


  • 应用层,主要使用音频的用户主体
  • 架构层(framework),这一层主要是为应用层提供了相关处理接口,并且链接了HAL层
  • 硬件抽象(HAL)层,在音频开发中可能大部分主要逻辑都是放在这个层次来处理,链接了 framework层和kernel层,这里面还包含了ALSA库用于链接ALSA驱动
  • 内核(kernel)层,链接硬件的驱动程序


1.1 framework层



  • AudioTrack.java 用于播放音频
  • AudioRecord.java 用于录制音频
  • AudioSystem.java 用于控制系统各种音频属性


AuidoTrack.java → android_media_AudioTrack.cpp → AudioTrack.cpp → AudioFlinger.cpp

AudioRecord.java → android_media_AudioRecord.cpp → AudioRecord.cpp → AudioFlinger.cpp

AuidoSystem.java → android_media_AudioSystem.cpp → AudioSystem.cpp → AudioFlinger.cpp


首先了解一件事情,上层是怎么使用audiotrack 进行声音播放的,AudioTrack 有两种数据加载模式MODE_STREAM和MODE_STATIC,分别表示数据流加载和音频流类型,MODE_STREAM是通过不断的往AudioTrack内部buffer拷贝数据,这种方式会有一定的延迟,通常用来播放比较大的音频文件,MODE_STATIC则是把所有数据一次写入AudioTrack的内部缓冲区中,后续不再传入数据,这种模式通常用于占用内存小的文件播放。

  1. 新建一个Auiotrack对象,设置一些音频的参数
  2. 调用.write写数据
  3. .play进行播放


private AudioTrack(AudioAttributes attributes, AudioFormat format, int bufferSizeInBytes,
            int mode, int sessionId, boolean offload, int encapsulationMode,
            @Nullable TunerConfiguration tunerConfiguration)
                    throws IllegalArgumentException {
        super(attributes, AudioPlaybackConfiguration.PLAYER_TYPE_JAM_AUDIOTRACK);
        // mState already == STATE_UNINITIALIZED
        // native initialization
        int initResult = native_setup(new WeakReference<AudioTrack>(this), mAttributes,                    ------>   1
                sampleRate, mChannelMask, mChannelIndexMask, mAudioFormat,
                mNativeBufferSizeInBytes, mDataLoadMode, session, 0 /*nativeTrackInJavaObj*/,
                offload, encapsulationMode, tunerConfiguration,
        if (initResult != SUCCESS) {
            loge("Error code "+initResult+" when initializing AudioTrack.");
            return; // with mState == STATE_UNINITIALIZED
        native_setPlayerIId(mPlayerIId); // mPlayerIId now ready to send to native AudioTrack.             ------>   2

我们着重看下1、2处,分别调用了native层的两个函数,即android_media_AudioTrack.cpp中,1 native_setup做了一些初始化的事情,新建了AudioTrack对象,并且根据不同的加载模式调用了AudioTrack set函数进行了不同的参数设置,2 纯粹设置了PLAYER ID


status_t AudioTrack::set(
        audio_stream_type_t streamType,
        uint32_t sampleRate,
        audio_format_t format,
        audio_channel_mask_t channelMask,
        size_t frameCount,
        audio_output_flags_t flags,
        callback_t cbf,
        void* user,
        int32_t notificationFrames,
        const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
        bool threadCanCallJava,
        audio_session_t sessionId,
        transfer_type transferType,
        const audio_offload_info_t *offloadInfo,
        const AttributionSourceState& attributionSource,
        const audio_attributes_t* pAttributes,
        bool doNotReconnect,
        float maxRequiredSpeed,
        audio_port_handle_t selectedDeviceId)
    mThreadCanCallJava = threadCanCallJava;
    mSelectedDeviceId = selectedDeviceId;
    mSessionId = sessionId;
    mSharedBuffer = sharedBuffer;
    mTransfer = transferType;
    mDoNotReconnect = doNotReconnect;
    // handle default values first.
    if (streamType == AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT) {
        streamType = AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC;
    mFormat = format;
    mChannelMask = channelMask;
    channelCount = audio_channel_count_from_out_mask(channelMask);
    mChannelCount = channelCount;
    mSampleRate = sampleRate;
    mOriginalSampleRate = sampleRate;
    mAuxEffectId = 0;
    mOrigFlags = mFlags = flags;
    mCbf = cbf;
    if (cbf != NULL) {
        mAudioTrackThread = new AudioTrackThread(*this);
        mAudioTrackThread->run("AudioTrack", ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO, 0 /*stack*/);
        // thread begins in paused state, and will not reference us until start()
    // create the IAudioTrack
        AutoMutex lock(mLock);
        status = createTrack_l();


status_t AudioTrack::createTrack_l()
    status_t status;
    bool callbackAdded = false;
    const sp<IAudioFlinger>& audioFlinger = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();                 获取AudioFlinger
    if (audioFlinger == 0) {
        ALOGE("%s(%d): Could not get audioflinger",
                __func__, mPortId);
        status = NO_INIT;
        goto exit;
    IAudioFlinger::CreateTrackInput input;                                                     组成input参数,这是要传递到AuioFlinger侧
    if (mOriginalStreamType != AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT) {
        // Legacy: This is based on original parameters even if the track is recreated.
        input.attr = AudioSystem::streamTypeToAttributes(mOriginalStreamType);
    } else {
        input.attr = mAttributes;
    input.config = AUDIO_CONFIG_INITIALIZER;
    input.sharedBuffer = mSharedBuffer;                                                        共享内存,这里是int值,表示的是共享内存的地址
    input.notificationsPerBuffer = mNotificationsPerBufferReq;
    media::CreateTrackResponse response;
    status = audioFlinger->createTrack(VALUE_OR_FATAL(input.toAidl()), response);
    IAudioFlinger::CreateTrackOutput output{};
    if (status == NO_ERROR) {
        output = VALUE_OR_FATAL(IAudioFlinger::CreateTrackOutput::fromAidl(response));                 通过AIDL跨进程通信方式将参数传递到AudioFlinger并且返回值
    // AudioFlinger now owns the reference to the I/O handle,
    // so we are no longer responsible for releasing it.
    // FIXME compare to AudioRecord
    std::optional<media::SharedFileRegion> sfr;
    output.audioTrack->getCblk(&sfr);                                                                  这里获得的audioTrack其实是个代理,获取共享内存
    sp<IMemory> iMem = VALUE_OR_FATAL(aidl2legacy_NullableSharedFileRegion_IMemory(sfr));
    if (iMem == 0) {
        ALOGE("%s(%d): Could not get control block", __func__, mPortId);
        status = NO_INIT;
        goto exit;
    // TODO: Using unsecurePointer() has some associated security pitfalls
    //       (see declaration for details).
    //       Either document why it is safe in this case or address the
    //       issue (e.g. by copying).
    void *iMemPointer = iMem->unsecurePointer();
    if (iMemPointer == NULL) {
        ALOGE("%s(%d): Could not get control block pointer", __func__, mPortId);
        status = NO_INIT;
        goto exit;
    // invariant that mAudioTrack != 0 is true only after set() returns successfully
    if (mAudioTrack != 0) {
        IInterface::asBinder(mAudioTrack)->unlinkToDeath(mDeathNotifier, this);
    mAudioTrack = output.audioTrack;                                                             保存audiotrack和共享内存
    mCblkMemory = iMem;
    audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = static_cast<audio_track_cblk_t*>(iMemPointer);
    mCblk = cblk;
    // Starting address of buffers in shared memory.  If there is a shared buffer, buffers
    // is the value of pointer() for the shared buffer, otherwise buffers points
    // immediately after the control block.  This address is for the mapping within client
    // address space.  AudioFlinger::TrackBase::mBuffer is for the server address space.
    void* buffers;
    if (mSharedBuffer == 0) {
        buffers = cblk + 1;
    } else {
        // TODO: Using unsecurePointer() has some associated security pitfalls
        //       (see declaration for details).
        //       Either document why it is safe in this case or address the
        //       issue (e.g. by copying).
        buffers = mSharedBuffer->unsecurePointer();
        if (buffers == NULL) {
            ALOGE("%s(%d): Could not get buffer pointer", __func__, mPortId);
            status = NO_INIT;
            goto exit;
    mAudioTrack->attachAuxEffect(mAuxEffectId, &status);                                           绑定音效
    // update proxy
    if (mSharedBuffer == 0) {                                                                      根据是否使用共享内存创建了两个不同的client代理,这两个代理会与AudioFlinger中的server相配对
        mProxy = new AudioTrackClientProxy(cblk, buffers, mFrameCount, mFrameSize);
    } else {
        mStaticProxy = new StaticAudioTrackClientProxy(cblk, buffers, mFrameCount, mFrameSize);
        mProxy = mStaticProxy;
    const uint32_t effectiveSampleRate = adjustSampleRate(mSampleRate, mPlaybackRate.mPitch);
    const float effectiveSpeed = adjustSpeed(mPlaybackRate.mSpeed, mPlaybackRate.mPitch);
    const float effectivePitch = adjustPitch(mPlaybackRate.mPitch);
    AudioPlaybackRate playbackRateTemp = mPlaybackRate;
    playbackRateTemp.mSpeed = effectiveSpeed;
    playbackRateTemp.mPitch = effectivePitch;
    mDeathNotifier = new DeathNotifier(this);
    IInterface::asBinder(mAudioTrack)->linkToDeath(mDeathNotifier, this);

