
STFGNN(spatial-temporal fusion graph neural networks)





一、模型def construct_model(config)

  1. 参数以及为数据的模型参数
def construct_model(config):
    from models.stsgcn_4n_res import stsgcn  # 导入stsgcn

    module_type = config['module_type']    # 模型类型:'individual'
    act_type = config['act_type']          # 激活函数:'GLU'
    temporal_emb = config['temporal_emb']  # 时间嵌入:'true'
    spatial_emb = config['spatial_emb']    # 空间嵌入:'true'
    use_mask = config['use_mask']          # 使用mask:'true'
    batch_size = config['batch_size']      #         :32

    num_of_vertices = config['num_of_vertices']  # 顶点个数:358
    num_of_features = config['num_of_features']  # 特征个数:1
    points_per_hour = config['points_per_hour']  # 每小时的时间点个数:12
    num_for_predict = config['num_for_predict']  # 预测个数:12
    adj_filename = config['adj_filename']        # 邻接矩阵csv文件名
    id_filename = config['id_filename']          # 数据txt文件名


  1. 参数及案例对应值
def get_adjacency_matrix(distance_df_filename, num_of_vertices,
                         type_='connectivity', id_filename=None):
    distance_df_filename: str, path of the csv file contains edges information  文件路径
    num_of_vertices: int, the number of vertices 顶点个数 358
    type_: str, {connectivity, distance} 矩阵的含义:连接性,距离
    A: np.ndarray, adjacency matrix
  1. 代码解析


import csv
A = np.zeros((int(num_of_vertices), int(num_of_vertices)),


   A = np.zeros((int(num_of_vertices), int(num_of_vertices)),
     # 读取csv文件,两个节点之间,如果有距离,则其邻接矩阵对应元素为1,无向的
    if id_filename:
        with open(id_filename, 'r') as f:
            id_dict = {int(i): idx
                       for idx, i in enumerate(f.read().strip().split('\n'))} # 字符串.strip()默认删除开头结尾的空白符
        with open(distance_df_filename, 'r') as f:
            f.readline()  # readline() 是python的内置函数,每次读取一行,返回一个字符串对象  # 这行应该没用
            reader = csv.reader(f)  # csv.reader 是将每行的数据当作列表(list)返回,读取全部行的数据
            for row in reader:
                if len(row) != 3:   # 确定每行有三个元素,否则用continue跳过该行
                i, j, distance = int(row[0]), int(row[1]), float(row[2])  # 字符改为数字
                A[id_dict[i], id_dict[j]] = 1
                A[id_dict[j], id_dict[i]] = 1
        return A

读取csv的距离文件,分两类:connectivity and distance

   # Fills cells in the matrix with distances.
    with open(distance_df_filename, 'r') as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f)
        for row in reader:
            if len(row) != 3:
            i, j, distance = int(row[0]), int(row[1]), float(row[2])
            if type_ == 'connectivity':
                A[i, j] = 1
                A[j, i] = 1
            elif type == 'distance':
                A[i, j] = 1 / distance
                A[j, i] = 1 / distance0
                raise ValueError("type_ error, must be "
                                 "connectivity or distance!")
    return A


3.1 生成空间4N的矩阵def construct_adj(A, steps)

def construct_adj(A, steps):
    construct a bigger adjacency matrix using the given matrix

    A: np.ndarray, adjacency matrix, shape is (N, N)
    steps: how many times of the does the new adj mx bigger than A
    new adjacency matrix: csr_matrix, shape is (N * steps, N * steps)
    N = len(A)
    adj = np.zeros([N * steps] * 2) # 生成4N* 4N 的矩阵
    # 主对角线上的矩阵 为 A
    for i in range(steps):
        adj[i * N: (i + 1) * N, i * N: (i + 1) * N] = A
    # 次对角线上的矩阵 为E
    for i in range(N):
        for k in range(steps - 1):
            adj[k * N + i, (k + 1) * N + i] = 1
            adj[(k + 1) * N + i, k * N + i] = 1
    # 设置大矩阵的主对角线的元素 为1
    for i in range(len(adj)):
        adj[i, i] = 1

    return adj

3.2 生成融合的4N矩阵``def construct_adj_fusion`

def construct_adj_fusion(A, A_dtw, steps):
    construct a bigger adjacency matrix using the given matrix

