The Differences of Dietary Cultures Between China and the West




Since the entrance of 21st century, the cross-culturalcommunication has become the key feature of this new era. As a result of thedifference of regional feature, climatic environment and social customs andhabits, the different nationalities and countries have created differentculture. Gradually, the significance of table habits and etiquette are played amore important role on the cross-cultural communication. It can strengthen theunderstanding of the learned language and improve the success rate ofcross-cultural communication, even avoid the misunderstandings andcommunication disorders for improper manners and behaves.



Key words: cross-culturalcommunication, diet culture, table habits, culture difference





Ⅰ Introduction

Since the entrance of the 21st centurycross-cultural communication has been a more and more popular activity evenamong common people. However, because of the differences of areas, environmentsand customs, different nations have formed their specific cultures. Among thefour aspects of clothing, eating, housing and behaving, Chinese people have gotcloser and closer to the Westerners in other three aspects except in eating. ForChinese people, Diet isabsolutely necessary in the life and even more significant than clothes orother things. Because of the differences between Chinese and western culturaltraditions, the Chinese and western dietary cultures are different in concept,target, pattern, attribution and nature. Dietary culture is an importantcomponent of the national cultures. It also plays an essential role innon-verbal cultures in cross-cultural communication. China has a long and richhistory on its dietary culture. In China almost everything is closely relatedto eating. While, Western dietary culture is not as developed as that of Chinaand Western countries are not that particular about cooking as China. Knowingthe differences of dietary cultures between China and the West is good forEnglish learners to have more complete understanding of both eastern andwestern cultures and avoid some unnecessary misunderstandings.





Ⅱ TheDifferences of Dietary Cultures Between China and the West

Thedifferent national cultures in China and the West contribute to the differencesof dietary cultures between them. These differences come from the differentthinking methods, environments, customs and so on between China and the West.


A  Differences in Concepts 

First, the Chinese and western diet have the differences that cannot be ignored in concepts. Nobody will deny that the Western diet is a rational concept, regardless of the color of food, incense, flavor and shape, but nutrition must be assured. It cares about the intake of calories, vitamins, protein and so on during a day. Comparing with the Chinese diet, western diet tastes stereotyped, as simple as chewing the candle, but the sense tells them: We must eat them all because of the nutrition. And then they put it bluntly, just like refueling machine.  

The concept of western diet is compatible with the whole western philosophy. Metaphysics is the main feature of western philosophy. Such kind of philosophy brings vitality to western culture, so the natural sciences, psychology and methodology achieve a rapid development. In some other aspects, such philosophy proposition is a significantly obstacle, such as the dietary culture, which is the inevitable thing to drop behind, and just the metaphysics of methodology marks everywhere. In celebration, it stresses tableware, stresses the staple, stresses the servings, and stresses the color and shape mix of raw materials. But no matter how luxurious the grade is; from Los Angeles to New York, only one taste of steak, it is no art to speak of. And as dishes, the chicken is chicken; steak is steak, even in groups, which are also conducted in a shallow dish. In a dish of "French Muttonchops", one side is potato mud, and muttonchops sits next to it, another side is allocation of cooking beans, and plus a few tablets of tomato. Color is on clear, but the tastes of the various 

While the Westerners pay much less attention to eatingcompared with Chinese people. Lin Yutang, a famous Chinese writer, accepted astrict education on Chinese and Western cultures. He had an incisive discourseon the way how westerners treat food. According to him Englishmen do not treatdiet as an important thing; on the contrary they regard it as a tiny business.There used to be no cuisine in their vocabulary but cooking. Theyhad no proper word to name the chefs but only call them cooks.They originally had no word to name a gourmet; therefore, they used greedygut to take its place. Westerners pay little attention to the form andtaste of a dish but focus much more on nutrition. They pay much attention tothe amount of protein, fat, heat, and vitamin. They analyze whether the dishhas an appropriate collocation of nutrition, whether the amount of calories ismoderate, and whether the nutrition can be fully absorbed. (Lin 1998, 68)Westerners emphasize on the original flavor and nutrition of food. Therefore,they adopt fresh raw materials and try to keep their original nutrition andtaste as much as possible when they cook them. Even though the dishes arebitter to eat they will eat them provided they contain lots of nutrition.


