matlab sdm,运行matlab空间计量包中的sdm_d.m,出现?Undefined function or variable 'sdm_d'.

运行matlab空间计量包中的sdm_d.m,出现??? Undefined function or variable 'sdm_d'.


% PURPOSE: An example of using sdm() max likelihood

%          estimation of the spatial durbin model

%          (on a small data set)


% USAGE: sdm_d (see also sdm_d2 for a large data set)


clear all;

% load Anselin (1988) Columbus neighborhood crime data

load anselin.dat;

% 5 columns:

% column1 = crime

% column2 = household income

% column3 = house values

% column4 = latitude coordinate

% column5 = longitude coordinate

n = length(anselin);

y = anselin(:,1);

x = [ones(n,1) anselin(:,2:3)];

latt = anselin(:,4);

long = anselin(:,5);

vnames = strvcat('crime','constant','income','hvalue');

W = make_neighborsw(latt,long,6);

info.lflag = 0;

info.rmin = -1;

info.rmax = 1;

results = sdm(y,x,W,info);


prior.lflag = 0;

prior.novi = 1;

ndraw = 2500;

nomit = 500;

results2 = sdm_g(y,x,W,ndraw,nomit,prior);


out =  [results.bstd results2.beta_std results.bstd - results2.beta_std

results.pstd results2.rho_std  results.pstd - results2.rho_std];

in.cnames = strvcat('Hessian estimates','MCMC estimates','Difference');

rnames = strvcat('Std dev');

vnamesx = strvcat('constant','income','hvalue','W*income','W*hvalue');

in.rnames = strvcat(rnames,vnamesx,'rho');

in.fmt = '%16.8f';

