ps: pmodcls这种东西确实不如1602好用,想当时就不该申请这个,随便别的什么配件都比这个给力。考虑到之后一定会使用spi接口就拿这个lcd练手。弄了两天出了很多问题,最后还得抱爽哥的大腿~~~
The module is capable of executing a variety of instructions, such as erasing specific characters,
setting different display modes, scrolling, and displaying user-defined characters. These instructions
are specified using escape sequences to send commands to the board.s embedded Atmel ATmega48
Communication with the PmodCLS is using a UART, SPI, or TWI (Phillips I2C compatible) serial connection.
The PmodCLS can be powered through the board‟s 6-pin headers J1 or J2, or through connectors J6 or J7.
3、开发板的连接:直接将SPI #1齐刷刷的接到pmodcls的J1接口即可。
When one “transmits” data, the incoming data must be read before attempting to
transmit again. If the incoming data is not read, then the data will be lost and the
SPI module may become disabled as a result. Always read the data after a transfer
has taken place, even if the data has no use in your application.
Data is always “exchanged” between devices. No device can just be a “transmitter”
or just a “receiver” in SPI. However, each device has two data lines, one for input
and one for output.
/* configure bit setting. Fcy = 72MHZ,Fpb = 9MHZ */
#pragma config POSCMOD = XT, FNOSC = PRIPLL
#pragma config FPLLMUL = MUL_18, FPLLIDIV = DIV_2, FPLLODIV = DIV_1
#pragma config FPBDIV = DIV_8, FWDTEN = OFF, CP = OFF, BWP = OFF
即使用的时钟计算方式为:系统频率Fcy = ( ( 8Mhz / 2 ) * 18 ) / 1 = 72MHZ;外围设备总线时钟Fpb = 72 / FPBDIV = 9 MHZ;
/* * xiaoyang@HIT 2011.1.15 * cool@HIT 2010.1.21 complete * */ #include #include "spi.h" #include "types.h" #include /* configure bit setting. Fcy = 72MHZ,Fpb = 9MHZ */ #pragma config POSCMOD = XT, FNOSC = PRIPLL #pragma config FPLLMUL = MUL_18, FPLLIDIV = DIV_2, FPLLODIV = DIV_1 #pragma config FPBDIV = DIV_8, FWDTEN = OFF, CP = OFF, BWP = OFF /* SPI Control & Baud Rate Configuration */ #define SPI_CONF 0x8060 // SPI_ON | SPI_MSTEN #define SPI_BRG 3 // 9MHZ /8 = /* SPI Slave Pin Config */ #define SPI_SS 0x200 // RD9 for SS port #define ACTIVATE() PORTDCLR=SPI_SS // tris control for CS pin #define DEACTIVATE() PORTDSET=SPI_SS /****************************************************************************** * led_init * ******************************************************************************/ void led_init() { TRISB = 0; // LED1-4 output AD1PCFG = 0xffff; // all PORTB as digital PORTB = 0x0; } /****************************************************************************** * spi_init * ******************************************************************************/ void spi_init() { int rData; /* Setup SS Pin */ TRISDCLR = SPI_SS; // DEACTIVATE(); /* Configurate Master */ SPI1CONCLR = SPI_ON; // Stop and Reset rData = SPI1BUF; // Clr the receive buffer SPI1BRG = SPI_BRG; // Set SCLK = Fp/32 SPI1CON = SPI_CONF; // Reconfigurated and Ready to Work } /****************************************************************************** * spi using the same interface for receive and transport * ******************************************************************************/ u8 spi1_8TxRx(u8 ch) { while(SPI1STATbits.SPIBUSY); // Check SPI1BUF = ch; while(!SPI1STATbits.SPIRBF); //waiting for transfer complete return SPI1BUF; } void PmodCLS_DisplyString(char* str) { u8 len=0,ch; ACTIVATE(); spi1_8TxRx(0x1B); // ESC character spi1_8TxRx(0x5B); // [ character spi1_8TxRx(0x30); // zero spi1_8TxRx(0x6A); // j- command for clear display and home cursor while(*str) { spi1_8TxRx(*str++); len++; } DEACTIVATE(); return; } void PmodCLS_sendCmd(char* cmd) { ACTIVATE(); spi1_8TxRx(0x1B); while(*cmd) { spi1_8TxRx(*cmd++); } DEACTIVATE(); } /****************************************************************************** * * ******************************************************************************/ main() { //u8 value=0; char *str= "good! "; //{'g','o','o','o','d','!',0}; //init of led and spi led_init(); spi_init(); //led on PORTBSET = ((1 << 10)|(1<<11) ); PmodCLS_sendCmd("[3e "); // Set Backlight on PmodCLS_DisplyString(str); // sends the string while(1) { } }