1,提出一种创新的带有混合内存的自我进度(self-paced)对比学习框架。 其中,混合内存 动态生成 源域类级、 目标域聚类级和 无聚类实体集 的监督信号。
2,self-paced 方法可以生成更加可信的聚类来 精炼混合内存和 学习目标。
论文名称 | 简称 | 会议/期刊 | 出版年份 | baseline | backbone | 数据集 |
Self-paced Contrastive Learning with Hybrid Memory for Domain Adaptive Object Re-ID | SpCL | NIPS | 2020 | 【MMT】Ge, Y., Chen, D., Li, H.: Mutual mean-teaching: Pseudo label refinery for unsupervised domain adaptation on person re-identification. In: International Conference on Learning Representations. pp. 1–15 (2020) | ImageNet-pretrained [7] ResNet-50 [18] ,use DBSCAN [9] for clustering | Market-1501\MSMT17 |
源码链接: https://github.com/yxgeee/SpCL.
1。we propose a novel self-paced contrastive learning framework with hybrid memory. The hybrid memory dynamically gen- erates source-domain class-level, target-domain cluster-level and un-clustered instance-level supervisory signals for learning feature representations. Different from the conventional contrastive learning strategy, the proposed framework jointly distinguishes source-domain classes, and target-domain clusters and un-clustered instances.
Our method outperforms state-of- the-arts on multiple domain adaptation tasks of object re-ID and even boosts the performance on the source domain without any extra annotations. Our general- ized version on unsupervised object re-ID surpasses state-of-the-art algorithms by considerable 16.7% and 7.9% on Market-1501 and MSMT17 benchmarks†
Figure 2: (a) The illustration of the proposed unified framework with a novel hybrid memory. (b) The proposed reliability criterion for measuring the cluster independence‡ and compactness
1,用于模型训练的数据分为三个部分。 源域带标注样本、目标域聚类伪标签样本,目标域无聚类实体样本(一个样本视为一个单独的类),整体的损失函数为 公式1。
2,混合内存中存储了两个部分的数据。 一是源域类中心特征{w},二是目标域所有的样本特征{v}。
3,对{v}进行聚类,可以得到目标域聚类伪标签 和 无聚类实体样本。对聚类的伪标签样本 求聚类中心,得到{c}(公式2),用于公式1的计算。
4,内存更新。w 和v 都是根据原有的版本和新计算的版本进行加权求和,分别如公式3和公式4所示。
5,Self-paced learning,决定如何划分目标域聚类伪标签样本和 无聚类实体样本。 设计了聚类独立性和紧凑性两个指标。独立性计算如公式5所示,紧凑性计算如公式6所示,最后通过两个指标来决定是否为聚类样本。
we preserve independent clusters with compact data points whose Rindep > α and Rcomp > β
1, 将数据分为三个部分这一点还是很具有创新性的,如图1所示,确实有更好的利用有限数据。
author = {Yixiao Ge and
Feng Zhu and
Dapeng Chen and
Rui Zhao and
Hongsheng Li},
title = {Self-paced Contrastive Learning with Hybrid Memory for Domain Adaptive
Object Re-ID},
booktitle = {NeurIPS},
year = {2020}
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