Trends in Integration of Vision and Language Research: A Survey of Tasks, Datasets, and Methods


Visual Description Generation

Image Description Generation

Standard Image Description Generation

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Dense Image Description Generation:旨在局部目标处生成描述

Image Paragraph Generation:生成段落

Spoken Language Image Description Generation:变写为说

Stylistic Image Description Generation:添加语言风格,例如幽默,

Unseen Objects Image Description Generation:

Diverse Image Description Generation:

Controllable Image Description Generation: control and select the objects in an image to generate descriptions. 

Video Description Generation

Global Video Description Generation: 

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Dense Video Description Generation: 类似与Dense Image Description Generation

Movie Description Generation: movie clips are used as input

Visual Storytelling

Image Storytelling:

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Video Storytelling:

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Visual Question Answering

Image Question Answering

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Video Question Answering

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Visual Dialog

Image Dialog

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Video Dialog

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Visual Reasoning

Image Reasoning

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Video Reasoning

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Video Referring Expression

Image Referring Expression

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Video Referring Expression

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Visual Entailment

Image Entailment

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Language-to-Vision Generation

Language-to-Image Generation
Sentence-level Language-to-Image Generation
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Image Manipulation(图像编辑):生通过本文来引导图像的编辑, 同时保持其他文本不相关的区域,另一种方法是交互式的修改图像内容,还有一种是通过对话修改。

Fine-grain Image Generation(细粒度的图像生成):

Sequential Image Generation(序列图像生成):给定一段文字(多个句子),生成一系列的图像,就像故事的可视化,与image storytelling相反。

Language-to-Video Generation


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Vision-and-Language Navigation

Image and Language Navigation

Multimodal Machine Translation

Machine Translation with Image:将描述一副图像的源语言句子翻译成目标语言。

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Multisource MMT:不同点:多种语言同时描述一副图像

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Machine Translation with Video

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Image Description Generation

  • Flickr8K

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  • Flickr30K:

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  • Flickr30K-Entities:

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  • MSCOCO-Entities:

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  • STAIR(Japanese captions):

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  • Multi30K-CLID(German captions)

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  • Conceptual Captions(large scale dataset):

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Video Description Generation

  • Microsoft Video Description (MSVD,contain Chinese, English, German etc):

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  • MPII Cooking(consists of 65 different cooking activities):

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  • YouCook:

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  • YouCook II:

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  • Textually Annotated Cooking Scenes (TACoS):

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  • TACoS-MultiLevel:

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  • MPII Movie Description (MPII-MD):
  • Montreal Video Annotation (M-VAD):
  • MSR Video to Text (MSR-VTT):
  • Videos Titles in the Wild (VTW):
  • ActivityNet Captions (ANetCap):
  • ActivityNet Entities (ANetEntities):

Image Storytelling

  • New York City Storytelling (NYC-Storytelling):数据集被分成0.8,0.1,0.1,

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  • Disneyland Storytelling:数据集被分成0.8,0.1,0.1

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  • SIND:大规模数据集,数据集被分成0.8,0.1,0.1

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  • VIST:是SIND第二个版本,

Video Storytelling

  • VideoStory
  • VideoStory-NUS


Image Question Answering

  • VQA v1.0:answers也是open-ended,要么是少数单词,要么从多个给定答案中选择一个,

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  • VQA v2.0

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  • OK-VQA:

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  • KVQA:

Video Question Answering

  • MovieQA:
  • TVQA:
  • TVQA+:

Image Dialog

  • VisDial:
  • CLEVR-Dialog:

Video Dialog

  • The Scene-Aware Dialog (AVSD):

Image Reasoning

  • Compositional Language and Elementary Visual Reasoning (CLEVR):
  • CLEVR-CoGenT:
  • GQA:
  • Relational and Analogical Visual rEasoNing (RAVEN):

Video Reasoning

  • COG:

