markdown提示错误HTML Rendering Error: An error occurred with the HTML rendering component


markdown提示错误HTML Rendering Error: An error occurred with the HTML rendering component_第1张图片



1. 点击弹出窗口的Yes

markdown提示错误HTML Rendering Error: An error occurred with the HTML rendering component_第2张图片

2. 在第1步打开的页面中搜索找到Awesomium 1.6.6 SDK.

markdown提示错误HTML Rendering Error: An error occurred with the HTML rendering component_第3张图片

 3. 点击Awesomium 1.6.6 SDK下载并且安装

markdown提示错误HTML Rendering Error: An error occurred with the HTML rendering component_第4张图片


 4. 重启打开markdown,可以看到无错误弹窗了

markdown提示错误HTML Rendering Error: An error occurred with the HTML rendering component_第5张图片


