Global Sensing and Measurements Reuse for Image Compressed Sensing

Global Sensing and Measurements Reuse for Image Compressed Sensing


  • Global Sensing and Measurements Reuse for Image Compressed Sensing
    • Abstract
    • Introduction
    • Related work
      • Traditional Compressed Sensing
      • Deep Compressed Sensing
    • Methodology
      • GSM
      • GSM+
      • MRB
      • Loss function
    • Experiments
    • Conclusion
      • Future work



【Low-level feature: 通常是指图像中的一些小的细节信息,例如边缘(edge),角(corner),颜色(color),像素(pixeles), 梯度(gradients)等,这些信息可以通过滤波器、SIFT或HOG获取;
High level feature:是建立在low level feature之上的,可以用于图像中目标或物体形状的识别和检测,具有更丰富的语义信息。】

所以提出了MR-CCSNet(Measurements Reuse Convolutional Compressed Sensing Network),其中GSM(Global Sensing Module)用于提取所有特征,MRB(Measurements Reuse Block)用于多次重建。



  1. 用卷积层获得高维特征
  2. 通过多个卷积层逐步压缩特征图
  3. 收集网络中所有级别特征
  4. 通过 1 × 1 1\times 1 1×1卷积获得测量值



  1. 压缩相位重建(phased reconstructed)结果并获得多个特征图
  2. 从测量中提取匹配信息
  3. 在多尺度上融合它们





  1. GSM可以实现有效的采样
  2. MRB:充分利用测量
  3. 构建了基于GSM和MRB的图像CS端到端MR-CSSNet,并测试了有效性

Related work

Traditional Compressed Sensing

即解决sparsity-regularized optimization problem
min ⁡ x 1 2 ∥ Φ x − y ∥ 2 2 + λ ∥ Ψ x ∥ 1 \min_x\frac{1}{2}\Vert\Phi x-y\Vert^2_2 +\lambda\Vert\Psi x\Vert_1 xmin21Φxy22+λΨx1
Ψ x \Psi x Ψx x x x相对于域 Ψ \Psi Ψ的变换系数, Ψ x \Psi x Ψx的稀疏性由 1 1 1范数表示

Deep Compressed Sensing

min ⁡ θ 1 2 ∑ i = 1 k ∥ x i − F ( y i , θ ) ∥ 2 2 \min_{\theta}\frac{1}{2}\sum^k_{i=1}\Vert x_i-F(y_i,\theta)\Vert^2_2 θmin21i=1kxiF(yi,θ)22
x i x_i xi是原始图像, y i y_i yi是观测, F F F是神经网络, θ \theta θ是参数




MR-CCSNet:【a sensing network GSM】+【an initial reconstruction network】+【a deep reconstruction network

  1. Obtain the measurements y y y from the sensing network
  2. The initial reconstruction network generates initial reconstructed image by a linear mapping
  3. Refine the initial reconstructed image by a non-linear deep reconstruction network【initial reconstructed image is not enough】
  4. 【stack multiple MRBs in the deep reconstruction network】

Sensing network S ( ⋅ ) S(\cdot) S()(GSM?):

  1. Use convolutional layers for the whole images.【直接对整个图像进行卷积,而不是将图像划分为非重叠块】
  2. There is no bias and activation function.【为了满足线性特性】
  3. y = S ( x ) y=S(x) y=S(x) x ∈ R 1 × H × W x\in\mathbb{R}^{1\times H\times W} xR1×H×W y ∈ R 4 × H 8 × W 8 y\in\mathbb{R}^{4\times\frac{H}{8}\times\frac{W}{8}} yR4×8H×8W

Initial reconstruction network I ( ⋅ ) I(\cdot) I():the first time to utilize the measurements

  1. Depth-wise convolution layer expands the measurements in channel dimension and the shape of channel becomes 64 × H 8 × W 8 64\times\frac{H}{8}\times\frac{W}{8} 64×8H×8W.
  2. Get a 1 × H × W 1\times H\times W 1×H×W tensor by a pixel shuffle layer.

