swarm: a large group of insects all moving together.
算法 | 大概内容 | 概括 |
蚁群优化算法 | 蚂蚁如何在食物源和巢穴之间找到最短路径 | 路径选择;信息素更新;协同工作 |
粒子群优化算法 | 鸟群随机搜索食物 | 个体经验;社会学习 |
人工鱼群算法 | 鱼在水域的游动 | 觅食行为;追尾行为;聚群行为;随机游动 |
// ACO.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
using namespace std;
unsigned seed = (unsigned)time(0);
#define CITY_NUM 100
#define ANT_NUM 150
#define TMAX 1000
double CityPos[CITY_NUM][2] = {
{18200.0000, 109550.0000},
{18200.0000, 109583.3333},
{18206.3889, 109581.9444},
{18207.5000, 109477.7778},
{18215.8333, 109700.5556},
{18216.6667, 109700.0000},
{18220.5556, 109510.2778},
{18223.8889, 109552.2222},
{18229.7222, 109528.3333},
{18233.3333, 109533.3333},
{18233.3333, 109616.6667},
{18233.8889, 109703.8889},
{18236.6667, 109625.0000},
{18243.0556, 109505.0000},
{18243.6111, 109690.2778},
{18245.2778, 109373.8889},
{18246.6667, 109559.7222},
{18250.0000, 109516.6667},
{18250.0000, 109583.3333},
{18257.7778, 109689.4444},
{18260.5556, 109712.7778},
{18263.0556, 109580.8333},
{18263.0556, 109679.7222},
{18265.0000, 109638.6111},
{18266.6667, 109483.3333},
{18266.6667, 109566.6667},
{18266.6667, 109666.6667},
{18271.3889, 109705.8333},
{18278.3333, 109730.2778},
{18279.4444, 109675.2778},//30个
{18281.1111, 109480.8333},
{18281.3889, 109684.1667},
{18283.3333, 109400.0000},
{18283.8889, 109569.7222},
{18283.8889, 109705.5556},
{18284.4444, 109661.6667},
{18296.9444, 109611.6667},
{18302.2222, 109210.0000},
{18303.8889, 109432.2222},
{18304.1667, 109528.3333},
{18304.4444, 109335.2778},
{18304.4444, 109391.1111},
{18307.2222, 109144.1667},
{18314.7222, 109269.7222},
{18315.2778, 109626.6667},
{18316.6667, 109166.6667},
{18316.6667, 109266.6667},
{18317.2222, 109331.6667},
{18319.1667, 109442.2222},
{18319.7222, 109705.0000},//50个
{18320.2778, 109173.6111},
{18321.6667, 109551.1111},
{18325.0000, 109673.3333},
{18325.8333, 109528.3333},
{18327.2222, 109256.3889},
{18327.7778, 109247.5000},
{18332.5000, 109490.2778},
{18333.3333, 109450.0000},
{18335.2778, 109323.0556},
{18336.1111, 109731.3889},
{18344.7222, 109452.2222},
{18347.2222, 109638.8889},
{18347.7778, 109203.3333},
{18347.7778, 109587.7778},
{18349.1667, 109440.8333},
{18351.3889, 109725.8333},
{18351.3889, 109726.6667},
{18355.5556, 109627.2222},
{18356.1111, 109126.6667},
{18358.6111, 109126.3889},
{18359.1667, 108988.6111},
{18362.7778, 109602.2222},
{18370.5556, 109099.7222},
{18370.8333, 109005.5556},
{18371.6667, 109508.8889},
{18372.7778, 109163.6111},
{18374.7222, 109244.4444},
{18375.5556, 109162.2222},
{18376.1111, 109035.2778},
{18378.0556, 109603.3333},
{18378.0556, 109742.5000},
{18378.6111, 109641.6667},
{18388.3333, 109824.7222},
{18392.2222, 109725.0000},
{18393.6111, 109430.8333},
{18397.7778, 109987.5000},
{18398.6111, 109496.3889},
{18400.0000, 109730.2778},
{18400.0000, 109750.0000},
{18400.8333, 109202.7778},
{18402.2222, 109283.0556},
{18403.6111, 109020.8333},
{18403.6111, 109868.8889},
{18404.7222, 110018.6111},
{18406.6667, 109616.6667},
{18408.6111, 109758.3333},
{18409.4444, 109676.3889},
{18414.1667, 110070.2778},
{18415.8333, 108933.8889},
{18415.8333, 109725.0000}//100个
#define ALPHA 3
#define BETA 4
