
A project that involves 10 branches of a global company is nearing completion.The project manager is scheduling a lessons learned meeting. Who should the project manager invite to the meeting?

  •  A:所有相关方 All stakeholders
  •  B:项目经理的业务部门主管 Head of the business unit of the project manager
  •  C:项目团队的所有成员 All members of the project team
  •  D:高级管理层 Senior management

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P128-组织过程资产更新。尽可能多的相关方参与到经验教训总结中,有助于今后的项目少走弯路。 选项BCD:都有可能参加经验教训总结会议,在选项A的范围之内。

During the project execution phase,project sponsors communicate directly with team members and subcontractors.Project sponsors occasionally provide them with guidance on implementation methods,work skills, and task sequencing.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:使用人际关系技能让项目发起人查阅沟通管理计划 Use interpersonal skills to let project sponsors view communication management plans
  •  B:更新相关方参与计划, 禁止项目发起人与团队和分包商直接沟通 Update the relevant parties to participate in the plan, prohibit project sponsors from communicating directly with teams and subcontractors
  •  C:更新执行、负责、 咨询和知情(RACI)矩阵 Update execution, responsibility,consulting and informed (RACI) Matrix
  •  D:将项目发起人与团队 和分包商的沟通更新到问题日志 Update the project sponsors and teams communication with subcontractors to the problem log

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


A planned increase in raw material costs for a specific procurement item occurs. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:通知发起人 Inform the sponsor
  •  B:执行储备分析 Perform a reserve analysis
  •  C:执行实施整体变更控制过程 Conduct the Perform Integrated Change Control process
  •  D:研究偏差的原因 Research the reasons for the deviation

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P456-数据分析-储备分析。储备分析是指在项目的任一时点比较剩余应急储备与剩余风险量,从而确定剩余储备是否仍然合理。可以用各种图形(如燃尽图)来显示应急储备的消耗情况。 成本有增加的风险,项目经理通过储备分析来确认应急储备是否足以应对。选项AC:通过储备分析如果有必要实施风险应对的话,再提交变更请求对基准进行更新,同时通知相关方。选项D:偏差分析通常用于分析在临界值区间是否有必要采取纠正或预防措施。



During project execution, the learn identifies several change requests that include functionality needed for project success. These failed to be included the requirements traceability matrix. To avoid this, what should the project manager do beforehand?

  •  A:创建工作分解结构(WBS) Created a work breakdown structure (WBS)
  •  B:定义范围 Defined the scope
  •  C:确认范围 Validated the scope
  •  D:控制范围 Controlled the scope

正确答案:B 你的答案:C




A Company hires a project manager to coordinate an agile project with tight deadlines, The project managers and the agile team are all managed by a portfolio manager who has a tendency to reassigned developers to other urgent items as needed, when approached by the project manager , the portfolio manager is adamant that he  have the authority to more required, what should the project manager do?

  •  A:将此问题提升为问题日志中的问题 Raise this ad an issue in the issue log
  •  B:更新风险登记册 Update the risk register
  •  C:将此问题升级上报给项目组合经理的主管 Escalate it to the portfolio manager's supervisor
  •  D:请求额外的资源 Request additional resources

正确答案:B 你的答案:C



6. 一位具有独特和关键技能的主题专家(SME)不愿接受项目经理的指令,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A subject matter expert (SME) with unique and critical skills will not accept the authority of the project manager. What should the project manager do first ?

  •  A:与该主题专家的直线经理开会以解决该冲突 Meet with the SME line manager to resolve the conflict
  •  B:与该主题专家一起审查项目管理计划以核实所有团队角色 Review the project management plan with the SME to validate all team roles
  •  C:要求项目发起人替换该主题专家 Ask the project sponsor to replace the SME
  •  D:更新资源管理计划和风险登记册 Update the resource management plan and the risk register

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P319-团队章程。团队章程是为团队创建团队价值观、共识和工作指南的文件,其中包括团队价值观、沟通指南、冲突处理过程、团队共识等。 选项AC:首先尝试在团队内部解决问题,如果无法解决,再选择寻求职能部门经理介入或上报。 选项D:问题解决以后,看是否还存在着不确定性,或者是否对资源管理策略进行调整,再判断是否需要更新资源计划和风险登记册。

During a new project’s kick-off meeting.a production manager refuses to accept the approved charter because the project will require the procurement of new equipment.The project manager then informs the sponsor that the charter failed to include equipment procurement because the production manager was absent.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:与客户一起审查生产经理关切的问题 Review the production manager’s concern with the client.
  •  B:记录生产经理关切的问题,并在项目启动大会之后获得他们的支持 Record the production manager’s concern and obtain their support after the kick-off meeting.
  •  C:开展另一项成本效益分析,包括生产经理的反馈 Conduct another cost-benefit analysis that includes the production manager’s feedback.
  •  D:向生产经理解释设备成本不会影响项目业务价值 Explain to the production manager that equipment costs will not impact project business value.

