
  1. 头文件中的原始定义
#ifndef _HelpSep_H

#define MinTableSize 1

typedef char *ElementType;

struct ListNode;
typedef struct ListNode *Position;

struct Hashtbl;
typedef struct HashTbl *HashTable;

HashTable initializeTable(int TableSize);
Position Find(ElementType key, HashTable H);
void Insert(ElementType key, HashTable H);

#endif // !_HelpSep_H
#pragma once

  1. 主函数
#include "malloc.h"
#include "hashHelp.h"


// 定义散列函数的返回值
typedef unsigned int Index;
struct ListNode {
	ElementType element;
	Position    next;
typedef Position List;
struct HashTbl {
	int TableSize;
	List *TheLists;

// 散列函数
Index Hash(const char *key, int tableSize);
int NextPrime(int tableSize);

int main()

	HashTable hashTable = initializeTable(7);
	Insert("nihao", hashTable);
	Insert("nihao", hashTable);
	Insert("nihao", hashTable);
	Insert("hello", hashTable);
	Insert("hello", hashTable);
	Insert("hello", hashTable);
	Insert("hello", hashTable);
	Insert("byebye", hashTable);
	Insert("byebye", hashTable);
	Insert("byebye", hashTable);
	Insert("yu", hashTable);

	Position node = Find("hello", hashTable);

	printf("\n node = %s", node->element);


	//return 0;


// 一个好的散列函数:1)在散列表中均匀分配; 2)计算速度快
Index Hash(const char *key, int tableSize) {
	unsigned int hashVal = 0;
	while (*key != '\0') {
		hashVal = (hashVal << 5) + *key++;

	return hashVal % tableSize;

// 这个函数待完善:产生一个素数
int NextPrime(int tableSize)
	return 7;

HashTable initializeTable(int tableSize)
	HashTable H; // 注意H是一个指针
	int i;

	if (tableSize < MinTableSize) {
		printf("Table size too small!");
		return NULL;

	H = (HashTable)malloc(sizeof(struct HashTbl));
	if (H == NULL) {
		printf("Out of space!");
		return NULL;
	H->TableSize = NextPrime(tableSize);

	H->TheLists = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List) * H->TableSize);
	if (H->TheLists == NULL) {
		printf("Out of space!");
		return NULL;
	for (i = 0; i < H->TableSize; i++) {
		H->TheLists[i] = (Position)malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
		if (H->TheLists[i] == NULL) {
			printf("Out of space!");
			return NULL;
		} else {
			H->TheLists[i]->next = NULL;

	return H;

Position Find(ElementType key, HashTable H)
	Position P;
	List L;

	L = H->TheLists[Hash(key, H->TableSize)];
	P = L->next;
	// 这个地方要改为strcmp
	while (P != NULL && 0 != strcmp(P->element, key)) {
		P = P->next;

	return P;

void Insert(ElementType key, HashTable H) 
	Position pos, newcell;
	List L;

	pos = Find(key, H);
	if (pos == NULL) {
		newcell = (Position)malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
		if (newcell == NULL) {
			printf("Out of space!");
		} else {
			L = H->TheLists[Hash(key, H->TableSize)];
			newcell->next = L->next;
			newcell->element = key;
			L->next = newcell;

