import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve
from scipy.stats import norm
import numpy as np
def plot_DET_curve():
# 设置刻度范围
pmiss_min = 0.001
pmiss_max = 0.6
pfa_min = 0.001
pfa_max = 0.6
# 刻度设置
pticks = [0.00001, 0.00002, 0.00005, 0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0005,
0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05,
0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9,
0.95, 0.98, 0.99, 0.995, 0.998, 0.999,
0.9995, 0.9998, 0.9999, 0.99995, 0.99998, 0.99999]
# 刻度*100
xlabels = [' 0.001', ' 0.002', ' 0.005', ' 0.01 ', ' 0.02 ', ' 0.05 ',
' 0.1 ', ' 0.2 ', ' 0.5 ', ' 1 ', ' 2 ', ' 5 ',
' 10 ', ' 20 ', ' 40 ', ' 60 ', ' 80 ', ' 90 ',
' 95 ', ' 98 ', ' 99 ', ' 99.5 ', ' 99.8 ', ' 99.9 ',
' 99.95', ' 99.98', ' 99.99', '99.995', '99.998', '99.999']
ylabels = xlabels
# 确定刻度范围
n = len(pticks)
# 倒叙
for k, v in enumerate(pticks[::-1]):
if pmiss_min <= v:
tmin_miss = n - k - 1 # 移动最小值索引位置
if pfa_min <= v:
tmin_fa = n - k - 1 # 移动最小值索引位置
# 正序
for k, v in enumerate(pticks):
if pmiss_max >= v:
tmax_miss = k+1 # 移动最大值索引位置
if pfa_max >= v:
tmax_fa = k+1 # 移动最大值索引位置
plt.xlim(norm.ppf(pfa_min), norm.ppf(pfa_max))
plt.xticks(norm.ppf(pticks[tmin_fa:tmax_fa]), xlabels[tmin_fa:tmax_fa])
plt.xlabel('False Alarm probability (in %)')
plt.ylim(norm.ppf(pmiss_min), norm.ppf(pmiss_max))
plt.yticks(norm.ppf(pticks[tmin_miss:tmax_miss]), ylabels[tmin_miss:tmax_miss])
plt.ylabel('Miss probability (in %)')
return plt
# 计算EER
def compute_EER(frr,far):
threshold_index = np.argmin(abs(frr - far)) # 平衡点
eer = (frr[threshold_index]+far[threshold_index])/2
return eer
# 计算minDCF P_miss = frr P_fa = far
def compute_minDCF2(P_miss,P_fa):
C_miss = C_fa = 1
P_true = 0.01
P_false = 1-P_true
npts = len(P_miss)
if npts != len(P_fa):
print("error,size of Pmiss is not euqal to pfa")
DCF = C_miss * P_miss * P_true + C_fa * P_fa*P_false
min_DCF = min(DCF)
return min_DCF
# 计算minDCF P_miss = frr P_fa = far
def compute_minDCF3(P_miss,P_fa,min_DCF_2):
C_miss = C_fa = 1
P_true = 0.001
P_false = 1-P_true
npts = len(P_miss)
if npts != len(P_fa):
print("error,size of Pmiss is not euqal to pfa")
DCF = C_miss * P_miss * P_true + C_fa * P_fa*P_false
# 该操作是我自己加的,因为论文中的DCF10-3指标均大于DCF10-2且高于0.1以上,所以通过这个来过滤一下,错误请指正
min_DCF = 1
for dcf in DCF:
if dcf > min_DCF_2+0.1 and dcf < min_DCF:
min_DCF = dcf
return min_DCF
if __name__ == "__main__":
# 读文件获取y_true和y_score
y_true = np.load('./dataset/y_true.npy')
y_score = np.load('./dataset/y_pre.npy')
fpr, tpr, thres = roc_curve(y_true, y_score)
frr = 1 - tpr
far = fpr
frr[frr <= 0] = 1e-5
far[far <= 0] = 1e-5
frr[frr >= 1] = 1-1e-5
far[far >= 1] = 1-1e-5
# 画图
plt = plot_DET_curve()
x, y = norm.ppf(frr), norm.ppf(far)
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.plot([-40, 1], [-40, 1])
# plt.plot(np.arange(0,40,1),np.arange(0,40,1))
eer = compute_EER(frr,far)
min_DCF_2 = compute_minDCF2(frr*100,far*100)
min_DCF_3 = compute_minDCF3(frr*100,far*100,min_DCF_2)