x points right, y points down, z points towards scene
[right, down, forwards]
The local camera coordinate system of an image is defined in a way that the X axis points to the right, the Y axis to the bottom, and the Z axis to the front as seen from the image.
x points right, y points up, z points backwards scene
[right, up, backwards]
最右列的 3 个矩阵元素 (m12, m13, m14) 用于平移变换。 元素 m15 是齐次坐标。 它专门用于投影变换。
3 个元素集,(m0, m1, m2), (m4, m5, m6) 和 (m8, m9, m10) 用于欧几里得和仿射变换,例如旋转或缩放。 请注意,这 3 个集合实际上代表 3 个正交轴;