwise the centrifugal group. Here the average coordinate of all joints in the skeleton at a frame is treated as its gravity center. This strategy is inspired by the fact that motions of body parts can be broadly categorized as concentric and eccentric motions. Formally,
def get_hop_distance(num_node, edge, max_hop=1):
A = np.zeros((num_node, num_node))
for i, j in edge:
# 得到邻接矩阵 A 对称阵
A[j, i] = 1
A[i, j] = 1
# compute hop steps
hop_dis = np.zeros((num_node, num_node)) + np.inf
# If n == 0, the identity matrix of the same shape as M is returned
# 返回两个矩阵
# d == 0 返回单位矩阵 表示 自己和自己链接
# d == 1 返回本身 就是邻接矩阵 A本身
transfer_mat = [np.linalg.matrix_power(A, d) for d in range(max_hop + 1)]
arrive_mat = (np.stack(transfer_mat) > 0)
# d: 1, 0
# 经过此循环 变成 如果 两个节点相邻 距离为1 如果不相邻 距离为 inf 无穷远
# 对于节点自己和自己的距离变成0 也就是root节点
for d in range(max_hop, -1, -1):
hop_dis[arrive_mat[d]] = d
return hop_dis
3 get_adjacency
def get_adjacency(self, strategy):
# self.dilation = 1 self.max_hop = 1
# 其中dilation=1 表示只考虑相连的节点
valid_hop = range(0, self.max_hop + 1, self.dilation)
adjacency = np.zeros((self.num_node, self.num_node))
for hop in valid_hop:
# 得到一个邻接矩阵 相连的节点为1 root节点也为1 和 hop_dis的区别就在 root节点的值 还有剩下的节点值为0 hop_dis中为inf
adjacency[self.hop_dis == hop] = 1
# 这里是做矩阵的归一化也就是用度矩阵做归一化
normalize_adjacency = normalize_digraph(adjacency)
if strategy == 'uniform':
# 这个划分策略表示Uni-labeling
# partitioning strategy, where all nodes in a neighborhood has the same label
# 根据论文中所述:feature vectors on every neighboring node will have a inner product with the same weight vector
A = np.zeros((1, self.num_node, self.num_node))
A[0] = normalize_adjacency
self.A = A
elif strategy == 'distance':
# 这个就是distance partitioning
# 将节点分成两部分
# where d = 0 refers to the root node itself and
# remaining neighbor nodes are in the d = 1 subset.
# shape (2, num_node, num_node)
A = np.zeros((len(valid_hop), self.num_node, self.num_node))
for i, hop in enumerate(valid_hop):
# hop == 0 : 从hop_dis中取出节点指等于0的赋值 也就是root 对应root node it self
# hop == 1 : 从hop_dis中取出节点值等于1的赋值 也就是neighbor node 相连的节点
A[i][self.hop_dis == hop] = normalize_adjacency[self.hop_dis ==
self.A = A
elif strategy == 'spatial':
# 最后一个空间划分策略
# 将节点 分成三部分
# 1) the root node itself;
# 2)centripetal group: the neighboring nodes
# that are closer to the gravity center of the skeleton than the root node;
# 3) otherwise the centrifugal group
# 这里用一个数组存储
A = []
