

对于pdf发票内容的提取有大佬已经写过了,可参考(13条消息) 浅谈发票识别方案-开篇_yczha的博客-CSDN博客_发票识别icon-default.png?t=M85Bhttps://blog.csdn.net/zyc121561/article/details/115354424



# _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
# @Time    : 2022/9/29 13:24
# @Author  : ice_Seattle
# @File    : 发票贴贴.py
# @Software: PyCharm

import os
import re
import pandas as pd
import xlwings as xw
import pdfplumber as pb

class Extractor(object):
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.file = path if os.path.isfile else None

    def _load_data(self):
        if self.file and os.path.splitext(self.file)[1] == '.pdf':
            pdf = pb.open(self.file)
            page = pdf.pages[0]
            words = page.extract_words(x_tolerance=5)
            lines = page.lines
            # convert coordination
            for index, word in enumerate(words):
                words[index]['y0'] = word['top']
                words[index]['y1'] = word['bottom']
            for index, line in enumerate(lines):
                lines[index]['x1'] = line['x0']+line['width']
                lines[index]['y0'] = line['top']
                lines[index]['y1'] = line['bottom']
            return {'words': words, 'lines': lines}
            print("file %s can't be opened." % self.file)
            return None

    def _fill_line(self, lines):
        hlines = [line for line in lines if line['width'] > 0]  # 筛选横线
        hlines = sorted(hlines, key=lambda h: h['width'], reverse=True)[:-2]  # 剔除较短的两根
        vlines = [line for line in lines if line['height'] > 0]  # 筛选竖线
        vlines = sorted(vlines, key=lambda v: v['y0'])  # 按照坐标排列
        # 查找边框顶点
        hx0 = hlines[0]['x0']  # 左侧
        hx1 = hlines[0]['x1']  # 右侧
        vy0 = vlines[0]['y0']  # 顶部
        vy1 = vlines[-1]['y1']  # 底部

        thline = {'x0': hx0, 'y0': vy0, 'x1': hx1, 'y1': vy0}  # 顶部横线
        bhline = {'x0': hx0, 'y0': vy1, 'x1': hx1, 'y1': vy1}  # 底部横线
        lvline = {'x0': hx0, 'y0': vy0, 'x1': hx0, 'y1': vy1}  # 左侧竖线
        rvline = {'x0': hx1, 'y0': vy0, 'x1': hx1, 'y1': vy1}  # 右侧竖线

        hlines.insert(0, thline)
        vlines.insert(0, lvline)
        return {'hlines': hlines, 'vlines': vlines}

    def _is_point_in_rect(self, point, rect):
        px, py = point
        p1, p2, p3, p4 = rect
        if p1[0] <= px <= p2[0] and p1[1] <= py <= p3[1]:
            return True
            return False

    def _find_cross_points(self, hlines, vlines):
        points = []
        delta = 1
        for vline in vlines:
            vx0 = vline['x0']
            vy0 = vline['y0']
            vy1 = vline['y1']
            for hline in hlines:
                hx0 = hline['x0']
                hy0 = hline['y0']
                hx1 = hline['x1']
                if (hx0-delta) <= vx0 <= (hx1+delta) and (vy0-delta) <= hy0 <= (vy1+delta):
                    points.append((int(vx0), int(hy0)))
        return points

    def _find_rects(self, cross_points):
        # 构造矩阵
        X = sorted(set([int(p[0]) for p in cross_points]))
        Y = sorted(set([int(p[1]) for p in cross_points]))
        df = pd.DataFrame(index=Y, columns=X)
        for p in cross_points:
            x, y = int(p[0]), int(p[1])
            df.loc[y, x] = 1
        df = df.fillna(0)
        # 寻找矩形
        rects = []
        COLS = len(df.columns)-1
        ROWS = len(df.index)-1
        for row in range(ROWS):
            for col in range(COLS):
                p0 = df.iat[row, col]  # 主点:必能构造一个矩阵
                cnt = col+1
                while cnt <= COLS:
                    p1 = df.iat[row, cnt]
                    p2 = df.iat[row+1, col]
                    p3 = df.iat[row+1, cnt]
                    if p0 and p1 and p2 and p3:
                        rects.append(((df.columns[col], df.index[row]), (df.columns[cnt], df.index[row]), (
                            df.columns[col], df.index[row+1]), (df.columns[cnt], df.index[row+1])))
                        cnt += 1
        return rects

