逻辑信息模型(Logical Information Model) for Java:Example 14

逻辑信息模型(Logical Information Model) for Java:Example 14

"lim4j-samples": Example 14

逻辑信息模型(Logical Information Model) for Java:Example 14_第1张图片

 逻辑信息模型(Logical Information Model) for Java:Example 14_第2张图片


	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		InformationSection is1 = new InformationSection("Salviati: \"... How far may one go without geometry for a good philosophical exploration of the natural world?\"\n"
				+ "Sagredo: \"... (And it must be admitted that) trying to deal with physical problems without geometry is attempting the impossible.\"");

		Statement s1 = new HypotheticalProposition("One may go far without geometry for a good philosophical exploration of the natural world.");
		Doubt d1 = new Doubt("How far may one go without geometry for a good philosophical exploration of the natural world?");

		JudgedStatement js1 = new HypotheticalProposition("Trying to deal with physical problems without geometry is attempting the impossible.");
		Explanation ex1 = new Explanation(d1, js1);
		Entity e1 = new Entity("Salviati");
		Entity e2 = new Entity("Sagredo");
		Proposer p1 = new Proposer(e1);
		Proposer p2 = new Proposer(e2);

		is1.addSubInformationElement(d1, ex1);
		Root root = new Root(is1);

		root.marshalToXml(true, System.out);


        Salviati: "... How far may one go without geometry for a good philosophical exploration of the natural world?"
Sagredo: "... (And it must be admitted that) trying to deal with physical problems without geometry is attempting the impossible."
        One may go far without geometry for a good philosophical exploration of the natural world.
        How far may one go without geometry for a good philosophical exploration of the natural world?
        Trying to deal with physical problems without geometry is attempting the impossible.


lim4j:        https://github.com/CodeJStudio/lim4j

《逻辑信息模型与逻辑信息网络》 / "Theory of Logical Information Model & Logical Information Network"