【pixel shuffle layer:一种对低分辨率特征图上采样的思路,假设打算将 H × W × C H\times W\times C H×W×C的特征图在长和宽的维度上扩大 r r r倍变成 r H × r W × C rH\times rW\times C rH×rW×C,则通过深度为 r 2 C r^2C r2C的卷积对 H × W × C H\times W\times C H×W×C的特征图进行卷积得到 H × W × r 2 C H\times W\times r^2C H×W×r2C的特征图,再通过“周期洗牌”的操作变成 r H × r W × C rH\times rW\times C rH×rW×C

【pixel shuffle layer就是输入 H × W H\times W H×W的低分辨率的图像,输出 r H × r W rH\times rW rH×rW的高分辨率的图像】

Deep reconstruction network D ( ⋅ ) D(\cdot) D():the second time to utilize the measurements

  1. Convert the initial reconstructed I ( y ) I(y) I(y) image to a high dimensional feature by a convolutional layer.
  2. Repeat MRBs.
  3. Fuse the MRBs with matching features extracted from measurements y y y multiple times on multi-scale.【用于将它们与多尺度上多次从测量 y y y中提取的匹配特征融合】


  1. Use a convolutional layer to reconstruct the image from high dimensional features.
  2. Add a shortcut connection to the deep reconstruction network.【shortcut connection是快捷连接,用于解决网络退化问题】

The final reconstructed image x ^ \hat{x} x^
x ^ = D ( I ( y ) ) + I ( y ) \hat{x}=D(I(y))+I(y) x^=D(I(y))+I(y)

Global Sensing and Measurements Reuse for Image Compressed Sensing_第1张图片



  1. First stage:Use 3 × 3 3\times 3 3×3 convolution layers to extract features.
  2. Second stage:Collect all level features in the network.
  3. Use a 1 × 1 1\times 1 1×1 convolution layer to sample, rather than only from the low features (i.e. CSNet+) or high features (i.e. RK-CCSNet).

【To collect all level features for sampling, we use a shortcut connection to pass the features of different layers to the end, and the pooling layer is added for matching the dimensions.】


Global Sensing and Measurements Reuse for Image Compressed Sensing_第2张图片


Different from GSM:

  1. Add a shortcut connection between two successive layers rather than add it from different layers to the end directly.

  2. The building block of GSM+:
    y t + 1 = C o n v ( y t ) + P ( y t ) y_{t+1}=Conv(y_t)+P(y_t) yt+1=Conv(yt)+P(yt)
    Conv and P denote convolution layer and meanpooling layer.

  3. The sampling ratio is controlled by the number of building block and the blue block.

When the sampling ratio is 50 % 50\% 50%, there is only one building block in GSM+, so GSM+ degenerate into GSM.


Phased recontructed result f t ∈ R C × H × W f_t\in\mathbb{R}^{C\times H\times W} ftRC×H×W and measurements y ∈ R C × H 4 × W 4 y\in\mathbb{R}^{C\times\frac{H}{4}\times\frac{W}{4}} yRC×4H×4W are fed into MRB.

  1. Use two convolutional layers, denoted as C o n v 1 Conv_1 Conv1 and C o n v 2 Conv_2 Conv2, to obtain a compacted feature map f ↓ ∈ R C × H 2 × W 2 f^{\downarrow}\in\mathbb{R}^{C\times\frac{H}{2}\times\frac{W}{2}} fRC×2H×2W and f ↓ ↓ ∈ R C × H 4 × W 4 f^{\downarrow\downarrow}\in\mathbb{R}^{C\times\frac{H}{4}\times\frac{W}{4}} fRC×4H×4W.

