Project :
这是一篇CVPR 2019的论文,经实验,效果非常好也比较稳定,并且经过优化,可以减少显存占用,因此可以用在4k视频的帧率提升上。很多up主使用此方法修复了很多老旧视频。但是和其他flow-based方法一样,效果比较依赖于光流预测的精度,在运动剧烈时会出现变形,在有字幕的素材上表现不佳(也算是一种遮挡),在重复纹理处表现不佳。
DAIN延续了以往Flow-based视频插帧的基本框架,由5个sub-network和2个自定义的layer组成:首先计算出双向光流 (Flow estimation network + Depth estimation network + Depth-aware flow projection layer),然后根据光流对前后帧进行warp (Kernel estimation network + Adaptive warping layer),最后完成帧融合实现细节增强 (Frame Synthesis network)。
DAIN分别使用PWC-NET和MegaDepth(hourglass结构)估计光流图和深度图,由于在DAIN的训练中是没有光流和深度真值监督的,因此作者直接使用前人的网络权重进行初始化,并在训练的时候给很小的学习率,分别为1e−6 and 1e−7,网络其他部分学习率为1e-4。
Flow projection layer通过reverse在时刻 t t t 经过 x x x 位置的flow来估计 t t t 时刻 x x x 位置的中间flow. 比如,如果 F 0 − > 1 ( y ) F_{0->1}(y) F0−>1(y)在 t t t 时刻经过了 x x x, 基于均匀线性运动假设,则 F t − > 0 ( x ) = − t F 0 − > 1 ( y ) F_{t->0}(x)=-t {F_{0->1}(y)} Ft−>0(x)=−tF0−>1(y),同理 F t − > 1 ( x ) = − ( 1 − t ) F 1 − > 0 ( y ) F_{t->1}(x)=-(1-t) {F_{1->0}(y)} Ft−>1(x)=−(1−t)F1−>0(y)。
但是如上图所示,很多的flow vector可能会在 t t t 时刻同时经过同一个位置,在MEMC-NET[1]中采用的是直接平均的方法实现flow的聚合,这会导致无法找到正确的像素位置。因此,本文提出了基于深度图的flow聚合。
假定, D 0 D_0 D0 为 I 0 I_0 I0 的深度图, S ( x ) S(x) S(x) 表示在 t t t 时刻经过 x x x 的像素集合,则F_{t->0}(x)可以被定义为:
其中 w 0 w_0 w0 由深度图定义:
通过此方法,the projected flow倾向于从closer objects中采样像素,而减少被遮挡像素occluded pixels的贡献(occluded pixels有更大的深度值)。
由forward_flownets函数实现,当光流值temp算出来之后,有一个根据time_offsets发挥作用的地方temps = [self.div_flow * temp * time_offset for time_offset in time_offsets],time_offsets默认为[0.5]。
def forward_flownets(self, model, input, time_offsets = None):
if time_offsets == None :
time_offsets = [0.5]
elif type(time_offsets) == float:
time_offsets = [time_offsets]
elif type(time_offsets) == list:
temp = model(input) # this is a single direction motion results, but not a bidirectional one
temps = [self.div_flow * temp * time_offset for time_offset in time_offsets]# single direction to bidirection should haven it.
