创建T-SQL 测试套件
许多基于Windows的系统都使用了SQL Server作为后台组件。待测程序经常通过存储过程来访问数据库。对于这些应用场景,可以把SQL存储过程当成应用程序的辅助函数。有两种方法可以用来编写对SQL存储过程的自动化测试:
1 -- Database setup: makeDbEmployees.sql 2 3 use master 4 go 5 6 if exists (select * from sysdatabases where name='dbEmployees') 7 drop database dbEmployees 8 go 9 10 if exists (select * from syslogins where name = 'employeesLogin') 11 exec sp_droplogin 'employeesLogin' 12 go 13 14 create database dbEmployees 15 go 16 17 use dbEmployees 18 go 19 20 create table tblEmployees 21 ( 22 empID char(3) primary key, 23 empLast varchar(35) not null, 24 empDOH datetime not null, 25 ) 26 go 27 28 -- this is dev data, not test case data 29 insert into tblEmployees values('e11','Adams', '06/15/1998') 30 insert into tblEmployees values('e22','Baker', '06/15/2001') 31 go 32 33 exec sp_addlogin 'employeesLogin', 'September,2014' 34 go 35 exec sp_grantdbaccess 'employeesLogin' 36 go 37 38 create procedure usp_HiredAfter 39 @dt datetime 40 as 41 select * from tblEmployees where empDOH > @dt 42 go 43 44 grant execute on usp_HiredAfter to employeesLogin 45 go 46 47 -- end script
1 -- Test case data and results setup: makeDbTestCasesAndResults.sql 2 3 use master 4 go 5 6 if exists (select * from sysdatabases where name='dbTestCasesAndResults') 7 drop database dbTestCasesAndResults 8 go 9 10 if exists (select * from syslogins where name = 'testLogin') 11 exec sp_droplogin 'testLogin' 12 go 13 14 create database dbTestCasesAndResults 15 go 16 17 use dbTestCasesAndResults 18 go 19 20 create table tblTestCases 21 ( 22 caseID char(4) primary key, 23 input datetime not null, 24 expectedChecksum int not null 25 ) 26 go 27 28 -- this is the test case data for usp_HiredAfter using a checksum expected 29 -- value approach 30 -- can also read from a text file using BCP, DTS, or a C# program 31 insert into tblTestCases values('0001','01/01/1998', 1042032) 32 insert into tblTestCases values('0002','01/01/1998', 9999999) -- deliberate error 33 insert into tblTestCases values('0003','01/01/2000', 25527856) 34 insert into tblTestCases values('0004','01/01/2006', 0) 35 go 36 37 create table tblResults 38 ( 39 caseID char(4) not null, 40 result char(4) null, 41 whenRun datetime not null 42 ) 43 go 44 45 exec sp_addlogin 'testLogin', 'September,2014' 46 go 47 exec sp_grantdbaccess 'testLogin' 48 go 49 50 grant select, insert, delete, update on tblTestCases to testLogin 51 go 52 53 grant select, insert, delete, update on tblResults to testLogin 54 go 55 56 -- end script
osql.exe -S(local) -U loginID -P loginPassword -i makeDbTestCasesAndResults.sql -n > RESULT.txt
osql.exe -S(local) -E -i makeDbTestCasesAndResults.sql -n > RESULT.txt
Step 1: 先看一下如何从表‘tblTestCases’中导出数据
create table 'tblTestCases'的脚本:
1 create table tblTestCases 2 ( 3 caseID char(4) primary key, 4 input datetime not null, 5 expectedChecksum int not null 6 )
bcp dbTestCasesAndResults.dbo.tblTestCases out C:\Code\AutomationTest\newData.dat -c -T
Step 2: 用BCP导出格式文件
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp dbTestCasesAndResults.dbo.tblTestCases format nul -f C:\Code\AutomationTest\newData.fmt -c -T'
1 11.0 2 3 3 1 SQLCHAR 0 4 "\t" 1 caseID SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS 4 2 SQLCHAR 0 24 "\t" 2 input "" 5 3 SQLCHAR 0 12 "\r\n" 3 expectedChecksum ""
Step3: 修改newData.dat,导入
000 2007-01-01 00:00:00.000 7
1 bcp.exe dbTestCasesAndResults.dbo.tblTestCases in newData.dat -f newData.fmt -S. -T
