原文来源: https://tidb.net/blog/5ffcdd1e
TiDB从2.1.8开始,information_schema中包含了SLOW_QUERY表。SLOW_QUERY 表中提供了慢查询相关的信息,其内容通过解析 TiDB 慢查询日志而来,列名和慢日志中的字段名是一一对应。对于慢日志的解析,有很多实现的方法。那我们今天就来看看 TiDB 中慢日志解析是怎么实现的吧。
TiDB 会将执行时间超过 slow-threshold (默认值为 300 毫秒)的语句输出到 slow-query-file (默认值:”tidb-slow.log”)日志文件中,用于帮助用户定位慢查询语句,分析和解决 SQL 执行的性能问题。
var slowQueryCols = []columnInfo{
{variable.SlowLogTimeStr, mysql.TypeTimestamp, 26, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogTxnStartTSStr, mysql.TypeLonglong, 20, mysql.UnsignedFlag, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogUserStr, mysql.TypeVarchar, 64, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogHostStr, mysql.TypeVarchar, 64, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogConnIDStr, mysql.TypeLonglong, 20, mysql.UnsignedFlag, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogQueryTimeStr, mysql.TypeDouble, 22, 0, nil, nil},
{execdetails.ProcessTimeStr, mysql.TypeDouble, 22, 0, nil, nil},
{execdetails.WaitTimeStr, mysql.TypeDouble, 22, 0, nil, nil},
{execdetails.BackoffTimeStr, mysql.TypeDouble, 22, 0, nil, nil},
{execdetails.RequestCountStr, mysql.TypeLonglong, 20, mysql.UnsignedFlag, nil, nil},
{execdetails.TotalKeysStr, mysql.TypeLonglong, 20, mysql.UnsignedFlag, nil, nil},
{execdetails.ProcessKeysStr, mysql.TypeLonglong, 20, mysql.UnsignedFlag, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogDBStr, mysql.TypeVarchar, 64, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogIndexNamesStr, mysql.TypeVarchar, 100, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogIsInternalStr, mysql.TypeTiny, 1, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogDigestStr, mysql.TypeVarchar, 64, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogStatsInfoStr, mysql.TypeVarchar, 512, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogCopProcAvg, mysql.TypeDouble, 22, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogCopProcP90, mysql.TypeDouble, 22, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogCopProcMax, mysql.TypeDouble, 22, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogCopProcAddr, mysql.TypeVarchar, 64, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogCopWaitAvg, mysql.TypeDouble, 22, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogCopWaitP90, mysql.TypeDouble, 22, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogCopWaitMax, mysql.TypeDouble, 22, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogCopWaitAddr, mysql.TypeVarchar, 64, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogMemMax, mysql.TypeLonglong, 20, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogSucc, mysql.TypeTiny, 1, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogPlan, mysql.TypeLongBlob, types.UnspecifiedLength, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogPrevStmt, mysql.TypeLongBlob, types.UnspecifiedLength, 0, nil, nil},
{variable.SlowLogQuerySQLStr, mysql.TypeLongBlob, types.UnspecifiedLength, 0, nil, nil},
Slow Query 字段含义说明
根据官方文档,一些 Slow Query 的基础字段含义如下:
慢查询日志中所有时间相关字段的单位都是 “秒”
Slow Query 基础信息:
:表示日志打印时间。 -
:表示执行这个语句花费的时间。 -
:表示 SQL 语句。慢日志里面不会打印Query
。 -
:表示 SQL 语句的指纹。 -