    def _put_words_into_rect(self, words, rects):
        # 将words按照坐标层级放入矩阵中
        groups = {}
        delta = 2
        for word in words:
            p = (int(word['x0']), int((word['y0']+word['y1'])/2))
            flag = False
            for r in rects:
                if self._is_point_in_rect(p, r):
                    flag = True
                    groups[('IN', r[0][1], r)] = groups.get(
                        ('IN', r[0][1], r), [])+[word]
            if not flag:
                y_range = [
                    p[1]+x for x in range(delta)]+[p[1]-x for x in range(delta)]
                out_ys = [k[1] for k in list(groups.keys()) if k[0] == 'OUT']
                flag = False
                for y in set(y_range):
                    if y in out_ys:
                        v = out_ys[out_ys.index(y)]
                        groups[('OUT', v)].append(word)
                        flag = True
                if not flag:
                    groups[('OUT', p[1])] = [word]
        return groups

    def _find_text_by_same_line(self, group, delta=1):
        words = {}
        group = sorted(group, key=lambda x: x['x0'])
        for w in group:
            bottom = int(w['bottom'])
            text = w['text']
            k1 = [bottom-i for i in range(delta)]
            k2 = [bottom+i for i in range(delta)]
            k = set(k1+k2)
            flag = False
            for kk in k:
                if kk in words:
                    words[kk] = words.get(kk, '')+text
                    flag = True
            if not flag:
                words[bottom] = words.get(bottom, '')+text
        return words

    def _split_words_into_diff_line(self, groups):
        groups2 = {}
        for k, g in groups.items():
            words = self._find_text_by_same_line(g, 3)
            groups2[k] = words
        return groups2

    def _index_of_y(self, x, rects):
        for index, r in enumerate(rects):
            if x == r[2][0][0]:
                return index+1 if index+1 < len(rects) else None
        return None

    def _find_outer(self, k, words):
        df = pd.DataFrame()
        for pos, text in words.items():
            if re.search(r'发票$', text):  # 发票名称
                df.loc[0, '发票名称'] = text
            elif re.search(r'发票代码', text):  # 发票代码
                num = ''.join(re.findall(r'[0-9]+', text))
                df.loc[0, '发票代码'] = num
            elif re.search(r'发票号码', text):  # 发票号码
                num = ''.join(re.findall(r'[0-9]+', text))
                df.loc[0, '发票号码'] = num
            elif re.search(r'开票日期', text):  # 开票日期
                date = ''.join(re.findall(
                    r'[0-9]{4}年[0-9]{1,2}月[0-9]{1,2}日', text))
                df.loc[0, '开票日期'] = date
            elif '机器编号' in text and '校验码' in text:  # 校验码
                text1 = re.search(r'校验码:\d+', text)[0]
                num = ''.join(re.findall(r'[0-9]+', text1))
                df.loc[0, '校验码'] = num
                text2 = re.search(r'机器编号:\d+', text)[0]
                num = ''.join(re.findall(r'[0-9]+', text2))
                df.loc[0, '机器编号'] = num
            elif '机器编号' in text:
                num = ''.join(re.findall(r'[0-9]+', text))
                df.loc[0, '机器编号'] = num
            elif '校验码' in text:
                num = ''.join(re.findall(r'[0-9]+', text))
                df.loc[0, '校验码'] = num
            elif re.search(r'收款人', text):
                items = re.split(r'收款人:|复核:|开票人:|销售方:', text)
                items = [item for item in items if re.sub(
                    r'\s+', '', item) != '']
                df.loc[0, '收款人'] = items[0] if items and len(items) > 0 else ''
                df.loc[0, '复核'] = items[1] if items and len(items) > 1 else ''
                df.loc[0, '开票人'] = items[2] if items and len(items) > 2 else ''
                df.loc[0, '销售方'] = items[3] if items and len(items) > 3 else ''
        return df

    def _find_and_sort_rect_in_same_line(self, y, groups):
        same_rects_k = [k for k, v in groups.items() if k[1] == y]
        return sorted(same_rects_k, key=lambda x: x[2][0][0])