    A: np.ndarray, adjacency matrix, shape is (N, N)
    steps: how many times of the does the new adj mx bigger than A
    new adjacency matrix: csr_matrix, shape is (N * steps, N * steps)
    This is 4N_1 mode:

    [T, 1, 1, T
     1, S, 1, 1
     1, 1, S, 1
     T, 1, 1, T]


    N = len(A)
    adj = np.zeros([N * steps] * 2) # "steps" = 4 !!!   # 4N*4N 的全零矩阵
    # 设置主对角线上的元素
    for i in range(steps):
        if (i == 1) or (i == 2):
            adj[i * N: (i + 1) * N, i * N: (i + 1) * N] = A     # 对角线上两个 S
            adj[i * N: (i + 1) * N, i * N: (i + 1) * N] = A_dtw # 对角线上两个 T
    # 设置次对角线上的元素 ,应为单位矩阵
    for i in range(N):
        for k in range(steps - 1):
            # 下面两行索引相反,为对称
            adj[k * N + i, (k + 1) * N + i] = 1 # 大矩阵【0,1】,大矩阵【1,2】,大矩阵【2,3】
            adj[(k + 1) * N + i, k * N + i] = 1
    # 设置反对角线上的两个 T
    adj[3 * N: 4 * N, 0:  N] = A_dtw    #adj[0 * N : 1 * N, 1 * N : 2 * N] 应该注释错了
    adj[0 : N, 3 * N: 4 * N] = A_dtw    #adj[0 * N : 1 * N, 1 * N : 2 * N]
    # 设置third对角线上的4个 E
    adj[2 * N: 3 * N, 0 : N]        = adj[0 * N : 1 * N, 1 * N : 2 * N]
    adj[0 : N, 2 * N: 3 * N]        = adj[0 * N : 1 * N, 1 * N : 2 * N]
    adj[1 * N: 2 * N, 3 * N: 4 * N] = adj[0 * N : 1 * N, 1 * N : 2 * N]
    adj[3 * N: 4 * N, 1 * N: 2 * N] = adj[0 * N : 1 * N, 1 * N : 2 * N]

    # 将大矩阵的主对角线设为1
    for i in range(len(adj)):
        adj[i, i] = 1

    return adj


4.1 生成序列def generate_seq

def generate_seq(data, train_length, pred_length):
    seq = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(
        data[i: i + train_length + pred_length], 0)
        for i in range(data.shape[0] - train_length - pred_length + 1)],
        axis=0)[:, :, :, 0: 1]
    return np.split(seq, 2, axis=1)
  1. 看列表推导式中的循环范围:

data.shape[0] (样本个数)-train_length(训练长度)-pred_length(预测长度)+1=test+val的总样本的最大索引+1(range取左不取右)

  1. 看列表推导式中的循环元素:

data[i:i+train_length+pred_length] 切片的长度为train_length+pred_lenght

  1. 升维、合并示意图


  1. 查看切片范围



  1. 数据的均分

np.split(seq, 2, axis=1 ) # 显然在 axis=1 均匀割裂,会返回一个列表,列表中有2个元素



4.2 通过关键字train-val-test生成数据

def generate_from_train_val_test(data, transformer):
    mean = None
    std = None
    for key in ('train', 'val', 'test'):
        x, y = generate_seq(data[key], 12, 12)
        if transformer:
            x = transformer(x)
            y = transformer(y)
        if mean is None:
            mean = x.mean()
        if std is None:
            std = x.std()
        yield (x - mean) / std, y
  1. 如果 transformer 不是none(即一个转换函数,没找到),则对特征x,标签y进行转换

  2. 之后,求特征x的均值和标准差,对x进行标准化

  3. yield是函数返回迭代器,返回3个次,分别为train,val,test

4.3 通过关键字data生成数据

def generate_from_data(data, length, transformer):
    mean = None
    std = None
    train_line, val_line = int(length * 0.7), int(length * 0.8) # 训练分界线,验证分界线,下可以看到三个集合不重叠
    for line1, line2 in ((0, train_line),
                         (train_line, val_line),
                         (val_line, length)):
        x, y = generate_seq(data['data'][line1: line2], 12, 12)
        if transformer:
            x = transformer(x)
            y = transformer(y)
        if mean is None:
            mean = x.mean()
        if std is None:
            std = x.std()
        yield (x - mean) / std, y
  1. 划分训练集、验证集、测试集,三个集合不重叠
  2. 判断是否对特征x,标签y进行转换
  3. 求特征x的均值和标准差,对x进行标准化
  4. yield是函数返回迭代器,返回3个次,分别为train,val,test

