hadoop 2.3.0 打不开history server文件的问题

Error message looks like this:

Couldnot load history file hdfs://namenodeha:8020/mr-history/tmp/hdfs/job_1392049860497_0005-1392129567754-hdfs-word+count-1392129599308-1-1-SUCCEEDED-default.jhist


Actually, I know the answer to the problem. The defaul settings of /mr-history files is:

hadoop fs -chown -R $MAPRED_USER:$HDFS_USER /mr-history

But when running a job (under $HDFS_USER), job file is saved to /mr-history/tmp/hdfs under $HDFS_USER:$HDFS_USER and then not accessible to $MAPRED_USER (where JobHistory server is running). After changing the permissions back again the job file can be load.

But it is happening again with every new job. So can someone help me, what is the pernament solution to this, thank you.


I ran into the same problem. As a workaround I added the $MAPRED_USER user to the $HDFS_USER group, it helped.



的解决办法办,把mapred这个用户加入到 supergroup组,这样它就有权限读其它人生成的日志了。