    def _find_inner(self, k, words, groups, groups2, free_zone_flag=False):
        df = pd.DataFrame()
        sort_words = sorted(words.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
        text = [word for k, word in sort_words]
        context = ''.join(text)
        if '购买方' in context or '销售方' in context:
            y = k[1]
            x = k[2][0][0]
            same_rects_k = self._find_and_sort_rect_in_same_line(y, groups)
            target_index = self._index_of_y(x, same_rects_k)
            target_k = same_rects_k[target_index]
            group_context = groups2[target_k]
            prefix = '购买方' if '购买方' in context else '销售方'
            for pos, text in group_context.items():
                if '名称' in text:
                    name = re.sub(r'名称:', '', text)
                    df.loc[0, prefix+'名称'] = name
                elif '纳税人识别号' in text:
                    tax_man_id = re.sub(r'纳税人识别号:', '', text)
                    df.loc[0, prefix+'纳税人识别号'] = tax_man_id
                elif '地址、电话' in text:
                    addr = re.sub(r'地址、电话:', '', text)
                    df.loc[0, prefix+'地址电话'] = addr
                elif '开户行及账号' in text:
                    account = re.sub(r'开户行及账号:', '', text)
                    df.loc[0, prefix+'开户行及账号'] = account
        elif '密码区' in context:
            y = k[1]
            x = k[2][0][0]
            same_rects_k = self._find_and_sort_rect_in_same_line(y, groups)
            target_index = self._index_of_y(x, same_rects_k)
            target_k = same_rects_k[target_index]
            words = groups2[target_k]
            context = [v for k, v in words.items()]
            context = ''.join(context)
            df.loc[0, '密码区'] = context
        elif '价税合计' in context:
            y = k[1]
            x = k[2][0][0]
            same_rects_k = self._find_and_sort_rect_in_same_line(y, groups)
            target_index = self._index_of_y(x, same_rects_k)
            target_k = same_rects_k[target_index]
            group_words = groups2[target_k]
            group_context = ''.join([w for k, w in group_words.items()])
            items = re.split(r'[((]小写[))]', group_context)
            b = items[0] if items and len(items) > 0 else ''
            s = items[1] if items and len(items) > 1 else ''
            df.loc[0, '价税合计(大写)'] = b
            df.loc[0, '价税合计(小写)'] = s
        elif '备注' in context:
            y = k[1]
            x = k[2][0][0]
            same_rects_k = self._find_and_sort_rect_in_same_line(y, groups)
            target_index = self._index_of_y(x, same_rects_k)
            if target_index:
                target_k = same_rects_k[target_index]
                group_words = groups2[target_k]
                group_context = ''.join([w for k, w in group_words.items()])
                df.loc[0, '备注'] = group_context
                df.loc[0, '备注'] = ''
            if free_zone_flag:
                return df, free_zone_flag
            y = k[1]
            x = k[2][0][0]
            same_rects_k = self._find_and_sort_rect_in_same_line(y, groups)
            if len(same_rects_k) == 8:
                free_zone_flag = True
                for kk in same_rects_k:
                    yy = kk[1]
                    xx = kk[2][0][0]
                    words = groups2[kk]
                    words = sorted(words.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) if words and len(
                        words) > 0 else None
                    key = words[0][1] if words and len(words) > 0 else None
                    val = [word[1] for word in words[1:]
                           ] if key and words and len(words) > 1 else ''
                    val = '\n'.join(val) if val else ''
                    if key:
                        df.loc[0, key] = val
        return df, free_zone_flag

    def extract(self):
        data = self._load_data()
        words = data['words']
        lines = data['lines']

        lines = self._fill_line(lines)
        hlines = lines['hlines']
        vlines = lines['vlines']

        cross_points = self._find_cross_points(hlines, vlines)
        rects = self._find_rects(cross_points)

        word_groups = self._put_words_into_rect(words, rects)
        word_groups2 = self._split_words_into_diff_line(word_groups)

        df = pd.DataFrame()
        free_zone_flag = False
        for k, words in word_groups2.items():
            if k[0] == 'OUT':
                df_item = self._find_outer(k, words)
                df_item, free_zone_flag = self._find_inner(
                    k, words, word_groups, word_groups2, free_zone_flag)
            df = pd.concat([df, df_item], axis=1)
        return df