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P86-会议。项目开工会议的目标在“传达项目目标、获得团队对项目的承诺,以及阐明每个相关方的角色和职责”。 选项A:包括在选项B中。 选项C:成本效益分析的结果是用来证明项目的可行性,起建议作用,无需在做。

Phase one of a project is on schedule and close to completion. Phase two is dependent upon phase one's completion. The technical team finds a defect and the project manager determines that the defect must be repaired before continuing the project. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:变更项目管理计划,在不影响进度计划的情况下包含缺陷修补工作 Update the project management plan to include the repair work without impacting the schedule.
  •  B:向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交变更请求,供其审查和批准 Submit a change request to be reviewed and approved by the change control board (CCB)
  •  C:与项目团队开会,审查发现结果,并确定所需的下一步行动 Meet with the project team to review the findings and determine the next action required
  •  D:将修补工作添加进风险登记册,并重新计算成功概率 Add repair work to the risk register and recalculate probability of success

正确答案:B 你的答案:C


A company launching a new product estimates that implementing a quality control system will cost $1 million, expected failures and potential repair costs are estimated at US$500,000. What should the project manager propose?

  •  A:在做出决定之前考虑声誉损失成本 Factoring in the loss of reputation costs before making A decision
  •  B:实施质量控制系统,因为这是质量成本(COQ) Implementing a quality control system, as this is the cost of quality (COQ)
  •  C:不实施质量控制系统,因为非一致性成本较低 Not implemented a quality control system, as the cost of nonconformance is less
  •  D:实施质量控制系统,因为质量控制是最佳实践 Implement a quality control system, as quality control is a best practice

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P282-数据分析-质量成本。题干中没有考虑到声誉损失等外部失败成本,因此项目经理应向公司提出需考虑外部失败成本的建议。 选项B:缺乏逻辑关系,排除。 选项CD:是否实施,要根据综合考虑的结果后决策。

A stakeholder requests more frequent and detailed updates on the project's status.The stakeholder also expresses interest in helping with the project. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:尽快发送详细的状态报告并更新相关方登记册 Send detailed status reports as soon as possible and update the stakeholder register
  •  B:将该相关方包含在所有详细的项目状态沟通中,并将该相关方的参与度更新为支持 Include this stakeholder in all detailed project status communications and update the stakeholder's engagement level to supportive
  •  C:与团队开会以审查相关方登记册并重新评估角色和报告要求 Meet with the team to review the stakeholder register and reassess the roles and reporting requirements
  •  D:更新具有同样参与程度的所有相关方的详细状态报告 Update the detailed status report for all stakeholders with the same engagement level

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P530-13.4监督相关方参与。监督项目相关方关系,并通过修订参与策略和计划来引导相关方合理参与项目的过程。 选项ABD:对项目沟通策略进行更新要根据对相关方分析的结果。

While creating a quality management plan, a project manager determines that the cost of prevention and quality assessment is very high, however, increasing the budget will not reduce the company's future failure repair costs. What should a project manager do?

  •  A:修改预算以增加预防和质量评估活动 Revise the budget to increase preventive and quality appraised activities
  •  B:保持当前的质量活动 Maintain current quality activities
  •  C:修改预算以解决故障成本问题 Revise the budget to address failure costs
  •  D:变更制造过程以减少缺陷 Change the manufacturing process to reduce defects

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P282-数据分析-成本效益分析。成本效益分析是用来估算备选方案优势和劣势的财务分析工具,以确定可以创造最佳效益的备选方案。从题干陈述的情景看,再多的投入并不能带来质量水平的显著提升,所以排除AC。 选项D:生产工艺流程的改造,也需要投入成本。

12. 一位项目经理正在领导一个位于三个不同国家的多元文化项目团队。最近,任务延后变得很常见,团队成员经常发生争论而不合作。 若要减少潜在的冲突,并改善团队沟通和交付,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is leading a multi-culture project team based in different countries. Recently, task slippage has become common, and team members often argue rather than collaborate. What should the project manager do to reduce the urperlyin conflicts, and improve team communication and delivery?

  •  A:使用批准的虚拟工具安排每周一次的重新调整会议,以确保团队充分参与 Set up a weekly realignment meeting with an approved virtual tool to ensure full team participation.
  •  B:与每个团队安排一次电话会议,并进行团队建设练习 Schedule a conference call with each team, and conduct a team-building exercise.
  •  C:为团队成员发送一封电子邮件,鼓励他们一起工作 Email team members encouraging them to work together.
  •  D:将该问题升级上报给高级管理层 Escalate the issue to senior management.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


A project manager communicates with stakeholders via weekly E-mails. At the next board management meeting, a stakeholders is surprised to learn about the project’s status and states they have not received any updates. What should the project manager do to avoid this situation in the future?

