class ImageIter(io.DataIter):
"""Image data iterator with a large number of augmentation choices.
This iterator supports reading from both .rec files and raw image files.
To load input images from .rec files, use `path_imgrec` parameter and to load from raw image
files, use `path_imglist` and `path_root` parameters.
To use data partition (for distributed training) or shuffling, specify `path_imgidx` parameter.
batch_size : int
Number of examples per batch.
data_shape : tuple
Data shape in (channels, height, width) format.
For now, only RGB image with 3 channels is supported.
label_width : int, optional
Number of labels per example. The default label width is 1.
path_imgrec : str
Path to image record file (.rec).
Created with tools/ or bin/im2rec.
path_imglist : str
Path to image list (.lst).
Created with tools/ or with custom script.
Format: Tab separated record of index, one or more labels and relative_path_from_root.
imglist: list
A list of images with the label(s).
Each item is a list [imagelabel: float or list of float, imgpath].
path_root : str
Root folder of image files.
path_imgidx : str
Path to image index file. Needed for partition and shuffling when using .rec source.
shuffle : bool
Whether to shuffle all images at the start of each iteration or not.
Can be slow for HDD.
part_index : int
Partition index.
num_parts : int
Total number of partitions.
data_name : str
Data name for provided symbols.
label_name : str
Label name for provided symbols.
kwargs : ...
More arguments for creating augmenter. See mx.image.CreateAugmenter.
# 数据读取操作是在初始化方法init上进行的。这里主要分两种情况:1、读取的是record文
# 件(后缀是.rec),那么读取数据就通过recordio.MXIndexedRecordIO接口或
# recordio.MXRecordIO接口来读取,取决于你是否提供了.idx文件,而.idx文件是在生
# 成.rec文件时附带生成的。不管是recordio.MXIndexedRecordIO接口还是
# recordio.MXRecordIO接口,都是调用底层的C++代码来读取数据,具体可以参看
# ~mxnet/python/mxnet/recordio.py脚本,因此效率跟和
# 接口没有太大差别。2、读取的是原图像+.lst文件,那么读取数据就通过python的open语
# 句来读取,维护了一个imglist字典来存放读取到的.lst文件内容,其中键是index,值是
# 标签和图像路径组成的tuple。在初始化中还有一步比较重要:
# if aug_list is None:
# self.auglist = CreateAugmenter(data_shape, **kwargs)
# else:
# self.auglist = aug_list
# 这个if语句是关于数据预处理的设置,可以看出如果你要添加一些数据预处理操作,可以在
# mxnet.image.ImageIter接口的aug_list参数处设置,如果不设置的话就采用默认的
# CreateAugmenter(data_shape, **kwargs)函数,而这个默认的函数基本上没进行什么
# 预处理操作。那么aug_list参数要怎么给呢?参考CreateAugmenter函数的返回值可以看
# 出(CreateAugmenter函数的介绍可以参考博客:),aug_list是一个列表,列表中的每
# 个值存放一种数据处理类,这些数据预处理类的定义也在imag.py脚本中,比如
# ColorJitterAug类用来调整亮度、对比度和色度,ResizeAug类用来对短边做resize到指
# 定尺寸等。最后,self.seq 这个变量,一般当你采用第一种数据读取方式时为None,当采
# 用第二种数据读取方式时有值。
def __init__(self, batch_size, data_shape, label_width=1,
path_imgrec=None, path_imglist=None, path_root=None, path_imgidx=None,
shuffle=False, part_index=0, num_parts=1, aug_list=None, imglist=None,
data_name='data', label_name='softmax_label', **kwargs):
super(ImageIter, self).__init__()
assert path_imgrec or path_imglist or (isinstance(imglist, list))
num_threads = os.environ.get('MXNET_CPU_WORKER_NTHREADS', 1)'Using %s threads for decoding...', str(num_threads))'Set enviroment variable MXNET_CPU_WORKER_NTHREADS to a'
' larger number to use more threads.')
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
if path_imgrec:'%s: loading recordio %s...',
class_name, path_imgrec)
if path_imgidx:
self.imgrec = recordio.MXIndexedRecordIO(path_imgidx, path_imgrec, 'r') # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
self.imgidx = list(self.imgrec.keys)
self.imgrec = recordio.MXRecordIO(path_imgrec, 'r') # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
self.imgidx = None
self.imgrec = None
if path_imglist:'%s: loading image list %s...', class_name, path_imglist)
with open(path_imglist) as fin:
imglist = {}
imgkeys = []
for line in iter(fin.readline, ''):
line = line.strip().split('\t')
label = nd.array([float(i) for i in line[1:-1]])
key = int(line[0])
imglist[key] = (label, line[-1])
self.imglist = imglist
elif isinstance(imglist, list):'%s: loading image list...', class_name)
result = {}
imgkeys = []
index = 1
for img in imglist:
key = str(index) # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
index += 1
if len(img) > 2:
label = nd.array(img[:-1])
elif isinstance(img[0], numeric_types):
label = nd.array([img[0]])
label = nd.array(img[0])
result[key] = (label, img[-1])
self.imglist = result
self.imglist = None
self.path_root = path_root
self.provide_data = [(data_name, (batch_size,) + data_shape)]
if label_width > 1:
self.provide_label = [(label_name, (batch_size, label_width))]
self.provide_label = [(label_name, (batch_size,))]
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.data_shape = data_shape
self.label_width = label_width
self.shuffle = shuffle
if self.imgrec is None:
self.seq = imgkeys
elif shuffle or num_parts > 1:
assert self.imgidx is not None
self.seq = self.imgidx
self.seq = None
if num_parts > 1:
assert part_index < num_parts
N = len(self.seq)
C = N // num_parts
self.seq = self.seq[part_index * C:(part_index + 1) * C]
if aug_list is None:
self.auglist = CreateAugmenter(data_shape, **kwargs)
self.auglist = aug_list
self.cur = 0
def reset(self):
"""Resets the iterator to the beginning of the data."""