B  Differences in Diet Attribution  

There are differences between Chinese and western diet attribution. Western diet tends to be scientific and rational, but the Chinese diet tends to be art and sentimental. During the underdevelopment era of diet, these two trends have only one aim – to live and never be hungry. And when the dietary culture is full developed, the tendency is shown in this different purpose: the former is in the development of nutrition, the latter is expressed as the stress on the flavor.Cooking is from diet; the origin of food is a life-sustaining nutrition. Therefore, the focus of western diet is only the extension of the original diet practicality. The emphasis on the flavor of Chinese cuisine caters the diet to the arts field. Mencius said: "Flavor in the mouth has the same interests". "Interests" points out the key from nutrition to arts. Such interests are from the meaning of flavor. In China, eating is not meant to have enough. It is about nutrition. Sometimes we eat though we are full. We are overloaded with food. Why? Saying bluntly, it is to appreciate the art of cooking; and not saying it nicely, it is the temptation of "delicious" for the enjoyment of taste. Watching the rational diet in the west, it is not only waste, but also harmful to the men body. In fact, the herbalist doctors are also opposed to overeat, claiming "dietary restraint". But the dialectics tell us Chinese people, occasionally the "overload" and once we are comfortable, we can absorb and store. Qigong masters at the situation of non-eat and non-drink at home is still in good spirits, although their weight loses, but it is intact on the human body; and it is the consumption of such storage. Herbalist doctor also advocates winter nutrition. It is also in order to store for keeping energy in the coming year. Chinese people's views are more dialectical than the western diet propositions opposing overloaded stubbornly. It is closer to the science truth, and has been checked up for thousands of Chinese medicine practice. Psychologists Spinoza said: "The desire is human nature than other.” The human desire for delicious is the nature of human beings which is fully reflected. In process of the taste enjoyment, it is imbued with the shares of élan vital. Life should not be a yoke, but also not be a repressed desire. We can not use the absolute reason to regulate the behavior of all people. On the diet, it is not the purpose of "science" and "nutrition" and some delicious are excluded from the table outside. Only delicious things can satisfy people's appetite and then give the arrival of physical and mental pleasure. Chinese diet shows the transformation about sentimental form to rational form from the old days till now, and cause the Chinese dietary culture brimming with imagination and creativity. The sensibility of Chinese culinary culture is a sublime sensibility, infiltrating rational sense, also the realization of the nature of life. In addition, gustatory enjoyment is one of the main objectives pursued of the human struggle. The art of Chinese cuisine is compatible with the development of human history in the process, more scientific than the progress of the western diet. As Zhang Qijun in his work Cooking Principles said: “The United States is unprecedented least affluent society, but till today, in essence it is still 'food to eat' stage. There are still some distances from entering the realm of art.” In China, The role of diet goes beyond the subsistence of existence, which is designed not only to have the physical presence, but also to meet people's spiritual needs for pleasure. It is positive to enrich people's life performance, and fine arts, music, literature, etc. which have the same level of significance to the improvement of life.  Chinese diet tends to artistry, the so-called art realm, in fact, that is a complete leap from the necessity to freedom. It is characterized by randomness. For example, similar dishes, because of the differences in area, season, target, function and grade, it has different treatments on operation. Set braised fish for example, in winter deep colors are advised and tastes are advised strongly, but in summer it should be light color and flavor. And for the people in Zhejiang province, their dishes can be put up more sugar in the braised fish, and if facing Chuanxiang customers it should allocate spicy. It easy to see that if out of the arbitrary, there would be no cooking variety; we will lose the unique charm of Chinese cuisine. Whereas in the west, dishes in different areas and different seasons and facing different customers, is the same flavor, no changes. Although it is the most valuable banquet, which is just tableware known, conducted layout, and the vegetables remain the same as before.  Moreover, as for materials, westerners think the food is to eat, eating special "hard vegetables" such as large piece of meat, chicken block. China's cuisine is "taste". The Chinese cooking in materials has shown tremendous arbitrariness: The things which many, many westerners consider as disposable things in China are excellent raw materials. Foreign cooks are not able to deal with things, but in the hands of a Chinese chef, it can get a magic result. Chinese cuisine is evident in the wide use of materials.  Besides skills, an excellent cook, of course, can do more complicated dishes. But facing the real simple materials and condiments, the cooks are often able to produce delicious flavors. It is the arbitrariness of skills. In the surface, the menu seems to be scientific. Westerners always use menu to buy ingredients to produce dishes, but in comparison, it is the machinery, and often powerless facing the complex specific situation. Of course, this mechanical science is still can be said as science, but it is primitive science, and it is not the complete science. Chinese cooking talks about artistry, but it still fit the requirements among the ever-changing, it can be said such science is a real science. The characters of western food which lacks nutrition and artistic atmosphere have great distinction from the artistic realm of Chinese cuisine.




