

When was the day that quantum became normalised?


‘Quantum’, as a modifier within a sentence, has typically denoted something entirely beyond the realm of ordinary comprehension — the demesne of cats at once undead and unliving, of profound theoretical breakthroughs regretted, of keys to new dimensions. Sat on the lip of the 2020s, however, it is both exciting and oddly disconcerting to discover that quantum, such a synonym for the terminally unpredictable, has become a sure shot, an all-but-safe bet.

“ Quantum”作为句子中的修饰语,通常表示的东西完全超出了普通理解的范围- 猫的死后不死,无生命 , 遗憾的深刻理论突破 , 新维度的关键 。 然而,坐在2020年代的唇边,发现量子这一令人难以置信的既令人兴奋又令人不安的是,这种量子,这种终极无法预测的代名词,已经成为必经之路,绝对是安全的赌注。

Or, at least, quantum computing has. Since the 1990s it has been one of the most anticipated tickmarks on the developmental technological calendar. Now, we are passing between decisive phases in the lifecycle of this unique branch of computing. No longer merely a theoretical preserve, or a lab-bound pursuit, quantum computing is now a major channel of investment for large companies, small companies, VCs, academic institutions, and states. More and more, we are finding applied usage for the prime descendant of the classical computer; to the extent that, come the end of the 20s, quantum computing might be feasibly considered the decade’s definitive technology.

或者至少,量子计算具有。 自1990年代以来,它一直是发展技术日历上最令人期待的刻度之一。 现在,我们正在这个独特的计算分支的生命周期中的决定性阶段之间过渡。 对于大公司,小公司,风投,学术机构和州而言,量子计算已不再只是理论上的保留或实验室的追求,现在已成为投资的主要渠道。 越来越多地,我们发现经典计算机的主要后代已得到应用。 在某种程度上,到20年代末,量子计算可能被认为是该十年的权威技术。

But why? And how?

但为什么? 如何?

什么是量子计算机? (What Are Quantum Computers?)

Quantum computers, and quantum computing, make use of quantum phenomena to execute processes faster. ‘Classical’ computing processes information through regular binaries, often colloquially referred to as ‘0s and 1s’. Quantum principles like superposition (wherein a particle exists in multiple quantum states simultaneously, instead of in one place and state) and entanglement (wherein multiple particles share spatial proximity in such a way as understanding the nature of one divests greater understanding of the other, or others), on the other hand, can be used to allow a computer to process beyond regular binary principles.

量子计算机和量子计算利用量子现象来更快地执行过程。 “经典”计算通过常规二进制(通常通称为“ 0和1”)来处理信息。 量子原理,例如叠加 (其中一个粒子同时存在于多个量子态中,而不是在一个位置和一个状态中)和纠缠 (其中多个粒子共享空间接近性,例如理解一个粒子的本质会放弃对另一个粒子的更多理解,或者另一方面)可用于允许计算机处理超出常规二进制原理的范围。

The basic unit of quantum computing is, therefore, not the bit — a value set to 0 or 1, then arranged into long denotative strings — but the qubit, a value that can be both 0 and 1 simultaneously. Special kinds of atoms that can entertain such two-way states, like “ions, photons, or tiny superconducting circuits”, are therefore the building blocks of quantum computing. The quantum computer reads the degree to which a given qubit is ‘0’ and how much of it is ‘1’. This is often mapped out on a sort of qubit ‘globe’, whereon one point on the globe denotes the quantity of ‘0’ and of ‘1’ that the qubit possesses. To this end, you might more easily think of a value of ‘0’ being represented by the globe’s latitude and a value of ‘1’ by its longitude. Once the ‘coordinates’ of the qubit, and others in the string, have been determined, the computer can proceed with the function denoted.

因此,量子计算的基本单位不是比特-设置为0或1的值,然后排列成长的说明性字符串-而是比特qubit,该值可以同时为0和1。 因此,可以进入这种双向状态的特殊种类的原子,例如“ 离子,光子或微小的超导电路 ”,是量子计算的基础。 量子计算机读取给定量子位为“ 0”的程度以及其中多少为“ 1”。 这通常被映射到一种量子位的“地球”上,地球上的一个点表示该量子位所具有的“ 0”和“ 1”的数量。 为此,您可能更容易想到以地球的纬度表示值“ 0”,并以经度表示值“ 1”。 一旦确定了量子位的“坐标”和字符串中的其他坐标,计算机就可以继续执行所表示的功能。

Our present computing models were founded on machines essentially designed to make calculus more straightforward — despite our almost deific conception of computing intelligence, the classical computing model is not necessarily as well-optimised for certain among the other tasks we now seek to use it for. As put in a recent report by Morgan Stanley, “While the classical computer is very good at calculus, the quantum computer is even better at sorting, finding prime numbers, simulating molecules, and optimization, and thus could open the door to a new computing era.”