if self.shuffle:
if self.imgrec is not None:
self.cur = 0
# next_sample方法是后面next方法中调用的一个辅助方法,用来读取图像数据。这里也是分
# 两种情况:1、读取的是record文件,一般self.seq为None,则通过
# +.lst文件,则通过self.read_image(fname)这一行来读取图像文件,这种读取方式就是
# 采用python来实现,后面会介绍read_image方法。
def next_sample(self):
"""Helper function for reading in next sample."""
if self.seq is not None:
if self.cur >= len(self.seq):
raise StopIteration
idx = self.seq[self.cur]
self.cur += 1
if self.imgrec is not None:
s = self.imgrec.read_idx(idx)
header, img = recordio.unpack(s)
if self.imglist is None:
return header.label, img
return self.imglist[idx][0], img
label, fname = self.imglist[idx]
return label, self.read_image(fname)
s =
if s is None:
raise StopIteration
header, img = recordio.unpack(s)
return header.label, img
# next方法是读取数据迭代器的下一个batch数据的方法。首先初始化得到batch_data和
# batch_label两个NDArray用来保存一个batch的数据和标签,注意batch_data初始化时的
# 维度是(batch_size,c,h,w)。label, s = self.next_sample()这一行是通过调用前面
# 介绍的next_sample()方法来读取数据,得到的是图像的二进制内容;然后
# self.imdecode(s)是对读取到的数据格式进行编码,返回MXNet框架的基础数据结构
# NDArray。self.check_valid_image(data)是检查数据是否有效。
# self.augmentation_transform(data)是对图像做预处理操作,
# self.postprocess_data(data)是对图像做维度顺序上的调整,这是因为读取和编码后的
# 图像默认是HWC,而模型需要的是CHW,因此需要做调整。最后return的时候需要通过
# io.DataBatch接口进行最后一层封装,这个接口在那篇博客
# 中已经介绍了,没有太复杂的内容,只是把一些信息合并在一起。这个返回的DataBatch类
# 型数据就可以作为模型的输入了。
def next(self):
"""Returns the next batch of data."""
batch_size = self.batch_size
c, h, w = self.data_shape
batch_data = nd.empty((batch_size, c, h, w))
batch_label = nd.empty(self.provide_label[0][1])
i = 0
while i < batch_size:
label, s = self.next_sample()
data = self.imdecode(s)
except RuntimeError as e:
logging.debug('Invalid image, skipping: %s', str(e))
data = self.augmentation_transform(data)
assert i < batch_size, 'Batch size must be multiples of augmenter output length'
batch_data[i] = self.postprocess_data(data)
batch_label[i] = label
i += 1
except StopIteration:
if not i:
raise StopIteration
return io.DataBatch([batch_data], [batch_label], batch_size - i)
def check_data_shape(self, data_shape):
"""Checks if the input data shape is valid"""
if not len(data_shape) == 3:
raise ValueError('data_shape should have length 3, with dimensions CxHxW')
if not data_shape[0] == 3:
raise ValueError('This iterator expects inputs to have 3 channels.')
def check_valid_image(self, data):
"""Checks if the input data is valid"""
if len(data[0].shape) == 0:
raise RuntimeError('Data shape is wrong')
# imdecode方法是对二进制图像内容编码。该方法其实在img = imdecode(s)这一行调用了
# 该类外部的一个同名函数imdecode来执行编码操作,具体可以看image.py脚本中的
# imdecode函数,最终返回的是NDArray。
def imdecode(self, s):
"""Decodes a string or byte string to an NDArray.
See mx.img.imdecode for more details."""
def locate():
"""Locate the image file/index if decode fails."""
if self.seq is not None:
idx = self.seq[self.cur - 1]
idx = self.cur - 1
if self.imglist is not None:
_, fname = self.imglist[idx]
msg = "filename: {}".format(fname)
msg = "index: {}".format(idx)
return "Broken image " + msg
img = imdecode(s)
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError("{}, {}".format(locate(), e))
return img
# read_image方法是前面next_sample方法中读取图像数据时调用的方法,从代码可以看出采
# 用的是python的内置函数open(),返回的是图像的二进制内容。
def read_image(self, fname):
"""Reads an input image `fname` and returns the decoded raw bytes.
Example usage:
>>> dataIter.read_image('Face.jpg') # returns decoded raw bytes.
with open(os.path.join(self.path_root, fname), 'rb') as fin:
img =
return img
# augmentation_transform方法用来管理数据预处理,前面介绍过self.auglist列表存的
# 是数据预处理类,而该方法就是遍历列表中的数据预处理类,以此进行指定类操作。
def augmentation_transform(self, data):
"""Transforms input data with specified augmentation."""
for aug in self.auglist:
data = aug(data)
return data
# postprocess_data方法是做维度上的顺序调整,表示将原来的通道2调到0的位置,同时把
# 原来的通道0和1调到1和2的位置,这样就完成了从HWC到CHW的调整。
def postprocess_data(self, datum):
"""Final postprocessing step before image is loaded into the batch."""
return nd.transpose(datum, axes=(2, 0, 1))