第二步,write 数据,在AudioTrack.java中有好几个write的重载方法,分别用于写不同的数据类型:byte,short,float,long,nativebytes等,到android_media_AudioTrack.cpp中发现除了nativebytes其他都是指向同一个函数android_media_AudioTrack_writeArray

template <typename T>
static jint android_media_AudioTrack_writeArray(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
                                                T javaAudioData,
                                                jint offsetInSamples, jint sizeInSamples,
                                                jint javaAudioFormat,
                                                jboolean isWriteBlocking) {
    jint samplesWritten = writeToTrack(lpTrack, javaAudioFormat, cAudioData,
            offsetInSamples, sizeInSamples, isWriteBlocking == JNI_TRUE /* blocking */);
    envReleaseArrayElements(env, javaAudioData, cAudioData, 0);
    //ALOGV("write wrote %d (tried %d) samples in the native AudioTrack with offset %d",
    //        (int)samplesWritten, (int)(sizeInSamples), (int)offsetInSamples);
    return samplesWritten;

nativbytes指向了函数 android_media_AudioTrack_write_native_bytes

static jint android_media_AudioTrack_write_native_bytes(JNIEnv *env,  jobject thiz,
        jobject javaByteBuffer, jint byteOffset, jint sizeInBytes,
        jint javaAudioFormat, jboolean isWriteBlocking) {
    if (bytes == NULL) {
        ALOGE("Error retrieving source of audio data to play, can't play");
        return (jint)AUDIO_JAVA_BAD_VALUE;
    jint written = writeToTrack(lpTrack, javaAudioFormat, bytes, byteOffset,
            sizeInBytes, isWriteBlocking == JNI_TRUE /* blocking */);
    return written;

可以看出两个函数虽然名字参数不一样但是最终都调用了writeToTrack函数,这个函数会根据AuioTrack.cpp 的shardBuffer,采用不同的方式写数据,shareBuffer是否为零根据上层使用的是MODE_STREAM还是MODE_STATIC,MODE_STATIC是会有sharedBuffer,然后写数据是直接写入sharedBuffer中,而MODE_STEREAM则是调用AudiaoTrack的write方式。

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class AudioTrackJniStorage {
    sp<MemoryHeapBase> mMemHeap;
    sp<MemoryBase> mMemBase;
    audiotrack_callback_cookie mCallbackData{};
    sp<JNIDeviceCallback> mDeviceCallback;
    sp<JNIAudioTrackCallback> mAudioTrackCallback;
    bool allocSharedMem(int sizeInBytes) {
        mMemHeap = new MemoryHeapBase(sizeInBytes, 0, "AudioTrack Heap Base");
        if (mMemHeap->getHeapID() < 0) {
            return false;
        mMemBase = new MemoryBase(mMemHeap, 0, sizeInBytes);
        return true;

AudioTrackJniStorage则是持有和管理AudioTrack共享内存的类,是在android_media_AudioTrack中进行初始化申请内存然后通过AudioTrack set() 函数传递,双方进行使用。

ssize_t AudioTrack::write(const void* buffer, size_t userSize, bool blocking)
    size_t written = 0;
    Buffer audioBuffer;
    while (userSize >= mFrameSize) {
        audioBuffer.frameCount = userSize / mFrameSize;
        status_t err = obtainBuffer(&audioBuffer,
                blocking ? &ClientProxy::kForever : &ClientProxy::kNonBlocking);
        if (err < 0) {
            if (written > 0) {
            if (err == TIMED_OUT || err == -EINTR) {
                err = WOULD_BLOCK;
            return ssize_t(err);
        size_t toWrite = audioBuffer.size;
        memcpy(audioBuffer.i8, buffer, toWrite);
        buffer = ((const char *) buffer) + toWrite;
        userSize -= toWrite;
        written += toWrite;
    if (written > 0) {
        mFramesWritten += written / mFrameSize;
        if (mTransfer == TRANSFER_SYNC_NOTIF_CALLBACK) {
            const sp<AudioTrackThread> t = mAudioTrackThread;
            if (t != 0) {
                // causes wake up of the playback thread, that will callback the client for
                // more data (with EVENT_CAN_WRITE_MORE_DATA) in processAudioBuffer()
    return written;

