

by Adam Kell

亚当·凯尔(Adam Kell)

运输业将迎来前所未有的巨大变化。 (Transportation is about to hit exponential changes unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.)

Today’s car is essentially a computer on wheels. Under the hood, you’ll find a complex computer network communicating with several sensors. These can detect a variety of issues like tire pressure, acceleration, and engine oil quality, while also allowing controls for things like speed, temperature, power doors and power windows.

今天的汽车实质上是一台带轮的计算机。 在引擎盖下,您会发现与多个传感器通信的复杂计算机网络。 它们可以检测各种问题,例如轮胎压力,加速和发动机机油质量,同时还可以控制速度,温度,电动门和电动窗。

Emissions sensors in automobiles got their start in direct consequence to government regulation. After the EPA set forth more stringent policies for exhaust emissions, it became standard for cars in the United States to be equipped with catalytic converters. By the 1980’s, oxygen sensors were pivotal to making modern day emissions control possible by detecting and diagnosing the oxygen-to-fuel ratio expelled through the exhaust.

汽车排放传感器的诞生直接受到政府法规的影响。 EPA制定了更严格的废气排放政策后,它成为美国汽车配备催化转化器的标准。 到1980年代,氧气传感器通过检测和诊断通过排气排出的氧气与燃料的比例,成为实现现代排放控制的关键。

Soon after, similar components such as the oil level sensor, tire pressure sensor, fasten seatbelt light, and the check engine light were invented — designed to notify the driver when an issue was present. These sensors and indicators have been instrumental in making automobiles more reliable, mainstream, and affordable by helping consumers avoid many destructive, costly, or dangerous maintenance issues.

不久之后,发明了类似的部件,例如油位传感器,轮胎压力传感器,系紧安全带灯和检查发动机灯,目的是在出现问题时通知驾驶员。 这些传感器和指示器通过帮助消费者避免许多破坏性,成本高昂或危险的维护问题,有助于使汽车更可靠,更主流,更实惠。

The advances in the transportation industry over the next 10 years will vastly eclipse the changes over the past half century.


These changes will not only improve the overall driving experience — the next 10 years will involve an ecosystem overhaul, such that getting from point A to point B will be unrecognizable from driving today. The intelligent autos and infrastructure of the 21st century will actively suggest, or in many cases take control of the car to protect against potential accidents and distracted driving, while providing real-time route planning and active traffic management.

这些变化不仅会改善整体驾驶体验,而且未来10年将涉及生态系统大修,因此从A点到B点将无法从今天的驾驶中识别出来。 21世纪的智能汽车和基础设施将积极提出建议,或者在许多情况下控制汽车以防止潜在的事故和分心驾驶,同时提供实时路线规划和主动的交通管理。

So what’s changed?


Onboard automotive sensors are pushing boundaries of perception, and doing so cheaper than ever — cars can sense more.

车载汽车传感器正在推动感知领域的发展,并且比以往任何时候都便宜, 汽车可以感知到更多。

In previous years, the automotive industry has been hacking together hand-me-down sensors from other industries. But the scale and promise of autonomous cars has made even the most conservative automotive suppliers invest heavily into the dedicated autonomous vehicle sensor supply chain. Precision location sensors and services are becoming increasingly prevalent and pushing the boundaries of accuracy. Lidar, cameras, depth sensors, and radar are also fundamentally changing the perception benchmarks of vehicles. These sensors, together, will be the key to unlocking new levels of autonomy in the coming years.

在过去的几年中,汽车行业一直在与其他行业的手压式传感器并驾​​齐驱。 但是自动驾驶汽车的规模和前景使最保守的汽车供应商也对专用的自动驾驶汽车传感器供应链进行了大量投资 。 精确的位置传感器和服务正变得越来越普遍,并突破了精确度的界限。 激光雷达,相机,深度传感器和雷达也从根本上改变了车辆的感知基准。 这些传感器一起将成为在未来几年内将自主性提升到新水平的关键。

Autonomy systems and the related infrastructure are getting a lot more sophisticated — cars can know more.