:表示事务的开始时间戳,也是事务的唯一 ID,可以用这个值在 TiDB 日志中查找事务相关的其他日志。 -
:表示是否为 TiDB 内部的 SQL 语句。true
表示 TiDB 系统内部执行的 SQL 语句,false
表示用户执行的 SQL 语句。 -
:表示语句涉及到的索引的 ID。 -
:表示语句是否执行成功。 -
:表示语句遇到需要重试的错误时在重试前等待的时间,常见的需要重试的错误有以下几种:遇到了 lock、Region 分裂、tikv server is busy
:表示执行期间 TiDB 使用的最大内存空间,单位为 byte。
和 SQL 执行的用户相关的字段:
:表示执行语句的用户名。 -
:表示用户的链接 ID,可以用类似con:3
的关键字在 TiDB 日志中查找该链接相关的其他日志。 -
:表示执行语句时使用的 database。
和 TiKV Coprocessor Task 相关的字段:
:表示这个语句发送的 Coprocessor 请求的数量。 -
:表示 Coprocessor 扫过的 key 的数量。 -
:执行 SQL 在 TiKV 的处理时间之和,因为数据会并行的发到 TiKV 执行,这个值可能会超过Query_time
。 -
:表示这个语句在 TiKV 的等待时间之和,因为 TiKV 的 Coprocessor 线程数是有限的,当所有的 Coprocessor 线程都在工作的时候,请求会排队;当队列中有某些请求耗时很长的时候,后面的请求的等待时间都会增加。 -
:表示 Coprocessor 处理的 key 的数量。相比 total_keys,processed_keys 不包含 MVCC 的旧版本。如果 processed_keys 和 total_keys 相差很大,说明旧版本比较多。 -
:cop-task 的平均执行时间。 -
:cop-task 的 P90 分位执行时间。 -
:cop-task 的最大执行时间。 -
:执行时间最长的 cop-task 所在地址。 -
:cop-task 的平均等待时间。 -
:cop-task 的 P90 分位等待时间。 -
:cop-task 的最大等待时间。 -
:等待时间最长的 cop-task 所在地址。
// parseSlowLogFile uses to parse slow log file.
// TODO: Support parse multiple log-files.
func parseSlowLogFile(tz *time.Location, filePath string) ([][]types.Datum, error) {
file, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
defer func() {
if err = file.Close(); err != nil {
logutil.Logger(context.Background()).Error("close slow log file failed.", zap.String("file", filePath), zap.Error(err))
return ParseSlowLog(tz, bufio.NewReader(file))
// ParseSlowLog exports for testing.
// TODO: optimize for parse huge log-file.
func ParseSlowLog(tz *time.Location, reader *bufio.Reader) ([][]types.Datum, error) {
var rows [][]types.Datum
startFlag := false
var st *slowQueryTuple
for {
lineByte, err := getOneLine(reader)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return rows, nil
return rows, err
另外,官方文档提到TiDB 通过 session 变量 tidb_slow_query_file 控制查询 INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SLOW_QUERY 时要读取和解析的文件,可通过修改改 session 变量的值来查询其他慢查询日志文件的内容:
set tidb_slow_query_file = "/path-to-log/tidb-slow.log"
func dataForSlowLog(ctx sessionctx.Context) ([][]types.Datum, error) {
return parseSlowLogFile(ctx.GetSessionVars().Location(), ctx.GetSessionVars().SlowQueryFile)
line := string(hack.String(lineByte))
// Check slow log entry start flag.
if !startFlag && strings.HasPrefix(line, variable.SlowLogStartPrefixStr) {
st = &slowQueryTuple{}
err = st.setFieldValue(tz, variable.SlowLogTimeStr, line[len(variable.SlowLogStartPrefixStr):])
if err != nil {
return rows, err
startFlag = true
与filebeat类似,通过设定起始字符串,来判断慢日志的开始。使用setFieldValue可以将处理的信息赋值给对应的栏位,这块将在下面讲解。慢日志每行的起始值定义可以从sessionctx/variable/session.go中获取这些起始值的相关定义,SlowLogStartPrefixStr的定义是# Time: ,即慢日志的开始时间,也是慢日志开始的标志。
const (
// SlowLogRowPrefixStr is slow log row prefix.
SlowLogRowPrefixStr = "# "
// SlowLogSpaceMarkStr is slow log space mark.
SlowLogSpaceMarkStr = ": "
// SlowLogSQLSuffixStr is slow log suffix.
SlowLogSQLSuffixStr = ";"
// SlowLogTimeStr is slow log field name.
SlowLogTimeStr = "Time"
// SlowLogStartPrefixStr is slow log start row prefix.
SlowLogStartPrefixStr = SlowLogRowPrefixStr + SlowLogTimeStr + SlowLogSpaceMarkStr
// SlowLogTxnStartTSStr is slow log field name.
