Dijkstra 算法的 Python 实现

本文使用 Python 语言,实现一个 Dijkstra 算法的简单算例。
Dijkstra 算法流程的举例说明

Dijkstra 算法的 Python 实现_第1张图片


from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Tuple

def dijkstra(mat_distance: List[List[int]], start: int, m: int = 10 ** 8) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]:
    Dijkstra algorithm

    :param mat_distance:  distance matrix
    :param start:  start point
    :param m:  big m

    :return: list_distance:  list of distance from start point to other nodes

    # number of nodes
    num_node = len(mat_distance)

    # result data: distance list
    list_distance = [m for _ in range(num_node)]
    list_node_from = [0] + [-1 for _ in range(num_node - 1)]

    # intermediate data
    # if node status is optimal
    list_if_opt = [False for _ in range(num_node)]
    # if edge checked
    mat_distance_check = [[False for _ in range(num_node)] for _ in range(num_node)]
    # nearest node from start point
    list_distance_start = [d if d > 0 else m for d in mat_distance[start]]
    nearest_start = list_distance_start.index(min(list_distance_start))
    print("nearest node from start point:  {}".format(nearest_start), '\n')

    node = start
    list_distance[start] = 0
    list_if_opt[start] = True
    list_next_node = [start]  # start node list, current node to search forward
    while False in list_if_opt:
        # from current node on
        for i in range(num_node):
            # if next node can reach and not optimal
            if not list_if_opt[i] and mat_distance[node][i] >= 0:
                if list_distance[node] + mat_distance[node][i] < list_distance[i]:
                    list_distance[i] = list_distance[node] + mat_distance[node][i]
                    list_node_from[i] = node
                mat_distance_check[node][i] = True
                print("get node {}, edge distance {}, distance list update to {}".format(
                    i, mat_distance[node][i], list_distance[i]))

                # update next node optimal status
                if i == nearest_start:
                    if_opt = True
                    if_opt = True
                    for j in range(num_node):
                        if mat_distance[j][i] >= 0:
                            if not (list_if_opt[j] and mat_distance_check[j][i]):
                                if_opt = False
                print("next node {} optimal:  {}".format(i, if_opt))
                if if_opt:
                    list_if_opt[i] = True
                    list_next_node.append(i)  # if optimal, add to start node list

        list_next_node.remove(node)  # forward finish, remove current node from start node list
        node = list_next_node[0]  # set start node list's 1st node as current node

    return list_distance, list_node_from

if __name__ == '__main__':
    mat_distance_ = [[-1, 100, 30, -1, -1],
                     [-1, -1, 20, -1, -1],
                     [-1, -1, -1, 10, 60],
                     [-1, 15, -1, -1, 50],
                     [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]]

    start_ = 0
    dts = datetime.now()
    list_distance_, list_node_from_ = dijkstra(mat_distance=mat_distance_, start=start_)
    dte = datetime.now()
    tm = round((dte - dts).seconds + (dte - dts).microseconds / (10 ** 6), 3)
    print("Dijkstra algorithm running time:  {} s".format(tm), '\n')
    print("result distance list:  {}".format(list_distance_))
    print("optimal distance node from:  {}".format(list_node_from_), '\n')


Dijkstra 算法的 Python 实现_第2张图片