Waymo’s autonomous miles driven now number in the millions, and at a high level of autonomy. Tesla’s autopilot odometer (depending on who you ask) reads in the hundreds of millions or billions of miles, albeit at a lower level of autonomy. These companies are leading the charge to the autonomous future, but there is a large supporting cast that will make autonomy possible.

Waymo的自动驾驶里程数目前已达到数百万 ,并且具有很高的自治性。 特斯拉(Tesla)的自动驾驶里程表(取决于您询问的人)读取的距离达数亿或数十亿英里 ,尽管自治程度较低。 这些公司正在引领自动驾驶的未来,但是有大量的支持演员将使自动驾驶成为可能。

Companies focused on generating and compressing high-res, high definition maps are making it less computationally-intensive to solve perception problems onboard the vehicle. Tools and frameworks are being developed to make it easier to tag and annotate images.

专注于生成和压缩高分辨率,高清晰度地图的公司正在减少解决车上感知问题的计算量。 正在开发工具和框架,以使其更易于标记和注释图像。

Computer simulations are getting closer to having the ability to train the underlying neural networks without fully relying on real cars in the physical world to uncover edge cases.

计算机模拟越来越接近具有训练基础神经网络的能力, 而无需完全依靠物理世界中的真实汽车来发现边缘情况。

Kits are being developed to increase the feature-set of stock vehicles like adaptive cruise control and lane keeping, as well as developing a corpus of training to teach AI how humans actually drive.


Dedicated hardware is making tasks like vision more efficient by being designed to run specific algorithms in a very efficient way.


Infrastructure upgrades for new requirements in connectivity and communication — cars can talk to each other and the environment.


As autonomous vehicles move to become a viable option for mainstream adoption, major infrastructure enhancements need to be considered and implemented. Infrastructure upgrades range in scope — from painting new, clearer lines that designate between lane separation, all the way to integrating new sensors and communication modules. Autonomous cars need to be able to perceive enough information about their environment in order to assess, make a plan, and then react. The way the infrastructure has been currently portraying information to human drivers isn’t necessarily the best way to portray this information directly to vehicles. For humans, we use paint in different colors, signs and signals, cones, and flares. For autonomous vehicles, these inputs will involve an environment which can know a lot more information about the conditions on the road — sensors monitoring traffic, optimizing traffic flow, and even cars that can communicate with each other. How much of of the autonomous future will have infrastructure 2.0, and how much of our autonomous systems will adapt to something closer to current infrastructure?

随着自动驾驶汽车逐渐成为主流采用的可行选择,需要考虑并实施主要的基础设施增强措施。 基础架构升级的范围很广-从绘制新的,更清晰的线(指定在车道分隔之间一直到集成新的传感器和通信模块)。 自动驾驶汽车需要能够感知有关其环境的足够信息,以便进行评估,制定计划并做出React。 基础设施当前向驾驶员显示信息的方式不一定是直接向车辆显示信息的最佳方法。 对于人类,我们使用不同颜色,符号和信号,圆锥体和耀斑的涂料。 对于自动驾驶汽车,这些输入将涉及一个环境 ,该环境可以了解有关道路状况的更多信息-监视交通的传感器,优化交通流量,甚至是可以相互通信的汽车。 未来的自治区域中将有多少拥有基础设施2.0,我们的自治系统中有多少将适应更接近当前基础设施的环境?

Intelligent manufacturing is making it possible to integrate new technology, build in new ways, and with new materials.


The way cars themselves are made is also being transformed by automation. New materials can be selected with optimal characteristics based on their physical, chemical, and thermal constraints. These new materials can be put together in more clever ways using AI to design structural elements in very non-intuitive ways. New developments are making it cheaper and faster to build prototype parts from production materials. New applications of computer vision and machine learning techniques, like reinforcement learning, are pushing the boundaries of the types of parts that can be automated in the factory. The confluence of these factors is changing the way that automobiles are built and tested.

