最近邻搜索(Nearest Neighbor Search)
Name of the problem: nearest neighbors, k nearest neighbors (kNN, k-NN), nearset neighbor search, proximity search, similarity search, approximate nearest neighbors (ANN), range queries, maximal intersection queries, post-office problem, partial match, best match file searching, best match retrieval, sequence nearest neighbors (SNN).
Solution concepts: locality-sensitive hashing (LSH), low-distortion embeddings, k-d trees, kd-trees, metric trees, M-trees, R*-trees, vp-trees, vantage point trees, vantage point forest, multi-vantage point tree, bisector trees, Orchard's algorithm, random projections, fixed queries tree, Voronoi tree, BBD-tree, min-wise independent permutations, Burkhard-Keller tree, generalized hyperplane tree, geometric near-neighbor access tree (GNAT), approximating eliminating search algorithm (AESA), inverted index, spatial approximation tree (SAT).
Applications: k-nearest neighbor classification algorithm, image similarity identification, audio similarity identification, fingerprint search, audio/video compression (MPEG), optical character recognition, coding theory, function approximation, recommendation systems, near-duplicate detection, targeting on-line ads, distributional similarity computation, spelling correction, nearest neighbor interpolation.
fileID = fopen('data2\\correspondence_1.txt'); C =textscan(fileID,'%f%f%f%f%f%f%d%d%f') ; modelx=C{1}; modely=C{2}; modelz=C{3}; datax=C{4}; datay=C{5}; dataz=C{6}; distance=C{9}; %误差向量 vectorx=modelx-datax; vectory=modely-datay; vectorz=modelz-dataz; figure(1); hold on plot3(modelx,modely,modelz, 'r+'); plot3(datax,datay,dataz, 'b+'); %% 连线 for i = 1:size(modelx,1) plot3([modelx(i) datax(i)], [modely(i) datay(i)], [modelz(i) dataz(i)], 'g--') end axis equal hold off figure(2); hold on hist(distance,100); hold off
1. http://www.cnblogs.com/breakinen/archive/2012/03/31/bigdata_nearest_neighbor_search.html?utm_source=tuicool&utm_medium=referral
2. http://www.cnblogs.com/v-July-v/archive/2012/11/20/3125419.html
3. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_72e1c7550101dsc3.html