temps = [nn.Upsample(scale_factor=4, mode='bilinear')(temp) for temp in temps]# nearest interpolation won't be better i think
return temps
分别计算双向的光流, t ⋅ F 0 − > 1 ( y ) t·F_{0->1}(y) t⋅F0−>1(y) 和 ( 1 − t ) ⋅ F 1 − > 0 ( y ) (1-t)·F_{1->0}(y) (1−t)⋅F1−>0(y)
cur_offset_outputs = [
self.forward_flownets(self.flownets, cur_offset_input, time_offsets=time_offsets),
self.forward_flownets(self.flownets,[:, 3:, ...],
cur_offset_input[:, 0:3, ...]), dim=1),
//forward path of our layer
template <typename scalar_t>
__global__ void DepthFlowProjection_gpu_forward_kernelfunc(
const int nElement,
const int w,
const int h,
const int channel,
const int input1_b_stride, const int input1_c_stride, const int input1_h_stride, const int input1_w_stride,
const int input2_b_stride, const int input2_c_stride, const int input2_h_stride, const int input2_w_stride,
const int count_b_stride, const int count_c_stride, const int count_h_stride, const int count_w_stride,
// input1:光流图*t,即 t*F0->1(y) ,即F0->t(y)
// input2:深度图的倒数, 即1/D_0
const scalar_t* __restrict__ input1, const scalar_t* __restrict__ input2,
// count即公式(1)中的分母, output为公示(1)中的分子
scalar_t* count,
scalar_t* output
//blockIdx.z : batch index from 0~B-1
//blockIdx.y : height patch index from ceil(h/16)
//blockIdx.x : width patch index from ceil(w/32)
//threadidx.x: width index 0~31
//threadIdx.y: height index 0~15
//threadIdx.z: Not used
//only use one dimensioon of the grid and block
// 光流图的某位置y(h_i, w_i),一定注意这段代码是以光流图的位置为主体的
const int w_i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
const int h_i = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
const bool withinXbounds = w_i < w;
const bool withinYbounds = h_i < h;
const int batch_i = blockIdx.z;
const int off = batch_i * input1_b_stride;
// __syncthreads();
// const float fillvalue =0.0f;
if( withinXbounds && withinYbounds) {
// 取出光流图y位置的vector
float fx = input1[ off + 0 * input1_c_stride + h_i * input1_h_stride + w_i ];
float fy = input1[ off + 1 * input1_c_stride + h_i * input1_h_stride + w_i ];
// 基于vector计算得中间位置x
float x2 = (float) (w_i) + fx;
float y2 = (float) (h_i) + fy;
if(x2>=0.0f && y2 >= 0.0f &&x2 <= (float) ( w-1) && y2 <= (float) (h -1 ) ){
// 因为算出来的中间位置肯定是浮点数,因为其周围4个点都进行同样的映射;
int ix2_L = (int) (x2);
int iy2_T = (int) (y2);
int ix2_R = min(ix2_L + 1, w - 1);
int iy2_B = min(iy2_T + 1, h - 1);
float temp = input2[batch_i * input2_b_stride + 0 + h_i * input2_h_stride + w_i];
// 完成(1)公示中分子的计算
atomicAdd(&output[off + 0 * input1_c_stride + iy2_T * input1_h_stride + ix2_L ] ,- temp * fx);
atomicAdd(&output[off + 0 * input1_c_stride + iy2_T * input1_h_stride + ix2_R ],-temp * fx);
atomicAdd(&output[off + 0 * input1_c_stride + iy2_B * input1_h_stride + ix2_L ] ,-temp * fx);
atomicAdd(&output[off + 0 * input1_c_stride + iy2_B * input1_h_stride + ix2_R ],-temp * fx);
atomicAdd(&output[off + 1 * input1_c_stride + iy2_T * input1_h_stride + ix2_L] , -temp * fy);
atomicAdd(&output[off + 1 * input1_c_stride + iy2_T * input1_h_stride + ix2_R] , -temp * fy);
atomicAdd(&output[off + 1 * input1_c_stride + iy2_B * input1_h_stride + ix2_L] , -temp * fy);
atomicAdd(&output[off + 1 * input1_c_stride + iy2_B * input1_h_stride + ix2_R] , -temp * fy);
atomicAdd(& count[batch_i * count_b_stride + 0 + iy2_T * count_h_stride + ix2_L], temp * 1);
atomicAdd(& count[batch_i * count_b_stride + 0 + iy2_T * count_h_stride + ix2_R] ,temp * 1);
atomicAdd(& count[batch_i * count_b_stride + 0 + iy2_B * count_h_stride + ix2_L] , temp * 1);
atomicAdd(& count[batch_i * count_b_stride + 0 + iy2_B * count_h_stride + ix2_R] ,temp * 1);
return ;
template <typename scalar_t>
__global__ void DepthFlowProjectionAveraging_kernelfunc(
const int nElement,
const int w,
const int h,
const int channel,
const int input1_b_stride, const int input1_c_stride, const int input1_h_stride, const int input1_w_stride,
