众所周知,Dotnet Core目前没有图形API,以前的System.Drawing程序集并没有包含在Dotnet Core 1.0环境中。不过在dotnet core labs项目里可以见到MS已经在移植这个项目,不过目前的版本只能在Windows上和NET541+或DNX环境中才可以使用。
不过在dotnetConf的第两天有一个叫做SkiaSharp的开源项目被提及;它是Google开源的跨平台2D图形API,Skia的.NET封装;目前只能在Full Framework上运行,不过它以后会支持Core。
据我了解,Dotnet Core目前没有可用的验证码组件可用,原因就是没有Core的图形接口。所以我的方案是通过开源的图形库来对dotnet core进行支持。
CImg 库是一个免费、开源的图像处理C++库,名称原意是 Cool Image,正如其名,CImg是一个非常优秀、功能强大、代码简洁、使用方便的C++ 图像处理库。它不仅非常适合科学家、研究生做科研时使用,也适合在工业应用工程开发中使用,更适合的是,对于有志于开发简洁、高效、功能强大的图像处理库的人而言,CImg的源码是不可多得的学习和参考资料。
CImg 官网:http://cimg.sourceforge.net/
可移植性:它完全兼容于操作系统如Windows, Unix, Linux, MacOS X, *BSD...,也完全兼容与编译器如 VC++, g++, icc...等,具有高度的可移植性。
轻便性:CImg 非常轻便,整个库只用一个文件:cimg.h。任何C++应用程序只需要将该头文件包含进工程中即可使用该库的全部功能。它只定义了四了类(模板)和两个名称空间。该库只依赖与标准C++和STL,只在显示类部分依赖与操作系统的GDI,再也不依赖任何其他的外部库。

1 #include "stdafx.h" 2 #include "CaptchaImage.h" 3 #include "CImg.h" 4 using namespace cimg_library; 5 6 Export_API void GCaptcha(char* file_o, char *captcha_text, int count, int width ,int height , int offset ,int quality, int isjpeg, int fontSize) 7 { 8 // Create captcha image 9 //---------------------- 10 // Write colored and distorted text 11 CImgchar> captcha(width, height, 1, 3, 0), color(3); 12 const unsigned char red[] = { 255,0,0 }, green[] = { 0,255,0 }, blue[] = { 0,0,255 }; 13 14 char letter[2] = { 0 }; 15 for (unsigned int k = 0; k k) { 16 CImg char> tmp; 17 *letter = captcha_text[k]; 18 if (*letter) { 19 cimg_forX(color, i) color[i] = (unsigned char)(128 + (std::rand() % 127)); 20 tmp.draw_text((int)(2 + 8 * cimg::rand()), 21 (int)(12 * cimg::rand()), letter, red, 0, 1, fontSize).resize(-100, -100, 1, 3); 22 23 const float sin_offset = (float)cimg::crand() * 3, sin_freq = (float)cimg::crand() / 7; 24 25 cimg_forYC(captcha, y, v) captcha.get_shared_row(y, 0, v).shift((int)(4 * std::cos(y*sin_freq + sin_offset))); 26 27 captcha.draw_image(count + offset * k, tmp); 28 } 29 } 30 31 // Add geometric and random noise 32 CImg char> copy = (+captcha).fill(0); 33 for (unsigned int l = 0; l<3; ++l) { 34 if (l) copy.blur(0.5f).normalize(0, 148); 35 for (unsigned int k = 0; k<10; ++k) { 36 cimg_forX(color, i) color[i] = (unsigned char)(128 + cimg::rand() * 127); 37 if (cimg::rand() < 0.5f) { 38 copy.draw_circle((int)(cimg::rand()*captcha.width()), 39 (int)(cimg::rand()*captcha.height()), 40 (int)(cimg::rand() * 30), 41 color.data(), 0.6f, ~0U); 42 } 43 else { 44 copy.draw_line((int)(cimg::rand()*captcha.width()), 45 (int)(cimg::rand()*captcha.height()), 46 (int)(cimg::rand()*captcha.width()), 47 (int)(cimg::rand()*captcha.height()), 48 color.data(), 0.6f); 49 } 50 } 51 } 52 captcha |= copy; 53 captcha.noise(10, 2); 54 55 captcha = (+captcha).fill(255) - captcha; 56 57 // Write output image and captcha text 58 //------------------------------------- 59 //std::printf("%s\n",captcha_text); 60 61 if (isjpeg) { 62 captcha.save_jpeg(file_o, quality); 63 } 64 else { 65 captcha.save(file_o); 66 } 67 68 }