  •  A:查阅项目章程 Refer to the project charter
  •  B:确保遵循沟通管理计划 Ensure the communication management plan is followed
  •  C:邀请该相关方参加未来的项目会议 Invite the stakeholder to future project meetings
  •  D:密切管理该相关方 Manage the stakeholder closely

正确答案:B 你的答案:D



An engineer is conducting a facility upgrade project. During a meeting to explain the intent of the deliverable, contractors ask multiple questions that the engineer is unable to answer. At the end of the meeting, the engineer asks the contractors to submit proposals based on their own understanding of the deliverable. What should the project manager have completed to obtain a clearer vision of the deliverable?

  •  A:工作分解结构(WBS) Work breakdown structure(WBS)
  •  B:项目管理计划 Project management plan
  •  C:项目范围 Project scope
  •  D:项目章程 Project charter

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P154,项目范围说明书。 范围说明书对可交付成果进行详细的描述,承包商问了一堆问题,工程师都回答不了,说明对自己的项目范围不明确。若要获得更为明确的可交付成果,先完成项目范围说明书。 其他选项:A中没有WBS词典,对WBS的具体解释都在词典里。B太大了,D不够精细。C最全面且清晰。



During project planning, a project manager identifies several risks. What should the project manager do to mitigate the impact of these risks?

  •  A:将风险规避视为风险应对策略 Consider risk avoidance as A risk response strategy
  •  B:遵循先前项目的风险管理计划 Follow the risk management plan from previous projects
  •  C:执行储备分析 Conduct a reserve analysis
  •  D:执行决策树分析并让相关方参与应对措施选择过程 Perform a decision tree analysis and involve stakeholder in the response selection process

正确答案:B 你的答案:D


16. 一位敏捷团队成员在没有任何其他成员参与且未与产品负责人讨论优先级的情况下,独自探索处理新的需求。团队发现后,他告诉他们,客户与他联系,想知道新需求的可行性。他认为直接与客户合作符合敏捷价值观,他没有做错任何事情。你将如何处理?
An agile team member worked on exploring a new requirement without involving any of the team members or discussing prioritization with product owner. After the team found out, he informed them that the customer had approached him to find out the feasibility of the same. He believed that working directly with customer is an agile value and he didn’t do anything wrong. How would you handle it?

  •  A:与团队成员和产品负责人一起,讨论如果未来发生类似情况该如何妥协 Work with the team member and the product owner to find a compromise for any future incidents if any
  •  B:什么都不做,团队成员已经按照敏捷价值观和原则采取了行动,并且对客户做出了响应 Do nothing, team member has taken action as per the Agile values and principles and is being responsive to customer
  •  C:与客户沟通,向他解释产品负责人需知晓所有需求并参与相关沟通过程,因为他负责确保团队的交付物满足客户所需 Talk to the customer and explain that all requirements and conversations must include the Product, owner as it is his responsibility to ensure that team is delivering what customer needs
  •  D:与团队成员沟通,解释敏捷团队中不同角色的重要性和必要性。特别是产品负责人需全局掌握所有此类请求,这样团队才能始终朝着正确的方向前进 Talk to the team member and explain the importance and the need of the different roles on an agile team. It is critical that PO is on top of all such requests so that team is always moving towards the right vision

正确答案:D 你的答案:C


Due to sudden and extreme exchange rate fluctuations,the cost of imported project equipment has increased by 27 percent.What should the project manager do to mitigate this cost overrun?

  •  A:使用变更控制程序来吸收额外成本 Absorb the additional cost using change control procedures.
  •  B:使用管理储备支付额外成本 Fund the additional cost using the management reserve.
  •  C:修改成本基准以反映当前状况 Revise the cost baseline to reflect current conditions
  •  D:采用应急储备补贴成本超支 Subsidize the cost overrun with the contingency reserve.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P252-数据分析。突然和极端的汇率波动属于未知-未知风险,需要使用管理储备。管理储备是为了管理控制的目的而特别留出的项目预算,用来应对项目范围中不可预见的工作,目的是用来应对会影响项目的“未知—未知”风险。选项D应急储备,针对的是“已知-未知”风险。一旦动用管理储备,成本基准随之调整 。注意AC选项的描述有误,A选项通过变更控制程序来获取额外的成本,说法有误;选项C只反映状况没有解决问题,B优于C。




Some key stakeholders have been replaced for various reasons since the project's beginning, this was not properly communicated to the project team, which is causing frustration and will soon impact project results. What should the project manager do to improve the situation?

  •  A:统一相关方的期望 Align stakeholder expectations
  •  B:向团队成员提供一份组织结构图 Provide the team with an organizational chart
  •  C:提升项目团队的兴趣 Promote the interest of the project team
  •  D:增加相关方对项目的承诺 Increase stakeholder commitment to the project

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6) P319 资源管理计划 项目组织图。项目组织图以图形方式展示项目团队成员及其报告关系。情景里面给出导致问题产生的根源原因“关键相关方被替换而未及时沟通”。 所以针对性分发组织结构图,能够让成员对项目组织关系清晰即可。排除ACD。

A project manager is following the risk management plan for a $200,000 project. One of the risks proposed in the plan has made realize And The project manager implements the plan as outlined, however,they are concerned that some outcomes have not been considere What should a project manager do?