从AudioTrack::write 函数来看,这里是向ClientProxy申请了一个共享的buffer,然后把数据拷贝给这个buffer,可见stream模式最终也是通过共享内存来交换数据,最后在数据拷贝成功后,会唤醒AudioTrackThread 线程,这个线程他会将目前会循环的去获取当前的播放状态和事件,并且返回给上层


public void play()
    throws IllegalStateException {
        if (mState != STATE_INITIALIZED) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("play() called on uninitialized AudioTrack.");
        //FIXME use lambda to pass startImpl to superclass
        final int delay = getStartDelayMs();
        if (delay == 0) {
            startImpl();                                             --------                1
        } else {
            new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    try {
                        startImpl();                                ------------              1
                    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                        // fail silently for a state exception when it is happening after
                        // a delayed start, as the player state could have changed between the
                        // call to start() and the execution of startImpl()
    private void startImpl() {                                       -------------              1
        synchronized (mRoutingChangeListeners) {
            if (!mEnableSelfRoutingMonitor) {
                mEnableSelfRoutingMonitor = testEnableNativeRoutingCallbacksLocked();
        synchronized(mPlayStateLock) {
            baseStart(0); // unknown device at this point
            native_start();                                            ------------               2
            // FIXME see b/179218630
            if (mPlayState == PLAYSTATE_PAUSED_STOPPING) {
                mPlayState = PLAYSTATE_STOPPING;
            } else {
                mPlayState = PLAYSTATE_PLAYING;
                mOffloadEosPending = false;

在上层AudioTrack.java 调用play()之后,没有做太多的操作就是一个延迟开始和不延迟,实际上用到了native层native_start(),它对应android_media_AudioTrack.cpp中的android_media_AudioTrack_start()函数,我们直接看android_media_AudioTrack_start()

static void
android_media_AudioTrack_start(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
    sp<AudioTrack> lpTrack = getAudioTrack(env, thiz);
    if (lpTrack == NULL) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException",
            "Unable to retrieve AudioTrack pointer for start()");

直接跨度到了AudioTrack.cpp start()函数,这个start()函数比较长就不贴出来,主要做的事情就是将动作传递到了AudioFlinger那一侧的Track中,上面三步目前都已经走到了AudioFlinger 这里了,AudioFlinger到底做了什么,怎么来的,接下来就揭开其神秘面纱。


首先从audioserver开始,audioserver是放在framework/av/media下面,它只有三个文件Andoird.bp,audioserver.rc,main_audioserver.cpp,从文件组成来看这个模块是开机就开始运行了,audioserver.rc 在开机的时候会被系统的init进程所加载,接着启动audioserver,也就是main_audioserver.cpp,然后在audioserver的main函数中就启动了AudioFlinger、AudioPolicyService,分别调用了它们的instantiate()函数,

void AudioFlinger::instantiate() {
    sp<IServiceManager> sm(defaultServiceManager());
    sm->addService(String16(IAudioFlinger::DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME),                       -------- 1
                   new AudioFlingerServerAdapter(new AudioFlinger()), false,
    : mMediaLogNotifier(new AudioFlinger::MediaLogNotifier()),
      // mNextUniqueId(AUDIO_UNIQUE_ID_USE_MAX),
    // Move the audio session unique ID generator start base as time passes to limit risk of
    // generating the same ID again after an audioserver restart.
    // This is important because clients will reuse previously allocated audio session IDs
    // when reconnecting after an audioserver restart and newly allocated IDs may conflict with
    // active clients.
    // Moving the base by 1 for each elapsed second is a good compromise between avoiding overlap
    // between allocation ranges and not reaching wrap around too soon.
    timespec ts{};
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
    // zero ID has a special meaning, so start allocation at least at AUDIO_UNIQUE_ID_USE_MAX
    uint32_t movingBase = (uint32_t)std::max((long)1, ts.tv_sec);
    // unsigned instead of audio_unique_id_use_t, because ++ operator is unavailable for enum
    for (unsigned use = AUDIO_UNIQUE_ID_USE_UNSPECIFIED; use < AUDIO_UNIQUE_ID_USE_MAX; use++) {
        mNextUniqueIds[use] =
                ((use == AUDIO_UNIQUE_ID_USE_SESSION || use == AUDIO_UNIQUE_ID_USE_CLIENT) ?
                        movingBase : 1) * AUDIO_UNIQUE_ID_USE_MAX;
#if 1
    // FIXME See bug 165702394 and bug 168511485
    const bool doLog = false;
    const bool doLog = property_get_bool("ro.test_harness", false);
    if (doLog) {
        mLogMemoryDealer = new MemoryDealer(kLogMemorySize, "LogWriters",
        (void) pthread_once(&sMediaLogOnce, sMediaLogInit);
    // reset battery stats.
    // if the audio service has crashed, battery stats could be left
    // in bad state, reset the state upon service start.
    mDevicesFactoryHal = DevicesFactoryHalInterface::create();                          --------  2
    mEffectsFactoryHal = EffectsFactoryHalInterface::create();                          --------  3
    std::vector<pid_t> halPids;
    // Notify that we have started (also called when audioserver service restarts)

AuidoFlinger 的初始化,先是把自己包装之后加入到了servicemanager中,这里主要用于native 层通过binder和AudioFlinger进行数据交换,然后是初始化了两个很重要的接口,DevicesFactoryHalInterface和EffectsFactoryHalInterface,这两个接口是用于连接HAL层的主要接口类,负责与HAL层的数据交换,这里与HAL层的数据交换同样使用的Binder机制,学名HIDL一种跨进程通信方式,那先来看下他们做了什么,以DevicesFactoryHalInterface为例,窥探一下DevicesFactoryHalInterface.create后面的代码

// static
sp<DevicesFactoryHalInterface> DevicesFactoryHalInterface::create() {               这里create 直接链接到下一个类的函数createPreferredImpl,传递了两个参数一个是包名另一个是AIDL 的代理类
    return createPreferredImpl<DevicesFactoryHalInterface>(
            "android.hardware.audio", "IDevicesFactory");
void* createPreferredImpl(const std::string& package, const std::string& interface) {           这里显示遍历了一个保存HAL版本的数组,并判断当前处于哪个版本,如果找到有这个版本则创建这个版本的代理接口
    for (auto version = detail::sAudioHALVersions; version != nullptr; ++version) {             遍历HAL版本数组
        void* rawInterface = nullptr;                               
        if (hasHalService(package, *version, interface)                                         判断该版本号对应的HAL是否存在                          
                && createHalService(*version, interface, &rawInterface)) {                      创建对应版本的HAL代理接口
            return rawInterface;
    return nullptr;
bool createHalService(const std::string& version, const std::string& interface,
        void** rawInterface) {
    const std::string libName = "libaudiohal@" + version + ".so";                     这里组装了一个libaudiohal@x.x.so字符串,一个库,x.x就是刚才遍历到的版本储存在sAudioHALVersions中
    const std::string factoryFunctionName = "create" + interface;                     刚才穿进来的interface 是IDevicesFactory,这里组装成了createIDevicesFactory,像是一个函数
    constexpr int dlMode = RTLD_LAZY;
    void* handle = nullptr;
    dlerror(); // clear
    handle = dlopen(libName.c_str(), dlMode);                                         加载库libaudiohal@x.x.so
    if (handle == nullptr) {
        const char* error = dlerror();
        ALOGE("Failed to dlopen %s: %s", libName.c_str(),
                error != nullptr ? error : "unknown error");
        return false;
    void* (*factoryFunction)();
    *(void **)(&factoryFunction) = dlsym(handle, factoryFunctionName.c_str());       获取库libaudiohal@x.x.so中的createIDevicesFactory函数指针
    if (!factoryFunction) {
        const char* error = dlerror();
        ALOGE("Factory function %s not found in library %s: %s",
                factoryFunctionName.c_str(), libName.c_str(),
                error != nullptr ? error : "unknown error");
        return false;
    *rawInterface = (*factoryFunction)();                           这里则调用了createIDevicesFactory函数并返回了rawInterface,这个rawInterface最终是要返回到调用DevicesFactoryHalInterface.create的地方
    ALOGW_IF(!*rawInterface, "Factory function %s from %s returned nullptr",
            factoryFunctionName.c_str(), libName.c_str());
    return true;