  2. f ↓ = C o n v 1 ( f t ) , f ↓ ↓ = C o n v 2 ( f ↓ ) . f^{\downarrow}=Conv_1(f_t),\\ f^{\downarrow\downarrow}=Conv_2(f^{\downarrow}). f=Conv1(ft),f=Conv2(f).

  3. Fig.5 extract matching information from measurements and obtain three feature maps y 1 ∈ R C × H 4 × W 4 y_1\in\mathbb{R}^{C\times\frac{H}{4}\times\frac{W}{4}} y1RC×4H×4W, y 2 ∈ R C × H 2 × W 2 y_2\in\mathbb{R}^{C\times\frac{H}{2}\times\frac{W}{2}} y2RC×2H×2W and y 3 ∈ R C × H × W y_3\in\mathbb{R}^{C\times H\times W} y3RC×H×W by Multi-Scale Reusing.

Global Sensing and Measurements Reuse for Image Compressed Sensing_第3张图片

Global Sensing and Measurements Reuse for Image Compressed Sensing_第4张图片

  1. F 1 = C o n v 3 ( f ↓ ↓ ⊕ y 1 ) F_1=Conv_3(f^{\downarrow\downarrow}\oplus y_1) F1=Conv3(fy1), in the third block. Then copy the f ↓ ↓ f^{\downarrow\downarrow} f and fuse them with F 1 F_1 F1.【怎么fuse的】
  2. 接着pixel shuffle + Conv,即 f ↑ = P i x e l ( C o n v 4 ( F 1 ⊕ f ↓ ↓ ) ) f^{\uparrow}=Pixel(Conv_4(F_1\oplus f^{\downarrow\downarrow})) f=Pixel(Conv4(F1f)),接着与 y 2 y_2 y2进行上述步骤。( F 1 ∈ R C × H 4 × W 4 F_1\in\mathbb{R}^{C\times\frac{H}{4}\times\frac{W}{4}} F1RC×4H×4W, f ↑ ∈ R C × H 2 × W 2 f^{\uparrow}\in\mathbb{R}^{C\times\frac{H}{2}\times\frac{W}{2}} fRC×2H×2W)后面依次下去,得到 f t + 1 ∈ R C × H × W f_{t+1}\in\mathbb{R}^{C\times H\times W} ft+1RC×H×W


Loss function

For the initial reconstruction network, l i n t = ∑ k = 1 n ∥ I ( S ( y k ; θ ) ; ϕ i n t ) − x k ∥ F 2 l_{int}=\sum^n_{k=1}\Vert I(S(y_k;\theta);\phi_{int})-x_k\Vert^2_F lint=k=1nI(S(yk;θ);ϕint)xkF2.

For the deep reconstruction network, l d e e p = ∑ k = 1 n ∥ D ( I ( S ( y k ; θ ) ; ϕ i n t ) ; ϕ d e e p ) − x k ∥ F 2 l_{deep}=\sum^n_{k=1}\Vert D(I(S(y_k;\theta);\phi_{int});\phi_{deep})-x_k\Vert^2_F ldeep=k=1nD(I(S(yk;θ);ϕint);ϕdeep)xkF2

θ \theta θ, ϕ i n t \phi_{int} ϕint, ϕ d e e p \phi_{deep} ϕdeep denote the parameters of S ( ⋅ ) S(\cdot) S(), I ( ⋅ ) I(\cdot) I() and D ( ⋅ ) D(\cdot) D()

The loss of MR-CCSNet is l = l d e e p + l i n t l=l_{deep}+l_{int} l=ldeep+lint.


Training datasets: 400 images from BSDS500[2]

Three standard benchmark datasets: Set5[4], Set14[39], BSDS100[2]


Future work

In the sensing network, pooling operation loses information about the low-level features.

Attention mechanism can effectively help us in extracting matching features from measurements.

In the real-world, because there are noise in the measurements, using them multiple times will introduce noise in the reconstruction process.
ching features from measurements.

In the real-world, because there are noise in the measurements, using them multiple times will introduce noise in the reconstruction process.