  •  A:将该问题升级上报给相关方以做出决定 escalate the issue to the stakeholders for a decision
  •  B:使用专家判断来获得其他观点 Use expert judgment to obtain other perspectives
  •  C:应用头脑风暴技术来选择解决方案 Employ brainstorming techniques to choose a solution
  •  D:执行敏感性分析以了解风险应对的结果 Perform a sensitivity analysis to understand the outcome of the risk response

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P451-专家判断。在确认或修改(如必要)风险应对措施,以及决定如何以最有效率和最有效果的方式加以实施时,应征求具备相应专业知识的个人或小组的意见。 选项ACD:“按照风险管理计划执行”,分析的过程在此之前。

When developing a project during an uncertain times, risks regarding budget deviations must be avoide What type of contract should be used?

  •  A:总价加经济价格调整合同(FP-EPA) Fixed price with economic price adjustment contract (FP-EPA)
  •  B:工料合同(T&M) Time and Material (T&M)
  •  C:总价加激励费用合同(FPIF) Fixed price incentive fee (FPIF)
  •  D:成本加激励费用合同(CPIF) Cost plus incentive fee (CPIF)

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P471-组织过程资产-合同类型。 通常分为总价和成本补偿2大类,此外,还有混合类型工料合同。A 避免预算偏差,使用总价合同,但是开发时间不确定,面临的财务风险较大,适合采用总价加经济价格调整合同。B 工料合同,使用于无法编制出准确工作说明书情况下使用,需求未明,预算未定。C 总价加激励费用合同有一定的灵活性,允许一定的绩效偏差D 成本加激励费用合同规定达到根据绩效目标,不一定无预算偏差。



Due to financial issues, a customer canceled a project that is nearly complete. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:立即解散所有项目资源 Immediately release all project resources
  •  B:请求项目发起人批准停止工作 Request project sponsor approval to stop work
  •  C:记录经验教训 Document the lessons learned
  •  D:完成剩余任务 Complete the remaining tasks

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P121-4.7 结束项目或阶段。"取消了一个接近完成的项目",项目中止,进入结束项目阶段,要总结经验教训。其他选项:A工作在C之后,B客户确定项目价值,客户确定取消不需要再请示发起人。D项目中止,没有必要完成剩余的任务。

The project manager is developing a schedule for a communication project. The available project information is vague. What should a project manager do to address this?

  •  A:增加所有活动的总浮动时间 Increase the total float of all activities
  •  B:使用三点估算确定活动持续时间 Determine activity durations using three-point estimating.
  •  C:为不确定的活动分配应急储备 Assign a contingency reserve for uncertain activities.
  •  D:与项目团队一起开会,估算活动持续时间 Meet with the project team to estimate activity durations.

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P437-11.5规划风险应对。项目的可用信息很模糊,要解决这个问题,对风险评估,根据的评估的结果制定应急计划,并分配应急储备。对风险的评估并不局限于估算活动的持续时间。 选项A:没有对风险进行评估就做出决策是草率的。 选项BD:只估算了活动的持续时间,却忽视了信息模糊做为潜在风险带来的影响。

23. 准备验收文件时,项目经理意识到未能包含两个功能。开发人员表示,虽然这些功能不完整,但客户不会注意到。公司需要为该开发项目开具发票并收取付款,以支付未来六个月的工资。项目经理应该怎么做?
While preparing the acceptance document, the project manager realized that two features failed to be include The Developer states that although these features are incomplete, the customers will not notice. The company needs to invoice and receive payments for this project to cover salaries for the next six months. What should a project manager do?

  •  A:根据开发人员的意见准备验收文件 Prepare the acceptance documents based on the developer’s comment
  •  B:在准备验收文件之前包含这些功能 Include the features prior to preparing the acceptance document
  •  C:审查需求管理计划 Review the requirements management plan
  •  D:提交变更请求 Submit a change requests

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P167- 5.6 控制范围。验收时发现范围没完成,需要提交变更来完成,这是职业道德问题。 其他选项:A,道德有问题。B在D后面,C不用审查。

Following project charter approval to implement a new accounting system.the project manager tries to understand the accounting department’s structure and processes.What should the project manager create next?

  •  A:项目基准 Project baseline
  •  B:范围管理计划 Scope management plan
  •  C:商业案例 Business case
  •  D:项目范围说明书 Project scope statement

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P173范围管理计划。 制定项目章程后,第一步是范围工作,范围工作的第一件事是制定范围管理计划。

25. 项目经理必须制定相关方参与计划,以避免相关方之间发生利益冲突。项目经理应该使用什么来执行相关方分析?
A project manager must prepare a stakeholder engagement plan that avoids conflict of interests among stakeholders.What should the project manager use to perform a stakeholder analysis?