通过上面几段代码的一个跟踪和分析,发现DevicesFactoryHalInterface.create其实只是去打开了一个[email protected]的库,并且调用了它的函数createIDevicesFactory获取了其返回值,通过查找代码发现这个库的源码是在framewrok/av/media/libaudiohal/impl/DevicesFactoryHalHybrid.cpp

extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) void* createIDevicesFactory() {         这个函数的调用实际上是构建了DevicesFactoryHalHybrid并且把它返回给了调用者
    auto service = hardware::audio::CPP_VERSION::IDevicesFactory::getService();
    return service ? new CPP_VERSION::DevicesFactoryHalHybrid(service) : nullptr;
DevicesFactoryHalHybrid::DevicesFactoryHalHybrid(sp<IDevicesFactory> hidlFactory)        DevicesFactoryHalHybrid构建初始化了两个类DevicesFactoryHalLocal和DevicesFactoryHalHidl从名字看一个是本地一个是HIDL代理者
        : mLocalFactory(new DevicesFactoryHalLocal()),
          mHidlFactory(new DevicesFactoryHalHidl(hidlFactory)) {
status_t DevicesFactoryHalHybrid::openDevice(const char *name, sp<DeviceHalInterface> *device) {      打开HAL层的一些设备,这里设备有几种类型:primary,a2dp,usb,r_submix,stub,我们主要使用的是primary  
    if (mHidlFactory != 0 && strcmp(AUDIO_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID_A2DP, name) != 0 &&
        strcmp(AUDIO_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID_HEARING_AID, name) != 0) {
        return mHidlFactory->openDevice(name, device);
    return mLocalFactory->openDevice(name, device);
status_t DevicesFactoryHalHybrid::getHalPids(std::vector<pid_t> *pids) {
    if (mHidlFactory != 0) {
        return mHidlFactory->getHalPids(pids);
status_t DevicesFactoryHalHybrid::setCallbackOnce(sp<DevicesFactoryHalCallback> callback) {
    if (mHidlFactory) {
        return mHidlFactory->setCallbackOnce(callback);




status_t AudioFlinger::createTrack(const media::CreateTrackRequest& _input,
                                   media::CreateTrackResponse& _output)
    // Local version of VALUE_OR_RETURN, specific to this method's calling conventions.
    CreateTrackInput input = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(CreateTrackInput::fromAidl(_input));
    CreateTrackOutput output;
    sp<PlaybackThread::Track> track;
    sp<TrackHandle> trackHandle;
    sp<Client> client;
    status_t lStatus;
    audio_stream_type_t streamType;
    audio_port_handle_t portId = AUDIO_PORT_HANDLE_NONE;
    std::vector<audio_io_handle_t> secondaryOutputs;
    output.sessionId = sessionId;
    output.outputId = AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE;
    output.selectedDeviceId = input.selectedDeviceId;
    lStatus = AudioSystem::getOutputForAttr(&localAttr, &output.outputId, sessionId, &streamType,
                                            adjAttributionSource, &input.config, input.flags,
                                            &output.selectedDeviceId, &portId, &secondaryOutputs);          ------------------    1
        Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
        PlaybackThread *thread = checkPlaybackThread_l(output.outputId);                                    获取playback数组
        if (thread == NULL) {
            ALOGE("no playback thread found for output handle %d", output.outputId);
            lStatus = BAD_VALUE;
            goto Exit;
        ALOGV("createTrack() sessionId: %d", sessionId);
        output.sampleRate = input.config.sample_rate;
        output.frameCount = input.frameCount;
        output.notificationFrameCount = input.notificationFrameCount;
        output.flags = input.flags;
        output.streamType = streamType;
        track = thread->createTrack_l(client, streamType, localAttr, &output.sampleRate,
                                      input.config.format, input.config.channel_mask,
                                      &output.frameCount, &output.notificationFrameCount,
                                      input.notificationsPerBuffer, input.speed,
                                      input.sharedBuffer, sessionId, &output.flags,
                                      callingPid, adjAttributionSource, input.clientInfo.clientTid,
                                      &lStatus, portId, input.audioTrackCallback);
        LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF((lStatus == NO_ERROR) && (track == 0));
        // we don't abort yet if lStatus != NO_ERROR; there is still work to be done regardless
        output.afFrameCount = thread->frameCount();
        output.afSampleRate = thread->sampleRate();
        output.afLatencyMs = thread->latency();
        output.portId = portId;
        setAudioHwSyncForSession_l(thread, sessionId);
    output.audioTrack = new TrackHandle(track);
    _output = VALUE_OR_FATAL(output.toAidl());
    if (lStatus != NO_ERROR && output.outputId != AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE) {
    return lStatus;

整个createTrack代码很长总结来说就是先获取传过来的参数input ,根据input在调用PlaybackThread创建Track,然后返回output,并且返回的audioTrack并不是真的Track而是TrackHandle代理,从名字看这是一个回放的线程,它的代码非常的长,主要目的就是创建Track,并且保存在了一个数组中,在上面代码中标记1处,这个函数是获取我们的Output,它首先是通过AudioSystem中转调用AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl中的getOutputForAttr,然后再到AudioPolicyManager的getOutputForAttrInt,直接看AudioPolicyManager