我们目前的计算模型建立在本质上旨在使微积分更简单的机器上-尽管我们对计算智能的概念几乎是精确的,但对于我们现在寻求使用的其他任务中的某些特定任务,经典计算模型并不一定得到很好的优化。 正如摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)在最近的一份报告中所说:“虽然经典计算机非常擅长微积分,但量子计算机甚至更擅长分类,查找质数,模拟分子和优化,因此有可能为新计算打开一扇门时代。”

Quantum computing does not concern one single computing model. There are a variety of viable methods of quantum computing, including via quantum gate array (otherwise known as the quantum circuit), one-way, adiabatic, and topological methods. The adiabatic model is one of the most-implemented at present, and best for solving optimisation problems, though it cannot thoroughly outstrip a classical supercomputer in performance. The gate array model, the other most-implemented model to this point, is more powerful but considerably more difficult and expensive to build.

量子计算不涉及一个单一的计算模型。 量子计算有多种可行的方法,包括通过量子门阵列(也称为量子电路),单向,绝热和拓扑方法。 绝热模型是目前最实现的模型,也是解决优化问题的最佳模型,尽管它的性能不能完全超过经典超级计算机。 到目前为止,门阵列模型是另一种最常用的模型,它功能更强大,但构建起来却更加困难和昂贵。

Just as there are multiple quantum computing models, there are an array of floated physical realisations of quantum computers. These include the use of superconductors, trapped ions, linear optics, and even the Bose-Einstein condensate we saw be momentously recreated a couple of months back on the ISS.

就像有多种量子计算模型一样,量子计算机也有一系列浮动的物理实现。 其中包括使用超导体 ,捕获的离子,线性光学器件,甚至是我们在ISS上几个月就重新创建的Bose-Einstein冷凝物 。

建立一个量子位 (Building a Qubit)

For anyone who’s sat with a laptop straining through activity, and burning a hole through their trouser-leg in the process, it may come as a surprise to discover that quantum computers operate at very low temperatures. Colder temperatures, in fact, than can be found in the vacuum of space. Qubits, however powerful, are delicate things, and can be disturbed from their course very easily by any number of complicating elements, heat included.

对于坐在笔记本电脑上忙于活动,并在其裤腿上烧一个洞的人来说,发现量子计算机在极低的温度下运行可能会令人惊讶。 实际上,温度要比太空真空中的温度低。 量子位不管多么强大,都是精致的东西,并且很容易被包括热量在内的许多复杂元素干扰。

In order to make one of these fine, profound things, you need first an atomic or subatomic substance capable of sustaining a coherent quantum superposition between two states. There are a number of ways of doing so. Cosmos magazine reported that an Australian team led by Michelle Simmons at the University of New South Wales created atomic qubits by placing a single phosphorus atom on a silicon chip, determining the position of the resulting qubit in the crystal lattice from its quantum spin information. You could also run a current through a superconductor, and chart the resultant superposition.

为了制造出这些精美而深刻的东西之一,首先需要一种原子或亚原子物质,它们能够维持两个状态之间的相干量子叠加。 有很多方法可以这样做。 《宇宙》杂志报道说,新南威尔士大学的米歇尔·西蒙斯(Michelle Simmons)领导的一个澳大利亚团队通过在硅片上放置一个磷原子来创建原子量子位,并根据量子自旋信息确定所得量子位在晶格中的位置。 您也可以使电流流过超导体,并绘制结果叠加图。

An additional means of creating qubits is to dislodge an electron from an atom, thereby making an ion. This ion is then held captive by electromagnetism, and lasers fired at it to provokes changes in quantum state. By such a means, you have a ‘trapped ion’ quantum computer.

产生量子位的另一种方法是从原子中移出电子,从而产生离子。 然后,该离子被电磁束缚,并向其发射激光以激发量子态的变化。 通过这种方式,您便拥有了一台“陷阱离子”量子计算机。

为什么选择量子计算机? (Why Quantum Computers?)

