openvino系列 13. 使用 OpenVINO 多模型级联使用:车辆检测与识别示例

openvino系列 13. 使用 OpenVINO 多模型级联使用:车辆检测与识别示例

此案例演示如何使用 Open Model Zoo 中的两个预训练模型:vehicle-detection-0202 用于对象检测,和 vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039 用于图像分类。 使用这些模型,我们将从原始图像中检测车辆并识别检测到的车辆的属性(颜色与种类)。


  • 本案例运行环境:Win10,10代i5笔记本
  • IDE:VSCode
  • openvino版本:2022.1
  • 代码链接,9-vehicle-detection-and-recognition


  • openvino系列 13. 使用 OpenVINO 多模型级联使用:车辆检测与识别示例
    • 1 关于预训练模型
      • 1.1 vehicle-detection-020X 物体识别预训练模型
      • 1.2 vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-00XX 分类模型
    • 2 模块介绍
    • 3 代码
      • 3.1 下载模型
      • 3.2 读取图片
      • 3.3 使用检测模型检测车辆
      • 3.4 使用识别模型检测车辆识别车辆属性
      • 3.5 将检测识别模型串起来

1 关于预训练模型

英特尔的OpenVINO有一个Open Model Zoo,里面包含了非常多的预训练模型。关于我们这个案例,相关的预训练模型包括:

  • [Object detection] vehicle-detection-0200
  • [Object detection] vehicle-detection-0201
  • [Object detection] vehicle-detection-0202
  • [Classification] vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039
  • [Classification] vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0042


1.1 vehicle-detection-020X 物体识别预训练模型

vehicle-detection-0200 vehicle-detection-0201 vehicle-detection-0202
High-Level Description This is a vehicle detector that is based on MobileNetV2 backbone with two SSD heads from 1/16 and 1/8 scale feature maps and clustered prior boxes for 256x256 resolution. This is a vehicle detector that is based on MobileNetV2 backbone with two SSD heads from 1/16 and 1/8 scale feature maps and clustered prior boxes for 384x384 resolution. This is a vehicle detector that is based on MobileNetV2 backbone with two SSD heads from 1/16 and 1/8 scale feature maps and clustered prior boxes for 512x512 resolution.
AP @ [ IoU=0.50:0.95 ] 0.254 (internal test set) 0.322 (internal test set) 0.363 (internal test set)
GFlops 0.786 1.768 3.143
MParams 1.817 1.817 1.817
Source framework PyTorch* PyTorch* PyTorch*


  • 输入:[1,3,256,256]/[1,3,384,384]/[1,3,512,512],对应0200,0201,0202(所以这个就是为什么计算量0202最大的原因)。输入格式:[B,C,H,W],即:[batch size,number of channels,image height,image width]。输入期望BGR格式图片。
  • 输出:[1,1,200,7],即[1,1,N,7],N指的是bounding box的数量。每一个检测框包括七个维度:[image_id, label, conf, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]。


1.2 vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-00XX 分类模型


vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039 vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0042
Car pose Front facing cars Front facing cars
High-level Description This model presents a vehicle attributes classification algorithm r a traffic analysis scenario. This model presents a vehicle attributes classification algorithm for a traffic analysis scenario.
Occlusion coverage <50% <50%
Supported colors White, gray, yellow, red, green, blue, black White, gray, yellow, red, green, blue, black
Supported types Car, van, truck, bus Car, van, truck, bus
GFlops 0.126 0.462
MParams 0.626 11.177
Source framework Caffe* PyTorch*
White Color Accuracy 84.83% 84.20%
gray Color Accuracy 78.01% 77.47%
yellow Color Accuracy 54.01% 61.50%
red Color Accuracy 92.27% 94.65%
green Color Accuracy 83.33% 81.82%
Color average accuracy 81.15 % 82.71%
car 98.26% 97.44%
van 89.16% 86.41%
track 94.27% 96.95%
bus 68.57% 68.57%
Type average accuracy 87.56 % 87.34%


  • 输入:尺寸[1,3,72,72],即[1,C,H,W],代表[number of channels, image height, image width];
  • 输出1:color,车的颜色分类,尺寸[1,7],即车辆七种颜色的概率:[white, gray, yellow, red, green, blue, black];
  • 输出2:type,车的种类分类,尺寸[1,4],即车辆4种种类的概率:[car, van, truck, bus]。