  •  A:执行、负责、咨询和知情(RACI)矩阵 Responsible,accountable,consult,and inform(RACI)chart
  •  B:计划-实施-检查-行动(PDCA)循环 Plan -do-check-act(PDCA)cycle
  •  C:数据收集技术 Data gathering technique
  •  D:优势、劣势,机会与威胁(SWOT)分析 Strengths,weaknesses,opportunities,and threats(SWOT)analysis

正确答案:C 你的答案:A


26. —个更换关键应用程序的项目将影响多个内部和外部服务。在规划过程中,拥有这些服务的项目相关方未能承诺履行约定活动。项目经理应该如何改进项目相关方的参与程度?
A project that replaces critical applications will affect multiple internal and external services. During the planning process, project stakeholders with these services fail to commit to carrying out the agreed activities. How should the project manager improve the participation of the project stakeholders?

  •  A:用谈判和沟通 To negotiate and communicate
  •  B:将这种情况上报给指导委员会 To report this to the Steering Committee
  •  C:准备一份概率和影响矩阵 To prepare a Probability and Impact Matrix
  •  D:将这种情况记录在问题日志中 To record this situation in the Issue Log

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P527-人际关系与团队技能。通过冲突管理、谈判、观察和交谈等技能来管理相关方参与项目。 选项B:监督相关方参与是PM的职责。 选项C:管理相关方参与的过程中,如果暴露出来的问题有引发风险的可能,要将其视为风险进行管理。 选项D:题干中问到了该如何改进,直接找在这个过程中可能使用的工具和技术,而不是先把问题记录在问题日志当中。

A vendor contracted to develop a software packages that is key to company's overall market share.Upon delivery of the software, a stakeholder informed the project manager that requirements were unmet. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?

  •  A:将该供应商包含在需求开发中,并让他们签署需求文件 Included the vendor in the requirements development and made them sign the requirements document
  •  B:根据采购管理计划监控供应商的活动 Monitor the vendor's activities according to the purchasing management plan
  •  C:聘请资源在内部生产产品,以确保完全控制输出 Hired resources to produce the product internally to ensure complete control of the output
  •  D:为供应商的公司分配一名人员,以确保在整个开发过程中遵循需求 Assigned a resource to the vendor's company to ensure that requirements were followed throughout the development

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P492-12.3控制采购。控制采购是管理采购关系,监督合同绩效,实施必要的变更和纠偏,以及关闭合同的过程。 选项A:供应商已经在范围管理当中 选项C:供应商属于外部资源 选项D:属于控制采购可能执行的活动,但这样描述极为清晰的选项通常不是正确答案。

28. 一个设施改善项目即将完成。客户提供了批准,但注意到一些小缺陷并激活保修程序,客户现在对已移交的设备要求额外批准的范围。项目经理即将开始额外范围的工作。由于保修程序已生效,项目经理应查阅哪一份计划?
A facility improvement project is near completion. The client provided, but noted some minor defects and activated the warranty. The client now requests additional approved scope to equipment that has already been handed over. The project manager is about to start work on the additional scope. Since the warranty is in effect, what plan should the project manager consult?

  •  A:质量管理计划 Quality management plan.
  •  B:变更管理计划 Change management plan.
  •  C:采购管理计划 Procurement management plan.
  •  D:需求管理计划 Requirement management plan.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6实施整体变更控制。额外批准的范围,要遵循整体变更控制流程。 选项A:描述述如何实施适用的政策、程序和指南以实现质量目标。 选项C:采购管理计划包含要在采购过程中开展的各种活动。 选项D:描述将如何分析、记录和管理项目和产品需求。

29. 在一个项目的用户验收阶段,一些用户抱怨他们的期望未得到满足,项目经理事先应该釆取哪一个不同做法?
During a project's user acceptance stage,some users complain that their expectations have been unmet.What should the project manager have done differently?

  •  A:考虑相关方的反馈 Considered stakeholder feedback
  •  B:执行风险评估 Conducted risk assessments
  •  C:实施冲突管理技术 Implemented conflict management techniques
  •  D:与用户建立一种专业关系 Established a professional relationship with the users

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P523-13.3管理相关方参与。管理相关方参与是与相关方进行沟通和协作以满足其需求与期望、处理问题,并促进相关方合理参与的过程。相关方对项目抱有抵制的态度,说明忽视了相关方对于项目的期望。 选项B:管理相关方参与的过程中,如果暴露出来的问题有引发风险的可能,要将其视为风险进行管理。在选项A之后。 选项C:用户对项目组抱怨,而不是用户之间存在着不同意见,所以问题聚焦在相关方管理上。 选项D:不一定。

During project execution, the project team finds repeated defects with a supplier's deliverables. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:执行质量审计 Perform a quality audit.
  •  B:与该供应商的高级管理层讨论该问题 Discuss the problem with the supplier’s senior management.
  •  C:审查采购协议 Review the procurement agreement.
  •  D:与供应商一起创建变更请求 Create a change request with the supplier.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P498-数据分析-绩效审查。对照协议,对质量、资源、进度和成本绩效进行测量、比较和分析,以审查合同工作的绩效。其中包括确定工作包提前或落后于进度计划、超出或低于预算,以及是否存在资源或质量问题。 注意情景是针对的甲乙双方之间履约的问题,所以不选A。 选项BD:后续如何处理该问题,需要根据评估的结果做决策。

31. 一家组织的管理委员会希望看到偏离进度计划的任何关键里程碑,项目经理应该在项目状态 报告中包含的最关键工作是什么?
An organization’s management board wants to see any key milestones that have deviated from the schedule. What is the most critical fact that the project manager should include in the project status report?