It all sounds perfectly impressive, all quite nice — but what takes quantum computing from being blarney-exclusive of the theoretical-scientific community, and into blarney-incipient of the world of applied science, is the vast range of possibilities in use that a quantum computer possesses.


Having been freed from the restrictions of binary processing, quantum computers are able to move through operations at an exponentially faster rate than a regular computer, all the while using considerably less energy. This gives quantum computers a tremendous implementation advantage over regular computers — for instance, being able to solve more difficult NP-complete problems in a fraction of the time it would take a classical computer — and that’s before you even get to specific use-cases.

摆脱了二进制处理的限制,量子计算机能够以比常规计算机快得多的速度移动,而同时始终消耗更少的能量。 与常规计算机相比,这给量子计算机带来了巨大的实现优势-例如,能够在比传统计算机少的时间内解决更困难的NP完全问题 -而这甚至还没有到达特定的用例之前。

“The advent proper of quantum computing does not sound the death knell for classical computing.”


It should be said — the advent proper of quantum computing does not sound the death knell for classical computing, anymore than the advent of quantum physics rendered all the gains of classical mechanics moot. As in science, quantum computing is merely poised to succeed, and spectacularly so, in the realms where the classical falters. Consumers need not fear a mass-obsolescence of their gear; developers need not be concerned, if any were or continue to be, about the outmoding of their skills. Just as we’ve observed limitations in the powers of classical computers — to optimise, to simulate, to factorise — quantum computers will have weaker areas of their own, including in such everyday tasks as emailing, and the creation and use of documents. Just as a society entirely made up of professionals, and no tradespeople, wouldn’t get very far, the profundity of quantum computing is not the answer to each and every one of our needs and problems.

应该说–量子计算的到来并没有听起来像是经典计算的丧钟,而量子物理学的出现使经典力学的所有收益都无法解决。 就像在科学中一样,量子计算只是有望在古典失败的领域中取得成功,而且引人注目的是。 消费者不必担心自己的装备会大量淘汰。 开发人员不必担心(如果曾经或将来会)过时的技能。 正如我们已经看到的那样,传统计算机在优化,模拟和分解方面的能力受到限制,而量子计算机将拥有自己的薄弱环节,包括电子邮件,创建和使用文档等日常任务。 就像一个完全由专业人士组成,没有商人的社会一样,量子计算的深度不能满足我们每一个需求和问题。

It stands a good chance at solving quite a few of them, however.


所有向量到括号位置 (All Vectors to Brace Position)

Quantum computing has progressed relatively rapidly as a field, beginning ostensibly with Heisenberg’s coining of the Uncertainty Principle in 1927. Its mythological phase was announced via Richard Feynman’s challenge at an IBM/MIT conference in 1981, and the field enjoyed its first practical breakthrough in 1994, when Peter Shor demonstrated that a quantum circuit could factor primes exponentially faster than a classical computer.

从1927年海森堡(Heisenberg)提出不确定性原理开始,量子计算作为一个领域就发展相对Swift 。1981年, 理查德·费曼 ( Richard Feynman )在IBM / MIT会议上提出的挑战宣布了量子计算的神话化阶段,该领域取得了首次实际突破1994年,彼得·索尔(Peter Shor)证明了量子电路可以比传统计算机以指数方式更快地分解质数。

Many years hence, quantum computing is a fixture of interest for large corporations (IBM), specialist start-ups, and, increasingly, the public sector. States are investing billions of dollars in quantum technologies. That’s because, from policy creation to data analysis, and all the way out to some of the most fanciful reaches of experimental physics and chemistry, this new technology will have a pronounced effect.

因此,多年来,量子计算已成为大型公司(IBM),专业初创企业以及越来越多的公共部门的关注焦点 。 各国正在量子技术上投资数十亿美元 。 这是因为,从政策制定到数据分析,一直到实验物理学和化学领域最奇特的领域,这项新技术都会产生明显的影响。

化学,网络安全和搜索 (Chemistry, Cybersecurity & Search)

You may already have begun guessing which industry vectors are most likely to be upended by a coming quantum revolution — it’s a good bet to suggest that any industry whose bread and butter is composed of complex logical problems will be among the first and most dramatically affected.