for hop in valid_hop:
# root node
a_root = np.zeros((self.num_node, self.num_node))
# the neighboring nodes that are closer to the gravity center
a_close = np.zeros((self.num_node, self.num_node))
# otherwise the centrifugal group
a_further = np.zeros((self.num_node, self.num_node))
# 下面分析怎么实现的
# 0 if rj = ri
# 1 if rj < ri
# 2 if rj > ri
for i in range(self.num_node):
for j in range(self.num_node):
# 这个if 表示取出有效值 hop_dis中的 0, 1 也就是有边链接关系的节点包括root node itself
if self.hop_dis[j, i] == hop:
if self.hop_dis[j, self.center] == self.hop_dis[i, self.center]:
# 这里就是root节点赋值
# 当hop == 0 时 进入此if的都是root itself i == j 表示根节点
# hop == 1 时 进入这里的表示 i, j 有连接 但是和center没有连接 inf
a_root[j, i] = normalize_adjacency[j, i]
elif self.hop_dis[j, self.center] > self.hop_dis[i, self.center]:
# the neighboring nodes that are closer to the gravity center
# 表示 i 到center的距离比 j 到center的距离近
# hop == 1 进入此条件语句
# 当 hop_dis[j, self.center] == inf hop_dis[i, self.center] == 1.0
# 或者 hop_dis[j, self.center] == 1.0 hop_dis[i, self.center] == 0.0 都可以进入此条件语句
a_close[j, i] = normalize_adjacency[j, i]
# otherwise the centrifugal group
a_further[j, i] = normalize_adjacency[j, i]
if hop == 0:
A.append(a_root + a_close)
# 最终拼成一个三维矩阵当作权重输入模型
# shape (3, num_node, num_node)
# A[0] 有root节点还有和center相连的节点赋予权重值(也就是距离值)
# A[1] (a_root + a_close)在A[0]上增加了比root距离中心点近的权重值
# A[2] 就是比root距离中心点远的权重值
A = np.stack(A)
self.A = A
raise ValueError("Do Not Exist This Strategy")
4 矩阵的归一化
def normalize_digraph(A):
# 得到每个节点的度
Dl = np.sum(A, 0)
num_node = A.shape[0]
Dn = np.zeros((num_node, num_node))
for i in range(num_node):
if Dl[i] > 0:
# 由每个点的度组成的对角矩阵
Dn[i, i] = Dl[i] ** (-1)
AD = np.dot(A, Dn)
return AD
class Model(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, num_class, graph_args,
edge_importance_weighting, **kwargs):
# load graph
# 加载grap 和 邻接矩阵
self.graph = Graph(**graph_args)
# 转为tensor
A = torch.tensor(self.graph.A, dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=False)
# 向模块添加持久缓冲区。
self.register_buffer('A', A)
# build networks
# (3, 18, 18)
# 构建网络
# spatial_kernel_size 和 distance partition strategy 相关
spatial_kernel_size = A.size(0)
temporal_kernel_size = 9
# shape (9, 3)
kernel_size = (temporal_kernel_size, spatial_kernel_size)
# 数据先经过bn
self.data_bn = nn.BatchNorm1d(in_channels * A.size(1))