  •  A:进度基准 Schedule baseline
  •  B:偏差分析 Variance analysis
  •  C:工作绩效信息 Work performance information
  •  D:挣值分析(EVA) Earned value analysis(EVA)

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P109-工作绩效信息。在工作执行过程中收集工作绩效数据,再交由控制过程做进一步分析。将工作绩效数据与项目 管理计划组件、项目文件和其他项目变量比较之后生成工作绩效信息。通过这种比较可以了解项目的执行情况。 工作绩效信息相对挣值分析和偏差分析更适宜于汇报。 选项A:是用于测量项目执行状态的基线之一。 选项BD:挣值分析用于评估当前执行状态,偏差分析用于预测项目未来执行状况。挣值分析和偏差分析的结果要汇总到工作绩效信息,用以汇报。

A project manager is working on a five-year, US$200 million project. Procedural document management is listed as the sponsor’s main requirement, prioritized even above the design itself. After identifying key deliverables in the form of documented designs, the project manager contracts a document controller. In this case, what plan is the key component of the project manager's risk management plan?

  •  A:需求管理计划 Requirements management
  •  B:成本管理计划 Cost management
  •  C:资源管理计划 Resource management
  •  D:质量管理计划 Quality management

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P401-11.1规划风险管理。“程序文件管理被列为发起人的主要需求”,所以在制定风险管理计划时要重点关注需求管理计划。 选项B:描述将如何规划、安排和控制项目成本。 选项C:是关于如何分类、分配、管理和释放项目资源的指南。 选项D:描述如何实施适用的政策、程序和指南以实现质量目标。

33. 在创建采购管理计划时,项目经理发现组织内部存在的某些资源正在为其他项目效力,项目经理应该怎么做来满足这种需求?
While creating a procurement management plan, a project manager discovers that certain resources that exist within the organization are committed to other projects. What should the project manager do to meet this need?

  •  A:开展自制或外购分析 Perform a make-or-buy analysis.
  •  B:创建工作分解结构(WBS) Create a work breakdown structure(WBS).
  •  C:制定风险登记册 Develop a risk register.
  •  D:开始人员分配谈判 Start negotiations for staff assignments.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


34. 项目经理负责管理一个项目,该项目旨在推出一项新服务,项目经理得知,技术部门对于使用已提供的培训来操作这项服务感到不自信。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A project manager is working on a project to launch a new service. The project manager realizes that the technical department does not feel confident about operating the service the training they have been given.What should the project manager do firs

  •  A:完成一项变更控制要求并将该问题纳入经验教训中 Complete a change control requirement and include the lessons learned
  •  B:建议团队与指定的相关方一起审查验收标准 Advise the team to review the acceptance criteria with the assigned stakeholders
  •  C:将可交付成果转移给对操作这项服务更有信心的另一团队 Transfer the deliverables to another team who ice Is more confident in operating the service
  •  D:停止项目以确认操作员对接受的培训感到满意 Stop the project to verify that the operators fed comfortable with the training received

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


35.项目经理正在管理一个进度紧张的项目。团队成员位于全国各地,非常繁忙,对关注经验教训登记册并不感兴趣。 若要确保准备、管理并跟踪经验教训,项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager is leading a project with tight schedules.Team members,who are located in different regions across the country,are busy and uninterested in focus on the lessons learned register. What should the project manager do to ensure that the lessons learned are prepared,managed,and tracked?

  •  A:安排定期电话会议,以收集信息并更新经验教训登记册 Organize regular conference calls to collect information and update the lessons learned register
  •  B:组织项目结束会议,以便团队成员可以报告问题并应用最佳实践 Organize an end-of-project meeting so that team members can report issues and applied best practices
  •  C:要求每个团队成员在有时间时更新经验教训登记册 Require each team member to update the lessons learned register when they have time
  •  D:分配一名资源用问题日志来准备和更新经验教训登记册 Assign a resource to prepare and update the lessons learned register using the issue log

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


What tool should the project manager use to demonstrate to the customer that the final product meets the business needs?

  •  A:工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure
  •  B:项目范围说明书 Project scope statement
  •  C:需求跟踪矩阵 Requirements tractability matrix
  •  D:项目管理计划 Project management plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P148需求跟踪矩阵。 确定可交付成果有没有满足需求,需求跟踪矩阵就对了。 其他选项:AB都起不了跟踪需要的作用,D太大了。

37. 一个分包商虽然工作速度非常快,但却未能完成项目可交付成果的正式验收程序。客户的质量团队检查了可交付成果,并创建了一份很长的缺陷清单。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
A subcontractor,working at a very fast pace,falls to complete official acceptance procedures for project deliverables.The client's team inspects the deliverables and creates a long list of defects.What should the project manager have done to avoid this?