if __name__ == "__main__":
    path = r'滴滴电子发票.pdf'
    data = Extractor(path).extract()
    path_save = f'E:/py/{path[:-4]}.xlsx'
    data.to_excel(path_save, sheet_name='Sheet1', index=False)
    app = xw.App(visible=False, add_book=False)
    app.display_alerts = False
    app.screen_updating = True
    wb = app.books.open(path_save)
    sht = wb.sheets.active  # 获取当前活动的工作表
    A1 = sht['A1:AD2']
    """设置单元格 字体格式"""
    # 修改宽高
    A1.column_width = 12
    # sht.range('B1:E1').column_width = 20.5
    A1.row_height = 30
    # Borders(11) 内部垂直边线。
    A1.api.Borders(11).LineStyle = 1
    A1.api.Borders(11).Weight = 2
    # Borders(12) 内部水平边线。
    A1.api.Borders(12).LineStyle = 1
    A1.api.Borders(12).Weight = 2
    # LineStyle = 1 直线。
    A1.api.Borders(9).LineStyle = 1
    A1.api.Borders(9).Weight = 2  # 设置边框粗细。
    A1.api.Borders(10).LineStyle = 1
    A1.api.Borders(10).Weight = 2
    A1.api.HorizontalAlignment = -4108  # 水平居中
    A1.api.VerticalAlignment = -4130  # 自动换行对齐
    file_path = r'./发票/'+data.loc[0][0] + data.loc[0][1] + '.xlsx'












# _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
# @Time    : 2022/9/29 19:02
# @Author  : ice_Seattle
# @File    : 发票贴贴追加.py
# @Software: PyCharm

import re
import tkinter as tk
import MySQLdb
import pandas as pd
import time as t
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import scrolledtext
judge = []

def database_info():
    global db, cursor, table
    db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", "root", "489000", "Fapiao", charset='utf8')
    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT VERSION()")
    version = cursor.fetchone()
    print("Database version : %s " % version)
    table = "fapiao"

def anomaly_detection(sql):
        if cursor.execute(sql):
            alert = 'Affected rows: 1!\n'
    except Exception as e:
        alert = str(e) + '\nERROR:主键约束限制,添加失败\n'

class DBUtils:

    def __init__(self, db, cursor, data, table):
        self.db = db
        self.cursor = cursor
        self.data = data
        self.table = table

    # 按主键去重追加更新
    def insert_data(self):
        fapiao_data = []
        for r in range(0, len(data.columns)):

        values = ', '.join(map(str, fapiao_data))   # * len(self.data.columns)
        values.replace('合计', "")
        values = re.sub('[0-9.]*[\n]¥', '¥', values, 2)  # \d*.\d*\n¥
        values = values.split(', ')

        txt_path = 'E:/py/learn info/信息录入.txt'
        # 删除原表数据, 隔绝上一次运行的追加信息
        f_data = open(txt_path, "r+")
        # 刷新并生成本次调用的日志文件数据
        for i in range(0, len(data.columns)):
            with open(txt_path, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                print(f"'{values[i]}',", file=f)   # end=''

        # 拼接插入语句
        x = "'"
        for a in values[0:-1]:
            x += str(a)+"', '"
        x += str(values[-1])+"'"
        values = x
        # print(values)
        global sql_1, sql_3
        sql_1 = """INSERT INTO {table} VALUES ({values}) """.format(table=self.table, values=values)
        # print(sql_1, '\n')
        # anomaly_detection(sql_1)
        global list1
        list1 = []
        sql_2 = f"""select * from {table}"""
        for i in range(1, 10000):
            sql_2 = cursor.fetchone()
            if sql_2 is None:
                for j in range(1, len(sql_2)+1):
                    list1.append(sql_2[j - 1])
        sql_3 = """COMMIT;"""   # 若不执行,数据库中不显示

def fapiao_gui():