#define RHO 0.4
#define Q 100
const int maxn = 100;
double dis[maxn][maxn];
double info[maxn][maxn];
double E[maxn][maxn];
int vis[CITY_NUM][CITY_NUM];
double BestLength;
double ans[CITY_NUM];
const double mmax = 10e9;
int rnd(int nLow, int nUpper)
return nLow + (nUpper - nLow) * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1);
double rnd(double dbLow, double dbUpper)
double dbTemp = rand() / ((double)RAND_MAX + 1.0);
return dbLow + dbTemp * (dbUpper - dbLow);
double ROUND(double dbA)
return (double)((int)(dbA + 0.5));
struct Ant
int Path[CITY_NUM];
double length;
int vis[CITY_NUM];
int cur_cityno;
int moved_cnt;
void Init()
memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis));
length = 0;
cur_cityno = rnd(0, CITY_NUM);
Path[0] = cur_cityno;
vis[cur_cityno] = 1;
moved_cnt = 1;
int chooseNextCity()
int nSelectedCity = -1;
double dbTotal = 0.0;
double prob[CITY_NUM];
for (int i = 0; i < CITY_NUM; i++)
if (!vis[i])
prob[i] = pow(info[cur_cityno][i], ALPHA) * pow(1.0 / dis[cur_cityno][i], BETA);
dbTotal = dbTotal + prob[i];
prob[i] = 0;
double dbTemp = 0.0;
if (dbTotal > 0.0)
dbTemp = rnd(0.0, dbTotal);
for (int i = 0; i < CITY_NUM; i++)
if (!vis[i])
dbTemp = dbTemp - prob[i];
if (dbTemp < 0.0)
nSelectedCity = i;
if (nSelectedCity == -1)
for (int i = 0; i < CITY_NUM; i++)
if (!vis[i])
nSelectedCity = i;
return nSelectedCity;
void Move()
int nCityno = chooseNextCity();
Path[moved_cnt] = nCityno;
vis[nCityno] = 1;
cur_cityno = nCityno;
length = length + dis[Path[moved_cnt - 1]][Path[moved_cnt]];
void Search()
while (moved_cnt < CITY_NUM)
length = length + dis[Path[CITY_NUM - 1]][Path[0]];
struct TSP
Ant ants[ANT_NUM];
Ant ant_best;
void Init()
ant_best.length = mmax;
for (int i = 0; i < CITY_NUM; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < CITY_NUM; j++)
double temp1 = CityPos[j][0] - CityPos[i][0];
double temp2 = CityPos[j][1] - CityPos[i][1];
dis[i][j] = sqrt(temp1 * temp1 + temp2 * temp2);
for (int i = 0; i < CITY_NUM; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < CITY_NUM; j++)
info[i][j] = 1.0;
void Updateinfo()
double tmpinfo[CITY_NUM][CITY_NUM];
memset(tmpinfo, 0, sizeof(tmpinfo));
int m = 0;
int n = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ANT_NUM; i++)
for (int j = 1; j < CITY_NUM; j++)
m = ants[i].Path[j];
n = ants[i].Path[j - 1];
tmpinfo[n][m] = tmpinfo[n][m] + Q / ants[i].length;
tmpinfo[m][n] = tmpinfo[n][m];
n = ants[i].Path[0];
tmpinfo[n][m] = tmpinfo[n][m] + Q / ants[i].length;
tmpinfo[m][n] = tmpinfo[n][m];
for (int i = 0; i < CITY_NUM; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < CITY_NUM; j++)
info[i][j] = info[i][j] * RHO + tmpinfo[i][j];
void Search()
for (int i = 0; i < TMAX; i++)
cout << "当前循环次数为" << i << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < ANT_NUM; j++)
for (int j = 0; j < ANT_NUM; j++)
if (ant_best.length > ants[j].length)
ant_best = ants[j];
cout << "目前得到的最短路径长度为" << ant_best.length << endl;
int main()
TSP tsp;
cout << "最短路径为" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < CITY_NUM; i++)
cout << tsp.ant_best.Path[i] << endl;
return 0;
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