kwargs0 = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k != 'dropout'}
# 构建 stgcn block 空间时间卷积
self.st_gcn_networks = nn.ModuleList((
st_gcn(in_channels, 64, kernel_size, 1, residual=False, **kwargs0),
st_gcn(64, 64, kernel_size, 1, **kwargs),
st_gcn(64, 64, kernel_size, 1, **kwargs),
st_gcn(64, 64, kernel_size, 1, **kwargs),
st_gcn(64, 128, kernel_size, 2, **kwargs),
st_gcn(128, 128, kernel_size, 1, **kwargs),
st_gcn(128, 128, kernel_size, 1, **kwargs),
st_gcn(128, 256, kernel_size, 2, **kwargs),
st_gcn(256, 256, kernel_size, 1, **kwargs),
st_gcn(256, 256, kernel_size, 1, **kwargs),
# initialize parameters for edge importance weighting
# 初始化边权重参数 可学习参数
# 就是论文中 Learnable edge importance weighting.
# we add
# a learnable mask M on every layer of spatial temporal graph
# convolution.
# 具体实现就是和A相乘
if edge_importance_weighting:
self.edge_importance = nn.ParameterList([
for i in self.st_gcn_networks
# else 让边权重不可学习 设置成1 表示权重都一样
self.edge_importance = [1] * len(self.st_gcn_networks)
# fcn for prediction
# 最后接一个1*1的卷积用来进行分类
self.fcn = nn.Conv2d(256, num_class, kernel_size=1)
def forward(self, x):
# N.代表视频的数量,通常一个 batch 有 256 个视频(其实随便设置,最好是 2 的指数)。
# C 代表关节的特征,通常一个关节包含 等 3 个特征(如果是三维骨骼就是 4 个)。
# T代表关键帧的数量,一般一个视频有 150 帧。
# V 代表关节的数量,通常一个人标注 18 个关节。
# M代表一帧中的人数,一般选择平均置信度最高的 2 个人。
# data normalization
N, C, T, V, M = x.size()
# (N, M, V, C, T)
x = x.permute(0, 4, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()
x = x.view(N * M, V * C, T)
# 进行数据归一化
x = self.data_bn(x)
# 重新reshape
x = x.view(N, M, V, C, T)
# (N, M, C, T, V)
x = x.permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2).contiguous()
# (N * M, C, T, V)
x = x.view(N * M, C, T, V)
# forwad
# 经过时间空间block卷积
for gcn, importance in zip(self.st_gcn_networks, self.edge_importance):
x, _ = gcn(x, self.A * importance)
# x shape (n * m , c, t, v)
# global pooling
# x shape (n * m, c, 1, 1)
x = F.avg_pool2d(x, x.size()[2:])
# shape (n, 1, c, 1, 1)
x = x.view(N, M, -1, 1, 1).mean(dim=1)
# prediction
# shape (n, m, class_num, 1, 1)
x = self.fcn(x)
# shape (n, class_num)
x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)
return x
class st_gcn(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
kernel_size, #(9, 3)
assert len(kernel_size) == 2
assert kernel_size[0] % 2 == 1
padding = ((kernel_size[0] - 1) // 2, 0)
# 空间卷积
self.gcn = ConvTemporalGraphical(in_channels, out_channels,
# (N * M, C, T, V)
# 时空卷积 在T的维度上进行卷积
# 简单的 bn + relu + conv2d + bn dropout
# kernel_size: (9, 1)尽在T维度上进行卷积
self.tcn = nn.Sequential(
(kernel_size[0], 1),
(stride, 1),
nn.Dropout(dropout, inplace=True),
if not residual:
self.residual = lambda x: 0
elif (in_channels == out_channels) and (stride == 1):
self.residual = lambda x: x
self.residual = nn.Sequential(
stride=(stride, 1)),
self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
def forward(self, x, A):
# x shape (N * M, C, T, V)
# A shape (3, 18, 18)
# in_channels != out_channels这里相进行一个conv2d + bn
# in_channels == out_channels 没进行任何处理
res = self.residual(x)
# 进行空间卷积
x, A = self.gcn(x, A)
# 时间维度上进行卷积
x = self.tcn(x) + res
return self.relu(x), A
class ConvTemporalGraphical(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
# kernel_size = 3 和distance partitioning strategy相关
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
# 首先定义就是很简单的1*1的卷积核 相当于只是在节点上增加特征维度
self.conv = nn.Conv2d(
out_channels * kernel_size,
kernel_size=(t_kernel_size, 1),
padding=(t_padding, 0),
stride=(t_stride, 1),
dilation=(t_dilation, 1),
def forward(self, x, A):
# 根据划分策略 A.size[0]和self.kernel_size相等
assert A.size(0) == self.kernel_size
# (N * M, C, T, V)
x = self.conv(x)
n, kc, t, v = x.size()
# shape (n, 3, c, t, v)
x = x.view(n, self.kernel_size, kc//self.kernel_size, t, v)
# 这个公式可以理解为根据邻接矩阵中的邻接关系做了一次邻接节点间的特征融合,
# 输出就变回了(N *M, C, T, V)的格式进入tcn
# 这里就是简单的矩阵乘法 实现很简单
x = torch.einsum('nkctv,kvw->nctw', (x, A))
return x.contiguous(), A
1 用一个1*1的kernel_size做卷积增加特征维度
2 然后和邻接矩进行特征融合
从这里我们可以发现一个很关键的问题 ,如果两个节点未相连 然后A[i,j]=0
和我们的特征融合后也是0 这会导致如果两个节点没有相连那么不能学习他们的相关性
比如手和脚 其实是有很大关联的 在stgcn中是无法体现这种关联关系