第一个函数就是 deskewPoint
thisPoint = deskewPoint(&thisPoint, laserCloudIn->points[i].time);
PointType deskewPoint(PointType *point, double relTime)
if (deskewFlag == -1 || cloudInfo.imuAvailable == false)
return *point;
double pointTime = timeScanCur + relTime;
float rotXCur, rotYCur, rotZCur;
findRotation(pointTime, &rotXCur, &rotYCur, &rotZCur);
float posXCur, posYCur, posZCur;
findPosition(relTime, &posXCur, &posYCur, &posZCur);
if (firstPointFlag == true) //每次这个重置都会为true
transStartInverse = (pcl::getTransformation(posXCur, posYCur, posZCur, rotXCur, rotYCur, rotZCur)).inverse();
firstPointFlag = false;
// transform points to start
Eigen::Affine3f transFinal = pcl::getTransformation(posXCur, posYCur, posZCur, rotXCur, rotYCur, rotZCur);
Eigen::Affine3f transBt = transStartInverse * transFinal;
PointType newPoint;
newPoint.x = transBt(0,0) * point->x + transBt(0,1) * point->y + transBt(0,2) * point->z + transBt(0,3);
newPoint.y = transBt(1,0) * point->x + transBt(1,1) * point->y + transBt(1,2) * point->z + transBt(1,3);
newPoint.z = transBt(2,0) * point->x + transBt(2,1) * point->y + transBt(2,2) * point->z + transBt(2,3);
newPoint.intensity = point->intensity;
return newPoint;
主要过程是根据当前的时间戳,利用imu的数据找到 当前的位置和欧拉角.
pcl::getTransformation(posXCur, posYCur, posZCur, rotXCur, rotYCur, rotZCur)
void findPosition(double relTime, float *posXCur, float *posYCur, float *posZCur)
*posXCur = 0; *posYCur = 0; *posZCur = 0;
// If the sensor moves relatively slow, like walking speed, positional deskew seems to have little benefits. Thus code below is commented.
// if (cloudInfo.odomAvailable == false || odomDeskewFlag == false)
// return;
// float ratio = relTime / (timeScanEnd - timeScanCur);
// *posXCur = ratio * odomIncreX;
// *posYCur = ratio * odomIncreY;
// *posZCur = ratio * odomIncreZ;
返回的值总是原点. 所以上面才会猜测得到的地图就是就是以出发点为坐标原点来算的,因此每一次都会在出发点的基础上做一次复合,
// transform points to start
Eigen::Affine3f transFinal = pcl::getTransformation(posXCur, posYCur, posZCur, rotXCur, rotYCur, rotZCur);
Eigen::Affine3f transBt = transStartInverse * transFinal;
PointType newPoint;
newPoint.x = transBt(0,0) * point->x + transBt(0,1) * point->y + transBt(0,2) * point->z + transBt(0,3);
newPoint.y = transBt(1,0) * point->x + transBt(1,1) * point->y + transBt(1,2) * point->z + transBt(1,3);
newPoint.z = transBt(2,0) * point->x + transBt(2,1) * point->y + transBt(2,2) * point->z + transBt(2,3);
newPoint.intensity = point->intensity;
这里也是主要是一个叫做 FeatureExtraction的类.
开始就声明了一个 接收器,三个发布器
ros::Subscriber subLaserCloudInfo;
ros::Publisher pubLaserCloudInfo;
ros::Publisher pubCornerPoints;
ros::Publisher pubSurfacePoints;
subLaserCloudInfo = nh.subscribe("lio_sam/deskew/cloud_info", 1, &FeatureExtraction::laserCloudInfoHandler, this, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
pubLaserCloudInfo = nh.advertise ("lio_sam/feature/cloud_info", 1);
pubCornerPoints = nh.advertise("lio_sam/feature/cloud_corner", 1);
pubSurfacePoints = nh.advertise("lio_sam/feature/cloud_surface", 1);
代码的风格和之前 imageProject.cpp里写的一样,即在一个callback函数中把主要函数都写在了这里面去.