Image Referring Expression

Real Images

  • RefCOCO:
  • RefCOCO+,
  • RefCOCOg:
  • RefClef:
  • GuessWhat:

Synthetic Images

  • CLEVR-Ref+:

Video Referring Expression

  • Cityscapes:
  • ORGaze:

Image Entailment

  • V-SNLI
  • SNLI-VE:

Image Generation

  • Oxford-102:
  • Caltech-UCSD Birds (CUB):
  • MSCOCO-Gen:

Video Generation


  • Text2Video

Image-and-Language Navigation

  • Room-2-Room (R2R):

Machine Translation with Image

  • Multi30K-MMT:

Machine Translation with Video

  • VATEX:



Visual Genome

  • Visual Genome: comprehend interactions and relationships between objects observed in an image,
  • How2:
  • Berkeley Deep Drive eXplanation (BDD-X):au-tonomous driving,



Image Representation

  • global feature representation: 常使用AlexNet, VGG, GoogLeNet, Inception-v3, Residual Nets (ResNet)  and DenseNets学习全局特征,然而,一些语言和视觉结合任务不适合使用预训练的特征。
  • local feature representation: R-CNN等

Video Representation


常使用RNN, LSTM, BiLSTM, GRU, BiGRU, Transformer

Vision and Language

Visual Storytelling

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Visual Dialog

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Visual Reasoning

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Visual Referring Expression

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Visual Entailment

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Language-to-Vision Generation

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Vision-and-Language Navigation

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Multimodal Machine Translation

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Evaluation Measures

Common Measures

Language Metrics


  • Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU):是为机器翻译提出的,以比较机器生成的输出与人类的ground truth, 常用于Visual Caption Generation, Visual Storytelling, Video Dialog and Multimodal Machine Translation,,
  • Metric for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit Ordering (METEOR): 常用于Visual Caption Generation, Visual Storytelling, Video Dialog and Multimodal Machine Translation,
  • Recall Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation (ROUGE): 常用于Visual Caption Generation,
  • Consensus based Image Description Evaluation (CIDEr): 常用于image caption generation evaluation, Video Caption Generation, Visual Storytelling and Video Dialog
  • Semantic Propositional Image Captioning Evaluation (SPICE):

Retriev al Metrics

  • Recall@k (R@k)
  • Median Rank (MedRank)
  • Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR)
  • Mean Rank (Mean)
  • Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG)

Task-specific Metrics

Image Reasoning

  • Querying attribute (QA)
  • Compare Attribute (CA)
  • Compare Numbers (CN)
  • Count
  • Exist

Video Reasoning 

  • Pointing
  • Yes/No
  • Conditional (Condit)
  • Attribute-related (Atts)

Language-to-Vision Generation

  • Inception Score (IS)
  • Fréchet Inception distance (FID)
  • R-precision

Vision-and-Language Na vigation

  • Path Length (PL)
  • Navigation Error (NE)
  • Success Rate (SR)
  • Oracle Success Rate (OSR) 
  • Success Path Length (SPL)

Human Evaluation

State-of-the-Art Results

Visual Storytelling Results

Image Storytelling

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Video Storytelling

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Visual Dialog Results

Image Dialog

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Video Dialog

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Visual Reasoning Results

Image Reasoning

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Video Reasoning

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Image Referring Expression

Image Referring Expression

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Video Referring Expression

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Visual Entailment Results

Image Entailment
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Language-to-Vision Generation Results

Language-to-Image Generation

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Language-to-Video Generation

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Vision-and-Language Navigation Results

Image-and-Language Navigation

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Multimodal Machine Translation Results

Machine Translation with Image

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Machine Translation with Video

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Future Directions

  • Leveraging External Knowledge
  • Addressing Large-scale Data Limitations
  • Combining Multiple Tasks
  • Novel Neural Architectures for Representation: transformer
  • Image vs Video:需要更多的关注video与language的结合
  • Automatic Evaluation Measures:


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