1 #ifdef PROJECT_EXPORTS 2 #define Export_API extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) 3 #else 4 #define Export_API extern "C" 5 #endif 6 7 Export_API void GCaptcha(char* file_o, char *captcha_text, int count, int width, int height, int offset, int quality, int isjpeg, int fontSize);

1 #pragma once 2 #ifdef _MSC_VER //I'm in VS 3 #include "targetver.h" 4 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers 5 // Windows Header Files: 6 #include7 #endif
Dotnet Core平台封装:

1 public class CaptchaImageCore 2 { 3 4 [DllImport("libcaptchaimage.so", EntryPoint = "GCaptcha")] 5 public static extern void libCaptcha(string file_o, string captcha_text, int count, int width, int height, int offset, int quality, int isjpeg, int fontSize); 6 7 8 [DllImport("libcaptchaimage.dll", EntryPoint = "GCaptcha")] 9 public static extern void GCaptcha(string file_o, string captcha_text, int count, int width, int height, int offset, int quality, int isjpeg, int fontSize); 10 11 public string Text { set; get; } 12 13 public int ImageWidth { set; get; } 14 public int ImageHeight { set; get; } 15 16 public int ImageOffset { set; get; } 17 18 public int ImageQuality { set; get; } 19 20 public int FontSize { set; get; } 21 22 23 public CaptchaImageCore(int w,int h,int fontSize) 24 { 25 this.ImageWidth = w; 26 this.ImageHeight = h; 27 this.FontSize = fontSize; 28 this.ImageOffset = 40; 29 this.ImageQuality = 100; 30 31 } 32 33 public MemoryStream GetStream(string fileName) 34 { 35 this.Save(fileName); 36 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); 37 using (var fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open)) 38 { 39 fileStream.CopyTo(ms); 40 } 41 try 42 { 43 File.Delete(fileName); 44 } 45 catch { } 46 return ms; 47 48 } 49 50 51 public void Save(string fileName) 52 { 53 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) 54 throw new NullReferenceException("file name is null"); 55 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Text)) 56 this.Text = this.GenerateCheckCode(); 57 58 59 60 if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) 61 { 62 GCaptcha(fileName, this.Text, this.Text.Length, this.ImageWidth, this.ImageHeight, 63 this.ImageOffset, this.ImageQuality, 0, this.FontSize); 64 } 65 else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux)) 66 { 67 libCaptcha(fileName, this.Text, this.Text.Length, this.ImageWidth, this.ImageHeight, 68 this.ImageOffset, this.ImageQuality, 0, this.FontSize); 69 } 70 } 71 72 public string GenerateCheckCode() 73 { 74 int number; 75 char code; 76 string checkCode = String.Empty; 77 78 System.Random random = new Random(); 79 80 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) 81 { 82 number = random.Next(); 83 84 if (number % 2 == 0) 85 //生成'0'-'9'字符 86 code = (char)('0' + (char)(number % 10)); 87 else 88 //生成'A'-'Z'字符 89 code = (char)('A' + (char)(number % 26)); 90 91 checkCode += code.ToString(); 92 } 93 94 return checkCode; 95 //两个字符相加等于=asicc码加 96 } 97 98 99 100 }
Win32编译就不用说了,直接在VS2015里编译就好,但是一定要注意的是,要编译为X64平台的目标代码,因为我们的Dotnet Core只支持x64平台;
主要说下Linux编译,目前我只在Ubuntu 14.04进行了编译测试,编译时CImg依赖也X11,所以要在编译环境中安装X11开发库,当然Ubuntu也需要64位;
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev
g++ CaptchaImage.cpp -fPIC -shared -o libcaptchaimage.so
然后当你发布程序时一定要将libcaptachaImageWarp.dll 和 Win32 Dll 或 libcaptchaimage.so 文件一起放到程序执行目录。
YOYOFx是一个基于Core和Owin的框架,项目没有依赖微软的MVC框架,支持在.net 4.5和Mono上直接SelfHost或使用Tinyfox跨平台运行, 也支持在Dotnet Core 1.0 RC2 实现跨平台运行; 框架刚刚写出来还没有文档,请大家见谅。