2 模块介绍





1 - Download detection and recognition models from Open Model Zoo.
2 - Load detection and recognition models from Open Model Zoo.
Get input size - Detection: [512,512]
Get input size - Recognition: [72,72]
3 - Read image, and resize it in order to align with detection model inputs.
- original image shape: (563, 1000, 3)
- original image is reshaped into (1, 3, 512, 512)
4 - Object detection Model Inference. Got bounding box of vehicle detected.
- Box detected: [[0. 0. 0.999808 0.23658293 0.18023151 0.7706103 0.9189388 ]]
5 - Now we crop the image and only left vehicle.
- size of original image: [563,1000]
- size of reshape image and sent into detection model: [512,512]
- Now we refit the scale of bounding box in order to fit the size of original image.
- car position in original image: [[236, 101, 770, 517]]
6 - Classification Model. We got the cropped vehicle image, and resize it in order to align with classification model input.
- Image scale of classification model input: [72,72]
- Model inference. The result contains vehicle colors (white, gray, yellow, red, green, blue, black) and vehicle types (car, bus, truck, van).
- Recognition result: ('Gray', 'Car')
7 - Finally let's combine 2 models and show results.


openvino系列 13. 使用 OpenVINO 多模型级联使用:车辆检测与识别示例_第1张图片
openvino系列 13. 使用 OpenVINO 多模型级联使用:车辆检测与识别示例_第2张图片

openvino系列 13. 使用 OpenVINO 多模型级联使用:车辆检测与识别示例_第3张图片


3 代码

3.1 下载模型

我们使用 omz_downloader,它是 openvino-dev 包中的一个命令行工具。 omz_downloader 自动创建目录结构并下载所选模型。 如果模型已下载,则跳过此步骤。 所选模型来自公共目录,这意味着它必须转换为中间表示(IR)。

注意:如果要更改模型,我们可以直接修改模型名称,如"vehicle-detection-0201""vehicle-detection-0202"(关于模型之间的区别,参见Open Model Zoo以及我们上面章节的介绍)。此外,如果要改变精度,需要修改"FP32""FP16""FP16-INT8"中的精度值,不同的型号有不同的模型尺寸和精度值。


import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple

import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from openvino.runtime import Core

print("1 - Download detection and recognition models from Open Model Zoo.")
# Directory where model will be downloaded
base_model_dir = "model"
# Model name as named in Open Model Zoo
detection_model_name = "vehicle-detection-0202"
recognition_model_name = "vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039"
# Selected precision (FP32, FP16, FP16-INT8)
precision = "FP32"

# Check if the model exists 
detection_model_path = (
recognition_model_path = (

# Download the detection model
if not os.path.exists(detection_model_path):
    download_command = f"omz_downloader " \
                       f"--name {detection_model_name} " \
                       f"--precision {precision} " \
                       f"--output_dir {base_model_dir}"
    ! $download_command
# Download the recognition model
if not os.path.exists(recognition_model_path):
    download_command = f"omz_downloader " \
                       f"--name {recognition_model_name} " \
                       f"--precision {precision} " \
                       f"--output_dir {base_model_dir}"
    ! $download_command

print("2 - Load detection and recognition models from Open Model Zoo.")

# Initialize inference engine runtime
ie_core = Core()

def model_init(model_path: str) -> Tuple:
    Read the network and weights from file, load the
    model on the CPU and get input and output names of nodes

    :param: model: model architecture path *.xml
            input_key: Input node network
            output_key: Output node network
            exec_net: Encoder model network
            net: Model network

    # Read the network and corresponding weights from file
    model = ie_core.read_model(model=model_path)
    # compile the model for the CPU (you can use GPU or MYRIAD as well)
    compiled_model = ie_core.compile_model(model=model, device_name="CPU")
    # Get input and output names of nodes
    input_keys = compiled_model.input(0)
    output_keys = compiled_model.output(0)
    return input_keys, output_keys, compiled_model

# de -> detection
# re -> recognition
# Detection model initialization
input_key_de, output_keys_de, compiled_model_de = model_init(detection_model_path)
# Recognition model initialization
input_key_re, output_keys_re, compiled_model_re = model_init(recognition_model_path)

# Get input size - Detection
height_de, width_de = list(input_key_de.shape)[2:]
# Get input size - Recognition
height_re, width_re = list(input_key_re.shape)[2:]

print("Get input size - Detection: [{0},{1}]".format(height_de, width_de))
print("Get input size - Recognition: [{0},{1}]".format(height_re, width_re))


1 - Download detection and recognition models from Open Model Zoo.
2 - Load detection and recognition models from Open Model Zoo.
Get input size - Detection: [512,512]
Get input size - Recognition: [72,72]

3.2 读取图片


def plt_show(raw_image):
    Use matplot to show image inline
    raw_image: input image