Ⅲ  Differences inDietary Structures

Chinese dietary culture is rooted in the agriculturaleconomy. China has been a great agricultural country since the ancient.Chinese’s main food is mainly made of rice and wheat. Besides, millet, maize,kaoliang, potatoesand sweet potatoesalso occupy aproportion in their main food. Lots of food which made of flour such as steambuns, noodles, clay oven rolls, and fried bread stick; all kinds of porridge,pies and snacks contribute much to people’s colorful life.(Xue 2001, 253)Chinese people do not eat meat everyday. Only when holiday comes or when peoplehave a high level living condition do they eat some meat. According to Westerninvestigators, the vegetables Chinese people eat are more than 600 kinds sixtimes than those of the Westerners. (Guo 2010, 93)

Westerners are developed from nomadic nations,therefore they have a developed animal husbandry. In their diet meat and dairyproduct are a requisite part and occupy a big proportion on table. They paylots of attention to the ingestion of animal protein and fat. Dishes made ofmeat are always seen on their table. (Pang 2011, 268)Thus the Westerners are muchstronger than Chinese people. Westerners seldom suffer from bone diseases.While Chinese people not only have short figures but also are easy to get bonediseases since they drink little milk. In China many of the old people turn tohumpbacks and many suffer from osteoporosis. Accordingly, orthopedicsdepartments are scattered everywhere in China.




Ⅳ  Differences inCooking Patterns

The difference in cooking patterns between China andthe West is first shown in the use of knife. Chinese Cutting is the most famousin the world. There are more than ten kinds of Cutting in China such as dicing,slicing, mashing, mincing, grinding, filleting, shredding, and flattening androll cutting. (Jin 2003, 178) Chinese chefs also make beautiful engraves withthe raw materials. The Westerners usually choose large pieces of raw materialsin their cooking. Chicken and beef steaks that are as large as palms are verycommon to be seen in the Western countries. (Han 2011, 73)

Second, the cooking methods between China and the westare very different. China has very rich kind of cooking methods, such asbraising, quick boiling, scaling, stewing, gradual simmering, slow red cooking,steaming, decoction and so on, up to more than thirty kinds. (Ji 2011, 128)Besides, the dishes cooked with these methods are numerous. That is why Chinesefeel it is very interesting to cook, while the Westerners emphasize too much onscientific diet and the collocation of nutrition. They cook according toscientific disciplines all the time, which is mechanized and monotonous,therefore without any joy. (Han 2011, 74)