status_t AudioPolicyManager::getOutputForAttrInt(
        audio_attributes_t *resultAttr,
        audio_io_handle_t *output,
        audio_session_t session,
        const audio_attributes_t *attr,
        audio_stream_type_t *stream,
        uid_t uid,
        const audio_config_t *config,
        audio_output_flags_t *flags,
        audio_port_handle_t *selectedDeviceId,
        bool *isRequestedDeviceForExclusiveUse,
        std::vector<sp<AudioPolicyMix>> *secondaryMixes,
        output_type_t *outputType)
    DeviceVector outputDevices;
    const audio_port_handle_t requestedPortId = *selectedDeviceId;
    DeviceVector msdDevices = getMsdAudioOutDevices();
    const sp<DeviceDescriptor> requestedDevice =
    *outputType = API_OUTPUT_INVALID;
    status_t status = getAudioAttributes(resultAttr, attr, *stream);
    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
        return status;
    if (auto it = mAllowedCapturePolicies.find(uid); it != end(mAllowedCapturePolicies)) {
        resultAttr->flags = static_cast<audio_flags_mask_t>(resultAttr->flags | it->second);
    *stream = mEngine->getStreamTypeForAttributes(*resultAttr);
    ALOGV("%s() attributes=%s stream=%s session %d selectedDeviceId %d", __func__,
          toString(*resultAttr).c_str(), toString(*stream).c_str(), session, requestedPortId);
    // The primary output is the explicit routing (eg. setPreferredDevice) if specified,
    //       otherwise, fallback to the dynamic policies, if none match, query the engine.
    // Secondary outputs are always found by dynamic policies as the engine do not support them
    sp<AudioPolicyMix> primaryMix;
    status = mPolicyMixes.getOutputForAttr(*resultAttr, uid, *flags, primaryMix, secondaryMixes);
    if (status != OK) {
        return status;
    // Explicit routing is higher priority then any dynamic policy primary output
    bool usePrimaryOutputFromPolicyMixes = requestedDevice == nullptr && primaryMix != nullptr;
    // FIXME: in case of RENDER policy, the output capabilities should be checked
    if ((usePrimaryOutputFromPolicyMixes
            || (secondaryMixes != nullptr && !secondaryMixes->empty()))
        && !audio_is_linear_pcm(config->format)) {
        ALOGD("%s: rejecting request as dynamic audio policy only support pcm", __func__);
        return BAD_VALUE;
    if (usePrimaryOutputFromPolicyMixes) {
        sp<DeviceDescriptor> deviceDesc =
        sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor> policyDesc = primaryMix->getOutput();
        if (deviceDesc != nullptr
                && (policyDesc == nullptr || (policyDesc->mFlags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT))) {
            audio_io_handle_t newOutput;
            status = openDirectOutput(                                                     ---------------------         1
                    *stream, session, config,
                    (audio_output_flags_t)(*flags | AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT),
                    DeviceVector(deviceDesc), &newOutput);
            if (status != NO_ERROR) {
                policyDesc = nullptr;
            } else {
                policyDesc = mOutputs.valueFor(newOutput);
        if (policyDesc != nullptr) {
            policyDesc->mPolicyMix = primaryMix;
            *output = policyDesc->mIoHandle;
            *selectedDeviceId = deviceDesc != 0 ? deviceDesc->getId() : AUDIO_PORT_HANDLE_NONE;
            ALOGV("getOutputForAttr() returns output %d", *output);
            if (resultAttr->usage == AUDIO_USAGE_VIRTUAL_SOURCE) {
                *outputType = API_OUT_MIX_PLAYBACK;
            } else {
                *outputType = API_OUTPUT_LEGACY;
            return NO_ERROR;
    // Virtual sources must always be dynamicaly or explicitly routed
    if (resultAttr->usage == AUDIO_USAGE_VIRTUAL_SOURCE) {
        ALOGW("getOutputForAttr() no policy mix found for usage AUDIO_USAGE_VIRTUAL_SOURCE");
        return BAD_VALUE;
    // explicit routing managed by getDeviceForStrategy in APM is now handled by engine
    // in order to let the choice of the order to future vendor engine
    outputDevices = mEngine->getOutputDevicesForAttributes(*resultAttr, requestedDevice, false);
    if ((resultAttr->flags & AUDIO_FLAG_HW_AV_SYNC) != 0) {
        *flags = (audio_output_flags_t)(*flags | AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_HW_AV_SYNC);
    // Set incall music only if device was explicitly set, and fallback to the device which is
    // chosen by the engine if not.
    // FIXME: provide a more generic approach which is not device specific and move this back
    // to getOutputForDevice.
    // TODO: Remove check of AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC once migration is completed on the app side.
    if (outputDevices.onlyContainsDevicesWithType(AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_TELEPHONY_TX) &&
        (*stream == AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC  || resultAttr->usage == AUDIO_USAGE_VOICE_COMMUNICATION) &&
        audio_is_linear_pcm(config->format) &&
        isCallAudioAccessible()) {
        if (requestedPortId != AUDIO_PORT_HANDLE_NONE) {
            *flags = (audio_output_flags_t)AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_INCALL_MUSIC;
            *isRequestedDeviceForExclusiveUse = true;
    ALOGV("%s() device %s, sampling rate %d, format %#x, channel mask %#x, flags %#x stream %s",
          __func__, outputDevices.toString().c_str(), config->sample_rate, config->format,
          config->channel_mask, *flags, toString(*stream).c_str());
    *output = AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE;
    if (!msdDevices.isEmpty()) {
        *output = getOutputForDevices(msdDevices, session, *stream, config, flags);                         ------------   2
        if (*output != AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE && setMsdOutputPatches(&outputDevices) == NO_ERROR) {
            ALOGV("%s() Using MSD devices %s instead of devices %s",
                  __func__, msdDevices.toString().c_str(), outputDevices.toString().c_str());
        } else {
            *output = AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE;
    if (*output == AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE) {
        *output = getOutputForDevices(outputDevices, session, *stream, config,                               -------------     3
                flags, resultAttr->flags & AUDIO_FLAG_MUTE_HAPTIC);
    if (*output == AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE) {
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
    *selectedDeviceId = getFirstDeviceId(outputDevices);
    for (auto &outputDevice : outputDevices) {
        if (outputDevice->getId() == getConfig().getDefaultOutputDevice()->getId()) {
            *selectedDeviceId = outputDevice->getId();
    if (outputDevices.onlyContainsDevicesWithType(AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_TELEPHONY_TX)) {
        *outputType = API_OUTPUT_TELEPHONY_TX;
    } else {
        *outputType = API_OUTPUT_LEGACY;
    ALOGV("%s returns output %d selectedDeviceId %d", __func__, *output, *selectedDeviceId);
    return NO_ERROR;


