Y = AF(Wx)
class Net(torch.nn.Module): # 继承 torch 的 Module
def __init__(self, n_feature, n_hidden, n_output):
super(Net, self).__init__() # 继承 __init__ 功能
# 定义每层用什么样的形式
self.hidden = torch.nn.Linear(n_feature, n_hidden) # 隐藏层线性输出
self.predict = torch.nn.Linear(n_hidden, n_output) # 输出层线性输出
def forward(self, x): # 这同时也是 Module 中的 forward 功能
# 正向传播输入值, 神经网络分析出输出值
x = F.relu(self.hidden(x)) # 激励函数(隐藏层的线性值)
x = self.predict(x) # 输出值
return x
# optimizer 是训练的工具,有四个常用的optimizer
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.2) # 传入 net 的所有参数, 学习率
loss_func = torch.nn.MSELoss() # 预测值和真实值的误差计算公式 (均方差)
for t in range(100):
prediction = net(x) # 喂给 net 训练数据 x, 输出预测值
loss = loss_func(prediction, y) # 计算两者的误差
optimizer.zero_grad() # 清空上一步的残余更新参数值
loss.backward() # 误差反向传播, 计算参数更新值
optimizer.step() # 将参数更新值施加到 net 的 parameters 上
def forward(self, x):
# 正向传播输入值, 神经网络分析出输出值
x = F.relu(self.hidden(x)) # 激励函数(隐藏层的线性值)
x = self.out(x) # 输出值, 但是这个不是预测值, 预测值还需要再另外计算
return x
loss_func = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
搭建神经网络不止class net()这种方法,有一个快速的方法torch.nn.Sequential()
net = torch.nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Linear(1, 10),
torch.nn.Linear(10, 1)
torch.save(net1, 'net.pkl') # 保存整个网络
torch.save(net1.state_dict(), 'net_params.pkl') # 只保存网络中的参数 (速度快, 占内存少)
def restore_net():
# restore entire net1 to net2
net2 = torch.load('net.pkl')
prediction = net2(x)
prediction = net3(x)
# 先转换成 torch 能识别的 Dataset
torch_dataset = Data.TensorDataset(data_tensor=x, target_tensor=y)
# 把 dataset 放入 DataLoader
loader = Data.DataLoader(
dataset=torch_dataset, # torch TensorDataset format
batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, # mini batch size.,就是每次取多少数据
shuffle=True, # 要不要打乱数据 (打乱比较好)
num_workers=2, # 多线程来读数据
net_SGD = Net()
net_Momentum = Net()
net_RMSprop = Net()
net_Adam = Net()
# different optimizers
opt_SGD = torch.optim.SGD(net_SGD.parameters(), lr=LR)
opt_Momentum = torch.optim.SGD(net_Momentum.parameters(), lr=LR, momentum=0.8)
opt_RMSprop = torch.optim.RMSprop(net_RMSprop.parameters(), lr=LR, alpha=0.9)
opt_Adam = torch.optim.Adam(net_Adam.parameters(), lr=LR, betas=(0.9, 0.99))
class CNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(CNN, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Sequential( # input shape (1, 28, 28)
in_channels=1, # input height
out_channels=16, # n_filters
kernel_size=5, # filter size
stride=1, # filter movement/step
padding=2, # 如果想要 con2d 出来的图片长宽没有变化, padding=(kernel_size-1)/2 当 stride=1
), # output shape (16, 28, 28)
nn.ReLU(), # activation
nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2), # 在 2x2 空间里向下采样, output shape (16, 14, 14)
self.conv2 = nn.Sequential( # input shape (16, 14, 14)
nn.Conv2d(16, 32, 5, 1, 2), # output shape (32, 14, 14)
nn.ReLU(), # activation
nn.MaxPool2d(2), # output shape (32, 7, 7)
self.out = nn.Linear(32 * 7 * 7, 10) # fully connected layer, output 10 classes
def forward(self, x):
x = self.conv1(x)
x = self.conv2(x)
x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) # 展平多维的卷积图成 (batch_size, 32 * 7 * 7)
output = self.out(x)
return output
这个 CNN 整体流程是 卷积(Conv2d) -> 激励函数(ReLU) -> 池化, 向下采样 (MaxPooling) -> 再来一遍 -> 展平多维的卷积成的特征图 -> 接入全连接层 (Linear) -> 输出
1. 输入:重要程度 写入主线剧情 进行分析.