4.4 两种生成数据的方式打包

def generate_data(graph_signal_matrix_filename, transformer=None):
    shape is (num_of_samples, 12, num_of_vertices, 1)
    data = np.load(graph_signal_matrix_filename) # 加载图信号矩阵文件
    keys = data.keys()   # 获取关键字列表,下面判断两种生成数据的方式
    if 'train' in keys and 'val' in keys and 'test' in keys:
        for i in generate_from_train_val_test(data, transformer):
            yield i
    elif 'data' in keys:
        length = data['data'].shape[0]
        for i in generate_from_data(data, length, transformer):
            yield i
        raise KeyError("neither data nor train, val, test is in the data")


  1. 拼接路径,读取数据,选取数据
  2. 对数据集分别用均值对0值进行替换,数据再归一化
def generate_data_train_val_test(dataset_dir_h5, data_dir, transformer=None):
    shape is (num_of_samples, 12, num_of_vertices, 1)
    achieve data from train/val/test.npz separately.
    pd.read_hdf('文件名',key='关键字’) 读入hdf5格式的压缩文件,是pandas库默认支持的
    df = pd.read_hdf(dataset_dir_h5)   #  文件路径字符串为"data/pems-bay.h5"
    df_mean = df[df != 0].mean() # (207, )
    df_std = df[df !=0].std() # (207, )

    # 下:加载拼接路径获取数据,然后数据选取
    data_train = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, 'train.npz'))  # data_dir:"data/PEMS-BAY/"  路径拼接
    train_x, train_y = data_train['x'][:,:,:,0], data_train['y'][:,:,:,0] # metr-la: (23974, 12, 207), (23974, 12, 207)
    data_val = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, 'val.npz'))
    val_x, val_y = data_val['x'][:,:,:,0], data_val['y'][:,:,:,0] # metr-la: (3425, 12, 207), (3425, 12, 207)
    data_test = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, 'test.npz'))
    test_x, test_y = data_test['x'][:,:,:,0], data_test['y'][:,:,:,0]# metr-la: (6850, 12, 207), (6850, 12, 207)

    for road_ix in range(df.shape[1]):
        road_mean = df_mean.tolist()[road_ix]
        road_std = df_std.tolist()[road_ix]

        # Padding zero value of Training set to mean value, Train_x normalization...  用均值去填充0值,训练x 归一化
        train_x_block = train_x[:,:,road_ix] #(23974, 12)
        train_x_block_pad = pd.DataFrame(train_x_block)
        train_x_block_pad.replace(0, road_mean, inplace=True)
        train_x_block_pad = (np.array(train_x_block_pad) - road_mean) / road_std
        train_x[:,:,road_ix] = train_x_block_pad
        train_y_block = train_y[:,:,road_ix] #(23974, 12)
        train_y_block_pad = pd.DataFrame(train_y_block)
        train_y_block_pad.replace(0, road_mean, inplace=True)
        train_y[:,:,road_ix] = train_y_block_pad

        # Padding zero value of Validation set to mean value, valid_x normalization...
        val_x_block = val_x[:,:,road_ix] #(3425, 12)
        val_x_block_pad = pd.DataFrame(val_x_block)
        val_x_block_pad.replace(0, road_mean, inplace=True)
        val_x_block_pad = (np.array(val_x_block_pad) - road_mean) / road_std
        val_x[:,:,road_ix] = val_x_block_pad
        val_y_block = val_y[:,:,road_ix] #(3425, 12)
        val_y_block_pad = pd.DataFrame(val_y_block)
        val_y_block_pad.replace(0, road_mean, inplace=True)
        val_y[:,:,road_ix] = val_y_block_pad

        # Padding zero value of Test set(test_x) to mean value, test_x normalization...
        test_x_block = test_x[:,:,road_ix] #(6850, 12)
        test_x_block_pad = pd.DataFrame(test_x_block)
        test_x_block_pad.replace(0, road_mean, inplace=True)
        test_x_block_pad = (np.array(test_x_block_pad) - road_mean) / road_std
        test_x[:,:,road_ix] = test_x_block_pad
        # Test y keep "0" for fair comparison with previous baselines
        # test_y keep the same....
    return train_x[:,:,:,np.newaxis], train_y, val_x[:,:,:,np.newaxis], val_y, test_x[:,:,:,np.newaxis], test_y