    :param: raw_image:image array
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))

print('3 - Read image, and resize it in order to align with detection model inputs.')
# Read an image
image_de = cv2.imread("data/car1.jpg")
print("- original image shape: {}".format(image_de.shape))
# Resize to [3, 512, 512]
resized_image_de = cv2.resize(image_de, (width_de, height_de))
# Expand to [1, 3, 512, 512]
input_image_de = np.expand_dims(resized_image_de.transpose(2, 0, 1), 0)
print("- original image is reshaped into {}".format(input_image_de.shape))
# Show image
# plt_show(cv2.cvtColor(image_de, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))


3 - Read image, and resize it in order to align with detection model inputs.
- original image shape: (370, 499, 3)
- original image is reshaped into (1, 3, 512, 512)

3.3 使用检测模型检测车辆

回顾我们使用的识别模型,它的输出:[1,1,200,7],即[1,1,N,7],N指的是bounding box的数量。每一个检测框包括七个维度:[image_id, label, conf, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]。其中:

  • image_id - 批次中图像的 ID
  • 标签 - 预测的类别 ID(0 - 车辆)
  • conf - 预测类的置信度
  • (x_min, y_min) - 边界框左上角的坐标
  • (x_max, y_max) - 右下边界框角的坐标



def crop_images(bgr_image, resized_image, boxes, threshold=0.6) -> np.ndarray:
    Use bounding boxes from detection model to find the absolute car position
    :param: bgr_image: raw image
    :param: resized_image: resized image
    :param: boxes: detection model returns rectangle position
    :param: threshold: confidence threshold
    :returns: car_position: car's absolute position
    # Fetch image shapes to calculate ratio
    (real_y, real_x), (resized_y, resized_x) = bgr_image.shape[:2], resized_image.shape[:2]
    ratio_x, ratio_y = real_x / resized_x, real_y / resized_y

    print("- size of original image: [{},{}]".format(real_y, real_x))
    print("- size of reshape image and sent into detection model: [{},{}]".format(resized_y, resized_x))
    print("- Now we refit the scale of bounding box in order to fit the size of original image.")

    # Find the boxes ratio
    boxes = boxes[:, 2:]
    # Store the vehicle's position
    car_position = []
    # Iterate through non-zero boxes
    for box in boxes:
        # Pick confidence factor from last place in array
        conf = box[0]
        if conf > threshold:
            # Convert float to int and multiply corner position of each box by x and y ratio
            # In case that bounding box is found at the top of the image, 
            # we position upper box bar little bit lower to make it visible on image 
            (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) = [
                int(max(corner_position * ratio_y * resized_y, 10)) if idx % 2 
                else int(corner_position * ratio_x * resized_x)
                for idx, corner_position in enumerate(box[1:])
            car_position.append([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max])
    return car_position

print("4 - Object detection Model Inference. Got bounding box of vehicle detected.")
# Run Inference
boxes = compiled_model_de([input_image_de])[output_keys_de]
# 删除输出的第0,第1维度。
boxes = np.squeeze(boxes, (0, 1))
# 删除那些置信度以及bounding box坐标只有0的bounding box
boxesFilter = []
for idx,box in enumerate(boxes):
    if np.all(box[2:]==0):
boxesFilter = np.array(boxesFilter)
print("- Box detected: {}".format(boxesFilter))
print("5 - Now we crop the image and only left vehicle.")
# Find car position
car_position = crop_images(image_de, resized_image_de, boxes)
print("- car position in original image: {}".format(car_position))


4 - Object detection Model Inference. Got bounding box of vehicle detected.
- Box detected: [[0. 0. 0.99987304 0.57274306 0.4301208  0.7870749 0.6561528 ]
 [0. 0. 0.99982446 0.5723677 0.15962084 0.70758444 0.28779876]
 [0. 0. 0.8183867  0.8989585  0.40307313 0.9999551 0.6037573 ]
 [0. 0. 0.04074085 0.91444695 0.01791241 0.95828915 0.08315378]]
5 - Now we crop the image and only left vehicle.
- size of original image: [370,499]
- size of reshape image and sent into detection model: [512,512]
- Now we refit the scale of bounding box in order to fit the size of original image.
- car position in original image: [[285, 159, 392, 242], [285, 59, 353, 106], [448, 149, 498, 223]]