1 declare tCursor cursor fast_forward 2 for select caseID, input, expectedChecksum 3 from dbTestCasesAndResults.dbo.tblTestCases 4 order by caseID
在使用游标前,必须先打开游标。然后,如果想要遍历整个数据库表,则必须通过fetch next语句于都数据库表的第一行:
1 open tCursor 2 fetch next 3 from tCursor 4 into @caseID, @input, @expectedChecksum
1 while @@fetch_status = 0 2 begin 3 4 --运行测试用例 5 6 fetch next 7 from tCursor 8 into @caseID, @input, @expectedChecksum 9 end
1 exec @actual = dbEmployees.dbo.usp_HiredAfter @input 2 3 if(@actual=@expected) 4 begin 5 set @resultLine=@caseID + ': Pass' 6 print @resultLine 7 end 8 else 9 begin 10 set @resultLine=@caseID + ': Fail' 11 print @resultLine 12 end
1 close tCursor 2 deallocate tCursor
1 -- =========================================================== 2 -- TestAuto.sql 3 4 truncate table dbEmployees.dbo.tblEmployees 5 6 insert into dbEmployees.dbo.tblEmployees 7 values('e11','Adams', '06/15/1998') 8 insert into dbEmployees.dbo.tblEmployees 9 values('e22','Baker', '06/15/2001') 10 insert into dbEmployees.dbo.tblEmployees 11 values('e33','Young', '06/15/1998') 12 insert into dbEmployees.dbo.tblEmployees 13 values('e44','Zetta', '06/15/2001') 14 -- other data would be inserted too 15 16 17 declare tCursor cursor fast_forward 18 for select caseID, input, expectedChecksum 19 from dbTestCasesAndResults.dbo.tblTestCases 20 order by caseID 21 22 declare @caseID char(4), @input datetime, @expectedChecksum int 23 declare @whenRun datetime 24 declare @actualChecksum int 25 declare @resultLine varchar(50) 26 27 set @whenRun = getdate() 28 29 open tCursor 30 fetch next 31 from tCursor 32 into @caseID, @input, @expectedChecksum 33 34 while @@fetch_status = 0 35 begin 36 37 exec @actualChecksum=dbEmployees.dbo.usp_HiredAfter @input 38 39 if (@actualChecksum = @expectedChecksum) 40 begin 41 set @resultLine = @caseID + ' Pass' 42 print @resultLine 43 insert into dbTestCasesAndResults.dbo.tblResults values(@caseID, 'Pass', @whenRun) 44 end 45 else 46 begin 47 set @resultLine = @caseID + ' Fail' 48 print @resultLine 49 insert into dbTestCasesAndResults.dbo.tblResults values(@caseID, 'Fail', @whenRun) 50 end 51 52 fetch next 53 from tCursor 54 into @caseID, @input, @expectedChecksum 55 56 end 57 58 close tCursor 59 deallocate tCursor 60 -- end script
1 create procedure usp_HiredAfter 2 @dt datetime 3 as 4 select * from tblEmployees where empDOH > @dt
1 create table #resultRowset 2 ( 3 empID char(3) primary key, 4 empLast varchar(35) not null, 5 empDOH datetime not null, 6 )
1 insert #resultRowset (empID, empLast, empDOH) -- call sp under test 2 exec dbEmployees.dbo.usp_HiredAfter @input
if (@@rowcount = 0) set @actualChecksum =0 else select @actualChecksum = checksum_agg(binary_checksum(*)) from #resultRowset if (@actualChecksum = @expectedChecksum) print 'Pass' else print 'Fail'
1 -- =========================================================== 2 -- Test automation harness: SQLspTest.sql 3 -- test dbEmployees..usp_HiredAfter 4 -- reads test case data and writes results 5 -- to dbTestCasesAndResults 6 7 set nocount on 8 9 if not exists 10 (select * from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name='dbTestCasesAndResults') 11 raiserror('Fatal error: dbTestCasesAndResults not found', 16, 1) 12 go 13 14 if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='tap_Reset') 15 drop procedure tap_Reset 16 go 17 18 create procedure tap_Reset 19 as 20 truncate table dbEmployees.dbo.tblEmployees 21 22 insert into