Cybersecurity, for one, will be changed beyond much present recognition by a widespread adoption of quantum computing. There is some thought even now that as a society we are relatively haphazard when it comes to taking steps to secure ourselves online, even aside from those whom do less than is strictly advisable in the cause of this effort. This impression is likely to be compounded by a post-quantum-computing status quo. Rules of encryption will be rewritten overnight. There is no extant factorisation-based cryptographic system that a quantum computer could not break with contemptuous ease. Cryptographic systems will, as a result, presumably get more creative (using more problem- or lattice-based encryption), and we may see a move to more secure quantum-based encrypted systems for storing valuable information and warding against hacking.

一方面,网络安全将被广泛采用的量子计算所改变,这将超出当前的认识范围。 即使是现在,也有人认为,作为一个社会,在采取步骤保护自己的网络安全方面,我们相对是比较随意的,即使是那些出于这种努力而做的事情不尽人意的人也是如此。 量子计算后的现状可能会加重这种印象。 加密规则将在一夜之间被重写。 没有现存的基于因式分解的密码系统,量子计算机无法轻而易举地破坏。 结果,密码系统可能会变得更有创造力(使用更多的基于问题或基于格的加密),并且我们可能会看到转向更安全的基于量子的加密系统,以存储有价值的信息并防范黑客入侵的趋势。

Likewise, any field of technology where optimisation is important will undergo pronounced changes following the adoption of quantum computing. No database is a match for the speed of processing native to a quantum computer. Quantum search, facilitated by quantum algorithms like Grover’s algorithm, allow a more comprehensive return of pertinent results from a database, in fewer queries of that database, than could ever be accomplished by a classical computer. As an unsurprising result, Google has proven one of the keenest parties when it comes to investing in research into the possibilities of quantum computing.

同样,在采用量子计算之后,任何最重要的优化技术领域都将发生显着变化。 没有数据库能与量子计算机的本机处理速度相提并论。 像格罗弗(Grover)算法那样的量子算法所促进的量子搜索,比传统计算机所能完成的查询数量更少,对数据库的相关结果的返回更为全面。 毫不奇怪,当涉及到对量子计算可能性的研究投资时, 谷歌证明是最热衷的一方之一。

Of course, quite another set of possibilities in innovation and research will be made possible by quantum computing owing to the fact that, with them in our hands, we will have an authentic environment in which to run quantum simulations. Trying to simulate quantum environments classically is inexact and highly inefficient at best and, as one’s experimental ambitions grow, impossible at the most interesting degrees. Given access to a real quantum computing environment, capable of accurately modelling and simulating quantum conditions, we will see exponential gains made in the kinds of chemistry and nanotechnology which rely on better understandings of quantum mechanics.

当然,由于有了量子计算,我们将拥有一个运行量子模拟的真实环境,因此量子计算将为创新和研究提供另一套可能性。 试图经典地模拟量子环境是不精确的,并且充其量是非常低效的,而且随着人们的实验野心的发展,在最有趣的程度上这是不可能的。 如果能够访问能够精确建模和模拟量子条件的真实量子计算环境,我们将看到依赖于对量子力学的更好理解的化学和纳米技术中的指数增长。

机器学习问题 (The Machine Learning Question)

Whenever developments in technology are the subject of discussion, everyone wants to know — “What is this new gear’s effect on machine learning likely to be?” And, if your inquisitor is among the more enthusiastic variety, “Is it likely to destroy us all?”

每当讨论技术发展时,每个人都想知道-“这种新设备对机器学习的影响可能是什么?” 而且,如果您的询问者是更热情的人之一,那么“有可能摧毁我们所有人吗?”

Well, machine learning, as conventionally understood, will be introduced to a new era by quantum computing — it is already the subject of major initiatives to demonstrate quantum supremacy[2]. An algorithm for integer factorisation, which is already understood to be a preserve exclusive to quantum computing, will instantly obsole any conventionally held understandings of the limits of the systematic intelligence, even against unintuitive patterns, which can be achieved by a computer.

嗯,按照传统的理解,机器学习将通过量子计算进入一个新时代-它已经成为展示量子至上性的主要举措的主题[2]。 用于整数分解的算法已经被理解为量子计算的专有技术,它将立即废除任何传统上对系统智能的局限性的理解,甚至可以克服计算机可以实现的非直观模式。

The sheer volume of data which a quantum computer can get through disposes it well to machine learning. Non-supervised learning and reinforcement learning will almost certainly accelerate in development thanks to quantum technologies. As we’ve seen, quantum computers can support considerably more ambitious algorithms than classical computers, which, as a result, are coming near to exhaustion of their possibilities, as far as the interests of certain fields run (including fields “pharmaceutical, life scientific and [financial]”).