const int input2_b_stride, const int input2_c_stride, const int input2_h_stride, const int input2_w_stride,
const int count_b_stride, const int count_c_stride, const int count_h_stride, const int count_w_stride,
const scalar_t* __restrict__ input1, const scalar_t* __restrict__ input2,
scalar_t* count,
scalar_t* output
//blockIdx.z : batch index from 0~B-1
//blockIdx.y : height patch index from ceil(h/16)
//blockIdx.x : width patch index from ceil(w/32)
//threadidx.x: width index 0~31
//threadIdx.y: height index 0~15
//threadIdx.z: Not used
//only use one dimensioon of the grid and block
const int w_i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
const int h_i = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
const bool withinXbounds = w_i < w;
const bool withinYbounds = h_i < h;
const int batch_i = blockIdx.z;
const int off = batch_i * input1_b_stride;
// __syncthreads();
// const float fillvalue =0.0f;
if( withinXbounds && withinYbounds) {
float temp =count[batch_i * count_b_stride + 0 + h_i * count_h_stride + w_i] ;
if(temp > 0.0f){
output[off + 0 * input1_c_stride + h_i * input1_h_stride + w_i ] /= temp;
output[off + 1 * input1_c_stride + h_i * input1_h_stride + w_i ] /= temp;
return ;
N ( x ) N(x) N(x) 是x的四邻域。
depth-aware flow projection layer是可微的,因此flow estimation和depth estimation可以在训练中联合优化(jointly optimized)
通过之前获得的光流值可以在输入帧中找到对应的位置,以此为中心,在local window中采样合成新的像素值。Adaptive warping layer 是作者之前的文章中MEMC-NET[1]提出的,首先通过kernel estimation network在图像的每一个像素位置预测出一个4x4的kernel,与bilinear kernel结合起来完成新像素值的计算。
k r k_r kr为learned kernel和bilinear kernel的结合, I I I为输入图像, f ( x ) f(x) f(x)为光流值。
//forward path of our layer
template <typename scalar_t>
__global__ void FilterInterpolationLayer_gpu_forward_kernelfunc(
const int nElement,
const int w, const int h, const int channel, const int filter_size,
const int input1_b_stride, const int input1_c_stride, const int input1_h_stride, const int input1_w_stride,
const int input2_b_stride, const int input2_c_stride, const int input2_h_stride, const int input2_w_stride,
const int input3_b_stride, const int input3_c_stride, const int input3_h_stride, const int input3_w_stride,
const scalar_t* __restrict__ input1, const scalar_t* __restrict__ input2, const scalar_t* __restrict__ input3, scalar_t* output
//blockIdx.z : batch index from 0~B-1
//blockIdx.y : height patch index from ceil(h/16)
//blockIdx.x : width patch index from ceil(w/32)
//threadidx.x: width index 0~31
//threadIdx.y: height index 0~15
//threadIdx.z: Not used
//only use one dimensioon of the grid and block
const int w_i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
const int h_i = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
const bool withinXbounds = w_i < w;
const bool withinYbounds = h_i < h;
const int batch_i = blockIdx.z;
const int off = batch_i * input1_b_stride;
// __syncthreads();
// const float fillvalue =0.0f;
if( withinXbounds && withinYbounds) {
// 取出x,y方向上的光流值
float fx = input2[batch_i * input2_b_stride + 0 * input2_c_stride + h_i * input2_h_stride + w_i ];
float fy = input2[batch_i * input2_b_stride + 1 * input2_c_stride + h_i * input2_h_stride + w_i ];
// 算出local window的中心位置
float x2 = (float)(w_i) + fx;
float y2 = (float)(h_i) + fy;
if(x2 >= 0.0f && y2 >=0.0f && x2 <= (float)(w -1) && y2 <= (float)(h-1)
&& fabs(fx) < (float)(w)/2.0f && fabs(fy) < (float)(h)/2.0f){
// 根据filter尺寸,计算local window上下左右边界
int ix2_L = int(x2) + 1 - (int)(filter_size / 2);
int iy2_T = int(y2) + 1 - (int)(filter_size / 2);
int ix2_R = ix2_L + filter_size;
int iy2_B = iy2_T + filter_size;
float alpha = x2 - (int)(x2);
float beta = y2 - (int)(y2);
//TODO: here is a bug that if the iy2_B or ix2_R gets out of the border, than there is no enough pixels to warp the target one.