void laserCloudInfoHandler(const lio_sam::cloud_infoConstPtr& msgIn)
cloudInfo = *msgIn; // new cloud info
cloudHeader = msgIn->header; // new cloud header
pcl::fromROSMsg(msgIn->cloud_deskewed, *extractedCloud); // new cloud for extraction
上面的前三行是把 lio-sam发布的消息分别把对应的内容给到了
cloudInfo, cloudHeader,extractedCloud
void calculateSmoothness()
int cloudSize = extractedCloud->points.size();
for (int i = 5; i < cloudSize - 5; i++)
float diffRange = cloudInfo.pointRange[i-5] + cloudInfo.pointRange[i-4]
+ cloudInfo.pointRange[i-3] + cloudInfo.pointRange[i-2]
+ cloudInfo.pointRange[i-1] - cloudInfo.pointRange[i] * 10
+ cloudInfo.pointRange[i+1] + cloudInfo.pointRange[i+2]
+ cloudInfo.pointRange[i+3] + cloudInfo.pointRange[i+4]
+ cloudInfo.pointRange[i+5];
cloudCurvature[i] = diffRange*diffRange;//diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY + diffZ * diffZ;
cloudNeighborPicked[i] = 0;
cloudLabel[i] = 0;
// cloudSmoothness for sorting
cloudSmoothness[i].value = cloudCurvature[i];
cloudSmoothness[i].ind = i;
void markOccludedPoints()
int cloudSize = extractedCloud->points.size();
// mark occluded points and parallel beam points
for (int i = 5; i < cloudSize - 6; ++i)
// occluded points
float depth1 = cloudInfo.pointRange[i];
float depth2 = cloudInfo.pointRange[i+1];
int columnDiff = std::abs(int(cloudInfo.pointColInd[i+1] - cloudInfo.pointColInd[i]));
if (columnDiff < 10){
// 10 pixel diff in range image
if (depth1 - depth2 > 0.3){
cloudNeighborPicked[i - 5] = 1;
cloudNeighborPicked[i - 4] = 1;
cloudNeighborPicked[i - 3] = 1;
cloudNeighborPicked[i - 2] = 1;
cloudNeighborPicked[i - 1] = 1;
cloudNeighborPicked[i] = 1;
}else if (depth2 - depth1 > 0.3){
cloudNeighborPicked[i + 1] = 1;
cloudNeighborPicked[i + 2] = 1;
cloudNeighborPicked[i + 3] = 1;
cloudNeighborPicked[i + 4] = 1;
cloudNeighborPicked[i + 5] = 1;
cloudNeighborPicked[i + 6] = 1;
// parallel beam
float diff1 = std::abs(float(cloudInfo.pointRange[i-1] - cloudInfo.pointRange[i]));
float diff2 = std::abs(float(cloudInfo.pointRange[i+1] - cloudInfo.pointRange[i]));
if (diff1 > 0.02 * cloudInfo.pointRange[i] && diff2 > 0.02 * cloudInfo.pointRange[i])
cloudNeighborPicked[i] = 1;
这个函数主要是把 cloudNeighborPicked 中满足一定条件的点mark. 为什么这样做?
这个函数比较长,大致看了一下,就是为了找到哪些点是 surface,哪些点是corner.
void publishFeatureCloud()
// free cloud info memory
// save newly extracted features
cloudInfo.cloud_corner = publishCloud(&pubCornerPoints, cornerCloud, cloudHeader.stamp, lidarFrame);
cloudInfo.cloud_surface = publishCloud(&pubSurfacePoints, surfaceCloud, cloudHeader.stamp, lidarFrame);
// publish to mapOptimization
这个函数就比较简单了,就是把之前得到的cornerpoints, surfacepoints给发布出去.