[Video Transformer] TimeSformer: Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?


代码: https://github.com/lucidrains/TimeSformer-pytorch

参考博客: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/E43AaQEcr2_Nm4FqcXXM7g

accept: ICML2021

author: Facebook AI

Input clips:H*W*3*F

从原视频中取出的F帧RGB视频帧,size H*W。

Decomposition into patches

将每一帧视频分割成N个无交叠的patch,size P*P,N= HW / P^2 .

Linear embedding

对输入进行线性映射,并加上learnable positional embedding

Query-Key-Value computation

本文提出的transformer包括 L encoding blocks

在每个encoding block中,对每个patch计算QKV:

[Video Transformer] TimeSformer: Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?_第1张图片

a代表attention head的index




Self-attention computation


[Video Transformer] TimeSformer: Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?_第2张图片


注意力仅在单一维度上进行计算(spatial or temporal)

[Video Transformer] TimeSformer: Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?_第3张图片

Space-Time Self-Attention Models

Divided Space-Time attention:


在time attention 中,每个图像patch仅和其余帧在对应位置提取出的图像patch进行 attention操作。

在space attention 中,这个图像patch仅和同一帧的提取出的图像patch进行 attention操作。

[Video Transformer] TimeSformer: Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?_第4张图片

  • Sparse Local Global Attention (L+G) 这个attention文章只做了简单的描述,没有给出相关代码实现,这里参考了Generating Long Sequences with Sparse Transformers( https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/E43AaQEcr2_Nm4FqcXXM7g ),做一个简单的解释。

Sparse Self-Attention合并Local和Atrous,除了相对距离不超过k的,相对距离为k的倍数的注意力都为0,这样Attention就有了"局部紧密相关和远程稀疏相关"的特性。

[Video Transformer] TimeSformer: Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?_第5张图片

本文中,local attention只考虑F* H/2 * W/2的patches,也就是每个patch只考虑1/4图像区域近邻的patches,其他忽略。

而本文中的global attention是采用2的stride来在temporal维度和HW维度上进行patches的滑窗计算。与sparse self-attention不同点在于,sparse local global attention先计算local再计算global。

[Video Transformer] TimeSformer: Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?_第6张图片

[Video Transformer] TimeSformer: Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?_第7张图片

[Video Transformer] TimeSformer: Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?_第8张图片

[Video Transformer] TimeSformer: Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?_第9张图片

 (1) TimeSformer, operating on 8×224×224 video clips

 (2) TimeSformer-HR, a high spatial resolution variant , operates on 16 × 448 × 448 video clips

 (3) TimeSformer-L, a long-range configuration,operates on 96 × 224 × 224 video clips with frames sampled at a rate of 1/4.

[Video Transformer] TimeSformer: Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?_第10张图片

[Video Transformer] TimeSformer: Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?_第11张图片

[Video Transformer] TimeSformer: Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?_第12张图片

Long-Term Video Modeling


包含了1M左右的视频,包括 23K 种类别的人类活动,视频长度平均在7min。

[Video Transformer] TimeSformer: Is Space-Time Attention All You Need for Video Understanding?_第13张图片

Test clips代表inference时cover 整个视频所需要的平均clip数量