The third difference lies in the master of the cookingduration and the amount of ingredients. Chinese dishes are very particularabout cooking duration. .A meal can neither be cooked too long to beover-cooked nor be cooked too short to still be raw. The master of the cookingduration lies on the experience of the chefs and has none definite standards.(Li 2009, 25) However, the Westerners have a strict control in their cooking.The preparation of the raw materials is accurate to one gram and the cookingduration is accurate to one second. Many westerners prepare all kinds ofcooking tools in their kitchens, such as measuring cups, platform scales,thermometers, elapsed time clocks, not to say forks to separate the egg whiteand the egg yolk, and cramps to clamp different kinds of food. Some other toolswhose names are difficult to call are also common in their kitchens. Steppinginto their kitchens is just like entering into chemical laboratories. Chinesepeople like to be optional, therefore people can often read directions likethis “with a little salt, some oil and moderate sugar” in Chinese cookbooks.(Lu 2002, 97)

The fourth difference lies in the taste. Chinesedishes require the reconciliation of tastes. The character of each material iseliminated but the dish is splendid in the whole. With one kind of material theChinese chefs can cook tens or even hundreds of dishes with different flavors.You may find the taste of fish in tofu, and can feel the flavor of meat invegetables. The Westerners emphasize on distinction. The original taste of eachmaterial can be felt in each dish. In addition, Westerners often eat rawvegetables, not only tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce but also cabbage, onionsand broccoli. Not like Chinese, Westerners use fewer kinds of seasonings intheir cooking. They seldom use fennels or wild pepper and they eat nomonosodium glutamate, because they think it contains little nutrition and mayproduce side effects. (Zhang 2009, 75)





Ⅴ  Differences in theOrder of Serving Dishes

Chinese and Western diet are also different in theorder of serving dishes. Take a banquet for example. In a Chinese banquet colddishes are the first served, next the hot dishes and the main course come withthe following of soup, then follows the main food or desserts. Fruits oftencome the last. In a western banquet the serving order is different. The firstcourse of Western dinner is appetizer. It is divided into cold dish and hot dish.Appetizers have specific flavors, mainly salty or sour. They are few in amountbut high in qualities. Different from Chinese dinners, the second course ofWestern dinner is soup. Western soup can be divided into four kinds, clearsoup, cream soup, vegetable soup and cool soup which can be divided into morekinds. The third course of a Western dinner is non-stable dish. It contains allkinds of fresh water fish and salt water fish, a variety of shellfish andmollusks. Usually, aquatic products, eggs, bread is called non-stable dish. Thefourth course of Western dinner is the main course, which contains meat andbird species. They are served with different kind of sauces. The fifth courseof Western dinner is dishes made of vegetables. Westerners often eat rawvegetables, so vegetables are often made into salad. But some vegetables arecooked such as cauliflowers, chips and boiled spinach. The six course ofWestern dinner is dessert, such as pudding, pancakes, ice cream, cheese andfruits. The last course contains beverage, coffee or tea. (Lin 2009, 90)




Ⅵ  Conclusion

China and Western countries are very different indietary cultures but both of them have their strengths. As one of the worldancient nations, China’s diet has a history almost as long as that of Chinesecivilization. But in western countries, ancient thinkers devoted less attentionto the food problem than the Chinese philosophers did, and there is even notaware of it to the "heaven" degree. With the opposite, theyrecognized and interpreted the world in the perspective of the lust or love ofmen and women more. Whether the awareness of original sin of Christianity, Adamand Eve legend, or ancient Greek philosophy (such as Plato's dialogue) whoconsidered the personal relationships “love” as the love of ontology of beauty,and regarded it as a reality thinking of philosophy, all these ideas become thebasis of western philosophers’ cultural thoughts. All these had potentialeffects on the development of western culture and westerners’ characters. 

Receiving the influence of respective culturaltradition, the Chinese and western dietary culture has had differentcharacteristic. The differences in concepts, targets, patterns, attribution andnature had reflected the different dietary culture in the different statecharacteristic; such characteristic has enriched the research value of dietaryculture. Studying these cultural differences, we can find out a joint enhancingthe communication between China and the west through a comprehensive study ofthe subject. It may be a great help to the communication of the Chinese andwestern cultures. 


Ⅶ  References

张茗阳.食物改变你的一生[M].上海:学林出版社, 2003. 


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