
2.6.18. cublashbmv()

cublasStatus_t cublasChbmv(cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo,
                          int n, int k, const cuComplex       *alpha,
                          const cuComplex       *A, int lda,
                          const cuComplex       *x, int incx,
                          const cuComplex       *beta,
                          cuComplex       *y, int incy)
cublasStatus_t cublasZhbmv(cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo,
                          int n, int k, const cuDoubleComplex *alpha,
                          const cuDoubleComplex *A, int lda,
                          const cuDoubleComplex *x, int incx,
                          const cuDoubleComplex *beta,
                          cuDoubleComplex *y, int incy)

y = α A x + β y y = \alpha Ax+\beta y y=αAx+βy

其中 A 是具有 k 个下对角线和上对角线的 nxn Hermitian 带状矩阵,x 和 y 是向量,α 和 β 是标量。

如果 uplo == CUBLAS_FILL_MODE_LOWER 则厄尔米特带状矩阵 A 逐列存储,矩阵的主对角线存储在第 1 行,第一个次对角线存储在第 2 行(从第一个位置开始),第二个次对角线存储在第 3 行(从第一个位置开始) 在第一个位置)等。所以一般来说,元素 A(i,j) 存储在内存位置 A(1+i-j,j) for j=1,…,n and i ∈ [ j , m i n ( m , j + k ) ] i\in[j, min(m, j+k)] i[j,min(m,j+k)] 。 此外,数组 A 中在概念上与带状矩阵(右下角的 kxk 三角形)中的元素不对应的元素未被引用。

如果 uplo == CUBLAS_FILL_MODE_UPPER 则厄尔米特带状矩阵 A 逐列存储,矩阵的主对角线存储在第 k+1 行,第一个超对角线存储在第 k 行(从第二个位置开始),第二个超对角线存储在第 k 行 -1(从第三个位置开始)等。所以一般来说,元素 A(i,j) 存储在内存位置 A(1+k+i-j,j) 中,j=1,…n 并且 我> 1。 此外,数组 A 中在概念上与带状矩阵(左上角的 k x k 三角形)中的元素不对应的元素未被引用。

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
handle input handle to the cuBLAS library context.
uplo input Indicates if matrix A lower or upper part is stored, the other Hermitian part is not referenced and is inferred from the stored elements.
n input number of columns of matrix A.
k input Number of sub- and super-diagonals of matrix A.
alpha host or device input scalar used for multiplication.
A device input array of dimension lda x n with lda>=kl+ku+1.
lda input leading dimension of two-dimensional array used to store matrix A.
x device input vector with n elements if transa == CUBLAS_OP_N and m elements otherwise.
incx input stride between consecutive elements of x.
beta host or device input scalar used for multiplication, if beta == 0 then y does not have to be a valid input.
y device in/out vector at least (1+(m-1)*abs(incy)) elements if transa==CUBLAS_OP_N and at least (1+(n-1)*abs(incy)) elements otherwise.
incy input stride between consecutive elements of y.


ErrorValue Meaning
CUBLAS_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE If n < 0 or k < 0 or if incx = 0 or incy = 0 or if uplo != CUBLAS_FILL_MODE_LOWER, CUBLAS_FILL_MODE_UPPER or if lda < (k + 1) or alpha == NULL or beta == NULL

详细信息, 请参考:

chbmv, zhbmv