dbEmployees.dbo.tblEmployees 23 values('e11','Adams', '06/15/1998') 24 insert into dbEmployees.dbo.tblEmployees 25 values('e22','Baker', '06/15/2001') 26 insert into dbEmployees.dbo.tblEmployees 27 values('e33','Young', '06/15/1998') 28 insert into dbEmployees.dbo.tblEmployees 29 values('e44','Zetta', '06/15/2001') 30 -- other data would be inserted too 31 go 32 33 -- prepare dbEmployees with rich data 34 exec tap_Reset 35 go 36 37 declare tCursor cursor fast_forward 38 for select caseID, input, expectedChecksum 39 from dbTestCasesAndResults.dbo.tblTestCases 40 order by caseID 41 42 declare @caseID char(4), @input datetime, @expectedChecksum int 43 declare @whenRun datetime 44 declare @resultMsg varchar(80) 45 declare @actualChecksum int 46 47 create table #resultRowset -- for checksum technique 48 ( 49 empID char(3) primary key, 50 empLast varchar(35) not null, 51 empDOH datetime not null, 52 ) 53 54 set @whenRun = getdate() 55 56 print 'Stored procedure under test = usp_HiredAfter' 57 print ' ' 58 print 'CaseID Input Expected Actual Result' 59 print '===============================================' 60 61 open tCursor 62 fetch next 63 from tCursor 64 into @caseID, @input, @expectedChecksum 65 66 while @@fetch_status = 0 67 begin 68 69 exec tap_Reset -- reset test bed data 70 71 truncate table #resultRowset -- empty out the result rowset 72 73 insert #resultRowset (empID, empLast, empDOH) -- call sp under test 74 exec dbEmployees.dbo.usp_HiredAfter @input 75 76 if (@@rowcount = 0) 77 set @actualChecksum = 0 78 else 79 select @actualChecksum = checksum_agg(binary_checksum(*)) from #resultRowset 80 81 if (@actualChecksum = @expectedChecksum) 82 begin 83 set @resultMsg = @caseID + ' ' + cast(@input as varchar(11)) + 84 ' ' + cast(@expectedChecksum as varchar(20)) + ' ' + 85 cast(@actualChecksum as varchar(20)) + ' Pass' 86 print @resultMsg 87 insert into dbTestCasesAndResults.dbo.tblResults values(@caseID, 'Pass', 88 @whenRun) 89 end 90 else 91 begin 92 set @resultMsg = @caseID + ' ' + cast(@input as varchar(11)) + 93 ' ' + cast(@expectedChecksum as varchar(20)) + ' ' + 94 cast(@actualChecksum as varchar(20)) + ' FAIL' 95 print @resultMsg 96 insert into dbTestCasesAndResults.dbo.tblResults values(@caseID, 'FAIL', 97 @whenRun) 98 end 99 100 fetch next 101 from tCursor 102 into @caseID, @input, @expectedChecksum 103 104 end 105 106 close tCursor 107 deallocate tCursor 108 109 drop table #resultRowset 110 111 -- end script
1 create procedure usp_GetLast 2 @empID char(3) 3 @empLast varchar(35) out 4 as 5 select @empLast =empLast from tblEmployees where empID = @empID 6 return @@rowcount
1 declare @input char(3) 2 declare @empLat varchar(35) 3 declare @retval int 4 5 declare @expectedLast varchar(35) 6 declare @expectedRet int 7 8 set @input = 'e22' 9 set @expectedLast = 'Baker' 10 set @expectedRet=1 11 12 exec @retval =dbEmployees.dbo.usp_GetLast @input, @empLat out 13 if(@retval=@expectedRet and @empLat = @expectedLast) 14 print 'Pass' 15 else 16 print 'Fail'
1 create procedure usp_DeleteEmployee 2 @empID char(3) 3 as 4 delete from dbEmployees.dbo.tblEmployees where empID=@empID
1 declare @input char(3) 2 3 declare @expected int 4 declare @actual int 5 6 set @input = 'e22' 7 set @expected = 150847775 8 9 exec dbEmployees.dbo.usp_DeleteEmployee @input 10 select @actual=checksum_agg(checksum(*)) from dbEmployees.dbo.tblEmployees 11 if(@actual=@expected) 12 print 'Pass' 13 else 14 print 'Fail'
[1] bcp命令详解