量子计算机可以通过的大量数据很好地处理了机器学习 。 借助量子技术,几乎可以肯定非监督学习和强化学习的发展将会加速。 如我们所见,量子计算机可以比传统计算机支持更多雄心勃勃的算法,结果,就某些领域(包括“ 制药,生命科学 ”领域)的利益而言,量子计算机几乎耗尽了它们的可能性。 和[财务 ]”)。

通过钻石缺陷进行交流 (Communication via the Flaws of Diamonds)

Quantum computing doesn’t begin and end with the quantum ‘desktops’[1] of the future — information networks based on quantum phenomena are high up on the list of desirable outcomes from the next chapters of quantum computational research.

量子计算并非以未来的量子“桌面” [1]为起点和终点,基于量子现象的信息网络在量子计算研究的下一章中所期望的结果中居于首位。

In accordance with what we just saw vis-a-vis quantum cryptography, any quantum internet would be considerably faster than the classical kind. It would also be more secure; after all, as this report by Princeton notes, “[a]ny attempt to eavesdrop on[a quantum internet] transmission [by hackers] will perturb its state.” As we noted above, the principles of quantum entanglement are central to the feasibility of a quantum computer and a quantum internet. One qubit being unlawfully observed or disrupted? You’ll have an equivalent ‘twin’ qubit that can tell you all about it. In a quantum network, the state of one qubit will tell you a great deal about others with which it is entangled, no matter the physical distance between them.

根据我们刚刚看到的量子密码学,任何量子互联网都将比传统的量子互联网快得多。 这也将更加安全; 毕竟,正如普林斯顿大学的这份报告所指出的那样,“ [窃听[黑客]进行[量子互联网]传输的任何尝试都会扰乱其状态。” 如上所述,量子纠缠原理对于量子计算机和量子互联网的可行性至关重要。 非法观察或破坏了一个量子比特? 您将拥有一个等效的“双”量子位,可以告诉您所有相关信息。 在量子网络中,一个量子位的状态将告诉您很多与量子纠缠在一起的状态,无论它们之间的物理距离如何。

“In a quantum network, the state of one qubit will tell you a great deal about others with which it is entangled, no matter the physical distance between them.”


One of the suggested means by which a quantum internet might be built is quite stirring to the imagination. It’s the work of Princeton’s assistant professor of electrical engineering, Nathalie de Leon, who believes that the key to this new kind of informational network is held in the body of diamond. To be more specific, in the flaws of a diamond.

建立量子互联网的建议方法之一是激发想象力。 这是普林斯顿大学电气工程学助理教授纳塔莉·德莱昂 ( Nathalie de Leon)的工作 ,他认为,这种新型信息网络的关键在于钻石体内。 更具体地说,是钻石的缺陷。

The colours we see in the sparkle of a diamond are in fact flaws in the body; but, with a slight modification to their chemical makeup (replacing two carbon atoms with a silicon atom), these regions of flaw are made into perfect photon receptacles. Perfect, in other words, for the transmission of information within a quantum internet. We could in an imaginable future find ourselves communicating on a quantum net, via the flaws of diamonds.

实际上,我们在钻石的闪烁中看到的颜色是人体内的瑕疵。 但是,对它们的化学组成进行了少许修改(用硅原子取代了两个碳原子),这些缺陷区域被制成了完美的光子接收器。 换句话说,对于在量子互联网中传输信息来说是完美的。 在可以想象的未来,我们可能会发现自己通过钻石的缺陷在量子网上进行通信。

Aside from speed and security, a quantum internet could represent a considerable energy saving, owing to the lower rate of consumption by quantum computers. The Internet at present uses approximately 10% of the world’s total electricity, and more if you factor in the additional energy costs of data centres and the cloud. Not only do single quantum computer units use less energy than their classical counterparts; they have scope for architecture and a cloud system of their own, both of which could represent small but direct reductions of the global-digital carbon footprint.