SlowLogTxnStartTSStr = "Txn_start_ts"
// SlowLogUserStr is slow log field name.
SlowLogUserStr = "User"
// SlowLogHostStr only for slow_query table usage.
SlowLogHostStr = "Host"
// SlowLogConnIDStr is slow log field name.
SlowLogConnIDStr = "Conn_ID"
// SlowLogQueryTimeStr is slow log field name.
SlowLogQueryTimeStr = "Query_time"
// SlowLogParseTimeStr is the parse sql time.
SlowLogParseTimeStr = "Parse_time"
// SlowLogCompileTimeStr is the compile plan time.
SlowLogCompileTimeStr = "Compile_time"
// SlowLogDBStr is slow log field name.
SlowLogDBStr = "DB"
// SlowLogIsInternalStr is slow log field name.
SlowLogIsInternalStr = "Is_internal"
// SlowLogIndexNamesStr is slow log field name.
SlowLogIndexNamesStr = "Index_names"
// SlowLogDigestStr is slow log field name.
SlowLogDigestStr = "Digest"
// SlowLogQuerySQLStr is slow log field name.
SlowLogQuerySQLStr = "Query" // use for slow log table, slow log will not print this field name but print sql directly.
// SlowLogStatsInfoStr is plan stats info.
SlowLogStatsInfoStr = "Stats"
// SlowLogNumCopTasksStr is the number of cop-tasks.
SlowLogNumCopTasksStr = "Num_cop_tasks"
// SlowLogCopProcAvg is the average process time of all cop-tasks.
SlowLogCopProcAvg = "Cop_proc_avg"
// SlowLogCopProcP90 is the p90 process time of all cop-tasks.
SlowLogCopProcP90 = "Cop_proc_p90"
// SlowLogCopProcMax is the max process time of all cop-tasks.
SlowLogCopProcMax = "Cop_proc_max"
// SlowLogCopProcAddr is the address of TiKV where the cop-task which cost max process time run.
SlowLogCopProcAddr = "Cop_proc_addr"
// SlowLogCopWaitAvg is the average wait time of all cop-tasks.
SlowLogCopWaitAvg = "Cop_wait_avg"
// SlowLogCopWaitP90 is the p90 wait time of all cop-tasks.
SlowLogCopWaitP90 = "Cop_wait_p90"
// SlowLogCopWaitMax is the max wait time of all cop-tasks.
SlowLogCopWaitMax = "Cop_wait_max"
// SlowLogCopWaitAddr is the address of TiKV where the cop-task which cost wait process time run.
SlowLogCopWaitAddr = "Cop_wait_addr"
// SlowLogMemMax is the max number bytes of memory used in this statement.
SlowLogMemMax = "Mem_max"
// SlowLogPrepared is used to indicate whether this sql execute in prepare.
SlowLogPrepared = "Prepared"
// SlowLogHasMoreResults is used to indicate whether this sql has more following results.
SlowLogHasMoreResults = "Has_more_results"
// SlowLogSucc is used to indicate whether this sql execute successfully.
SlowLogSucc = "Succ"
// SlowLogPrevStmt is used to show the previous executed statement.
SlowLogPrevStmt = "Prev_stmt"
// SlowLogPlan is used to record the query plan.
SlowLogPlan = "Plan"
// SlowLogPlanPrefix is the prefix of the plan value.
SlowLogPlanPrefix = ast.TiDBDecodePlan + "('"
// SlowLogPlanSuffix is the suffix of the plan value.
SlowLogPlanSuffix = "')"
// SlowLogPrevStmtPrefix is the prefix of Prev_stmt in slow log file.
SlowLogPrevStmtPrefix = SlowLogPrevStmt + SlowLogSpaceMarkStr
if startFlag {
// Parse slow log field.
if strings.HasPrefix(line, variable.SlowLogRowPrefixStr) {
line = line[len(variable.SlowLogRowPrefixStr):]
const (
// SlowLogRowPrefixStr is slow log row prefix.