status_t AudioPolicyManager::openDirectOutput(audio_stream_type_t stream,
                                              audio_session_t session,
                                              const audio_config_t *config,
                                              audio_output_flags_t flags,
                                              const DeviceVector &devices,
                                              audio_io_handle_t *output) {
    *output = AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE;
    // skip direct output selection if the request can obviously be attached to a mixed output
    // and not explicitly requested
    if (((flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT) == 0) &&
            audio_is_linear_pcm(config->format) && config->sample_rate <= SAMPLE_RATE_HZ_MAX &&
            audio_channel_count_from_out_mask(config->channel_mask) <= 2) {
        return NAME_NOT_FOUND;
    // Do not allow offloading or direct if one non offloadable effect is enabled or
    // MasterMono is enabled. This prevents creating an offloaded or direct track
    // and tearing it down immediately after start when audioflinger detects there
    // is an active non offloadable effect.
    // FIXME: We should check the audio session here but we do not have it in this context.
    // This may prevent offloading in rare situations where effects are left active by apps
    // in the background.
    sp<IOProfile> profile;
            !(mEffects.isNonOffloadableEffectEnabled() || mMasterMono)) {
        profile = getProfileForOutput(
                devices, config->sample_rate, config->format, config->channel_mask,
                flags, true /* directOnly */);
    if (profile == nullptr) {
        return NAME_NOT_FOUND;
    if (!(flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT) &&
         (profile->getFlags() & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT)) {
        ALOGI("%s rejecting direct profile as was not requested ", __func__);
        profile = nullptr;
        return NAME_NOT_FOUND;
    sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor> outputDesc = nullptr;
    // check if direct output for pcm/track offload or compress offload already exist
    bool directSessionInUse = false;
    bool offloadSessionInUse = false;
    // exclusive outputs for MMAP and Offload are enforced by different session ids.
    if (!(property_get_bool("vendor.audio.offload.multiple.enabled", false) &&
          ((flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT) != 0) &&
          (flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_MMAP_NOIRQ) == 0)) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < mOutputs.size(); i++) {
            sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor> desc = mOutputs.valueAt(i);
            if (!desc->isDuplicated() && (profile == desc->mProfile)) {
                 outputDesc = desc;
                // reuse direct output if currently open by the same client
                // and configured with same parameters
                if ((config->sample_rate == desc->getSamplingRate()) &&
                    (config->format == desc->getFormat()) &&
                    (config->channel_mask == desc->getChannelMask()) &&
                    (session == desc->mDirectClientSession)) {
                    ALOGI("%s reusing direct output %d for session %d", __func__,
                        mOutputs.keyAt(i), session);
                    *output = mOutputs.keyAt(i);
                    return NO_ERROR;
                if (desc->mFlags == AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT) {
                    directSessionInUse = true;
                    ALOGV("%s Direct PCM already in use", __func__);
                if (desc->mFlags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_COMPRESS_OFFLOAD) {
                    offloadSessionInUse = true;
                    ALOGV("%s Compress Offload already in use", __func__);
        if (outputDesc != nullptr &&
            ((flags == AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT && directSessionInUse) ||
            ((flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_COMPRESS_OFFLOAD) && offloadSessionInUse))) {
            if (session != outputDesc->mDirectClientSession) {
                ALOGV("getOutput() do not reuse direct pcm output because current client (%d) "
                      "is not the same as requesting client (%d) for different output conf",
                outputDesc->mDirectClientSession, session);
                return NAME_NOT_FOUND;
            } else {
                ALOGV("%s close previous output on same client session %d ", __func__, session);
    if (!profile->canOpenNewIo()) {
        return NAME_NOT_FOUND;
    }                                                                         上面是处理一些找不到的情况,进行一个过滤
    outputDesc = new SwAudioOutputDescriptor(profile, mpClientInterface);                              ---------- 新建一个SwAudioOutputDescriptor,这个是包装output的类
    // An MSD patch may be using the only output stream that can service this request. Release
    // all MSD patches to prioritize this request over any active output on MSD.
    status_t status = outputDesc->open(config, devices, stream, flags, output);                         ----------这里才是真正的打开output
    // only accept an output with the requested parameters
    if (status != NO_ERROR ||
        (config->sample_rate != 0 && config->sample_rate != outputDesc->getSamplingRate()) ||
        (config->format != AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT && config->format != outputDesc->getFormat()) ||
        (config->channel_mask != 0 && config->channel_mask != outputDesc->getChannelMask())) {
        ALOGV("%s failed opening direct output: output %d sample rate %d %d,"
                "format %d %d, channel mask %04x %04x", __func__, *output, config->sample_rate,
                outputDesc->getSamplingRate(), config->format, outputDesc->getFormat(),
                config->channel_mask, outputDesc->getChannelMask());
        if (*output != AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE) {
        // fall back to mixer output if possible when the direct output could not be open
        if (audio_is_linear_pcm(config->format) &&
                config->sample_rate  <= SAMPLE_RATE_HZ_MAX) {
            return NAME_NOT_FOUND;
        *output = AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE;
        return BAD_VALUE;
    outputDesc->mDirectOpenCount = 1;
    outputDesc->mDirectClientSession = session;
    addOutput(*output, outputDesc);
    mPreviousOutputs = mOutputs;
    ALOGV("%s returns new direct output %d", __func__, *output);
    return NO_ERROR;


status_t AudioFlinger::openOutput(const media::OpenOutputRequest& request,
                                media::OpenOutputResponse* response)
    audio_module_handle_t module = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
    audio_config_t config = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
    sp<DeviceDescriptorBase> device = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
    audio_output_flags_t flags = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
    audio_io_handle_t output;
    uint32_t latencyMs;
    ALOGI("openOutput() this %p, module %d Device %s, SamplingRate %d, Format %#08x, "
              "Channels %#x, flags %#x",
              this, module,
    audio_devices_t deviceType = device->type();
    const String8 address = String8(device->address().c_str());
    if (deviceType == AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) {
        return BAD_VALUE;
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
    sp<ThreadBase> thread = openOutput_l(module, &output, &config, deviceType, address, flags);                  openoutput核心处理在这里
    if (thread != 0) {
        if ((flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_MMAP_NOIRQ) == 0) {
            PlaybackThread *playbackThread = (PlaybackThread *)thread.get();
            latencyMs = playbackThread->latency();
            // notify client processes of the new output creation
            // the first primary output opened designates the primary hw device if no HW module
            // named "primary" was already loaded.
            AutoMutex lock(mHardwareLock);
            if ((mPrimaryHardwareDev == nullptr) && (flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_PRIMARY)) {
                ALOGI("Using module %d as the primary audio interface", module);
                mPrimaryHardwareDev = playbackThread->getOutput()->audioHwDev;
                mHardwareStatus = AUDIO_HW_SET_MODE;
                mHardwareStatus = AUDIO_HW_IDLE;
        } else {
            MmapThread *mmapThread = (MmapThread *)thread.get();
        response->output = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(legacy2aidl_audio_io_handle_t_int32_t(output));
        response->config = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(legacy2aidl_audio_config_t_AudioConfig(config));
        response->latencyMs = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(convertIntegral<int32_t>(latencyMs));
        response->flags = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
        return NO_ERROR;
    return NO_INIT;
sp<AudioFlinger::ThreadBase> AudioFlinger::openOutput_l(audio_module_handle_t module,
                                                        audio_io_handle_t *output,
                                                        audio_config_t *config,
                                                        audio_devices_t deviceType,
                                                        const String8& address,
                                                        audio_output_flags_t flags)
    AudioHwDevice *outHwDev = findSuitableHwDev_l(module, deviceType);                         寻找并加载对应的HAL层module,也就是链接HAL侧接口
    if (outHwDev == NULL) {
        return 0;
    if (*output == AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE) {
        *output = nextUniqueId(AUDIO_UNIQUE_ID_USE_OUTPUT);
    } else {
        // Audio Policy does not currently request a specific output handle.
        // If this is ever needed, see openInput_l() for example code.
        ALOGE("openOutput_l requested output handle %d is not AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE", *output);
        return 0;
    mHardwareStatus = AUDIO_HW_OUTPUT_OPEN;
    // This if statement allows overriding the audio policy settings
    // and forcing a specific format or channel mask to the HAL/Sink device for testing.
        // Check only for Normal Mixing mode
        if (kEnableExtendedPrecision) {
            // Specify format (uncomment one below to choose)
            //config->format = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_FLOAT;
            //config->format = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_24_BIT_PACKED;
            //config->format = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_32_BIT;
            //config->format = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_8_24_BIT;
            // ALOGV("openOutput_l() upgrading format to %#08x", config->format);
        if (kEnableExtendedChannels) {
            // Specify channel mask (uncomment one below to choose)
            //config->channel_mask = audio_channel_out_mask_from_count(4);  // for USB 4ch
            //config->channel_mask = audio_channel_mask_from_representation_and_bits(
            //        AUDIO_CHANNEL_REPRESENTATION_INDEX, (1 << 4) - 1);  // another 4ch example
    AudioStreamOut *outputStream = NULL;
    status_t status = outHwDev->openOutputStream(
            address.string());                                          这里调用HAL层的openoutputStream正式打通和HAL层的通道
    mHardwareStatus = AUDIO_HW_IDLE;
    if (status == NO_ERROR) {                                           下面就对应几种情况分别建立了playbackThread
        if (flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_MMAP_NOIRQ) {
            sp<MmapPlaybackThread> thread =
                    new MmapPlaybackThread(this, *output, outHwDev, outputStream, mSystemReady);                   -------------    1
            mMmapThreads.add(*output, thread);
            ALOGV("openOutput_l() created mmap playback thread: ID %d thread %p",
                  *output, thread.get());
            return thread;
        } else {
            sp<PlaybackThread> thread;
            if (flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_COMPRESS_OFFLOAD) {
                thread = new OffloadThread(this, outputStream, *output, mSystemReady);                             --------------    2
                ALOGV("openOutput_l() created offload output: ID %d thread %p",
                      *output, thread.get());
            } else if ((flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT)
                    || !isValidPcmSinkFormat(config->format)
                    || !isValidPcmSinkChannelMask(config->channel_mask)) {
                thread = new DirectOutputThread(this, outputStream, *output, mSystemReady);                        ---------------    3
                ALOGV("openOutput_l() created direct output: ID %d thread %p",
                      *output, thread.get());
            } else {
                thread = new MixerThread(this, outputStream, *output, mSystemReady);                               ---------------    4
                ALOGV("openOutput_l() created mixer output: ID %d thread %p",
                      *output, thread.get());
            mPlaybackThreads.add(*output, thread);                                                                添加到了数组中
            struct audio_patch patch;
            mPatchPanel.notifyStreamOpened(outHwDev, *output, &patch);
            if (thread->isMsdDevice()) {
            return thread;
    return 0;