除了速度和安全性外,由于量子计算机的消耗率较低,量子互联网可以节省大量能源。 目前,互联网使用的电能约占世界总电量的10%,如果将数据中心和云的额外能源成本考虑在内 , 则更多 。 单量子计算机单元不仅比传统的计算机单元消耗更少的能量; 他们拥有自己的体系结构和云系统 ,这两者都可以代表全球数字碳足迹的小而直接的减少。

量子破裂 (Quantum Disruption)

There is, as we’ve seen, ample disruptive potential in quantum computing as a distinct field of technology — and it seems as though a vast amount of that disruption will be additive and positive, increasing overall knowledge capital and augmenting existing processes and infrastructure instead of sweeping it away.


It is harder to imagine any region of scientific and technological inquiry having a higher barrier-to-start-up-entry than quantum computing. Nevertheless, there are a number of promising outfits with quantum computing applications at their core, all of them heavily backed by venture capital.

很难想象科学和技术研究的任何领域都比量子计算具有更高的启动障碍。 尽管如此,还是有很多有前途的公司将量子计算应用作为其核心,所有这些公司都得到了风险投资的大力支持。

拉赫科 (Rahko)

Rahko have set out to go about “solving chemistry with quantum machine learning”. Comprised of a team based in London, Rahko’s quantum machine learning platform is focused on the creation of applied and commercially purposeful insights into quantum chemistry. They raised £1.3M seed from Balderton in their latest funding round.

Rahko已着手进行“用量子机器学习解决化学问题”。 Rahko的量子机器学习平台由位于伦敦的团队组成,致力于创建对量子化学的应用和商业目的见解。 他们在最新一轮融资中从Balderton筹集了130万英镑的种子。

量化 (Quantifi)

Quantifi, founded in New York, sit at the further frontier of what’s commercially possible with quantum computing solutions, as regards risk and deal analytics.


加密数量 (Crypto Quantique)

Crypto Quantique are attempting to pre-empt the seismic shifts in crytographic best practices by developing an end-to-end quantum IoT security platform that is, they suggest, all but impregnable.

他们认为, Crypto Quantique试图通过开发端到端的量子物联网安全平台来阻止冰冻术最佳实践中的巨大变化,他们认为,该平台几乎不可或缺。

在量子隧道的更深处 (Further Down the Quantum Tunnel)

ThoughtCo. ThoughtCo 。

As fabulous as many of these applied uses of this fantastic new technology are, I would be remiss were I to suggest that looking further afield, and permitting ourselves some slightly more fanciful speculation about what quantum computing advances will bring, is anything other than the most fun part of any article like this one. What’s more, given quantum computing technology has such a broad church of potential uses, we have even freer license to speculate on things to come in a future full of quantum technology.

尽管这个奇妙的新技术在许多这些应用中都非常出色,但如果我建议您将目光投向更远的地方,并让自己对量子计算的发展会带来些许幻想的幻想,那我将不为所动。像这样的任何文章的有趣部分。 而且,鉴于量子计算技术具有如此广泛的潜在用途,因此我们甚至拥有更自由的许可证,可以推测未来充满量子技术的事物。

There are hosts of medical applications for quantum computing. More detailed models of molecular structures will be built; new pharmaceutical products created thereby; and, it’s as likely as not, long-standing illnesses cured at last.

有大量用于量子计算的医学应用。 将建立更详细的分子结构模型; 由此产生的新药品; 而且,长期存在的疾病终于有可能治愈。

We might see erosion-free industrial process; the addition of sufficient mile-range to make electric cars not merely an option, but the option;

我们可能会看到无腐蚀的工业过程 ; 增加足够的续航里程,不仅使电动汽车成为一种选择,而且使该选择成为可能;

Looking into somewhat darker harbours, there have been suggestions in some quarters that quantum computing might be purposed as a kind of natural enemy of blockchain, though the increase of institutional interest in blockchain, which is rising almost as fast as interest in quantum computing, may put paid to this by itself. Nevertheless, major blockchain initiatives like cryptocurrency could be made extinct through security compromise — in the words of representatives of UK cybersecurity firm Post Quantum, bitcoin is “not quantum computer proof.”

在一些暗淡的海港中,有人提出将量子计算作为区块链的天敌的某些建议,尽管对区块链 的机构兴趣的增加可能与对量子计算的兴趣一样快地增长。自己付钱给它。 尽管如此,诸如加密货币之类的主要区块链计划可以通过安全妥协而灭绝-用英国网络安全公司Post Quantum的代表的话来说,比特币“ 不是量子计算机证明” 。

Quantum computing is also of particular stated interest to military institutions, including the U.S. Airforce. Speaking to SpaceNews, Michael Hayduk, chief of the computing and communications division at the Air Force Research Laboratory approvingly adjudged quantum computing “a very disruptive technology.” Quantum computing could be used to perfect the synchrony of weaponry; as the Chinese example proves, it can also be used to produce unhackable satellites.

