
import cv2
import os

#  图像宽不足裁剪宽度,填充至裁剪宽度
def fill_right(img, size_w):
    size = img.shape
    #  填充值为数据集均值
    img_fill_right = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, 0, 0, 0, size_w - size[1],
                                        cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value = (107, 113, 115))
    return img_fill_right

#  图像高不足裁剪高度,填充至裁剪高度
def fill_bottom(img, size_h):
    size = img.shape
    img_fill_bottom = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, 0, size_h - size[0], 0, 0,
                                         cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value = (107, 113, 115))
    return img_fill_bottom

#  图像宽高不足裁剪宽高度,填充至裁剪宽高度
def fill_right_bottom(img, size_w, size_h):
    size = img.shape
    img_fill_right_bottom = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, 0, size_h - size[0], 0, size_w - size[1],
                                               cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value = (107, 113, 115))
    return img_fill_right_bottom

#  图像切割
#  img_floder 图像文件夹
#  out_img_floder 图像切割输出文件夹
#  size_w 切割图像宽
#  size_h 切割图像高
#  step 切割步长
def image_split(img_floder, out_img_floder, size_w = 1000, size_h = 1000, step = 800):
    img_list = os.listdir(img_floder)
    count = 0
    for img_name in img_list:
        number = 0
        #  去除.png后缀
        name = img_name[:-4]
        img = cv2.imread(img_floder + "\\" + img_name)
        size = img.shape
        #  若图像宽高大于切割宽高
        if size[0] >= size_h and size[1] >= size_w:
           count = count + 1
           for h in range(0, size[0] - 1, step):
               start_h = h
               for w in range(0, size[1] - 1, step):
                   start_w = w
                   end_h = start_h + size_h
                   if end_h > size[0]:
                      start_h = size[0] - size_h
                      end_h = start_h + size_h
                   end_w = start_w + size_w
                   if end_w > size[1]:
                      start_w = size[1] - size_w
                   end_w = start_w + size_w
                   cropped = img[start_h : end_h, start_w : end_w]
                   #  用起始坐标来命名切割得到的图像,为的是方便后续标签数据抓取
                   name_img = name + '_'+ str(start_h) +'_' + str(start_w)
                   cv2.imwrite('{}/{}.png'.format(out_img_floder, name_img), cropped)
                   number = number + 1
        #  若图像高大于切割高,但宽小于切割宽
        elif size[0] >= size_h and size[1] < size_w:
            count = count + 1
            img0 = fill_right(img, size_w)
            for h in range(0, size[0] - 1, step):
               start_h = h
               start_w = 0
               end_h = start_h + size_h
               if end_h > size[0]:
                  start_h = size[0] - size_h
                  end_h = start_h + size_h
               end_w = start_w + size_w
               cropped = img0[start_h : end_h, start_w : end_w]
               name_img = name + '_' + str(start_h) + '_' + str(start_w)
               cv2.imwrite('{}/{}.png'.format(out_img_floder, name_img), cropped)
               number = number + 1
        #  若图像宽大于切割宽,但高小于切割高
        elif size[0] < size_h and size[1] >= size_w:
            count = count + 1
            img0 = fill_bottom(img, size_h)
            for w in range(0, size[1] - 1, step):
               start_h = 0
               start_w = w
               end_w = start_w + size_w
               if end_w > size[1]:
                  start_w = size[1] - size_w
                  end_w = start_w + size_w
               end_h = start_h + size_h
               cropped = img0[start_h : end_h, start_w : end_w]
               name_img = name + '_'+ str(start_h) +'_' + str(start_w)
               cv2.imwrite('{}/{}.png'.format(out_img_floder, name_img), cropped)
               number = number + 1
        #  若图像宽高小于切割宽高
        elif size[0] < size_h and size[1] < size_w:
            count = count + 1
            img0 = fill_right_bottom(img,  size_w, size_h)
            cropped = img0[0 : size_h, 0 : size_w]
            name_img = name + '_'+ '0' +'_' + '0'
            cv2.imwrite('{}/{}.png'.format(out_img_floder, name_img), cropped)
            number = number + 1

#  txt切割
#  out_img_floder 图像切割输出文件夹
#  txt_floder txt文件夹
#  out_txt_floder txt切割输出文件夹
#  size_w 切割图像宽
#  size_h 切割图像高
def txt_split(out_img_floder, txt_floder, out_txt_floder, size_h = 1000, size_w = 1000):
    img_list = os.listdir(out_img_floder)
    for img_name in img_list:
        #  去除.png后缀
        name = img_name[:-4]
        #  得到原图像(也即txt)索引 + 切割高 + 切割宽
        name_list = name.split('_')
        txt_name = name_list[0]
        h = int(name_list[1])
        w = int(name_list[2])
        txtpath = txt_floder + "\\" + txt_name + '.txt'
        out_txt_path = out_txt_floder + "\\" + name + '.txt'
        f = open(out_txt_path, 'a')
        #  打开txt文件
        with open(txtpath, 'r') as f_in:
             lines = f_in.readlines()
             #  逐行读取
             for line  in lines:
                if i<2:
                    i = i+1
                     splitline = line.split(' ')
                     label = splitline[8]
                     difficult = splitline[9]
                     x1 = int(float(splitline[0]))
                     y1 = int(float(splitline[1]))
                     x2 = int(float(splitline[2]))
                     y2 = int(float(splitline[3]))
                     x3 = int(float(splitline[4]))
                     y3 = int(float(splitline[5]))
                     x4 = int(float(splitline[6]))
                     y4 = int(float(splitline[7]))
                     if w <= x1 <= w + size_w and w <= x2 <= w + size_w and \
                     w <= x3 <= w + size_w and w <= x4 <= w + size_w and \
                     h <= y1 <= h + size_h and h <= y2 <= h + size_h and \
                     h <= y3 <= h + size_h and h <= y4 <= h + size_h:
                         f.write('{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}'.format(int(x1 - w),
                                 int(y1 - h), int(x2 - w), int(y2 - h), int(x3 - w),
                                 int(y3 - h), int(x4 - w), int(y4 - h),
                                 label, difficult))

#  图像数据集文件夹
img_floder = r'E:\BaiduNetdiskDownload\DOTA1.5\DOTA_original\val\images'
#  切割得到的图像数据集存放文件夹
out_img_floder = r'E:\BaiduNetdiskDownload\DOTA1.5\DOTA\val1.5\images'
#  txt数据集文件夹
txt_floder = r'E:\BaiduNetdiskDownload\DOTA1.5\DOTA_original\val\labelTxt-v1.5\DOTA-v1.5_val'
#  切割后数据集的标签文件存放文件夹
out_txt_floder = r'E:\BaiduNetdiskDownload\DOTA1.5\DOTA\val1.5\labels'
#  切割图像宽
size_w = 1024
#  切割图像高
size_h = 1024
#  切割步长,重叠度为size_w - step
step = 824

# image_split(img_floder, out_img_floder, size_w, size_h, step)
txt_split(out_img_floder, txt_floder, out_txt_floder, size_h, size_w)