汽车本身的制造方式也正在通过自动化进行转变。 可以根据新材料的物理,化学和热约束选择具有最佳特性的新材料。 可以使用AI以非常不直观的方式将这些新材料以更巧妙的方式组合在一起来设计结构元素 。 新的发展使用生产材料制造原型零件变得更加便宜和快捷。 计算机视觉和机器学习技术的新应用(例如强化学习)正在推动可以在工厂自动化的零件类型的界限。 这些因素的融合正在改变汽车的制造和测试方式。

Driver-focused sensors are immensely important in the transition from level 0 to level 5 autonomous systems.


As an increasing number of conditions are created in which the driver may not be the main operator of the vehicle, systems are necessary to make sure the driver is paying attention when they need to be. Monitoring distractions, emotional state, sobriety, wakefulness, and health are all things becoming possible to track using only a camera and software. Other sensors measuring biometrics of the driver can also provide insights about what the car should do. Integrating other health data (risk for heart attack or stroke, for example) may change the way the car behaves in certain situations. All of these capabilities focus on keeping people safer, and the cars being more contextually aware.

由于创造了越来越多的条件,其中驾驶员可能不是车辆的主要操作者,因此需要系统来确保驾驶员在需要时注意 。 监视分心,情绪状态,清醒,觉醒和健康状况,仅使用摄像头和软件就可以进行跟踪。 其他测量驾驶员生物特征的传感器也可以提供有关汽车应该做什么的见解。 集成其他健康数据(例如心脏病发作或中风的风险)可能会改变汽车在某些情况下的行为方式。 所有这些功能都致力于使人们更安全,并使汽车更了解上下文。

New services in fleet management, ridesharing, and repair will become possible with so many connected and intelligent automobiles.


The combination of cars being largely autonomous as well as sensor-laden will enable many new business models. Fleet management will become much more efficient since the cars will be able to communicate real-time status and be rerouted as situations change.

汽车在很大程度上是自动驾驶的,并且装有传感器,这将实现许多新的商业模式。 车队管理将变得更加高效,因为这些车将能够传达实时状态并随着情况的变化而改道。

Ridesharing will continue to make strides in the efficiency of route planning started by companies like Uber. The car repair industry will be similarly transformed because we will know so much more about what is happening inside a car.

Ridesharing将继续在由Uber等公司发起的路线规划效率方面取得长足进步。 汽车维修行业将同样发生变化,因为我们将对汽车内部发生的事情了解得更多。

Car ownership itself may change. On average, car owners currently leave their car parked for 95% of the time. A ride sharing company dispatching autonomous vehicles could displace the need or desire to own a car. Ubiquitous real-time ridesharing (even pre-automation) is already yielding huge conversions away from car ownership in urban areas.

汽车所有权本身可能会发生变化。 平均而言,车主目前有95%的时间将车停在停车场。 调度自动驾驶汽车的乘车共享公司可能会取代拥有汽车的需求或欲望。 无处不在的实时乘车共享(甚至是自动驾驶)已经在城市地区产生了巨大的转化,而不再是拥有汽车。

All these factors are leading to a transportation revolution, however, new entrants to the transportation industry face a much more complicated regulatory system, customer development process and supply chain. Comet Labs’ Transportation Lab helps startups developing the core technologies that will transform the transportation industry, accelerating their customer development by providing resources that money can’t buy (such as HD mapping data, autonomous test vehicles, and space to pilot).

所有这些因素导致了交通革命,但是,交通行业的新进入者面临着更为复杂的监管体系,客户开发流程和供应链。 Comet Labs的运输实验室通过提供金钱无法买到的资源 (例如高清地图数据,自动测试车和试点空间)来帮助初创企业开发将改变运输行业核心技术 ,从而加速其客户发展。

Are you building transportation technology? We’d love to hear from you.

您正在建造运输技术吗? 我们很高兴收到您的来信 。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-transportation-industry-is-changing-in-more-ways-than-you-expect-e6a5b7deaf38/