包括美国空军在内的军事机构也特别关注量子计算。 空军研究实验室计算与通信部门负责人迈克尔·海杜克(Michael Hayduk)在接受SpaceNews采访时表示赞成,认为量子计算是“一种非常破坏性的技术”。 量子计算可以用来完善武器装备的同步性。 正如中国的例子所证明的那样,它也可以用来制造无法入侵的卫星。

Looking more broadly still, one thing that quantum computing widely adopted does promise is pace. Pace of learning, pace of processing, pace of optimisation — well used, such rapid mastication of such vast troves of data will indubitably lead to greater innovation. Indeed, it would stimulate a race of innovation, one whose dimensions are tailored precisely to the degree of competitive implementations of quantum technologies enacted by rival commercial actors, sector-by-sector.

从更广泛的角度看,被广泛采用的量子计算确实可以保证步伐。 学习的步伐,处理的步伐,优化的步伐—如果使用得当,对如此庞大的大量数据进行如此快速的咀嚼必将带来更大的创新。 的确,这将刺激一场创新竞赛,其规模恰好根据竞争商业参与者逐个部门制定的量子技术的竞争性实施程度进行了量身定制。

“Quantum computing could initiate a different kind of ‘quantum supremacy’, geopolitical in nature, that few nations will wish to be on the receiving end of.”


As it is, technological innovation is already proceeding rapidly towards a kind of actuarial escape velocity. As China’s own pace of innovation accelerates in tandem with the global west, even more pressurised incentive is created to continue innovating. Given quantum computing will only accelerate the gains of material science even faster and further, it’s possible that it will create nightmares of scaling, and of the industrial-scale deployment of new technologies.

实际上,技术创新已朝着一种精算逃逸速度Swift发展。 随着中国自身的创新步伐与西方世界同步发展,人们为继续创新创造了更大的压力。 鉴于量子计算只会更快,更进一步地加速材料科学的发展,这可能会带来扩展规模和新技术在工业规模上部署的噩梦。

This bottlenecking may, inasmuch, create a huge incentive for greater international collaboration. There is already one mooted and contested notion of quantum supremacy; there might, in the instance of scale-adoption of quantum computing, come the possibility of a more practical quantum supremacy, geopolitical in nature, that few nations will wish to be on the receiving end of.

因此,这种瓶颈可能会为促进更大的国际合作创造巨大动力。 已经有一个争论不休的关于量子至上的概念。 在大规模采用量子计算的情况下,可能会出现更实际的,具有地缘政治性质的量子霸权,而很少有国家希望成为接收者。

广达的麻烦 (The Trouble with Quanta)

That’s not to say that quantum computing is a sure-shot for the near future, though it does seem progressively more likely that we’ll see the method graduate from the emergent stage into tackling classically impractical problems — like ultra-rapid integer factorisation, or elite cryptography — in the next decade at least.


稳定性 (Stability)

There is the potential for instability in quantum processes, as qubits are liable to profound distortion by only minor complications in the context in which they work. The collective attempt to find a panacea for this issue is known as quantum error correction. Decoherence[3] is, understandably, a big problem for particles (or, for that matter, human-sized congregations of particles) that insist on occupying multiple states of being at once. This represents a potential compromise to the utility of even the most powerful of quantum computers.

量子过程中可能存在不稳定的可能性,因为量子位在工作的环境中仅因很小的复杂性而易于发生严重的畸变。 为这个问题找到灵丹妙药的集体尝试被称为量子误差校正。 可以理解,对于那些坚持同时占据多个状态的粒子(或就此而言,是人类大小的粒子集合体),退相干[3]是一个大问题。 这代表了即使是最强大的量子计算机实用性的潜在折衷。

One of the primary means of combatting decoherence, which is to some extent inevitable at some stage of a quantum event, is to have quantum gates faster than decoherence time —and as we observed earlier, quantum gate models are the most demanding and expensive to construct and maintain. Similarly, any functional quantum computer would have to physically scale to accommodate the number of qubits, and furthermore would have to develop a rubric by which qubits could be ‘read’ for the operative functions they denote.

