VSCode插件开发 浅谈workspace问题


打开Settings, 有时可以看到这里有一个Workspace, 中文环境下叫做工作区

VSCode插件开发 浅谈workspace问题_第1张图片



  • File -> Open Folder...,当有文件夹打开的时候
  • File -> Open Workspace..., 当打开一个Workspace的时候
  • File -> Add Folder to Workspace..., 当添加文件到workspace的时候
  • File -> Save Workspace As..., 把当前环境保存到一个workspace的时候


 * List of workspace folders or `undefined` when no folder is open.
 * *Note* that the first entry corresponds to the value of `rootPath`.
export const workspaceFolders: WorkspaceFolder[] | undefined;


function hasWorkspace() {
    return vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders !== undefined;



	"folders": [
			"path": "C:\\"
	"settings": {
		"editor.wordWrap": "on"
  • folders, 存放打开的文件夹
  • settings, 存储Settings中非默认的配置值


  • settings


    VSCode插件开发 更新设置列表中的配置项

  • folders



    	 * This method replaces `deleteCount` [workspace folders](#workspace.workspaceFolders) starting at index `start`
    	 * by an optional set of `workspaceFoldersToAdd` on the `vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders` array. This "splice"
    	 * behavior can be used to add, remove and change workspace folders in a single operation.
    	 * If the first workspace folder is added, removed or changed, the currently executing extensions (including the
    	 * one that called this method) will be terminated and restarted so that the (deprecated) `rootPath` property is
    	 * updated to point to the first workspace folder.
    	 * Use the [`onDidChangeWorkspaceFolders()`](#onDidChangeWorkspaceFolders) event to get notified when the
    	 * workspace folders have been updated.
    	 * **Example:** adding a new workspace folder at the end of workspace folders
    	 * ```typescript
    	 * workspace.updateWorkspaceFolders(workspace.workspaceFolders ? workspace.workspaceFolders.length : 0, null, { uri: ...});
    	 * ```
    	 * **Example:** removing the first workspace folder
    	 * ```typescript
    	 * workspace.updateWorkspaceFolders(0, 1);
    	 * ```
    	 * **Example:** replacing an existing workspace folder with a new one
    	 * ```typescript
    	 * workspace.updateWorkspaceFolders(0, 1, { uri: ...});
    	 * ```
    	 * It is valid to remove an existing workspace folder and add it again with a different name
    	 * to rename that folder.
    	 * **Note:** it is not valid to call [updateWorkspaceFolders()](#updateWorkspaceFolders) multiple times
    	 * without waiting for the [`onDidChangeWorkspaceFolders()`](#onDidChangeWorkspaceFolders) to fire.
    	 * @param start the zero-based location in the list of currently opened [workspace folders](#WorkspaceFolder)
    	 * from which to start deleting workspace folders.
    	 * @param deleteCount the optional number of workspace folders to remove.
    	 * @param workspaceFoldersToAdd the optional variable set of workspace folders to add in place of the deleted ones.
    	 * Each workspace is identified with a mandatory URI and an optional name.
    	 * @return true if the operation was successfully started and false otherwise if arguments were used that would result
    	 * in invalid workspace folder state (e.g. 2 folders with the same URI).
    	export function updateWorkspaceFolders(start: number, deleteCount: number | undefined | null, ...workspaceFoldersToAdd: { uri: Uri, name?: string }[]): boolean;  



  • settings
    vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration((e) => {
        if (e.affectsConfiguration("editor.wordWrap")) {
            // TODO
  • folders
    vscode.workspace.onDidChangeWorkspaceFolders(e=> {
        var add:{uri:vscode.Uri, name:string, index:number}[] = e.added; 
        var remove:{uri:vscode.Uri, name:string, index:number}[] = e.removed;
        // TODO

