20221204Deep Learning to Discover Coordinates for Dynamics: Autoencoders & Physics Informed ML


        In complex systems,we know that there are low dimentional patterns and a few degrees of freedom that matter

Deep autoencoder for dynamics


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right coordinate system的重要性 


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        Data-driven discovery of coordinates and governing equations

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        Mardt, Pasquali, Wu, & Noé, Nat. Comm. 20 18 [arXiv:I7 10.06012] ——Deep learning of molecular kinetics

        Wehmeyer and Noé, J. Chem. Phys. 2018 [arXiv:l710.I 1239] ——Time-lagged autoencoders: Deep learning of slow collective variables for molecular kinetics

        Yeung, Kundu, Hodas, 2017 [arXiv: 1708.06850]——Learning Deep Neural Network Representations for Koopman Operators of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems

        Takeishi, Kawahara, & Yairi, NeurlPS 2017 [arXiv:I710.04340] ——

        Otto and Rowley, SIADS 2019 [arXiv:I7 12.01378]——Linearly-Recurrent Autoencoder Networks for Learning Dynamics

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        constrictive autoencoder might be more interpretable,you might be able to tease out relationships

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        i've shown you two examples one is where f is sparse andnon-linear using our sindy approach,another perspective is where you try to find a coordinate embedding where f is actually linear this is a matrix and both of those are you know getting widely explored in the literature.



Deep Auto_encoder




qr factorization

最优化方法——QR Factorization_显然易证的博客-CSDN博客