for (int c_i = 0 ; c_i < channel ; c_i++){
// 将local window分成上左,上右,下左,下右四个部分,分别计算weighted sum,得到四个值
float TL = 0.0f;
for(int filter_j = iy2_T; filter_j <= (int)(y2); filter_j ++){
int _filter_j = min(max(0, filter_j), h - 1);
for( int filter_i = ix2_L; filter_i <= (int) ( x2) ; filter_i ++ ){
int _filter_i = min(max(0, filter_i ), w - 1);
TL += input1[off + c_i * input1_c_stride + _filter_j * input1_h_stride + _filter_i ] *
input3 [batch_i * input3_b_stride + ((filter_j - iy2_T) * filter_size + (filter_i - ix2_L)) * input3_c_stride + h_i * input3_h_stride + w_i] ;
float TR = 0.0f;
for (int filter_j = iy2_T; filter_j <= (int) (y2); filter_j ++ ){
int _filter_j = min(max(0, filter_j),h - 1); // only used for input1
for (int filter_i = (int) (x2) + 1 ; filter_i < ix2_R; filter_i ++ ){
int _filter_i = min(max(0, filter_i),w - 1);// only used for input1
TR += input1 [off + c_i * input1_c_stride + _filter_j * input1_h_stride + _filter_i] *
input3 [batch_i * input3_b_stride + ((filter_j - iy2_T) * filter_size + (filter_i - ix2_L)) * input3_c_stride + h_i * input3_h_stride + w_i];
float BL = 0.0f;
for (int filter_j = (int) (y2) + 1; filter_j < iy2_B; filter_j ++ ){
int _filter_j = min(max(0, filter_j),h - 1); // only used for input1
for (int filter_i = ix2_L; filter_i <= (int) (x2); filter_i ++ ){
int _filter_i = min(max(0, filter_i),w - 1);// only used for input1
BL += input1 [off + c_i * input1_c_stride + _filter_j * input1_h_stride + _filter_i] *
input3 [batch_i * input3_b_stride + ((filter_j - iy2_T) * filter_size + (filter_i - ix2_L)) * input3_c_stride + h_i * input3_h_stride + w_i];
float BR = 0.0f;
for (int filter_j = (int) (y2) + 1; filter_j < iy2_B; filter_j ++ ){
int _filter_j = min(max(0, filter_j),h - 1); // only used for input1
for (int filter_i = (int) (x2) + 1; filter_i < ix2_R; filter_i ++ ){
int _filter_i = min(max(0, filter_i),w - 1);// only used for input1
BR += input1 [off + c_i * input1_c_stride + _filter_j * input1_h_stride + _filter_i] *
input3 [batch_i * input3_b_stride + ((filter_j - iy2_T) * filter_size + (filter_i - ix2_L)) * input3_c_stride + h_i * input3_h_stride + w_i];
// 利用bilinear kernel将TL TR BL BR四个值合成一个值
output[off + c_i * input1_c_stride + h_i * input1_h_stride + w_i ] =
(1-alpha)*(1-beta)*TL +
alpha*(1-beta)*TR +
(1-alpha)*beta*BL +
} else{
//the warping data is out of range, we fill it with zeros
for(int c_i = 0 ; c_i < channel; c_i ++){
output[off + c_i * input1_c_stride + h_i * input1_h_stride + w_i] = input1[off + c_i* input1_c_stride+ h_i * input1_h_stride + w_i];
return ;
input frames, depth maps, and contextual features都在此层完成warp.
此网络作为post-process,完成帧合成,由3个residual blocks组成。将warped input frames, warped depth maps, warped contextual features, projected flows, and interpolation kernels五部分concat起来输入到网络中,并且将average warped frames作为skip connection引入到网络中,那么实际上该网络学习的是average warped frames和GT之间的残差。
其实,在经过warp后,warped frame已经aligned,此网络更多的是进行细节增强,使得生成的帧更sharp。
本篇文章就介绍到这里,最后作者也说了方法的问题:本方法比较依赖depth estimation的精度来检测遮挡,有些场景下depth预测的不准,会出现blurred results with unclear boundaries。
[1] W. Bao, W.-S. Lai, X. Zhang, Z. Gao, and M.-H. Yang.
MEMC-Net: Motion Estimation and Motion Compensation Driven Neural Network for Video Interpolation and Enhancement. arXiv, 2018