    # 添加文本区
    sql_1_ares = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(window, width=100, height=10)
    sql_1_ares.place(x=15, y=285, width=650)

    def clear_content():
        sql_1_ares.delete('1.0', END)

    def in_data():
        p = l.get()
        sql_1_ares.insert(INSERT, judge[0])

    def refresh():
        DBUtils.insert_data(DBUtils(db, cursor, data, table))

    l = tk.Entry()
    l.place(x=45, y=215, width=600)
    l.insert(INSERT, sql_1)
    lb3 = Label(window, text="SQL", font=('微软雅黑', 8))
    lb3.place(x=15, y=215, width=30)

    lb = Label(window, text="执行SQL语句结果", font=('微软雅黑', 8),
               width=1, height=1,  # 标签内容大小
               padx=0, pady=1, borderwidth=1)
    lb.place(x=15, y=260, width=100)
    btn_execute = Button(window, text="Execute", bg="black", fg="white",
                         command=lambda: in_data())
    btn_execute.place(x=680, y=370, width=100)
    btn_clear = Button(window, text="Clear", bg="black", fg="white",
                       command=lambda: clear_content())
    btn_clear.place(x=680, y=320, width=100)
    lb2 = Label(window, text="数据库中fapiao表内容", font=('微软雅黑', 8))
    lb2.place(x=195, y=10, width=120)
    sql_2_ares = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(window)
    sql_2_ares.place(x=195, y=35, width=550)
    sb = Scrollbar(sql_2_ares, orient=HORIZONTAL)   # 设置滚动条
    sb.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X, padx=2)  # 滚动条位置
    sql_list = tk.Listbox(sql_2_ares, xscrollcommand=sb.set, width=550, height=5)
    # 当窗口改变大小时会在X与Y方向填满窗口
    sql_list.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH)
    list_group = 30
    index = []

    def fapiao_every(n):
        for k in range(0, n, list_group):
        return index

    count = len(list1)/list_group
    for i in range(0, len(index)-1):
        j = i+1
        if i < len(index):
            sql_list.insert(END, list1[int(index[i]):int(index[j])])
            count = count + 1
    # 使用command关联控件的xview方法
    btn_refresh = Button(window, text="Refresh", bg="black", fg="white",
                         command=lambda: refresh())
    btn_refresh.place(x=680, y=210, width=100)
    lb_info = Label(window, text=f"[{count} rows * 30 columns]", bg='#cde6c7', font=('微软雅黑', 8))  # bg='#7bbfea'
    lb_info.place(x=15, y=40, width=160, height=80)
    window.mainloop()  # 执行窗体

# 打开数据库连接
global db, cursor, table
global sql_1, sql_3
global list1
# 读取数据集

file_path = r'./发票/北京增值税电子普通发票011002100711.xlsx'
data = pd.read_excel(file_path, index_col=False)
data.fillna(" ", inplace=True, method=None)  # 替换NaN,否则数据写入时会报错,也可替换成其他
# print(data)  # Dataframe
t1 = t.time()
DBUtils.insert_data(DBUtils(db, cursor, data, table))
t2 = t.time()
t_end = t2-t1
print('用时', round(t_end, 2), 's')
window = Tk()  # 常见窗口对象
window.title("发票信息追加到数据库")  # 添加窗体名称
window.geometry('800x450+380+200')  # 设置窗体大小
window.resizable(width=False, height=False)


Database version : 8.0.29 
('天津增值税电子普通发票', '12002000411', '8133587', '2021年03月08日', '2930361211675111161', '499099255104', '上海艺赛旗软件股份有限公司', '91310105572715984J', ' ', ' ', '0313*<31+-5>1+>>>0*>3*66*9*<74*<5+-7666>>2+358/-609>*051+16>0-488657216*/995-317>-5>>8557+*33701067319+/<2332589', '*运输服务*客运服务费', ' ', '次', '1', '34.33', '¥34.33', '3%', '¥1.03', '叁拾伍圆叁角陆分', '¥35.36', '滴滴出行科技有限公司', '911201163409833307', '天津经济技术开发区南港工业区综合服务区办公楼C座103室12单元022-59002850', '招商银行股份有限公司天津自由贸易试验区分行122905939910401', ' ', '张雪丽', '王慧颖', '王秀丽', '(章)')
用时 0.01 s


执行Execute  一次


 执行refresh刷新,并执行Execute 三次的效果


 clear为清除执行SQL语句结果这栏的列表数据,其列表为异常try expect 数据得到的judge列表