至此,mPlaybackThreads的神秘面纱就揭开了,它所保存的几种thread 分别有不用的场景应用,具体如下图

            PlaybackThread *thread,
            const sp<Client>& client,
            audio_stream_type_t streamType,
            const audio_attributes_t& attr,
            uint32_t sampleRate,
            audio_format_t format,
            audio_channel_mask_t channelMask,
            size_t frameCount,
            void *buffer,
            size_t bufferSize,
            const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
            audio_session_t sessionId,
            pid_t creatorPid,
            const AttributionSourceState& attributionSource,
            audio_output_flags_t flags,
            track_type type,
            audio_port_handle_t portId,
            size_t frameCountToBeReady,
            float speed)
    :   TrackBase(thread, client, attr, sampleRate, format, channelMask, frameCount,
                  // TODO: Using unsecurePointer() has some associated security pitfalls
                  //       (see declaration for details).
                  //       Either document why it is safe in this case or address the
                  //       issue (e.g. by copying).
                  (sharedBuffer != 0) ? sharedBuffer->unsecurePointer() : buffer,
                  (sharedBuffer != 0) ? sharedBuffer->size() : bufferSize,
                  sessionId, creatorPid,
                  VALUE_OR_FATAL(aidl2legacy_int32_t_uid_t(attributionSource.uid)), true /*isOut*/,
                  (type == TYPE_PATCH) ? ( buffer == NULL ? ALLOC_LOCAL : ALLOC_NONE) : ALLOC_CBLK,
                  std::string(AMEDIAMETRICS_KEY_PREFIX_AUDIO_TRACK) + std::to_string(portId)),                                这个地方调用了父类的构造函数,利用父类做了一些事情
    // mRetryCount initialized later when needed
    mAuxEffectId(0), mHasVolumeController(false),
    mFrameMap(16 /* sink-frame-to-track-frame map memory */),
    mVolumeHandler(new media::VolumeHandler(sampleRate)),
    mOpPlayAudioMonitor(OpPlayAudioMonitor::createIfNeeded(attributionSource, attr, id(),
    // mSinkTimestamp
    /* The track might not play immediately after being active, similarly as if its volume was 0.
     * When the track starts playing, its volume will be computed. */
{                                                                                          持有了各种状态属性
    // client == 0 implies sharedBuffer == 0
    ALOG_ASSERT(!(client == 0 && sharedBuffer != 0));
    ALOGV_IF(sharedBuffer != 0, "%s(%d): sharedBuffer: %p, size: %zu",
            __func__, mId, sharedBuffer->unsecurePointer(), sharedBuffer->size());
    if (mCblk == NULL) {
    uid_t uid = VALUE_OR_FATAL(aidl2legacy_int32_t_uid_t(attributionSource.uid));
    if (!thread->isTrackAllowed_l(channelMask, format, sessionId, uid)) {
        ALOGE("%s(%d): no more tracks available", __func__, mId);
        releaseCblk(); // this makes the track invalid.
    if (sharedBuffer == 0) {                                                                          根据是否有共享内存创建了两个server代理,和AudioTrack中的client相配对
        mAudioTrackServerProxy = new AudioTrackServerProxy(mCblk, mBuffer, frameCount,
                mFrameSize, !isExternalTrack(), sampleRate);
    } else {
        mAudioTrackServerProxy = new StaticAudioTrackServerProxy(mCblk, mBuffer, frameCount,
                mFrameSize, sampleRate);
    mServerProxy = mAudioTrackServerProxy;
    mServerProxy->setStartThresholdInFrames(frameCountToBeReady); // update the Cblk value
    // only allocate a fast track index if we were able to allocate a normal track name
    if (flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST) {
        // FIXME: Not calling framesReadyIsCalledByMultipleThreads() exposes a potential
        // race with setSyncEvent(). However, if we call it, we cannot properly start
        // static fast tracks (SoundPool) immediately after stopping.
        ALOG_ASSERT(thread->mFastTrackAvailMask != 0);
        int i = __builtin_ctz(thread->mFastTrackAvailMask);
        ALOG_ASSERT(0 < i && i < (int)FastMixerState::sMaxFastTracks);
        // FIXME This is too eager.  We allocate a fast track index before the
        //       fast track becomes active.  Since fast tracks are a scarce resource,
        //       this means we are potentially denying other more important fast tracks from
        //       being created.  It would be better to allocate the index dynamically.
        mFastIndex = i;
        thread->mFastTrackAvailMask &= ~(1 << i);
    mServerLatencySupported = thread->type() == ThreadBase::MIXER
            || thread->type() == ThreadBase::DUPLICATING;
#ifdef TEE_SINK
    mTee.setId(std::string("_") + std::to_string(mThreadIoHandle)
            + "_" + std::to_string(mId) + "_T");
    if (thread->supportsHapticPlayback()) {
        // If the track is attached to haptic playback thread, it is potentially to have
        // HapticGenerator effect, which will generate haptic data, on the track. In that case,
        // external vibration is always created for all tracks attached to haptic playback thread.
        mAudioVibrationController = new AudioVibrationController(this);
        std::string packageName = attributionSource.packageName.has_value() ?
            attributionSource.packageName.value() : "";
        mExternalVibration = new os::ExternalVibration(
                mUid, packageName, mAttr, mAudioVibrationController);
    // Once this item is logged by the server, the client can add properties.
    const char * const traits = sharedBuffer == 0 ? "" : "static";
    mTrackMetrics.logConstructor(creatorPid, uid, id(), traits, streamType);