  •  A:经常与客户举行状态会议 Held frequent status meetings with the client.
  •  B:让一个内部质量团队检查可交付成果 Had an internal quality team check the deliverables.
  •  C:实施质量管理计划 Implemented a quality management plan.
  •  D:要求客户提供原型 Requested a prototype from the client.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P286-质量管理计划。 应该在项目早期就对质量管理计划进行评审,以确保决策是基于准确信息的。这样做的好处是,更加关注项目的价值定位,降低因返工而造成的成本超支金额和进度延误次数。 题目提到事先做什么,质量管理计划是事先做好的规划 其他选项:ABD都是有效地措施,这些措施理论上都可以纳入C进行事前规划

A project manager has prepared project schedule for a new project. According to the project manager’s experience, the project will take two years to complete. However, the company director requests that the project is to be completed in 18 months. What should  the project manager do?

  •  A:根据总监的要求修订项目进度计划 Revise the project schedule based on the director's request.
  •  B:使用资源平衡,来平均项目团队成员的任务 Use resource leveling to even out project team member tasks.
  •  C:减少项目范围以满足修订的项目进度计划 Reduce the project scope to meet the revised project schedule.
  •  D:保持项目进度计划不变,但显示这种变更对其他制约因素的影响 Keep the project schedule unchanged, but show the impact this change would have on other constraints.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


A project manager in a matrix organization notice that a resource is working a significant amount of overtime to complete project assignments. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:将该问题上报给项目发起人 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.
  •  B:将该信息更新到问题日志中 Update the issue long with this information.
  •  C:与资源经理讨论这种情况 Discuss the situation with the resource’s manager.
  •  D:将该信息更新到风险登记册中 Update the risk register with this information.

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P358项目文件更新-问题日志。在本过程中出现的新问题应该记录到问题日志中。“资源大量加班”属于问题,需要先记录在问题日志并考虑如何解决。 选项A:排在选项D之后,如果风险的评估结果超过了项目经理的权力范围,需要上报组织。 选项C:排在选项B之后。 选项D:排在选项B之后,如果问题未来存在不确定性,要视为风险,记录到风险登记册。

40. 一家公司计划扩大其公司网站的服务范围。项目经理开始根据批准的项目章程收集详细的需求。 项目经理应该怎么做才能就项目的可交付成果达成一致意见?
A company plans to expand the service scope of its corporate website. The project manager starts to collect detailed requirements based on the approved project charter. What should the project manager do to reach a group consensus on the project's deliverabies?

  •  A:与相关方和主题专家(SMEs)—起召开焦点小组会议 Conduct a focus group with stakeholders and subject matter experts(SMEs).
  •  B:与关键相关方一起使用引导技术 Use facilitation skills with key stakeholders.
  •  C:与相关方一起进行头脑风暴 Brainstorm with the stakeholders.
  •  D:访谈关键相关方和发起人,以获取有关需求的更多信息 Interview key stakeholders and sponsors to obtain additional information about requirements.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P145-人际关系与团队技能-引导。研讨会可用于快速定义跨职能需求并协调相关方的需求差异。有效引导的研讨会有助于参与者之间建立信任、改进关系、改善沟通,从而有利于相关方达成一致意见,题干问的是达成一致意见, 使用引导式研讨会。 选项ACD:头脑风暴和访谈获得的需求,也需要通过引导技术来达成共识。

A project sponsor ask a project manager to ensure that a product is delivered within budget. What technique should the project manager use?

  •  A:成本效益分析 cost-benefit analysis
  •  B:预防成本 Prevention costs
  •  C:面向X的设计 Design for X
  •  D:统计抽样 Statistical sampling

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P295- 面向X的设计。 这题相当于项目最高优先级的目标是成本不超预算。但是四个选项都是质量工具,从成本角度来讲,ABC与成本有关,排除D。A成本效益分析是对备选方案进行选择,排除。B质量成本中的预防成本并不能控制成本。C面向X(DFx)的设计比较合适,其中可以选择低成本设计(DFC),在满足用户需求的前提下,尽可能地降低成本

A procurement department notifies a project manager that the project management software has been updated.Team members have no experience working with this update,but will need the skills to complete the project.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:请求额外的时间来培训资源 Request additional time to train resources.
  •  B:更新资源管理计划 Update the resource management plan.
  •  C:聘请熟悉这项更新的外部资源来完成工作 Hire an external resource familiar with the update to complete the job
  •  D:要求供应商提供主题专家(SME)来培训团队 Ask the vendor to supply a subject matter expert(SME)to train the team.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D


A key resource requirement for a project subcontractor is a technical expert on a manufacturing process.During the early stages of the project,it becomes clear that the subcontractor's staff has inadequate expertise to meet the quality standards. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:更新风险登记册 Update the risk register.
  •  B:为项目团队指定一名主题专家(SME) Appoint a subject matter expert(SME)to ihc project team
  •  C:对分包商执行质量审计 Perform a quality audit of the subcontractor.
  •  D:审查合同中的任何相关罚款条款 Review the contract for any relevant penalty clause.