SlowLogRowPrefixStr = "# “
if strings.HasPrefix(line, variable.SlowLogPrevStmtPrefix) {
st.prevStmt = line[len(variable.SlowLogPrevStmtPrefix):]
Select * from test
当commit时,已经超过慢查询的时间,如果只记录commit,会造成分析慢日志时的困惑,到底是什么SQL引起的,通过记录相关的上一条事务来更好的分析慢日志。 对SlowLogPrevStmtPrefix定义如下:
const (
// SlowLogSpaceMarkStr is slow log space mark.
SlowLogSpaceMarkStr = ": "
// SlowLogPrevStmt is used to show the previous executed statement.
SlowLogPrevStmt = "Prev_stmt"
// SlowLogPrevStmtPrefix is the prefix of Prev_stmt in slow log file.
SlowLogPrevStmtPrefix = SlowLogPrevStmt + SlowLogSpaceMarkStr
2.2 处理慢日志中的其他非SQL语句信息
else {
fieldValues := strings.Split(line, " ")
for i := 0; i < len(fieldValues)-1; i += 2 {
field := fieldValues[i]
if strings.HasSuffix(field, ":") {
field = field[:len(field)-1]
err = st.setFieldValue(tz, field, fieldValues[i+1])
if err != nil {
return rows, err
else if strings.HasSuffix(line, variable.SlowLogSQLSuffixStr) {
// Get the sql string, and mark the start flag to false.
err = st.setFieldValue(tz, variable.SlowLogQuerySQLStr, string(hack.Slice(line)))
const (
// SlowLogRowPrefixStr is slow log row prefix.
SlowLogRowPrefixStr = "# "
// SlowLogSpaceMarkStr is slow log space mark.
SlowLogSpaceMarkStr = ": "
// SlowLogSQLSuffixStr is slow log suffix.
SlowLogSQLSuffixStr = “;"
if err != nil {
return rows, err
rows = append(rows, st.convertToDatumRow())
startFlag = false
} else {
startFlag = false
func (st *slowQueryTuple) setFieldValue(tz *time.Location, field, value string) error {
var err error
switch field {
case variable.SlowLogTimeStr:
st.time, err = ParseTime(value)
if err != nil {
if st.time.Location() != tz {
st.time = st.time.In(tz)
case variable.SlowLogTxnStartTSStr:
st.txnStartTs, err = strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 64)
case variable.SlowLogUserStr:
fields := strings.SplitN(value, "@", 2)
if len(field) > 0 {
st.user = fields[0]
if len(field) > 1 {
st.host = fields[1]
case variable.SlowLogConnIDStr:
st.connID, err = strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 64)
case variable.SlowLogQueryTimeStr:
st.queryTime, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case execdetails.ProcessTimeStr:
st.processTime, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case execdetails.WaitTimeStr:
st.waitTime, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case execdetails.BackoffTimeStr:
st.backOffTime, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case execdetails.RequestCountStr:
st.requestCount, err = strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 64)
case execdetails.TotalKeysStr:
st.totalKeys, err = strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 64)
case execdetails.ProcessKeysStr:
st.processKeys, err = strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 64)
case variable.SlowLogDBStr:
st.db = value
case variable.SlowLogIndexNamesStr:
st.indexIDs = value
case variable.SlowLogIsInternalStr:
st.isInternal = value == "true"
case variable.SlowLogDigestStr:
st.digest = value
case variable.SlowLogStatsInfoStr:
st.statsInfo = value
case variable.SlowLogCopProcAvg:
st.avgProcessTime, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case variable.SlowLogCopProcP90:
st.p90ProcessTime, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case variable.SlowLogCopProcMax:
st.maxProcessTime, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case variable.SlowLogCopProcAddr:
st.maxProcessAddress = value
case variable.SlowLogCopWaitAvg:
st.avgWaitTime, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case variable.SlowLogCopWaitP90:
st.p90WaitTime, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case variable.SlowLogCopWaitMax:
st.maxWaitTime, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case variable.SlowLogCopWaitAddr:
st.maxWaitAddress = value
case variable.SlowLogMemMax:
st.memMax, err = strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64)
case variable.SlowLogSucc:
st.succ, err = strconv.ParseBool(value)
case variable.SlowLogPlan:
st.plan = value
case variable.SlowLogQuerySQLStr:
st.sql = value
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "parse slow log failed `"+field+"` error")
return nil
func (st *slowQueryTuple) convertToDatumRow() []types.Datum {
record := make([]types.Datum, 0, len(slowQueryCols))
record = append(record, types.NewTimeDatum(types.Time{
Time: types.FromGoTime(st.time),
Type: mysql.TypeDatetime,
Fsp: types.MaxFsp,
record = append(record, types.NewUintDatum(st.txnStartTs))
record = append(record, types.NewStringDatum(st.user))
record = append(record, types.NewStringDatum(st.host))
record = append(record, types.NewUintDatum(st.connID))
record = append(record, types.NewFloat64Datum(st.queryTime))
record = append(record, types.NewFloat64Datum(st.processTime))
record = append(record, types.NewFloat64Datum(st.waitTime))
record = append(record, types.NewFloat64Datum(st.backOffTime))
record = append(record, types.NewUintDatum(st.requestCount))
record = append(record, types.NewUintDatum(st.totalKeys))
record = append(record, types.NewUintDatum(st.processKeys))
record = append(record, types.NewStringDatum(st.db))
record = append(record, types.NewStringDatum(st.indexIDs))
record = append(record, types.NewDatum(st.isInternal))
record = append(record, types.NewStringDatum(st.digest))
record = append(record, types.NewStringDatum(st.statsInfo))
record = append(record, types.NewFloat64Datum(st.avgProcessTime))
record = append(record, types.NewFloat64Datum(st.p90ProcessTime))
record = append(record, types.NewFloat64Datum(st.maxProcessTime))
record = append(record, types.NewStringDatum(st.maxProcessAddress))
record = append(record, types.NewFloat64Datum(st.avgWaitTime))
record = append(record, types.NewFloat64Datum(st.p90WaitTime))
record = append(record, types.NewFloat64Datum(st.maxWaitTime))
record = append(record, types.NewStringDatum(st.maxWaitAddress))
record = append(record, types.NewIntDatum(st.memMax))
if st.succ {
record = append(record, types.NewIntDatum(1))
} else {
record = append(record, types.NewIntDatum(0))
record = append(record, types.NewStringDatum(parsePlan(st.plan)))
record = append(record, types.NewStringDatum(st.prevStmt))
record = append(record, types.NewStringDatum(st.sql))
return record
并不是所有 SLOW_QUERY 的语句都是有问题的。会造成集群整体压力增大的,是那些 process_time 很大的语句。wait_time 很大,但 process_time 很小的语句通常不是问题语句,是因为被问题语句阻塞,在执行队列等待造成的响应时间过长。
admin show slow
除了获取 TiDB 日志,还有一种定位慢查询的方式是通过 admin show slow
SQL 命令:
admin show slow recent N;
admin show slow top [internal | all] N;
recent N
会显示最近的 N 条慢查询记录,例如:
admin show slow recent 10;
top N
则显示最近一段时间(大约几天)内,最慢的查询记录。如果指定 internal
选项,则返回查询系统内部 SQL 的慢查询记录;如果指定 all
选项,返回系统内部和用户 SQL 汇总以后的慢查询记录;默认只返回用户 SQL 中的慢查询记录。
admin show slow top 3;
admin show slow top internal 3;
admin show slow top all 5;
由于内存限制,保留的慢查询记录的条数是有限的。当命令查询的 N
大于记录条数时,返回的结果记录条数会小于 N
列名 | 描述 |
start | SQL 语句执行开始时间 |
duration | SQL 语句执行持续时间 |
details | 执行语句的详细信息 |
succ | SQL 语句执行是否成功,1: 成功,0: 失败 |
conn_id | session 连接 ID |
transcation_ts | 事务提交的 commit ts |
user | 执行该语句的用户名 |
db | 执行该 SQL 涉及到 database |
table_ids | 执行该 SQL 涉及到表的 ID |
index_ids | 执行该 SQL 涉及到索引 ID |
internal | 表示为 TiDB 内部的 SQL 语句 |
digest | 表示 SQL 语句的指纹 |
sql | 执行的 SQL 语句 |