第三步,play进行到了AudioTrak.start 调用了AudioFlinger侧的TrackHandle start,这只是一个传递代码真正是到了Track start(),然后看看Track start 做了什么

status_t AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::Track::start(AudioSystem::sync_event_t event __unused,
                                                    audio_session_t triggerSession __unused)
    status_t status = NO_ERROR;
    ALOGV("%s(%d): calling pid %d session %d",
            __func__, mId, IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid(), mSessionId);
    sp<ThreadBase> thread = mThread.promote();
    if (thread != 0) {
        if (isOffloaded()) {
            Mutex::Autolock _laf(thread->mAudioFlinger->mLock);
            Mutex::Autolock _lth(thread->mLock);
            sp<EffectChain> ec = thread->getEffectChain_l(mSessionId);
            if (thread->mAudioFlinger->isNonOffloadableGlobalEffectEnabled_l() ||
                    (ec != 0 && ec->isNonOffloadableEnabled())) {
                return PERMISSION_DENIED;
        Mutex::Autolock _lth(thread->mLock);
        track_state state = mState;
        // here the track could be either new, or restarted
        // in both cases "unstop" the track
        // initial state-stopping. next state-pausing.
        // What if resume is called ?
        if (state == FLUSHED) {
            // avoid underrun glitches when starting after flush
        // clear mPauseHwPending because of pause (and possibly flush) during underrun.
        mPauseHwPending = false;
        if (state == PAUSED || state == PAUSING) {
            if (mResumeToStopping) {
                // happened we need to resume to STOPPING_1
                mState = TrackBase::STOPPING_1;
                ALOGV("%s(%d): PAUSED => STOPPING_1 on thread %d",
                        __func__, mId, (int)mThreadIoHandle);
            } else {
                mState = TrackBase::RESUMING;
                ALOGV("%s(%d): PAUSED => RESUMING on thread %d",
                        __func__,  mId, (int)mThreadIoHandle);
        } else {
            mState = TrackBase::ACTIVE;
            ALOGV("%s(%d): ? => ACTIVE on thread %d",
                    __func__, mId, (int)mThreadIoHandle);
        // states to reset position info for non-offloaded/direct tracks
        if (!isOffloaded() && !isDirect()
                && (state == IDLE || state == STOPPED || state == FLUSHED)) {
        PlaybackThread *playbackThread = (PlaybackThread *)thread.get();                                 获取playbackThread
        if (isFastTrack()) {
            // refresh fast track underruns on start because that field is never cleared
            // by the fast mixer; furthermore, the same track can be recycled, i.e. start
            // after stop.
            mObservedUnderruns = playbackThread->getFastTrackUnderruns(mFastIndex);                      这里是监测underrun状态
        status = playbackThread->addTrack_l(this);                                                       将当前track加入到playbackThread中
        if (status == INVALID_OPERATION || status == PERMISSION_DENIED) {
            //  restore previous state if start was rejected by policy manager
            if (status == PERMISSION_DENIED) {
                mState = state;
        // Audio timing metrics are computed a few mix cycles after starting.
            mLogStartCountdown = LOG_START_COUNTDOWN;
            mLogStartTimeNs = systemTime();
            mLogStartFrames = mAudioTrackServerProxy->getTimestamp()
            mLogLatencyMs = 0.;
        if (status == NO_ERROR || status == ALREADY_EXISTS) {
            // for streaming tracks, remove the buffer read stop limit.
        // track was already in the active list, not a problem
        if (status == ALREADY_EXISTS) {
            status = NO_ERROR;
        } else {
            // Acknowledge any pending flush(), so that subsequent new data isn't discarded.
            // It is usually unsafe to access the server proxy from a binder thread.
            // But in this case we know the mixer thread (whether normal mixer or fast mixer)
            // isn't looking at this track yet:  we still hold the normal mixer thread lock,
            // and for fast tracks the track is not yet in the fast mixer thread's active set.
            // For static tracks, this is used to acknowledge change in position or loop.
            ServerProxy::Buffer buffer;
            buffer.mFrameCount = 1;
            (void) mAudioTrackServerProxy->obtainBuffer(&buffer, true /*ackFlush*/);
    } else {
        status = BAD_VALUE;
    if (status == NO_ERROR) {
        forEachTeePatchTrack([](auto patchTrack) { patchTrack->start(); });
    return status;


status_t AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::addTrack_l(const sp<Track>& track)
    status_t status = ALREADY_EXISTS;
    if (mActiveTracks.indexOf(track) < 0) {
        // the track is newly added, make sure it fills up all its
        // buffers before playing. This is to ensure the client will
        // effectively get the latency it requested.
        if (track->isExternalTrack()) {
            TrackBase::track_state state = track->mState;
            status = AudioSystem::startOutput(track->portId());                           这边实际上是调用到了AudioOutputDescriptor中,增加了mPorfile->curActiveCount的计数
            // abort track was stopped/paused while we released the lock
            if (state != track->mState) {
                if (status == NO_ERROR) {
                return INVALID_OPERATION;
            // abort if start is rejected by audio policy manager
            if (status != NO_ERROR) {
                return PERMISSION_DENIED;
            // to track the speaker usage
            sendIoConfigEvent_l(AUDIO_CLIENT_STARTED, track->creatorPid(), track->portId());
        // set retry count for buffer fill
        if (track->isOffloaded()) {
            if (track->isStopping_1()) {
                track->mRetryCount = kMaxTrackStopRetriesOffload;
            } else {
                track->mRetryCount = kMaxTrackStartupRetriesOffload;
            track->mFillingUpStatus = mStandby ? Track::FS_FILLING : Track::FS_FILLED;
        } else {
            track->mRetryCount = kMaxTrackStartupRetries;
            track->mFillingUpStatus =
                    track->sharedBuffer() != 0 ? Track::FS_FILLED : Track::FS_FILLING;
        sp<EffectChain> chain = getEffectChain_l(track->sessionId());
        if (mHapticChannelMask != AUDIO_CHANNEL_NONE
                && ((track->channelMask() & AUDIO_CHANNEL_HAPTIC_ALL) != AUDIO_CHANNEL_NONE
                        || (chain != nullptr && chain->containsHapticGeneratingEffect_l()))) {
            // Unlock due to VibratorService will lock for this call and will
            // call Tracks.mute/unmute which also require thread's lock.
            const int intensity = AudioFlinger::onExternalVibrationStart(
            // Haptic playback should be enabled by vibrator service.
            if (track->getHapticPlaybackEnabled()) {
                // Disable haptic playback of all active track to ensure only
                // one track playing haptic if current track should play haptic.
                for (const auto &t : mActiveTracks) {
            // Set haptic intensity for effect
            if (chain != nullptr) {
                chain->setHapticIntensity_l(track->id(), intensity);
        track->mResetDone = false;
        if (chain != 0) {
            ALOGV("addTrack_l() starting track on chain %p for session %d", chain.get(),
        track->logBeginInterval(patchSinksToString(&mPatch)); // log to MediaMetrics
        status = NO_ERROR;
    onAddNewTrack_l();                                   -----------  1
    return status;
void AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::onAddNewTrack_l()    1 ------------- 这里是对我们playbackThread进行了唤醒
    ALOGV("signal playback thread");