3.4 使用识别模型检测车辆识别车辆属性


识别结果包含车辆颜色(白色、灰色、黄色、红色、绿色、蓝色、黑色)和车辆类型(汽车、公共汽车、卡车、货车)。 接下来,我们需要计算每个属性的概率。 最后,我们确定最大概率作为结果。


print("6 - Classification Model. We got the cropped vehicle image, and resize it in order to align with classification model input.")
# Select a vehicle to recognize
pos = car_position[0]
# Crop the image with [y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max]
test_car = image_de[pos[1]:pos[3], pos[0]:pos[2]]
# resize image to input_size
resized_image_re = cv2.resize(test_car, (width_re, height_re))
print("- Image scale of classification model input: [{},{}]".format(width_re,height_re))
input_image_re = np.expand_dims(resized_image_re.transpose(2, 0, 1), 0)
#plt_show(cv2.cvtColor(test_car, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))

def vehicle_recognition(compiled_model_re, input_size, raw_image):
    Vehicle attributes recognition, input a single vehicle, return attributes
    :param: compiled_model_re: recognition net 
    :param: input_size: recognition input size
    :param: raw_image: single vehicle image
    :returns: attr_color: predicted color
                       attr_type: predicted type
    # vehicle's attribute
    colors = ['White', 'Gray', 'Yellow', 'Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Black']
    types = ['Car', 'Bus', 'Truck', 'Van']
    # resize image to input size
    resized_image_re = cv2.resize(raw_image, input_size)
    input_image_re = np.expand_dims(resized_image_re.transpose(2, 0, 1), 0)
    # Run Inference
    # Predict Result
    predict_colors = compiled_model_re([input_image_re])[compiled_model_re.output(1)]
    # delete the dim of 2, 3
    predict_colors = np.squeeze(predict_colors, (2, 3))
    predict_types = compiled_model_re([input_image_re])[compiled_model_re.output(0)]
    predict_types = np.squeeze(predict_types, (2, 3))

    attr_color, attr_type = (colors[np.argmax(predict_colors)],
    return attr_color, attr_type

print("- Model inference. The result contains vehicle colors (white, gray, yellow, red, green, blue, black) and vehicle types (car, bus, truck, van).")
print(f"- Recognition result: {vehicle_recognition(compiled_model_re, (72, 72), test_car)}")


6 - Classification Model. We got the cropped vehicle image, and resize it in order to align with classification model input.
- Image scale of classification model input: [72,72]
- Model inference. The result contains vehicle colors (white, gray, yellow, red, green, blue, black) and vehicle types (car, bus, truck, van).
- Recognition result: ('White', 'Car')


3.5 将检测识别模型串起来


print("7 - Finally let's combine 2 models and show results.")

def convert_result_to_image(compiled_model_re, bgr_image, resized_image, boxes, threshold=0.6):
    Use Detection model boxes to draw rectangles and plot the result
    :param: compiled_model_re: recognition net
    :param: input_key_re: recognition input key
    :param: bgr_image: raw image
    :param: resized_image: resized image
    :param: boxes: detection model returns rectangle position
    :param: threshold: confidence threshold
    :returns: rgb_image: processed image
    # Define colors for boxes and descriptions
    colors = {"red": (255, 0, 0), "green": (0, 255, 0)}
    # Convert base image from bgr to rgb format
    rgb_image = cv2.cvtColor(bgr_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    # Find cars' positions
    car_position = crop_images(image_de, resized_image, boxes)
    idx = 0
    for x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max in car_position:
        print("- Final car position {}: [{}]".format(idx, car_position[idx]))
        # Run vehicle recognition inference
        attr_color, attr_type = vehicle_recognition(compiled_model_re, (72, 72), 
                                                    image_de[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max])
        print("- Final car recognition result: {}, {}".format(attr_color, attr_type))
        # close the vehicle window

        # Draw bounding box based on position
        # Parameters in rectangle function are: image, start_point, end_point, color, thickness
        rgb_image = cv2.rectangle(rgb_image, (x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max), colors["red"], 2)

        # Print vehicle attributes 
        # parameters in putText function are: img, text, org, fontFace, fontScale, color, thickness, lineType
        rgb_image = cv2.putText(
            f"{attr_color} {attr_type}",
            (x_min, y_min - 10),
        idx += 1

    return rgb_image

plt_show(convert_result_to_image(compiled_model_re, image_de, resized_image_de, boxes))


- size of original image: [370,499]
- size of reshape image and sent into detection model: [512,512]
- Now we refit the scale of bounding box in order to fit the size of original image.
- Final car position 0: [[285, 159, 392, 242]]
- Final car recognition result: White, Car
- Final car position 1: [[285, 59, 353, 106]]
- Final car recognition result: Red, Car
- Final car position 2: [[448, 149, 498, 223]]
- Final car recognition result: White, Truck