消除退相干的主要方法之一(在某种程度上在量子事件的某个阶段是不可避免的)是使量子门比退相干时间快-正如我们前面所观察到的,构建量子门模型是最苛刻且最昂贵的并保持。 同样,任何功能量子计算机都必须在物理上进行扩展以适应量子位的数量,此外,还必须开发出一个能使“量子位”用于其表示的工作功能的“读”量表。

Not an intrinsic, but an infrastructural ‘drawback’ of quantum computing is the degree of platform transitioning and upgrading it will oblige of service providers across the internet. A company able to develop and scale a solution based on quantum computing — whether in cybersecurity, finance, instance messaging or data science — would rapidly develop an almost unimpeachable advantage over its classical competitors, though doing so would be difficult. The transition would have to be managed and, one would hope, reasonably cooperative. Of course, developed for political ends, a quantum computer that does not have to worry about non-quantum defence mechanisms standing in its way could make for a rather potent weapon.

量子计算的本质不是基础,而是基础设施的“缺点”,是平台过渡和升级的程度,它将迫使互联网上的服务提供商承担义务。 一家能够开发和扩展基于量子计算的解决方案的公司(无论是在网络安全,金融,实例消息传递还是数据科学领域),将比传统竞争对手Swift发展几乎不可逾越的优势,尽管这样做将很困难。 过渡将必须得到管理,而且希望一个人能够合理合作。 当然,为政治目的而开发的量子计算机不必担心非量子防御机制会阻碍其发展,它可以成为一种强大的武器。

处于超级位置 (In a Super Position)

The panorama visible at the vanguard of developments in quantum computing is the kind liable to make your mouth dry. Quantum computers come to us not, in the manner of classical computers, as portals to a strange new world, but rather one which allows us to take our present world in a revised definition.

在量子计算发展的最前沿可见的全景图很容易使您的嘴巴干涩。 量子计算机不是像传统计算机那样作为进入一个陌生新世界的门户进入我们的,而是使我们能够以一种经过修订的定义来对待我们当前世界的门户。

Of the manifold issues, sociopolitical and ecological, facing the world at present, some of which can be partially attributable to the principle, as opposed to the fact, of innovation[4], there are two ostensible solutions — to moderate ourselves out of the hole we’ve dug for ourselves, or innovate out of it. The speed, efficiency and cleanliness by which quantum computing is capable of doing its work makes the latter option, by far the most reconcilable to this most sybaritic and consumptive of times, more palatable.

在当今世界所面临的众多问题中,社会政治和生态问题中,有一些可以部分归因于创新的原则,而不是事实[4],有两种表面上的解决方案—使自己摆脱困境。我们为自己挖的洞,或从中创新。 量子计算能够完成其工作的速度,效率和整洁度使后一种选择更可口,这是迄今为止最复杂和耗时最协调的选择。

[1] Many experts find it unlikely that quantum computing will have everyday home uses — your laptop or desktop is unlikely to feature a quantum engine.


[2] Quantum supremacy can be defined as a kind of proof of a quantum computer’s performance, wherein it completes a function or operation that no classical computer could do, or could do in a feasible amount of time. For quantum researchers, instances of quantum supremacy proven are rather like Pieces of Eight.

[2]量子至上可以定义为量子计算机性能的一种证明,其中它完成了经典计算机无法完成或可能在可行时间内完成的功能或操作。 对于量子研究人员而言,已证明的量子至上论点就像八分之一 。

[3] Decoherence is a form of quantum noise, quantum noise itself pertaining to an uncertainty of a physical quantity’s quantum origin and, therefore, its nature. As a discrete kind of quantum noise, decoherence concerns a disrupted wave function — qubits must remain in a consistent wave function (i.e. must remain coherent) in order to be computational intelligible.

[3]退相干是量子噪声的一种形式,量子噪声本身与物理量的量子起源以及其性质的不确定性有关。 作为一种离散的量子噪声,退相干涉及中断的波函数-量子位必须保持一致的波函数(即必须保持相干),以便计算上可理解。

[4] That’s to say — an unduly worshipful approach to innovation-as-end-in-itself, which privileges disruption and excess as proof of concept, instead of innovation considered as a means to a practicable end.


翻译自: https://medium.com/wonk-bridge/why-the-2020s-belong-to-quantum-computing-3f88d1abafa9