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P409-11.2识别风险。“缺乏足够的专业知识来满足质量标准”属于识别出来的风险,需要更新到风险登记册。 选项B:属于对风险进行评估后可能制定的应急计划,在先选个A之后。 选项C:对供应商进行的是采购绩效审查,而不是质量审计。 选项D:情景中还未明确供应商违约。

44.客户需要批准的产品指南,以便在新的站点实施已完成的项目解决方案。但是,客户却无法实施解决方案,因为可交付成果不能按照已批准需求的规范执行。 若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
Customer needs the approved product guidelines to implement a completed project solution at a new site. However, the customer cannot implement the solution because the deliverables fail to be executed in accordance with the specifications of the approved requirements. To avoid this problem, what should the project manager do in advance?

  •  A:完成统计抽样分析 To complete the statistical sampling analysis
  •  B:应用质量检查 To use the quality check
  •  C:执行质量审计 To perform the quality audit
  •  D:核实变更 To verify changes

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P294- 质量审计。把题目翻译一下,就是客户需要产品的说明(guideline),且这个新需求经过了变更批准。结果发现说明书与产品对不上。有可能是当时的变更过程有问题,通过审计来审计当时的变更过程。 其他选项:A,一个可交付成果不需要抽样。B,过程有问题,检查不出来,检查是针对可交付成果的。D,事后核实变更,事先安排审计

45. 在启动阶段,项目经理意识到主要里程碑与范围不一致,这可能导致误解,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During the initiating stage,a project manager realizes that main milestones are misaligned with the scope,which may cause misinterpretation.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:在项目管理计划中详细说明范围和可交付成果 Detail the scope and deliverables in the project management plan.
  •  B:提出一项变更请求,以修改范围和可交付成果 Submit a change request to modify the scope and deliverables.
  •  C:在项目章程中规定范围和可交付成果 Specify the scope and deliverables in the project charter.
  •  D:在问题日志中记录误解范围和可交付成果的可能性 Document the possibility of scope and deliverables misinterpretation in the issue log.

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P81- 项目章程记录包括:可测量的项目目标和相关的成功标准;高层级项目描述、边界定义以及主要可交付成果;总体里程碑进度计划等。题干中说“启动阶段”。答案选C,启动阶段里包括制定项目章程,如果有信息不明确可能导致误解,可以在项目章程中添加记录。选项A是规划阶段的,可以排除,选项B和选项D是执行和监控阶段发生的,也可以排除。并且变更的前提是有基准,启动阶段尚未形成基准,无需变更。同样排除B。

Before approving a team member's request for an urgent leave, a project manager needs to ensure that scheduled activities will not be delaye What should the project manager first review?

  •  A:责任分配矩阵(RAM) Responsibility assignment matrix(RAM)
  •  B:资源日历 Resource calendars
  •  C:资源分解结构(RBS) Resource breakdown structure(RBS)
  •  D:项目进度计划 Project schedule plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P222-6.6控制进度。资源日历发生变化,要结合进度基准评估团队成员请假的影响。当然,评估不局限于进度基准。 选项ABC:注意,情景中强调了“确保计划的项目活动不会延迟”,所以要首先审查项目进度计划。

During project execution,the client renegotiates pricing due to a downward industry trend and falling prices for their product,this results in a decrease in the project's budget, the project manager determines that business processes followed in similar projects must be dramatically improved for the success of this one.What should the project manager do to identify areas for improvement?

  •  A:检查风险报告 Examine the risk report
  •  B:审查经验教训 Review the lessons learned
  •  C:使用精益六西格玛方法 Use the lean six sigma method
  •  D:执行成本效益分析 Perform a cost-benefit analysis

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P296-质量改进方法-六西格玛。精益六西格玛是最常用于分析和评估改进机会的质量改进工具。它要解决的问题不仅是控制一个过程的产品一次通过率,还要优化整个生产流程,简化某些动作,缩短生产提前期 。项目经理要改造类似项目中遵循的业务流程才能使项目取得成功,可使用精益六西格玛方法。 选项A:属于风险管理的行目档案。 选项B:通常用于借鉴,情景聚焦在“如何确定”。 选项D:成本效益分析针对投入成本和质量水平之间的关系。

A project manager wants to facilitate a risk assessment for a new project. How should the project manager collect all relevant information?

  •  A:标杆对照 Benchmarking
  •  B:焦点小组会议 Focus group
  •  C:多标准决策分析 Multicriteria decision analysis
  •  D:思维导图 Mind mapping

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P416-会议。为了开展风险识别工作,项目团队可能要召开专门的会议,通常称为风险研讨会。 选项A:俗称的对标,常用于收集需求确定产品功能。 选项C:用于决策,例如确定项目的目标。 选项D:与头脑风暴结合,常用于收集创意。