2.忘记: 如果此时的分线剧情更改了我们对之前剧情的想法, 那么忘记控制就会将之前的某些主线剧情忘记, 按比例替换成现在的新剧情
class RNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(RNN, self).__init__()
self.rnn = nn.LSTM( # LSTM 效果要比 nn.RNN() 好多了
input_size=28, # 图片每行的数据像素点
hidden_size=64, # rnn hidden unit
num_layers=1, # 有几层 RNN layers
batch_first=True, # input & output 会是以 batch size 为第一维度的特征集 e.g. (batch, time_step, input_size)
self.out = nn.Linear(64, 10) # 输出层
def forward(self, x):
# x shape (batch, time_step, input_size)
# r_out shape (batch, time_step, output_size)
# h_n shape (n_layers, batch, hidden_size) LSTM 有两个 hidden states, h_n 是分线, h_c 是主线
# h_c shape (n_layers, batch, hidden_size)
r_out, (h_n, h_c) = self.rnn(x, None) # None 表示 hidden state 会用全0的 state
# 选取最后一个时间点的 r_out 输出
# 这里 r_out[:, -1, :] 的值也是 h_n 的值
out = self.out(r_out[:, -1, :])
return out
class RNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(RNN, self).__init__()
self.rnn = nn.RNN( # 这回一个普通的 RNN 就能胜任
hidden_size=32, # rnn hidden unit
num_layers=1, # 有几层 RNN layers
batch_first=True, # input & output 会是以 batch size 为第一维度的特征集 e.g. (batch, time_step, input_size)
self.out = nn.Linear(32, 1)
def forward(self, x, h_state): # 因为 hidden state 是连续的, 所以我们要一直传递这一个 state
# x (batch, time_step, input_size)
# h_state (n_layers, batch, hidden_size)
# r_out (batch, time_step, output_size)
r_out, h_state = self.rnn(x, h_state) # h_state 也要作为 RNN 的一个输入
outs = [] # 保存所有时间点的预测值
for time_step in range(r_out.size(1)): # 对每一个时间点计算 output
outs.append(self.out(r_out[:, time_step, :]))
return torch.stack(outs, dim=1), h_state
class AutoEncoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(AutoEncoder, self).__init__()
# 压缩
self.encoder = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(28*28, 128), 28*28->128
nn.Linear(128, 64), 128->64
nn.Linear(64, 12), 64->12
nn.Linear(12, 3), # 压缩成3个特征, 进行 3D 图像可视化
# 解压
self.decoder = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(3, 12),
nn.Linear(12, 64),
nn.Linear(64, 128),
nn.Linear(128, 28*28),
nn.Sigmoid(), # 激励函数让输出值在 (0, 1)
def forward(self, x):
encoded = self.encoder(x)
decoded = self.decoder(encoded)
return encoded, decoded
autoencoder = AutoEncoder()
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, ):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(N_STATES, 10)
self.fc1.weight.data.normal_(0, 0.1) # initialization
self.out = nn.Linear(10, N_ACTIONS)
self.out.weight.data.normal_(0, 0.1) # initialization
def forward(self, x):
x = self.fc1(x)
x = F.relu(x)
actions_value = self.out(x)
return actions_value
class DQN(object):
def __init__(self):
# 建立 target net 和 eval net 还有 memory
def choose_action(self, x):
# 根据环境观测值选择动作的机制
return action
def store_transition(self, s, a, r, s_):
# 存储记忆
def learn(self):
# target 网络更新
# 学习记忆库中的记忆
G = nn.Sequential( # Generator
nn.Linear(N_IDEAS, 128), # random ideas (could from normal distribution)
nn.Linear(128, ART_COMPONENTS), # making a painting from these random ideas
D = nn.Sequential( # Discriminator
nn.Linear(ART_COMPONENTS, 128), # receive art work either from the famous artist or a newbie like G
nn.Linear(128, 1),
nn.Sigmoid(), # tell the probability that the art work is made by artist
torch.nn.Dropout(0.5) 这里的 0.5 指的是随机有 50% 的神经元会被关闭/丢弃.
net_dropped = torch.nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Linear(1, N_HIDDEN),
torch.nn.Dropout(0.5), # drop 50% of the neuron
torch.nn.Linear(N_HIDDEN, N_HIDDEN),
torch.nn.Dropout(0.5), # drop 50% of the neuron
torch.nn.Linear(N_HIDDEN, 1),
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, batch_normalization=False):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.do_bn = batch_normalization
self.fcs = [] # 太多层了, 我们用 for loop 建立
self.bns = []
self.bn_input = nn.BatchNorm1d(1, momentum=0.5) # 给 input 的 BN
for i in range(N_HIDDEN): # 建层
input_size = 1 if i == 0 else 10
fc = nn.Linear(input_size, 10)
setattr(self, 'fc%i' % i, fc) # 注意! pytorch 一定要你将层信息变成 class 的属性! 我在这里花了2天时间发现了这个 bug
self._set_init(fc) # 参数初始化
if self.do_bn:
bn = nn.BatchNorm1d(10, momentum=0.5)
setattr(self, 'bn%i' % i, bn) # 注意! pytorch 一定要你将层信息变成 class 的属性! 我在这里花了2天时间发现了这个 bug
self.predict = nn.Linear(10, 1) # output layer
self._set_init(self.predict) # 参数初始化
def _set_init(self, layer): # 参数初始化
init.normal_(layer.weight, mean=0., std=.1)
init.constant_(layer.bias, B_INIT)
def forward(self, x):
pre_activation = [x]
if self.do_bn: x = self.bn_input(x) # 判断是否要加 BN
layer_input = [x]
for i in range(N_HIDDEN):
x = self.fcs[i](x)
pre_activation.append(x) # 为之后出图
if self.do_bn: x = self.bns[i](x) # 判断是否要加 BN
layer_input.append(x) # 为之后出图
out = self.predict(x)
return out, layer_input, pre_activation
# 建立两个 net, 一个有 BN, 一个没有
nets = [Net(batch_normalization=False), Net(batch_normalization=True)]